Gourmet Style Beast Taming

Chapter 30 - 30 Runny Fried Egg

Chapter 30: Chapter 30 Runny Fried Egg

Translator: 549690339

In another pot, heat the oil over high heat.

There are two key points to frying a perfect fried egg, first, the oil shouldn’t be too thin, second, be aware of the oil temperature when the egg is added.

If the oil in the pan isn’t thick enough, only the bottom will be fried and the sides will not, resulting in a less fluffy and soft fried egg, which will also have a worse texture and won’t absorb the soup well.

If the oil is not hot enough when the egg is added, the fried egg won’t set quickly, leading not only to a poor shape, but also an overcooked and less tasty yolk.

The shape of the bottom of the pan is also important. A recessed bottom helps form a round contour for the fried egg.

Wait until the oil in the pan starts to smoke slightly, then turn the heat down to medium and add an egg.

In just an instant, a crisp and pleasant sizzling sound is heard in the pan.

The egg white quickly becomes white and the edges begin to bubble under the heat of the hot oil.

The adequate oil temperature allows the bubbles to set swiftly. After the air in the bubbles dissipates, the set bubbles shrink back, making the fried egg even fluffier.

The rich aroma of the fried egg also rapidly bursts in this process, making Dan Bao at one side couldn’t help but sniff, lightening up with delight.

What a wonderful smell!

“Wait a little longer and you can eat.” Qin Lang said with a smile, seeing Dan Bao’s greedy look, “Not only can the fried egg be put into the tomato beef brisket, but it can also be eaten directly. I’ll let you try one in a bit.”

Dan Bao nodded eagerly.

It can’t wait to eat!

While talking, Qin Lang used a spatula to fold the round fried egg, turning it into a small pouch shape, constantly adjusting it until the shape was stable.

Turn it over after one side is fried. The fried egg is ready after both sides are golden brown.

Seeing Dan Bao’s expectant look, Qin Lang sprinkled a bit of chili powder on top and placed it in front of it.

“How about a taste?”


Dan Bao’s yellow egg face popped out of its body and took a big bite of the steamy fried egg.

The chili powder spread evenly on the surface of the egg, adding a hint of saltiness and spiciness to it. The crispy outside and tender inside egg white even had a clear “crunch” sound in the moment it was bitten.

The moment the egg white was broken, the internal egg liquid, which has not solidified thoroughly yet, slowly oozed out.

The runny fried egg, fresh out of the pan, is not only devoid of any bad odor but is also filled with a rich eggy aroma. Seeing the egg liquid gradually soaking the egg whites, Dan Bao couldn’t help but take another bite, enjoying an unprecedented satisfaction.

The fried egg is super delicious!

While Dan Bao was busy satisfying its craving, Qin Lang reproduced the process, frying the remaining eggs into fried eggs one by one and then adding them into the pot.

The fried eggs don’t need to be boiled too long in the pot. About five minutes is enough for them to get the perfect texture.

During this short five minutes, Qin Lang has already blanched the noodles and veggies and placed them in two bowls.

Finally, he poured the tomato beef brisket with its broth over the noodles. A bowl of flavorful tomato beef brisket braised noodles was thus ready.

Dan Bao has finished the fried egg, its face showing a bit of lingering satisfaction. The moment it saw the now ready tomato beef brisket noodles, it cheered and pounced on it.

Qin Lang smiled and picked up the other bowl of noodles. He watched Dan Bao eat while he savored his own.

The handmade noodles were smooth and chewy. Even though it was a type he’d never tasted before, the texture was just as good as the handmade noodles on Earth.

Now, fully soaked in the somewhat thick soup of tomato beef brisket, and paired with tender brisket and flavorful potatoes, the noodles gave a rich layered texture and taste, tremendously satisfying.

The slightly sour taste of the tomatoes perfectly integrated with the umami taste of the beef, creating an extremely fulfilling sensation in the mouth.

After swallowing the noodles, Qin Lang picked up a fried egg.

The fried egg, which had been stewed in the soup of tomato beef brisket for five minutes, looked distinctly different from when it was just fried. The golden surface now had a tinge of reddish-brown, and soup flowed out the moment it was picked up.

One bite and the rich soup of the tomato beef brisket perfectly mixed with the no longer crispy but still soft egg white.

The yolk, after being stewed in the soup, was no longer runny. However, it offered a different taste when dipped in the delicious soup of the tomato beef brisket.

From the expression on Dan Bao’s face, it was clear that it also found the taste of the fried egg very appealing.

Next, it was time for them to eat.

After they had finished eating and digested their food, the weary pair quickly fell asleep, waking up the next day.


Qin Lang sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes, he looked at Dan Bao who was flying around the room full of energy after a good night’s sleep, and showed a hint of amusement, “Today we are going to visit Miss Song Hui at the Daisy Garden, and try to earn our second badge.”


With expectation sparkling in its eyes, Dan Bao couldn’t wait to set off right away.

“Don’t rush, we need to be at the restaurant to cook for lunch and dinner.” Qin Lang chuckled, “So I am planning to visit them during the afternoon break.”

“With four hours to spare, facing the dessert challenge shouldn’t be hard.” His voice shifted, “We still have some tomato beef brisket leftover from yesterday, how about we have tomato beef brisket noodles for breakfast?”


Dan Bao’s eyes lit up.

Though they had it just the night before, it wasn’t tired of it!

It still wanted more!

“This time, let’s try making it as braised noodles.”


Braised noodles!

Dan Bao’s eyes gleamed even brighter.

That sounds delectable!

It had never imagined that tomato beef brisket noodles could come with such varieties, exciting!

Qin Lang walked to his counter and poured the tomato beef brisket that had been refrigerated overnight into the pot.

On low heat, he heated up the beef brisket and then added water to make soup.

One by one, he added dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, white sugar, salt, and other seasonings, and then added the hand-rolled noodles that he didn’t cook yesterday, adding enough soup to cover the noodles.

As the saying goes, everything can be made into braised noodles, and many leftovers can be transformed into delicious dishes when made into braised noodles.

“Wait for eight minutes, then we can eat.” Qin Lang casually covered the pot, looking at Dan Bao on the side.


Dan Bao’s yolky little face bobbed up and down, revealing a drooling expression.

Just smelling the gradually rich aroma in the air was enough to make it feel hungry.

After breakfast and a short rest, Qin Lang and Dan Bao quickly appeared in front of the Starlight Restaurant.

“Little Qin, did you go visit Miss Song Hui this morning?” Luo Hui asked curiously as he opened the door.

“Not yet, I plan to go in the afternoon.”

“That’s good too. You’ll have more time in the afternoon,” Luo Hui encouraged as he walked with Qin Lang to the kitchen, “I hope that by the time for dinner, 1’11 see you bringing back Miss Song Hui’s exclusive daisy badge.”

“I’m confident we will.” Qin Lang nodded, and there was a look of determination on Dan Bao’s face too.

End of chapter bonus:

[Runny Fried Egg]

[Braised Noodles]


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