Gourmet Style Beast Taming

Chapter 28 - 28: Reasons for Running Away from Home

Chapter 28: Chapter 28: Reasons for Running Away from Home

Translator: 549690339

Feeling evidently hungry, the little girl couldn’t wait to open her package and take a bite as soon as she climbed onto the swing.

However, after only one bite, she couldn’t help but murmur, “It wasn’t sealed properly, it absorbed too much moisture from the air making it less crisp.”

Immediately, after the little girl took another bite, she couldn’t help but murmuring, “The scent of daisy is too strong, the proportion of the ingredients must be wrong.”

The little girl was nibbling like a hamster, but every two bites, she would critique the Daisy Ripple Cake.

Seeing her serious critique, Qin Lang who was standing nearby couldn’t help but be curious.

Is this little girl too picky?

But her critique sound quite professional.

He took a piece and chewed it twice, trying to see how this Daisy Ripple Cake tasted.

Immediately, Qin Lang’s eyes widened.

Every assessment the little girl made matched perfectly with the Daisy Ripple Cakes.

Surprisingly, she wasn’t merely talking nonsense, but actually tasted the shortcomings of this dessert.

While Qin Lang was stunned for a moment, the little girl had already finished the last piece and was licking the crumbs off her fingers.

Qin Lang was taken aback.

He thought that the little girl was being picky and might not eat anymore.

“We can’t waste food.” Seeing Qin Lang’s doubt, the little girl murmured, “Even though it’s not good.”

Such an interesting little girl.

Qin Lang smiled and sat down on the other side of the swing, planning to find out more about the little girl’s situation.

After eating the food bought by Qin Lang, the little girl seemed to have gained some energy, and her guard against him had lessened.

“What’s your name?” Qin Lang asked quietly.

“My name is Su Zhi.” Su Zhi gently poked Dan Bao with her finger and answered casually.

Su Zhi, huh…

Knowing the name of the little girl, Qin Lang continued to ask, “So, Su Zhi, why are you here all alone?”

At Qin Lang’s question, Su Zhi paused in her actions.

“Actually, I snuck out on my own.” Lowering her head, she said softly, seeming somewhat embarrassed.

“Runaway?” Qin Lang was confused.

He thought Su Zhi got lost or separated from her parents, but it turned out otherwise.

“Why did you sneak out?” His expression became serious, “Your parents must be worried.”

Su Zhi must have been out for several hours now; her parents should be very anxious, right?

“My mom won’t worry about me!” Su Zhi blurted out indignantly, “She’s probably still busy with her own stuff, not even noticing that I’m already not at home.”

“Why would you think like that?” Qin Lang was a bit helpless.

“Because she’s always been like this!” Su Zhi wiped her tears with her sleeve, murmuring, “Every promise she made to me, she didn’t fulfill because she was busy.”

“She said she would take me to the park for a picnic, but in the end, she left me alone in the restaurant!”

“She promised to take me shopping, but ended up buying a bunch of dresses 1’11 never wear, then was busy with her own stuff!”

Qin Lang:”…”

Seems she’s engaging in a humble brag? Not certain, let’s listen more.

“Isn’t that quite good?” He couldn’t help but say.

Even Dan Bao agreed, nodding enthusiastically.

Getting to eat whatever and having an endless supply of new clothes.

That’s so great!

“But those are not what I want.”

Su Zhi hung her head; tears swirling in her eyes.

“I want my mom to accompany me doing crafts, I don’t want to keep asking for leave from parent-child handicraft classes because she doesn’t have time!”

“I want to go with my mom to the park to feed the pigeons, 1 heard that if you hold the corn kernels in your palm, they will fly onto your hand!”

“I don’t want to eat alone in the restaurant under everyone’s gaze; no matter how delicious the dishes are, it doesn’t taste good without my mom!”

“I don’t want classmates to envy my endless new dresses. 1 just want to try them on one by one with my mom and only buy the best-looking one!”

Su Zhi’s voice choked up as if trying to pour out all the grievances buried in her heart.

“Gudong gudong…”

Dan Bao rubbed Su Zhi’s hand, its eyes gradually shifting from envy to sympathy.

The dishes cooked together with Qin Lang taste so much better.

The battles fought together with Qin Lang make it much more vigorous.

It tried to put itself in her shoes, imagining a life without Qin Lang’s company and shrank its head involuntarily.

That’s too scary!

A handkerchief appeared next to Su Zhi’s face.

“Wipe your tears.” Qin Lang spoke helpless.

After she had dried her tears and blown her nose, he asked again, “What about your dad?”

On hearing this question, Su Zhi’s eyes reddened again.

Qin Lang had a bad feeling.

It seemed he had asked something he shouldn’t have.

“Cough cough, let’s not talk about that.” Deciding to skip this question, he quickly diverted Su Zhi’s attention, “Now that it’s getting dark, regardless of anything, you should not be going out alone at this time.”

“Time to go home.”

“Don’t run away from home again in future; it’s dangerous.”

Su Zhi hesitated and eventually frowned slightly and nodded reluctantly.

She impulsively ran away from home because of her anger and ended up in this park unintentionally.

Facing the completely unfamiliar environment, Su Zhi is actually a little regretful.

But she was still holding a grudge in her heart.

“Do you remember your mom’s phone number? I’ll lend you my phone to call her.” Qin Lang took out his phone, asking, “Let her come pick you up.”

“I remember.” Su Zhi nodded, took the phone and entered the number.

She then hesitated, handed the phone back to Qin Lang, “Big Brother, you talk?”

Qin Lang nodded understandingly.

It was normal for a child who had just done something wrong not to dare to speak directly to their parents.

The phone quickly connected, and a gentle female voice came from the other side, however, she sounded somewhat anxious, “Hello? Who is this?”

Without thinking, Qin Lang blurted out, “Are you Su Zhi’s mother? Your daughter is with me…”

Su Zhi:”???”

Her eyes widened as she looked at Qin Lang, feeling that something was off about his words.

“Ah, no, 1 meant to say she has run away from home and 1 happened to run into her…We are together right now, come pick her up quickly.” Realizing his mistake, Qin Lang quickly explained.

There was a silence on the other side, followed by a question about their location.

“We are in the park at 203 Guixia Road.”

After giving their location, the other side replied with “I’ll be there soon”, and then hung up.

“Your mother should be here to pick you up soon.” Qin Lang turned to Su Zhi after the call, “As you can see, she is not ignorant of your disappearance due to her busyness; she is very anxious.”

Su Zhi nodded. Can’t help tightening her grip on Qin Lang’s sleeve..


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