Gourmet Style Beast Taming

Chapter 25 - 25 Daisy Garden

Chapter 25: Chapter 25 Daisy Garden

Translator: 549690339

Since he still had time before the restaurant’s evening operating hours, Qin Lang took a detour to the Food Material Market.

As usual, he made his way to the Beef Area, but before he could start selecting, he noticed the tour guide staring straight at him.

“What’s up?” Qin Lang touched his face, “Is there a flower on my face?”

“Did you win yesterday’s Food Fight…?” Fu Guan stared at the familiar young man, opened his mouth, and couldn’t help asking, “Did you win with the oxtail?”

“Yes.” Qin Lang nodded, somewhat curious, “Flow do you know?”

“Yesterday, suddenly a lot of Spirit Chefs were buying oxtail, 1 found out from their chatter.” Fu Guan helplessly pointed at the ingredients in the display case, “Look, today’s oxtail is all gone.”

Qin Lang:”???”

This was something he hadn’t expected.

The eager little face of Dan Bao beside him also drooped listlessly.

Darn it!

The delicious Oxtail Soup is gone!

“Well, let’s get some beef brisket then.”

Qin Lang quickly selected a few pounds of good-looking beef brisket and asked Fu Guan to pack it up.

“It’s okay, tonight I’ll make you Tomato Beef Brisket Noodles.” Qin Lang rubbed Dan Bao to comfort him.


Dan Bao instantly perked up.

What, what?

Tomato Beef Brisket Noodles?

It sounds delicious!

“You’re going to love it,” Qin Lang declared confidently.

He had discovered that Dan Bao wasn’t a picky eater.

Sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, salty, as long as the food was cooked well, it loved all flavors.

It was very easy to feed.

When all the purchased ingredients were packed and the delivery address was filled out, Qin Lang then left the Food Material Market and headed to Starlight Restaurant.

Seeing Qin Lang, Luo Hui immediately pulled him into the restaurant.

“How was it? Did you get Mr. Zhou Qing’s badge?” Luo Hui asked with concern.

Qin Lang’s heart warmed, and he took out the Fish Scale Badge from his pocket and showed it to Luo Hui.

The copper edges of the badge shone in the light, the stacked fish scale pattern on the front refracted a dazzling glow, and the koi fish in the center was lifelike, as if it would jump out of the badge.

“I knew you could do it.” Seeing the badge, Luo Hui smiled, “For a Spirit Chef, getting the first First-Level Food Recommender Badge is just the beginning of the culinary journey. Congratulations!”

“Thank you, Uncle Luo Hui.” Qin Lang carefully put away the Fish Scale Badge, “Tomorrow, I will visit the next food recommender and attempt to secure the second badge.”

“So soon?” Luo Hui widened his eyes.

Earning one badge via strength doesn’t mean one can easily earn the others.

Because each food recommender’s assessment content is different.

A person can specialize in one area, but it’s impossible to excel at everything.

After all, there’s a limit to a person’s energy.

So when he heard that Qin Lang had just obtained a badge today and planned to try for the next one tomorrow, Luo Hui was quite surprised.

“Are you planning to participate in the City-level Cooking Competition next week?” Luo Hui realized something.

“Yes, I want to give it a try.” Qin Lang nodded seriously.

Seeing Qin Lang like this, although Luo Hui wasn’t optimistic, he didn’t discourage him.

“Who is the food recommender you plan to visit tomorrow?” He patted his chest, “If it’s a food recommender I’m familiar with, maybe I can provide you with some information.”

“Thank you, Uncle Luo Hui.” Qin Lang smiled, not refusing the other’s good intentions, “Tomorrow I plan to go to Daisy Garden and visit Ms. Song Hui.”

“Daisy Garden…” Luo Hui fell silent for a moment, looking at Qin Lang with a strange look in his eyes. “You’re not joking, are you?”

Daisy Garden, a renowned private garden within Dongxia City.

Although privately owned, it is open to the public all year round; as long as visitors do not damage any plants, they are welcome to come for free sightseeing and enjoyment.

The garden houses a variety of flowers, but the most abundant is the small daisy, hence the name “Daisy Garden”.

For Spirit Chefs, Daisy Garden holds another significance.

The owner of Daisy Garden is one of the eleven First-Level Food Recommenders in Dongxia City.

She is Ms. Song Hui, the person Qin Lang just mentioned.

However, the problem is that Song Hui specializes in desserts, so the assessment is usually related to desserts.

Furthermore, her desserts are predominantly flower-themed.

For Spirit Chefs who are not adept at desserts, this is nothing short of a nightmare.

Didn’t Qin Lang do his homework in advance?

Luo Hui couldn’t help but start to worry.

“Of course, I’m not joking.” Seeing Luo Hui’s concern, Qing Lang laughed casually, “Don’t worry, Uncle Luo Hui, I also have a little knowledge about desserts.”

“You even know about desserts?” Luo Hui looked surprised.

It seems that Qin Lang is aware of the upcoming challenge of visiting the Daisy Garden and is not as unprepared as he feared.

“If that’s the case, then good luck.” Luo Hui waved his arm in the air, “Although Ms. Song Hui’s assessments are strict, she has a very gentle personality, and she is very beautiful… hehe…”

Seeing Uncle Luo Hui’s expression, this time it was Qin Lang who looked confused.

“Uncle Luo Hui, you…”

“You wouldn’t understand, there used to be so many Spirit Chefs chasing Ms. Song Hui, they could stretch from the east of Dongxia City to the west!”

“Ah…” Qin Lang was rendered speechless, shocked to see this side of Uncle Luo Hui.

Just as he was about to say something, a familiar voice came from outside the restaurant.

“Is Qin Lang here?”


Qin Lang turned his head to look at the door and quickly saw Du Weiwei and Qi Xiaoyu standing shoulder to shoulder at the entrance.

There was also an adolescent boy with them.

How did they find this place?

As Qin Lang looked puzzled, Luo Hui chimed in at this moment, “Oh, I forgot to mention, these three are your friends, right? They came here looking for you at noon.”

“And they’ve also ordered the Steamed Bass for tomorrow.”

Qin Lang:”????”

He quickly walked to the door, with curiosity on his face, “How did you find this place?”

“The Spirit Chef-in-command is no secret, it’s rather an important advertising point for the restaurant, so we naturally found out.” Weiwei looked at Qin Lang, “Mainly I wanted to find out, have you successfully gotten the badge?”

From Qin Lang’s comments yesterday, she had been concerned about this.

“I have.” Qin Lang nodded and showed the badge again.

“A fish scale badge?” Looking at the badge sparkling in the sunlight, Weiwei pursed her mouth a bit, “I am looking forward to tomorrow’s steamed bass.”

After speaking, she pulled Xiaoyu and left.

Feeling the pressure against her peers of the same age who were once considered excellent, she felt she had to strive even harder!

“Hey hey hey!” Xiaoyu waved to Qin Lang as she was being pulled by Weiwei, “I’ve also made a reservation, I’ll be here for sure tomorrow!”

With two girls gone, Qin Lang looked at Zhao Chen, “What brings you here?”

“I didn’t expect you to have already earned a Food Recommender badge, that’s great!” Zhao Chen’s eyes lit up, “Only a person like you is worthy to be my opponent.”

“Come on, Qin Lang! Fight with me!”

“No time.” Qin Lang turned around and left.



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