Gospel of Blood

Chapter 292: Stalemate

Chapter 292: Stalemate

In the council hall, the nobles were divided into two factions, loudly debating whether the southern noble families should have surrendered.

The commotion continued until Viscount Leon-Castell shouted in anger.

“Enough! How can you be arguing at a time like this?!”

As one of the three most prestigious viscount families in the north, the Old Viscount held considerable sway among the Castell nobility. His shout, infused with the extraordinary aura of a Second Tier Silver Moon, silenced the hall. All eyes turned to the Old Viscount, who commanded respect second only to Charlotte.

Viscount Leon-Castell surveyed the room and sighed.

“Everyone, the enemy is at our doorstep. Our priority now is unity. I think we all know that the Third Prince is not a worthy ruler…”

“The fall of the South was inevitable, and no single noble family could have withstood the enemy alone. Only by rallying around the Count can we hope to win this war.”

“Win? Viscount Leon-Castell, the Borde and Violet coalition boasts 50,000 troops, including 30,000 elite regulars. We barely have 30,000 troops in Northport, and our only elite forces are the Tulip armies who can’t even join the battle. How can we possibly win against such odds?”

A noble couldn’t help but ask.

Viscount Leon-Castell shook his head and replied.

“No, according to my knowledge, even combining all the regular troops of the Violet and Borde Duchies, they could never reach 30,000…”

“Moreover, neither the nobles of Violet nor Borde are fully committed. The Boite-Linte family and the Borde family won’t deploy all their regulars.”

“The Third Prince claims to have 50,000 troops, including 30,000 regulars. In reality, if he can gather 30,000 total troops with 10,000 regulars, it would already be impressive.”

“Viscount, even if it’s 30,000 troops with 10,000 regulars, it’s still a formidable force. How can we possibly win?”

Another noble questioned.

Hearing this, the Old Viscount hesitated. His gaze swept the room, noticing the nobles’ eyes were on him, many subtly looking towards the silent Charlotte behind him.

The Old Viscount knew the nobles were ostensibly asking him, but they were truly seeking the Countess’ answer.

The Old Viscount pondered how to respond, but at that moment, a guard burst into the council hall.

“Report! Countess, a new battle report has arrived!”

The guard quickly presented the report.

As the meeting’s host, Viscount Leon-Castell was the first to read it. His expression changed abruptly after a brief glance at the parchment.

This change did not go unnoticed by the nobles.

“Viscount, what’s happened in the south?”

Viscount Leon-Castell glanced back at Charlotte, who nodded for him to continue.

He sighed and said,

“The Roman-Four family’s fleet has returned to port.”

“They reported that a few days ago, they ambushed the coalition fleet in the Star-Moon Strait but did not win. Now, the coalition fleet is heading straight for Northport.”

He hesitated again before adding,

“Also, Delburg fell yesterday.”

The news caused an uproar among the nobles.

“What? Delburg has fallen too?”

“Delburg is the gateway to Northport. Won’t the coalition army reach Northport in days?”

“The naval battle was lost too? Does that mean we’ve lost control of the seas?”

“Without naval control, Northport will be a sitting duck!”

The new report threw the nobles into panic, spreading fear and unrest in the council hall.

This time, even Viscount Leon-Castell’s shouts for order couldn’t quell the chaos. He turned to Charlotte for help.

Charlotte remained silent, sipping her fruit milk, her blue eyes scanning the room. She then slightly shifted her posture and released her extraordinary aura.

The overwhelming pressure, far surpassing that of Viscount Leon-Castell, quickly silenced the nobles.

Feeling the formidable aura, the nobles stopped their arguments almost in unison.

Charlotte then withdrew her gaze and calmly said,

“Have you argued enough? If so, be quiet. If not, continue arguing…”

The nobles, now subdued, lowered their heads.

The power of an extraordinary being always commanded respect. Despite her youth, Charlotte’s Second Tier Silver Moon strength, combined with her lordship and the prestige gained from leading her troops to victory against the rebels, was enough to hold the room.

Turning her attention from the nobles, Charlotte asked the guard.

“How many ships from the Roman-Four fleet returned?”

The guard respectfully answered.

“Countess, three carrack ships and about a dozen galleys, though many seem heavily damaged.”

“A dozen ships… The main force is still intact.”

Muttering to herself, Charlotte recalled the intelligence of the Roman-Four fleet.

After a pause, she smiled and continued.

“Everyone, don’t worry. The fact that the Roman-Four fleet could retreat intact shows that the coalition navy, while strong, doesn’t have an overwhelming advantage.”

“Our coastal defenses in Northport are solid. Combined with your forces, the enemy will find it hard to take Northport.”

“Countess, are you suggesting we use Northport as a stronghold to resist the Borde and Violet coalition?”

A noble asked.

Charlotte nodded slightly, affirming it.

“Countess, but… What’s the point? Our forces are too weak compared to theirs. If they besiege us and cut off our supplies, defeat is only a matter of time…”

“Northport is just an island!”

A noble expressed his concern.

Charlotte looked at him and smiled.

“Is it just a matter of time? Sir Teras, given that we’ve exposed the Third Prince’s crimes, do you think he can outlast us, or can we outlast him?”

The nobles paused, then understood her implication.

They were not foolish. With Charlotte’s subtle hint, they realized the strategic value of their situation.

Castell had leveraged a declaration of war to reveal the Third Prince’s misdeeds. If they could hold out long enough, the Third Prince’s other enemies within the kingdom would act.

“Besides… I have already mentioned that we have reinforcements on the way.”


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