Gospel of Blood

Chapter 276: Allies

Chapter 276: Allies

In the end, Charlotte released Count Gaston and his son.

Of course, before their departure, Charlotte had transformed them into blood thralls. Regardless of their own wishes, their lives and deaths were now entirely under Charlotte’s control.

As the lowest level of blood thralls, modified by Charlotte’s diluted bloodborne power, their related abilities were weak, and their original extraordinary powers were also diminished.

However, this wasn’t entirely a bad thing.

At least, as thralls with thin bloodborne power but strong innate extraordinary abilities, they wouldn’t burn or die upon exposure to sunlight like traditional blood thralls who became extraordinary through bloodborne power. They would only feel discomfort and weakness under the sun.

This would make it harder for others to detect their identity as blood thralls.

Furthermore, to prevent them from resorting to desperate measures, Charlotte used her rarely deployed mental spell, Mind Domination, to completely break their resistance to her.

In effect, though they retained their self-awareness, Count Gaston and his son had become Charlotte’s puppets…

This outcome, in some sense, was even more terrifying than death.

“Master… are you planning to control human nobles through the transformation of blood thralls and mind control?”

Sebastian asked, somewhat apprehensively but also curiously, as he watched the departing Gaston and his son.

Listening to Sebastian, Charlotte could clearly sense the underlying tension behind his respectful tone.

She understood why. The combination of “transforming blood thralls + mind control” was indeed an almost cheat-like power.

With this ability, as long as her bloodline power and soul were strong enough, Charlotte could transform all weaker human nobles. Even stronger extraordinary awakeners could be forcibly transformed using the Gospel of Blood and suppressed with blood divine power.

Such power was terrifying, and it was natural for others to fear it.

In the world of Myria, where Gods exist, forcibly controlling the lives and minds of intelligent beings was common practice among “Evil Gods.”

This wasn’t just “evil” as defined by the Holy Court; it was universally recognized as “evil” in the civilized world of Myria.

If this kind of “evil” were made public, it would provoke an assault from the entire civilized world.

Historically, one significant reason for the overthrow of the bloodborne rulers was their frequent use of such methods to control the extraordinary of various races.

Furthermore, a widely accepted reason for the bloodbornes’ sudden internal war and rapid decline at their peak was the gradual loss of self-control due to the long-term mental manipulation of other races.

Many historical scholars even believe this led to the mysterious disappearance of the True Ancestor of Blood.

Mental magic is inherently prone to causing self-loss, especially magic that controls others’ minds. Bloodbornes, in particular, are notorious for power overflows, weak wills, and eventual madness.

This applies not only to ordinary bloodbornes but also to those among the bloodborne who have attained myth status.

Throughout history, many Old Gods have revived only to lose themselves and become mad “Evil Gods” due to similar paths.

Charlotte sensed Sebastian’s implicit concern that she might follow a similar path.

Shortcuts always come with a price, especially in the intertwined realms of soul and extraordinary power. This mysterious field is believed to touch upon the origins of mythology, a domain even the Gods have yet to fully understand.

“Don’t worry. I have no such intentions. Transforming them into blood thralls was just a temporary measure to deal with the current threat.”

Charlotte said.

She indeed had no such intentions. She was cautious about powers like mind control, understanding the convenience and potential for dependency they presented.

The key is how to use this power. To genuinely gain loyal followers, one shouldn’t, and couldn’t, rely on “mind control.”

Dependence on “magic” for forced loyalty will ultimately lead to downfall by “magic.”

Hearing Charlotte’s reassurance, Sebastian visibly relaxed.

“Apologies, Master, I was overthinking.”

He quickly regained his composure and added.

“However, this way, the crisis in Castell can be resolved smoothly.”

“Using Count Gaston and his son as leverage, we can expose the Third Prince’s conspiracy against Castell. His collaboration with the Blood Demon Cult will deal him a heavy blow, potentially driving him out of the Borde Duchy.”

“If the situation escalates, he might even lose his claim to the kingdom!”

“And all this can be achieved without fighting…”

“Master, as expected, you’ve gained the upper hand in the war with just one meeting!”

With his worries gone, Sebastian couldn’t help but praise her.

However, Charlotte shook her head slightly.

“No, we still need to fight.”

“Exposing the conspiracy is just a means of pressure. It might alleviate Castell’s crisis, but it might not work.”

“If all the Third Prince’s actions are sanctioned by the king, no amount of pressure will suffice against the Crescent royalty…”

“Relying on others is less reliable than relying on ourselves. This war is indeed a crisis for us, but it is also an opportunity.”

Sebastian, moved by her words, pondered deeply.

“An opportunity…”

Meanwhile, in the forest outside the town, the Tulip County army welcomed back their commander.


Seeing the return of Count Gaston and his son, the army’s adjutant hurriedly approached.

Count Gaston glanced at the adjutant, a faint, almost imperceptible crimson glow flickering in his eyes.

“Relay the order, retreat immediately, return to base, and… prepare for war!”


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