Gospel of Blood

Chapter 273: "You are the Evil—"

Chapter 273: "You are the Evil—"

“You’re not Charlotte! You’re a Bloodborne!”

Count Gaston’s expression changed as he looked at Charlotte, who was now shrouded in dark elemental energy.

Charlotte did not respond.

She slowly moved forward, blocking their path of escape.

Count Gaston’s expression darkened.

He knew he had to fight personally now.

He discarded the hilt of his broken sword and a radiant glow appeared in his hand. He reached into the air and slowly drew a new long sword.

The blade was engraved with intricate runes, emitting a luminous glow and an intense aura. It was clearly a powerful extraordinary weapon.

Every ancient noble family had their own inherited extraordinary equipment. Count Gaston was no exception.

The extraordinary sword he summoned was his true weapon from decades of battles!

With a shout, he charged at Charlotte, his body radiating a dazzling light and an overwhelming pressure.

This was the source power of an extraordinary knight. As a seasoned Silver Moon, having experienced countless battles and duels, Count Gaston was also a powerful extraordinary awakener.

Despite not being at his peak due to age, he was still a solid Second Tier Silver Moon. His aura was even stronger than the ambushing Silver Moon mercenaries.

Their swords clashed, but Count Gaston’s expression quickly changed.

He felt as though he wasn’t fighting a powerful extraordinary individual. Instead, it felt like he was confronting a towering mountain, a vast ocean…

A terrifying force surged through him, and Count Gaston felt like a grasshopper charging at a chariot. His source power was effortlessly torn apart by Charlotte’s unfathomable magic. He was thrown back, spitting blood before collapsing to the ground.


Otis’ expression changed.

He quickly helped his father up, picking up the dropped sword, and stood protectively in front of him.

“Father, I’ll hold her off. You gather the troops!”

Otis’ determined expression was quickly met with curses as his father pulled him back.

“Cough, cough… Idiot! She’s not an ordinary bloodborne! Get back!”

With that, Count Gaston took a silver magic scroll from his chest, preparing to tear it open.

But before he could activate it, a bolt infused with dark elemental magic pierced through the scroll, destroying it with explosive elemental force.

“Count, for a teleportation scroll to succeed, it must be used unexpectedly.”

Charlotte said, lowering her crossbow with a smile.

Count Gaston’s face grew even grimmer.

Struggling to his feet, he pulled Otis along, intending to change direction.

But when he turned, he saw Sebastian in a black tailcoat blocking his path, elegantly wiping his white gloves.

“Count Gaston, I’m afraid this way is also blocked.”

Sebastian said with a smile.

Count Gaston’s expression darkened.

He realized that the extraordinary mercenaries he had summoned were probably all dead.

This wasn’t Silver Moon strength!

Such power was beyond what a Silver Moon should possess!

Damn it! When did this leader of the Rose Society become so powerful?

Had his strength really returned to the Blazing Sun tier? How could this be possible?

Count Gaston’s expression grew increasingly grim.

As a seasoned Silver Moon, he could clearly feel the oppressive extraordinary aura from Charlotte and Sebastian.

Sebastian’s presence was almost as overwhelming as the Blazing Sun extraordinaries he had encountered.

As for Charlotte… he felt she was like a deep, unfathomable abyss, impossible to gauge. Facing her brought a chilling fear.

Count Gaston couldn’t understand this fear’s source. But he was certain of one thing: the girl before him was definitely not just a noble who had awakened extraordinary power a year ago!

She couldn’t be Countess Castell, recognized by the Holy Court!

No… wait…

If she wasn’t Charlotte, then what about Sebastian?

Was he also a disguised bloodborne?

Looking between Charlotte and Sebastian, Count Gaston’s expression grew more serious, his scalp tingling.

He had an unsettling feeling that he had inadvertently stumbled into a Blood Demon Cult conspiracy.

“Countess… I don’t intend to oppose the Blood Demon Cult. Perhaps we can talk.”

Count Gaston said gravely.

Charlotte’s expression shifted slightly at his words, looking somewhat puzzled, while Sebastian laughed.

“Master, he really thinks you’re with the Blood Demon Cult.”

Sebastian said.

Mas… Master?

Count Gaston was momentarily stunned.

It was no secret that Sebastian, the notorious flame elf and head of the Rose Society, served Charlotte in the Borde Duchy. As a seasoned noble of Borde, Gaston was well aware of this.

Some things might be disguised, but at this point, many disguises had lost their meaning.

Count Gaston looked between Sebastian and Charlotte, recalling the gestures and smiles from past encounters.

“No… you… you really are Charlotte?”

“How is this possible?!”

Staring at Charlotte’s transformed appearance and mysterious aura, Count Gaston’s disbelief was palpable.


He was truly shocked.

He couldn’t fathom that the girl blessed by the Holy Court at her coming-of-age ceremony, who had driven out the bloodbornes from her territory, was a bloodborne with unfathomable strength herself!


How could this be?

Could the Holy Court’s holy light be wrong?

Count Gaston couldn’t comprehend this.

It was beyond his understanding.

Until a moment of realization struck him, recalling rumors from a year ago and the Holy Court’s investigations in Borde following the Blood Demon Cult’s incidents.

His gaze fell sharply on Charlotte, his pupils contracting, voice trembling.


“You… you’re the Evil—”

Before he could finish, Sebastian was already before him, covering his mouth and restraining him, also binding Otis.

Count Gaston’s mind raced, but the realization that he had truly stumbled into a profound and dangerous conspiracy left him in utter despair.


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