Gospel of Blood

Chapter 260: Greeting Blood Count

Chapter 260: Greeting Blood Count

In the Red Apple Castle of the Starfall Kingdom.

Count Yurst, dressed in a mage’s robe, was engrossed in studying the structure of rune enchantments in his magical laboratory.

This was an interest Yurst had cultivated for over a thousand years, and it was his daily pastime and obsession.

As a long-lived species, one had to find some amusement to counteract the erosion of the mind over time.

On the display shelves at the back of his magical workshop, various strange and exotic magical items were arranged, all works of this Blood Count who was passionate about alchemy and enchantment.

Suddenly, a blinding light flashed, and the rune half-embedded before Yurst exploded with a bang.

A semi-transparent shield appeared in front of Yurst, easily blocking the burst of elements.

Yurst waved away the drifting smoke, cursing under his breath.

“Damn it, failed again!”

“How did Nicholas manage it back then? He could perfectly balance two opposing elements in a magical structure…”

“It’s a pity… there’s been no news of him for centuries now. Most likely, some church chopped him into pieces…”

“No, even if he escaped the hunt back then, he’d probably be long dead by now. After all… with his character, even if he died, he wouldn’t have chosen lich transformation or body transference…”

Seemingly lost in thought, Yurst sighed with regret.

Researching magical runes was a brain-burning task. Few even among mages found such work enjoyable.

In over a thousand years, the only person Yurst, the Blood Count, had considered both a confidant and a rival was a renowned Legendary human mage from centuries ago.

But unfortunately, the world is fair.

Even though the spread of extraordinary powers allowed humans, with their intelligence and reproductive advantages, to experience a surge in overall strength, the lifespan of human extraordinaries was among the shortest of all intelligent species.

Now thinking about it, Yurst figured the grass on Nicholas’ grave must be three meters high.

“Ah, when this turmoil is over, I should visit Eastern Yunette to sweep his grave.”

Sighing softly, Yurst used a cleaning spell to remove the remnants of the failed magic and resumed his experiment.

However, at that moment, a summoning from his bloodline and soul suddenly acted upon him.

Feeling this familiar summoning, Yurst’s heart skipped a beat.

“This… this is…”

Before he could react, crimson mist spread, accompanied by a sense of weightlessness, and he found himself back in that majestic ancient castle.

Seeing the beautiful figure faintly visible under the mist on the throne, Yurst instinctively swallowed and quickly knelt.

“Yu… Yurst… greets Your Excellency the True Ancestor!”

“Great Ancestor, you summoned me… is there something you need me to do?”

On the Blood Throne, Charlotte looked at the Blood Count, still holding a magical flask, and smiled faintly.

“Yurst, it seems… you’ve been living quite leisurely these days, even starting to study magical runes.”

Yurst’s expression was somewhat embarrassed.

“Uh… Your Excellency, you know, just as you enjoy traveling the world in various identities, we long-lived species also need to find some amusement to pass the endless years.”

Traveling the world in various identities…

Charlotte was moved and noted the True Ancestor’s hobby.

“Alright, enough about your hobbies. How is the task I assigned you progressing?”

Charlotte asked.

“You mean the search for the Gospel pages? It’s done! I’ve been working on it!”

“These past few months, I’ve been contacting friends in the clan, inquiring about the whereabouts of the Gospel pages, and I’ve actually found some!”

Yurst replied respectfully.

Charlotte felt a surge of joy.

“Oh? Show me.”

“Your Excellency, please wait a moment. Um… may I use spatial magic here?”

Yurst asked.

Charlotte nodded slightly, allowing Yurst to use magic in the mental world.

Yurst then traced runes with his hand, chanting a spell, summoning a portal. He retrieved seven crimson pages from the other space and presented them respectfully.

“Your Excellency, these are my recent findings, all exchanged from friends in the clan…”

Seeing the seven pages Yurst produced, Charlotte felt a surge of happiness.

As expected of a Blood Count, he had found so many Gospel pages in just three or four months.

After all, the Blood Demon Cult had collected only twenty-three pages over many years!

“Not bad.”

She nodded in satisfaction, extending her hand slightly.

With her gesture, the crimson pages flew from Yurst’s hand, joyfully merging with the Gospel of Blood before Charlotte in a crimson glow.

Seeing this, Yurst’s expression grew even more respectful.

Taking a deep breath, he continued.

“Your Excellency, besides these, there are a few more pages I haven’t obtained yet. They will take some time to acquire.”

“You understand, even I can’t openly collect these pages, as it would arouse dangerous suspicions… so, I have to proceed carefully.”

“Moreover, these things are extremely rare… uh, I mean, sacred, and few people truly collect them. So, my findings are limited.”

“But I did hear some news. Apparently, Maxim, that traitor, has quite a few… but unfortunately, we can’t touch him right now.”

Hearing Yurst’s words, Charlotte felt a stir.

“Oh? From your tone… it seems the Duke who sided with the Blood Demon Cult hasn’t faced severe punishment from your council?”

Yurst sighed.

“Yes, I don’t know what the Elders are thinking. Even though I reported Maxim’s crimes to Lord Yorok, and he reported them to the council, Maxim still hasn’t faced severe punishment, only house arrest…”

“Maxim is too cunning. He left no evidence, and the fleet was silenced in advance.”

“With insufficient evidence, the council didn’t severely punish him.”

“But he’s not unscathed. You destroyed an avatar he’d honed for who knows how many years, which will pain him for a long time. According to Lord Yorok, his aura was noticeably weaker at the council meeting! And now, he can’t obstruct Lord Yorok’s actions.”

Hearing Yurst’s words, Charlotte pondered.

A Duke Elder almost certainly colluding with the Blood Demon Cult, yet not severely punished…

It seemed the division within the Nez Clan was even worse than she had imagined.

After thinking for a moment, Charlotte asked.

“Yurst, you were in charge of infiltrating Castell, right? If so, you should have some mundane armed forces, correct?”

Yurst shivered and stammered.

“Y… Your Excellency! Though I did oversee the infiltration of Castell, I’ve stopped all operations now!”

“At that time… I didn’t know Castell was under your protection…”

“Moreover, I’ve been cooperating with the internal investigation of the nobles in Castell these past few months. Please understand!”

“Alright, it’s been a long time, and I’m not here to pursue past issues. Tell me, do you have any forces you can deploy?”

Charlotte shook her head.

“You… mean troops? Um… I do have some. What do you intend to do? Are you planning to support Castell?”

Yurst asked curiously.

Charlotte nodded slightly.

“You’re quite perceptive.”

“I can’t directly intervene in worldly disputes. Some things are more suitable for you to handle.”


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