Gospel of Blood

Chapter 255: Second Tier Silver Moon

Chapter 255: Second Tier Silver Moon

After Charlotte gave the order, the meeting ended.

The allied forces split into two groups: Baron Sharon led 5,000 troops north, while the remaining troops continued their routine training near Northport.

Training the noble’s army was necessary.

Despite the force numbering 30,000, most were conscripted peasants brought by the nobles. Without proper training, their combat effectiveness would be quite dismal.

Of course, armies of this era, except for those with extraordinary powers, were not much different.

After the nobles left, Charlotte returned to the study in the count’s mansion. Shortly after, Sebastian, who had been hinted to come in advance, entered.

“Master, do you have any instructions?”

He asked respectfully as he approached Charlotte.

“I didn’t see any representatives from the Roman-Four family at the meeting. What’s going on with them?”

Charlotte inquired.

She had wanted to ask this during the meeting.

However, none of the nobles in the council mentioned this pirate-origin viscount family, and Charlotte was preoccupied with thinking about the rebel movements, so she forgot about it momentarily.

Sebastian had a peculiar expression as he explained.

“Master, I also asked this question at the first noble meeting I convened, and the answer was somewhat subtle.”

“The Roman-Four family is rather marginalized in Castell.

They almost never attend territorial meetings and are disliked by other nobles. Aside from regularly paying vassal taxes, they hardly interact with any other nobles.”

Charlotte was taken aback and then frowned.

“Never attend meetings? But they attended the banquet I hosted before.”

Sebastian’s expression grew even more peculiar.

“Master, that’s precisely what I found strange. To be honest, I initially thought they might have chosen to rebel too.”

“However, they later sent an messenger to visit the count’s mansion privately, requesting to see you. After I declined, they left.”

“Although the Roman-Four messenger left, they later sent warships to assist in defending Northport. If you look out from the windowsill, you should see their black ships patrolling the harbor.”

Upon hearing Sebastian’s words, Charlotte immediately stood up.

She walked to the windowsill and looked towards the port, indeed spotting several imposing carrack ships with black sails patrolling the horizon.

Bloodbornes have excellent eyesight, and Charlotte’s vision now far surpassed her previous capabilities. She could even see the busy sailors on the ships and the dark gunports of the bombards on the ship’s sides.

“This family… is quite interesting.”

Charlotte remarked, stroking her chin as she withdrew her gaze.

Sebastian nodded.

“Yes, after Nice was kidnapped, we even received news from the Mercenary Association that the Roman-Four family ships were spotted in the Lagrisse territory. I initially suspected they had allied with the rebels.”

“But later, I found out they were searching for you in Lagrisse.”

“This family is quite odd. They have little allegiance to Castell but seem to care about you. If I’m not mistaken, once news of your return spreads, they’ll probably send someone to visit you.”

Listening to Sebastian, Charlotte was deep in thought.

The Roman-Four family, originating as pirates, naturally didn’t fit in with Castell’s nobles, and their base was on an island.

Furthermore, their island used to belong to the Roman Duchy, so it’s normal for the family to lack a sense of belonging to Castell.

But recalling her interactions with this family during the banquet at the count’s mansion, Charlotte felt their attitude towards her was indeed somewhat peculiar.

However, this didn’t imply malice. On the contrary, compared to malice, Charlotte felt they showed more goodwill.

Notably, it was they who first pointed out the assassins at the banquet.

“Forget it, let’s not worry about them for now. Since they’ve sent a fleet to escort, it at least shows their stance. Sebastian, I’m curious about something—Nice was kidnapped, and you don’t seem worried at all?”

Charlotte waved her hand and then asked curiously.

Sebas smiled and said,

“I might have been worried before, but now that you’re awake, I’m not worried anymore.”

Charlotte: …

“You’re getting better at flattery.”

“Shameful, but I’m just stating the truth… Not just Nice, even the rebels from Lagrisse wouldn’t be a concern with your return!”

“Alright, enough flattery. I have a task for you.”

Sebastian’s expression turned serious.

“Your orders, please.”

“Investigate the merchant ships in Tulip County recently. See if there’s anything unusual.”

Charlotte said.

Sebastian’s heart stirred.

“You really suspect the Third Prince will act?”

Charlotte took a sip of the milk on the table and said,

“Of course, the Third Prince is someone who dared to hire people to ambush me. We must guard against him.”

Sebas said worriedly.

“Master, if that’s the case, the situation in Castell could be dangerous. Your power is strong, but it’s not convenient to display it openly. It will be challenging to contend with the Borde Duchy with secular power alone.”

Charlotte smiled slightly.

“When did I say I would rely solely on Castell’s power?”


Sebastian’s eyes twitched, his expression subtly changing.

However, Charlotte didn’t explain further.

“Alright, go investigate the Tulip County. Also, if anyone from the Roman-Four family arrives, bring them to see me immediately.”

Although curious, Sebastian respectfully bowed.

“At your command.”

Sebastian left with his task.

Charlotte finished the sweet milk in her cup and sighed deeply.

After months of slumber, her territory was indeed in chaos. Waking up to face a rebellion was truly overwhelming.

Fortunately, though unprepared, she wasn’t without strategies…

The rebels might be supported by the Borde family and the Third Prince.

Alright, she also had pieces on the board with the Nez Clan. Frankly, Charlotte was more concerned with the “time travel” during her slumber than her territory’s rebellion.

The memory was too vivid, so clear that it didn’t feel like a dream at all. Her sudden “awakening” left no evidence to determine whether it was a dream or reality.

The only potential evidence might be the nightgown she wore during the time travel.

However, after waking up, Charlotte didn’t find the nightgown she wore before sleeping.

She was naked in the coffin, wearing nothing…

At first, she was startled, thinking the clothes didn’t traverse with her, but then she found a layer of ash-like residue on her body, as if her nightgown had disintegrated.

Moreover, the moment she rose, all the silk and velvet, the soothing flowers, and the sleeping roses in the coffin disintegrated instantly.

Charlotte didn’t know if this was related to her time travel or her successful advancement to the Second Tier Silver Moon, but being naked when she exited the coffin was indeed awkward.

Fortunately, she chose a secret room to sleep in, with no one guarding it. Otherwise, it would have been quite embarrassing.

Regardless of whether that Elven Era experience was a dream or reality, Charlotte was certain of one thing.

Upon awakening, she had officially reached the Second Tier Silver Moon, becoming a Blood Viscount!

Perhaps due to having the Gospel of Blood that allowed her to exert divine power, the joy and sense of achievement from advancing to Silver Moon were not as overwhelming as she had imagined.

However, Charlotte could clearly feel a significant improvement in her physical fitness and magical power.

If a Starry Sky tier extraordinary being could still be killed by ordinary weapons, then at the Silver Moon tier, this possibility was eliminated.

Especially physical fitness.

She might not be truly invulnerable, but close enough.

The Second Tier Silver Moon signifies a comprehensive transformation of physical fitness. Extraordinary power strengthens the body to its limit and starts to overflow, as seen with the source power discharge of extraordinary knights and the magical control of mages.

For bloodbornes, this means the complete fusion of body and magic, greatly enhancing their regenerative capabilities.

To illustrate, Charlotte’s current regeneration ability almost matches her berserk state from before. Unless a vital spot is hit, she cannot be killed.

This is somewhat like an extraordinary knight activating source power, but bloodbornes’ regeneration is stronger, and they also wield magic that extraordinary knights cannot…

Additionally, advancing to Silver Moon seemed to strengthen Charlotte’s bloodline and her connection with the Gospel of Blood.

Even the divine power within the Gospel seemed easier to mobilize.

Feeling the powerful energy within, Charlotte was quite satisfied.

Cheats aside, strength is fundamental and the bottom line for safety.

However, Charlotte was not currently interested in testing her new powers. She was more concerned about Nice’s situation.

There was no way to verify the “time travel” during her slumber. Though puzzled, she could only set it aside for now.

As his master, Charlotte felt she should be concerned about Nice’s well-being.

Hmm… although judging from the soul imprint, he seemed to be doing fine.

With this in mind, Charlotte delved into her consciousness and connected with the divine symbol mark of the Servant’s Final Oath…


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