Gospel of Blood

Chapter 253: Situation

Chapter 253: Situation

“Countess, Castell faces internal strife and external threats. Neighboring lords have long coveted our lands, and the Borde family has remained ambiguous since the rebellion began…”

“This rebellion must not be prolonged. If it drags on, the rebels are likely to gain more support from neighboring lords, and even the Borde family might intervene.”

“The time we have is limited. If it weren’t necessary for the coalition forces to undergo further training to become combat-ready, I would have suggested assembling the army immediately and marching north to engage the rebels in a decisive battle…”

“Countess, please make your decision soon…”

Viscount Leon-Castell’s expression was solemn and respectful.

With his plea, the eyes of all the nobles turned towards Charlotte.

Under the scrutiny of the nobles, Charlotte felt the pressure intensify.

To be honest, she found Viscount Leon-Castell’s points quite valid. As the lord, she was well aware of Castell’s external situation. This rebellion indeed couldn’t be delayed for too long.

However, making a decision based on a single meeting still felt challenging.

A 35,000-strong army… Even in this extraordinary world, that was no small force.

The fate of tens of thousands was in her hands. Despite her outward calm, the responsibility weighed heavily on her.

The real-world “fog of war” was far more daunting than in any video game, and the information she had was limited.

Although Castell’s army was significantly larger than the rebels’, Charlotte had a nagging feeling that something was amiss.

The information from the meeting was still too scarce, and the situation around Castell seemed odd.

Especially regarding Viscount Remisio.

Before she had fallen asleep, this kingdom army commander had explicitly promised to support Castell in any potential rebellion, yet now he maintained a neutral stance. This was indeed unexpected.

Charlotte doubted he would change his stance without reason, implying something had happened during her absence.

Moreover, if Castell could muster a force far surpassing the Lagrisse family, why did they dare to rebel?

Was it merely because of her “disappearance”?

No, it probably wasn’t that simple.

Reflecting on the lady viscount from the Lagrisse family she had met at the count’s mansion banquet, Charlotte fell into deep thought.

Despite various suspicious signs from the Lagrisse family before the rebellion, the lady viscount had not left a particularly bad impression.

Before her sleep, Charlotte had anticipated the possibility of a rebellion from the Lagrisse family.

The Lagrisse family had vehemently opposed Viscount Leon-Castell’s investigations. Pushing them too hard could indeed force them into rebellion.

But that was only a possibility.

Before her sleep, she had left a backup plan involving Viscount Remisio and the kingdom’s standing army, believing the Lagrisse family would not dare to act rashly unless they were desperate.

Charlotte had also advised Sebastian to postpone any investigations into the Lagrisse family until after she awakened.

Yet now, she woke to find the situation had drastically changed.

As she carefully reviewed the current situation, Charlotte felt there was a hidden force manipulating this rebellion.

No, more accurately, there must be a significant power supporting the Lagrisse family from behind.

This force was likely substantial, even capable of influencing the kingdom army’s stance.

Charlotte pondered this deeply.

Castell was not a small region, but it wasn’t vast either. With 120,000 square kilometers, it was comparable to a province in her past life.

The forces competing for influence in Castell were likely those with interests here, which boiled down to a few factions.

The Blood Demon Cult, the Crescent Royalty, the Nez Clan, and the neighboring lords around Castell.

If it were just the Lagrisse family, Charlotte wouldn’t be too concerned.

A viscount family, even with hired troops and a maintained cavalry unit, had limited territorial power.

The real challenge was the supporters behind the rebellion.

Charlotte had some guesses about who these supporters might be among the factions.

Of course, guesses were just guesses. She needed more intelligence to clarify the current situation.

This rebellion was also an opportunity. If she could use this chance to eliminate all opposition forces within her territory, she could firmly grasp control over Castell and become a true ruler.

“Countess, please make your decision!”

Viscount Leon-Castell’s repeated request pulled Charlotte from her thoughts.

In the hall, the nobles were eager and ready for battle.

Given their apparent numerical superiority and the potential to reclaim and redistribute rebel lands, their enthusiasm was understandable.

“Angus, how many troops are needed to hold back the rebels from advancing south?”

After a moment’s thought, Charlotte addressed the silent Baron Angus.

“Countess, with the current garrison along the Dorn River, an additional three thousand men should suffice for a defensive position.”

Baron Angus replied respectfully.

“And to defeat them?”

“Countess, that depends on how many regular troops the Lagrisse family has organized. Regular troops wield extraordinary power, which ordinary conscripts cannot match.”

Baron Angus replied solemnly.

“When did the rebels reach the Dorn River?”

“About a week ago. They lack the means to cross and with winter approaching, the icy waters have stalled their

advance. They’ve set up camp along the shore.”

Charlotte’s thoughts quickened.

“You mean they’ve been camped along the shore without further action?”


“Bring me the map.”

Charlotte commanded.

Several nobles quickly brought a map of Castell and spread it out before her.

As Charlotte studied the map of her territory, she fell into deep contemplation.


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