Gospel of Blood

Chapter 234: Advancement Process

Chapter 234: Advancement Process

Bloodbornes are ageless and immortal, but it's very difficult for them to increase their strength.

However, "very difficult" does not mean "impossible." Through understanding bloodline resonance, bloodbornes can still slowly increase their power until they reach the limits of their bloodline.

Of course, this process is extremely slow, often taking years, even in the optimal state of deep slumber for comprehending bloodline resonance.

Dark, Wild, Flesh and Blood, Mental, Insight...

These five bloodline resonance paths represent the five ascension routes for bloodbornes. Breaking through any of these resonance paths means a bloodborne can advance further.

Since reaching the Starry Sky tier, Charlotte had spent over a year practicing various bloodborne techniques acquired from the Blood Demon Cult, dedicating at least two hours daily to meditation.

After more than a year, with the help of the Gospel of Blood, Charlotte's bloodline resonance in the Tree of Ascension had all reached the Starry Sky tie. The Dark Path, in particular, had become increasingly profound with repeated use of necromancy spells.

Now, by directly "devouring" the avatar of a Legendary Bloodborne, Charlotte's Dark resonance, which was only a step away from completion, finally reached its peak...

Overflowing bloodborne power surged within her. As Charlotte delved into her consciousness, she saw the light path representing the Dark Path on the Tree of Ascension finally opening a route to the second layer.

Charlotte's thoughts stirred.

"Devouring the bloodborne's power seems to bring not just an energy change, but also an understanding of the bloodline path..."

She pondered and then opened the Gospel of Blood in her consciousness.

Sure enough, a new text had appeared on the last page of the Dark Chapter, detailing a method for crafting a bloodborne avatar!

Its name was "Advanced Corpse Puppet Technique."

Reading the description of this bloodborne magic, Charlotte quickly recognized it as the method Elder Maxim used to create his avatar.

However, the crafting process was extremely cruel and inhumane. Just reading the descriptions made Charlotte frown and close the Gospel.

Dark Path magic was indeed sinister, matching the crazed and evil image of the Blood Demon Cult.

"It seems the Gospel of Blood can regain its original power not only by collecting pages but also by absorbing bloodborne power!"

Charlotte mused, realizing she had found another way to increase her power besides collecting pages.

She could use the power of the Gospel to devour other bloodbornes, thus enhancing her strength and deepening her understanding of bloodline resonance!

But despite discovering this method, Charlotte did not feel overly excited.

On the contrary... she felt some hesitation.

The power of "devouring" was too sinister.

Having lived two lives, Charlotte never believed in true shortcuts.

Every shortcut comes with a corresponding price. The more outrageous the shortcut, the greater the cost...

The Gospel of Blood could be used by Charlotte, and it recognized her as its master, but Charlotte saw herself as merely using this power, not understanding it.

Recklessly enhancing a power she didn't fully understand could bring unforeseen dangers.

Could she be lost to the "devouring" similar to blood addiction?

Charlotte didn't know the answer.

However, after careful consideration, she decided that this method couldn't be used as a quick means to enhance her power.

It could be used in critical moments, but not regularly.

With this principle in mind, Charlotte felt much more relaxed.

Her body overflowed with energy, her bloodline resonance had reached its limit, and she was just one step away from advancing to Silver Moon...

Feeling the restless magic within her, Charlotte decided to seize this excellent opportunity and push directly for Silver Moon!

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With this resolve, Charlotte exited the mental world and returned to reality.

This crucial step was not suitable in the study, her unique situation might cause unexpected phenomena during the advancement.

After some thought, Charlotte rang the bell to summon the maid Sherry.

"Prepare the meditation room. I need to enter deep meditation."

Sherry immediately understood Charlotte's intent.

After a slight bow, Sherry left and soon had everything ready.

Changing into her meditation clothes, Charlotte entered the meditation room.

"Notify everyone that no one is to disturb me during meditation."

She instructed Sherry.

Sherry bowed.


Closing the door of the meditation room, Charlotte infused the magical core maintaining the spell barrier with energy, elevating the barrier's level to the highest, and then entered a meditative state.

Returning her consciousness to the Tree of Ascension, Charlotte attempted to take the final step towards Silver Moon.

As she willed it, the nearly overflowing energy became even more active, and the light path representing the Dark Path burst with unprecedented brilliance, rushing towards the gate of Silver Moon.

With a thunderous sound, the light successfully reached the second layer of the Tree of Ascension.

However, just as Charlotte was about to begin her advancement, an overwhelming drowsiness suddenly struck her.

Charlotte found it difficult to describe this feeling...

It wasn't ordinary sleepiness from fatigue, but rather a cocoon-like transformation.

She instinctively felt that starting her advancement would inevitably lead to a prolonged sleep.

How many days?

No, it wasn't that simple.

Charlotte sensed that this advancement sleep might be measured in months.

"Is this... the deep slumber stage that bloodbornes must go through to increase their power?"

Charlotte pondered.

She didn't hesitate and decided to halt the advancement temporarily.

The situation in Castell was unstable, and she couldn't afford to sleep now.

If she had to enter a potentially months-long slumber, she needed to arrange everything properly to ensure the safety of her territory and herself during this time.

However, when Charlotte tried to halt the advancement, she found she could no longer stop the bloodline transformation and the increasing drowsiness...

In other words, she couldn't stop this advancement that might lead to long-term slumber.

Quickly, Charlotte used the Gospel of Blood to suppress her increasingly active bloodline, but even so, she could only delay the inevitable sleep...

Sensing her situation, she roughly estimated how long she could stay awake.

"Ten days? Twelve days? Hmm... at most half a month?"

Thinking this through, Charlotte ended her meditation and stood up decisively.

She needed to use these final days of wakefulness to handle as many affairs as possible and arrange everything for her upcoming slumber...


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