Gospel of Blood

Chapter 211: Are you an Evil God?

Chapter 211: Are you an Evil God?

Does the Bloodborne True Ancestor have a holy symbol?

As this thought crossed his mind, Duke Yorok couldn’t help but ponder the question.

He felt there seemed to be a well-known symbol among the bloodbornes in his memory, but when he tried to recall it, it was as if he had no impression at all.

This made Duke Yorok's expression grow serious.

The Bloodborne True Ancestor is the source of all blood descendants.

As a part of the Bloodborne clan, as a Legendary being, it was impossible for him to forget whether their True Ancestor had a holy symbol or not.

Even though these ancient blood descendants had long parted ways with their progenitor, even if they no longer wanted to see that terrifying sovereign again... they could never completely forget the mark belonging to that progenitor.

“I... seem to have forgotten something, like there’s some force interfering with my memory of the True Ancestor.”

Duke Yorok said solemnly.

“Interfering with your memory of the True Ancestor? Could it be that you can’t remember either?”

Adast asked.

Duke Yorok nodded.

“Yes, I... can’t remember either, I just…”

He suddenly got stuck again.

The Legendary Bloodborne looked dazed, as if he had fallen into some kind of stupor. After a moment, he came to his senses.

“Wait... Adast, what were we just talking about?”

“We were discussing the origin of the Thorny Rose.”

The crystal spirit naturally answered.

“Oh, right... the origin of the Thorny Rose.”

Duke Yorok was momentarily puzzled, then nodded instinctively.

He thought back carefully and indeed remembered that he had been discussing this topic with Adast, and nothing seemed out of place.

“So... as you said, it’s very likely an ancient God who fell into slumber early during the Gods' War?”

“Yes, all signs indicate that this symbol was likely forged by a resurrected ancient God. Furthermore, she might even be one of the Gods from Myria before the Catastrophe of Extinction and the Great Migration of the Elves.”

“Myria? Those old Gods of Myria who were swept into the dustbin of history by the True Ancestor and other myths?”

“Precisely. Many of the events involving the resurrection of Evil Gods on Myria today are struggles of these ancient remnants. Though most were obliterated, some survived by clinging to their powers. Occasionally, some fortunate mortals would ascend to divinity by seizing these ancient beings’ authorities. Such stories have been told frequently over the past two thousand years, so this possibility cannot be ruled out.”

Adast's phantom nodded slightly, discussing the potential implications behind the Thorny Rose symbol with Yorok.

They never mentioned the True Ancestor's holy symbol again, as if they had never discussed it.

Neither Duke Yorok nor Adast realized this anomaly.

“Thorny Rose... It seems I should first understand how this symbol originated and the forces that have quietly spread it over the past few centuries.”

Duke Yorok's eyes flickered as he spoke.

“You’ll need to send someone to Coria for investigation. This symbol definitely originated from there.”

Adast suggested respectfully.

“That won’t be an issue. Although Vadallat is unpleasant, I still have a few friends there. I can write to inquire.”

Duke Yorok nodded.

This emblem couldn’t have appeared out of nowhere. He believed that by investigating its origins, he could uncover the identity of the God behind it!

Of course, before that, the infiltration plan into Castell must be completely halted. He didn’t want to make an enemy of a mysterious God who had possibly been resurrecting for centuries.

“It seems you plan to completely halt the infiltration of Castell. You must explain this to the Elder Council properly. Time is running out for the Nez clan, and they might not agree with your decision.”

Adast reminded him.

“I will explain the stakes to them. Even if our positions differ, we are all working for the future of the Nez clan, for the future of the blood descendants.”

Duke Yorok said solemnly.

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After speaking, he felt a bit of a headache.

The Elder Council...

Indeed troublesome.


The Thorny Rose symbol made the already troubled Duke Yorok even more troubled.

At this moment, a new message appeared in Charlotte's vision—the mastermind behind all this.

【The Gospel of Blood has detected unsynchronized identity information—】

【Unsynchronized Information: True Ancestor Holy Symbol】

【Synchronization Probability: 0.99%】

【Would you like to synchronize this identity?】

Charlotte: ...

Is there even a need to ask with a 0.99% probability?

“Not for now.”

She answered in her mind.

With her choice, the information from the Gospel slowly faded away.

However, Charlotte could sense that this information was only hidden. She could summon it from the depths of her consciousness at any time to decide whether to synchronize it.

Identity... synchronization? True Ancestor Holy Symbol? What does this mean? Does it imply synchronizing my symbol with that of the Bloodborne True Ancestor? Did the previous True Ancestor not have a holy symbol?

She frowned, pondering deeply.

The sudden message from the Gospel of Blood made it hard for Charlotte not to connect it with the recent remote meeting.

The Gospel of Blood was evidently deeply tied to the True Ancestor’s status. Clearly, something had happened just now, causing the Gospel in her consciousness to react.

Could it be... that the Nez clan’s treatment of the Thorny Rose as a God's symbol triggered some mechanism?

Charlotte speculated inwardly.

Finding no answers, she temporarily put the matter aside.

Although the Gospel provided no further information, she could make a fairly accurate guess based on various clues.

At this point, she increasingly believed that the Gospel of Blood was really engaging in some sort of “True Ancestor training” program.

The remote meeting ended, and Charlotte withdrew her spirit from the Dark Night Castle. The consciousness of the three participants also returned to reality.

Though the meeting wasn’t long, she gathered substantial intelligence.

Not only did she gain insights into the Nez clan’s investigation plans and attitude changes towards her, but also obtained complex information about her mother’s background, making her keenly aware of the chaotic marriages within the Starfall Royalty.

What surprised her most was the Nez clan’s attitude. She had been prepared for a confrontation with the nobles backed by the Nez clan, but it turned out that the Nez clan backed down first.

She wasn’t sure if this was related to the will of the Bloodborne Duke named Yorok she encountered in Count Lachlan's spiritual world.

While contemplating, Charlotte retracted all the blood divine power, but suddenly sensed something strange in the atmosphere of the meditation room.

Charlotte looked up at Agnes and Lahel standing before the communication crystal.

These two had not spoken a word since the meeting ended. They just stared blankly at her, and when she looked back at them, they almost simultaneously lowered their heads, appearing cautious and upright.

It was as if they had the word “nervous” written all over their faces.

Charlotte couldn’t help but smile.

She shifted her position and said.

“What’s with those expressions? I believe I’ve already said, that if you submit to me and do your job well, I won’t trouble you.”

Agnes swallowed hard.

She bit her lip, mustered her courage, cautiously looked up at Charlotte, her eyes filled with apprehension and hope, and stammered.

“Are... are you...”

“Are you an Evil God?”


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