Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

The news of Miao Xing and Deputy Zhang hiding downstairs in the small garden and passionately kissed quickly spread throughout the hospital.

Now the current practice is totally different then olden times. When men and women are in love with each other they date and hold hands, get married, and have children. If someone heard you, they wont regard it as something bad, they would think of it as something sweet. Miao Xing and Zhang Yanming are also a perfect match. There is nothing inappropriate, but Miao Xing did not cover up the fact that she liked Commander Lin, including to the former little nurse. If Miao Xing had not been so generous, she would not have thought of helping them get together.

Before that, everyone also said that Miao Xing worked well, looks good, and had a gentle and considerate personality. Why would Commander Lin keep silent about it all this time?

As a result, when Commander Lin was injured, Miao Xing and Zhang Yanming got together. Which made people think more deeply into it.

As for Commander Lin, he had a wife. The reason why he refused to say anything about a relationship is because he had a wife. People looked at Miao Xing more strangely after the news came out.

Miao Xing just wants to cry out in tears. Even though she has accepted Zhang Yanming in her heart, she cannot be at this stage; when Lin Shiheng has just been injured.

She wanted to clarify to everyone, but at that time; when she and Zhang Yanming kissed, so many people saw it. She wanted Zhang Yanming to explain that he forced her, but the man who liked her was happy with this situation.

Isnt that good? The handsome man looked defiant, now everyone knows we are together.


Miao Xing was ashamed and angry. Shes embarrassed to say that it was for her own reputation. So, she had to bring up Lin Shiheng: Im afraid that Shiheng would think too much about usFôll0w current novÊls o/n n/o/(v)/3l/b((in).(c/o/m)

Zhang Yanmings original complacent look immediately sinks into gloom: Youre still thinking of Lin Shiheng? Whats so good about him?

Hes just a Commander. If I wanted to, I could take his place in a few months!

His words were so big that Miao Xings eyes twinkled and her heart touched.

Her family situation isnt very good. Her parents and brothers needed money. Although the Commander and Deputy Commander position arent very far apart; only separated by one rank, their monthly salary are vastly different.

In hesitation, Zhang Yanming took out a gold necklace from his breast-pocket and put it on Miao Xings neck.

Lin Shiheng doesnt want you. Arent you angry? Marry me and Ill make him regret that he let you slip through his fingers.

Touching the gold necklace around her neck, Miao Xing hesitated and bit her lip, and finally nodded.

Having obtained Miao Xings consent, Zhang Yanming relaxed his always cold expression and returned all the way to the army to prepare for his wedding report.

(TLNote: in the army/military; before you wed someone, you have to report it in detail, like to whom, where the person is from, occupation, surname etc. etc.)

He pursued Miao Xing for such a long time, and finally got the beautiful woman. Even his impatience with his subordinates was a little milder. Unfortunately, people felt strange when they came into contact with such a mild mood.

Military hospitals have many Nurses and soldiers getting together. Of course, the secrets spread in military hospitals cant be hidden from the troops. Many people found out that Deputy Zhang and Miao Xing did good deeds while Commander Lin was in a coma.

Zhang Yanming grew up in arrogance. Even after he came to the army, he did not change his bad temper. Hes always very cold and demanding towards the soldiers under his command. This also became the big clich plot in the novel: being cold and heartless toward others, while being tender and considerate toward his lover. Its just that, in the army, very few people would like such superiors.

Who would like a superior who beats you with all kinds of punishment for no reason; who is also who splashes you with water when you cant get out of bed because of a fever?

In contrast, Commander Lin; who came up step by step from the bottom, knew more about the difficulty of being a soldier. He always helps when he can and always has a gentle temper towards people.

After coming back from the hospital this time, his temper got better. All the subordinates who came to see him were called up and the gifts were returned. In order to prove that he was in good health, he specially took everyone to the drill grounds to have a match.

At first, they were still afraid of hurting the Commander who had been hurt and had a hard time recovering. But the result, five of them were beaten at once.

Then, six against one, seven against one. After lying on the ground, the fallen watched the rest of the people come rushing up. Lin Shiheng had to raise his hand, he laughs and scold: I surrender. You rascals, how can you play like this?

If he continues to fight, whether he wins or loses, he would only give them the impression that he only knows how to fight. But now he is so big-hearted and joking while surrendering, which made them feel much closer.

The rest of them were not afraid of him either. They gathered around him with laughter and said, Commander, I use to think you could always fight alone, but I didnt think seven against one can do the trick.

Yes, Commander, why didnt you do this before? Im sure you would be famous if you did this earlier!

In a one-on-one, I can still control my strength. As soon as more people join in, I cant help but get rougher. Come on, quickly carry the people on the ground to my place.

After being reminded, they found that all the comrades who had been beaten before were clutching their bodies and crying out in pain.

A group of people hurried to hold them up happily and gathered in Lin Shihengs house, where they were rubbed with medicinal liquor one by one.

Ouch ouch ouch. It hurts! It hurts! Commander, please a little lighter!

It ought to! Lin Shiheng laughed and slapped him on the shoulder. I told you, the more people, the harder I would hit. Why did you guys still rush at me?

Saying that, his hand that applied medicine also went a little lighter.

Although the man received a beating, he spoke with a friendly tone: I didnt expect you to be serious, Commander, you are really this!

He said, while giving a thumbs-up.

Dont flatter me. All right, hurry up, this medicinal wine is from my wife. One wipe and youll be healthy tomorrow.

As soon as the words wife came out; the howls, mockery and laughter died down, the whole room were quiet. Before that, they had gossiped a lot about the love and hatred between Commander Lin, Deputy Commander Zhang and the nurse.

Finally, the man lying on his stomach trembled and asked, Commander, do you really have a wife?

They had never heard the Commander mention about it before. Even this rumor about the Commander having a wife, everyone thought it was the Nurse who spread it, because she was afraid of being accused as a loose woman.

Lin Shiheng seemed to be unaware of the tense atmosphere around him. His handsome face was still smiling.

Youve been impetuous lately. Dont think too much about me and Deputy Zhang. I have a wife in my family. This point was made clear when I first met Miao Xing, so its impossible to agree to her pursuit. Its a good thing for Deputy Zhang to be with her. You should also wish her well.

But why havent you mentioned it before, Commander. If you are angry, tell us. Even if we are useless, will definitely stand on your side!

Yes, Commander, this is their fault. You dont have to cover it up for them.

The people in this room did not like Zhang Yanming. Even before, he was crazy and looked down upon them. They were not willing to befriend him.

But this time such a thing happened, Commander Lin as the victim, expressed his indifference. Every time Deputy Zhang saw him, he still looked sarcastic and contemptuous. This made the ones close to Commander Lin uncomfortable.

What crazy madman ah! He is not a Commander yet, dare to make faces at the Commander. Even when that happens, it still wont be your turn!

(TLNote: I think they mean is that even when ZY becomes a Commander, he still cant look down on LS, he wont be worthy enough for that, ever! The actual words were the sky wont change even deeper blue. Yeah, its doesnt make much sense sorry.)

Looking at a room full of righteous indignation, while Lin Shiheng helped his subordinates apply medicinal liquor, with a little guilt in his tone he said: It was my fault. My wife followed me for three years and I never thought of repaying her for being such a good wife. I didnt care much about her when I got together with her, let alone talked about her so everyone would know. This coma was bad, but I survived. Then suddenly I miss her very much.

At this point, he raised his head with an expression of melancholy: After seeing the moment between life and death, I remembered that the last time I went back, I only stayed for a few days and then left. When I finished the work at hand, I plan to take time off to go back and see my wife.

The room was silent again, but this time it wasnt because of the gossip but the family.

Despite their salaries, and being respected when they go out wearing a military uniform, they also had to take risks. Even Commander Lin who was the head of the regiment; who is better than all of them put together. He still almost lost his life.

In silence, a voice choking with sobs rang out: Actually, I was very happy when I left home. But after the last time I heard that a soldier stepped on a mine was directly killed, I secretly hide under my covers to cry, I could only think of home.

Im afraid, if I die, what will my parents do? My sister, without her brother, who will support her when shes married out later? If Im dead, would they miss me? I feel uncomfortable

He was a new recruit; his face was still tender. As he spoke, he began to wipe his tears. Others did not laugh at him, and many others were also somewhat uncomfortable.

I also dislike my wife being too native. No one could understand her dialect and I was afraid you guys would laugh at me. So, I rarely say anything about her. Now thinking about it. Although she speaks with a dialect, she was very kind to me. My cotton jacket was ripped on the train last time I went home. The night before I left, I found that she had been fixing that cotton jacket all night for me and stuffed it with a lot of cotton. When I left the next day, her eyes were red.

If I die, my wife would be the saddest one. I feel guilty for disliking her. I am really sorry for her

The moment before his tears came out, Lin Shiheng slapped him on the head and patted his back.

Whats the use of you crying here, your wife cant see! Just know that she is good to you. Next time you have a holiday, go to the city and buy some good fabric to send to her before you leave. Be nice to her and write more letters to your family, otherwise she will miss you.

He was stunned: But my wife cant read.

My wife also cant read. Lin Shiheng rightfully said, Who is born able to read? When you go back, you could teach your wife. If she cant learn, you could make a secret code. Every time you write a letter, you will draw a picture. If you think about it, the secret code will only be known to the both of you. When others look, they would think its only some random scribbles. When you and your wife see it, it would mean I miss you, how beautiful would that be?

As Lin Shiheng said so, a small half of the group of people showed an excited expression.

Commander, thats such a good idea! This is awesome! Ill tell my wife the next time I go home!

They stayed a little longer before they went out, but the topic of discussion had changed from Deputy Zhang to how to cherish their loved ones.

Just because they didnt discuss it doesnt mean they dont have their own opinions.

As soon as they met, Commander Lin made it clear to the Nurse named Miao Xing that he had a wife, but the wife didnt know that what Commander Lin was liked by a Nurse in the hospital, and it had been circulating for several months.

Shes really in a hurry to become someones mistress ah!

Zhang Yanming; who wholeheartedly wanted to marry a beautiful woman, did not realize that while he was walking in the base, he received either a look of ridicule or sympathy.

Its just that he has always been unpopular, so no one would tell him anything.

In the ordinary small mountain village, Li Chunhua opened the door and saw her daughter-in-law feeding chickens. She thought about how the daughter-in-law had not laid an egg for three years since she married. She also remembered the dowry when she took her home and the daughter-in-laws family who always came to borrow money, she felt angry.

Her heart is angry, so naturally she wouldnt speak pleasantly, Are you feeding chickens or rabbits?! So little chickenfeed, its so the hens wont be able to lay eggs like you, right?!

He Xuezhu has long been accustomed to her mother-in-laws inexplicable attacks. She only listens in silence. Anyway, whatever she says would be wrong.

Seeing her mute, Li Chunhua was even more angry. She had to pinch her waist and curse some more. Someone outside shouted, Chunhua! Theres a letter for you!

The look on her face immediately turned into excitement: Coming!

Besides her son, who else in this family would send a letter home?

He Xuezhu also heard it, looked up a little timidly and a little expectant. She wanted to know if her husband mentioned her in the letter.

However, she remembered that she had not been mentioned in previous letters. The expression on her face darkened again.


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