Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 19.2

Chapter 19.2

A few women nearby are still chattering about how bed eight is taken care of meticulously and how gentle she was. When talking about how her mother-in-law was willing to get her water to wash her feet, Zhou Qianqian suddenly thought of her stomachache yesterday, and how her mother-in-law still asked her to go out and boil water to wash her feet.

She is also a daughter-in-law, and her man is also a soldier. Why are their treatment so different?U//ppTodat𝒆d fr/𝒐/m nô/v/e/lb(i)n.c(o)\/m

When several people were discussing it, Zhou Qianqian directly butted in: Does her mother-in-law think that she has a son in her belly?

The cheerful woman paused, No, I havent heard them mention the gender of the child since I came here.

I think the mother-in-law probably thinks that the daughter-in-law will give birth to a son, thats why shes eagerly attentive.

At this point, Zhou Qianqian thought of He Xuezhu again.

People said that her man has made outstanding achievements repeatedly, and has directly paid cash to buy a house with the money and moved in with his wife and mother. She has not seen her for more than a month.

Counting the days; it would be time for her to give birth.

Even though Li Chunhua showed people how much she liked her daughter-in-law, Zhou Qianqian still believed that she was right. Li Chunhua liked boys and must have thought that He Xuezhu had a boy in her belly, thats why she is so kind to her.

She refused to think that Li Chunhua really took He Xuezhu as her dear daughter. This was the only way she could feel better knowing Xuezhu had it worst.

She was certain that Li Chunhua treated He Xuezhu well because she wanted a grandson. Zhou Qianqian thought maliciously in her heart, hoping that Xuezhu would have a daughter and taste the feeling of falling down from such heights.

No, I dont think her mother-in-law is the kind of person who only likes boys

The woman was answering he, but suddenly heard Li Chunhuas worried voice shouting outside. Nurse! Doctor! My daughter-in-law has a stomachache! Is she going to have the baby!? Doctor!

She was shocked, she recognized the voice of the mother-in-law of bed eight, and immediately got up and looked out: Bed eight seem to be giving birth really, its true! The doctor just came.

Zhou Qianqians eyebrows were wrinkled, and she felt that the voice was very familiar. Suddenly, she had a suspicion in her heart and asked, What is the name of a pregnant woman in bed eight?

Seems to be called Xuezhu, her husband and mother-in-law call her that.

It really is He Xuezhu!

What a coincidence.

Zhou Qianqian endured the pain in her lower abdomen and was about to go out. Just as she lifted the quilt, a nurse came in and looked surprised. Er, bed fifteen. Didnt the doctor say that you should stay in bed, and not get off?

Your baby looks unstable now and you need a good rest.

Zhou Qianqian didnt listen at all. She couldnt wait to find out whether He Xuezhu gave birth to a boy or a girl.

Its okay. My stomach is fine. I dont want to walk around. I just want to sit outside.


The nurse couldnt stop her. She turned to the doctor with a headache.

When Zhou Qianqian went out, He Xuezhu was being pushed out of the ward with a pale face, beside her were the familiar Li Chunhua and Lin Shiheng.

At the moment, the handsome man was holding his wifes hand tightly in his hand, and kept encouraging her: Dont worry, it will be okay soon. I will accompany you.

He Xuezhu cried softly in pain, but she still insisted: Its okay, it doesnt hurt very much.

Dont be afraid, Mom is watching you outside Li Chunhua looked at her daughter-in-laws pain and was a little flustered. She hurriedly asked the Doctor in front of her: Doctor, how is my daughter-in-laws baby? If its bad, do a caesarean section. Dont let her hurt so much.

Rest assure, at present everything looks normal.

The Doctor had only heard of mothers-in-law asking daughters-in-law to give birth smoothly even if they could die from pain for the sake of their childs intelligence. He has never seen some one asking for a caesarean section for fear of the daughter-in-laws pain. After the warm response, he pushed He Xuezhu in.

Lin Shiheng had already obtained permission to enter, and went in after him.

Li Chunhua was in no hurry, pacing around outside. From time to time she would clutch her hands and mumble about Gods blessing.

Zhou Qianqian looked at her worry for her daughter-in-law, thinking about her own mother-in-law who heard that she was bleeding but didnt even blink. Her heart felt even more resentful.

If only He Xuezhu would die in childbirth, it would be better if the mother and child didnt survive.

(TNote: Omg this woman is vicious! the fck is wrong with you?!)

He Xuezhu gave birth a little faster than everyone imagined. Just over an hour later, the door opened.

The nurse held the child crying softly to the anxiously waiting Li Chunhua. Congratulations, its a girl and very healthy.

Li Chunhua froze in shock, not reacting.

Zhou Qianqian, who had been waiting for a long time, was delighted.

Sure enough, He Xuezhus mother-in-law values a son over a daughter!

Obviously, the nurse also had met grandmothers who didnt like girls and gently urged, girls and boys are all the same. They will continue to be filial when they grow up.

Eh, I know.

Li Chunhua held the child with trembling hands and looked at the baby who had her eyes closed. Her eyes, nose and mouth were small, and Li Chunhuas eyes turned red.

I, I am just too happy.

From knowing that her son can no longer have children to her daughter-in-laws confirmed pregnancy; Her heart always felt worried, fearing that something unexpected might happen and that the child wouldnt survive.

But now Shihengs child; her granddaughter, has been born safely.

Such a small child is Shihengs only child.

Li Chunhua carefully held the child in her arms, lovely little darling, grandmas dear, grandma will take good care of you.

Nurse, how is my daughter-in-law? Can I go in and see her now?

Zhou Qianqian sat stiffly on the bench, looking at He Xuezhus mother-in-law as if she were holding some precious treasure. She carefully held the baby in her arms and asked him if Xuezhu was okay.

She couldnt hear the nurses reply, at the moment her heart is full of confusion.

How did this happen? How did this happen?

He Xuezhu really gave birth to a daughter, but why is her mother-in-law not abandoning her at all, and still cared about her so much

Does she really love He Xuezhu and really like daughters?

What about her?

By contrast, what is she?

Zhou Qianqian, who has always insisted that when He Xuezhu gives birth to a daughter, she will be treated poorly by her mother-in-law just like she is; was at a loss.

Her mood fluctuated up and down, and the dull pain in her lower abdomen suddenly turned into stinging pain.

Zhou Qianqian bowed her head blankly and saw blood oozing slowly from under her bench.

After He Xuezhu gave birth to the child, her whole body fell into a kind of emptiness. She was sweating all over, and it took a long time for her to hear the voice around her. She weakly asked her husband who had been encouraging her: is it a son or a daughter?

Its a daughter.

Lin Shiheng gently holds her hand and spoke softly.

Thank you for bringing this baby to the world.

I swear, I will keep you both safe and happy.


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