Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

First of all, Shihengs loss of fertility must absolutely not be known by others, he even hid it from her; his own mother. Li Chunhua knows that her son is worried that she would be sad if she found out. She doesnt have the heart to expose it.

In fact, as long as Shiheng can keep a blood line and become a father; Not only will Li Chunhua be satisfied, when he gets old there would still be someone to show him filial piety.

But then she began to think about the childs gender.

To be honest, Li Chunhua certainly hopes that He Xuezhu has a big fat boy in her stomach. However, although she is a rural woman, she also knows that this kind of thing is not what she wants.

If its a son its fine, in case its a girl, the old Lin family alone would give her a headache.

Several months later, after trying to brainwash herself, Li Chunhua finally changed. Thinking about He Xuezhu who was suffering from chest tightness, shortness of breath and discomfort; that maybe If its a girl, they should take good care her. A son is also good.

In any case, as long as it is Shihengs child, she will hold it in her arms. So what if its a girl? The Chairman also said that giving birth to boys or girls are the same! Isnt she; Li Chunhua also a girl!?

Next, we should think about how to explain to others why we dont want to have a second child if we do have a girl

Li Chunhua did not study for years, but somehow it smarter than He Xuezhu who said that she was sent to primary school. In fact, after Xuezhu got the free books, paper and pens; she was taken back home to continue working.

After months of thinking, she finally came up with a plan that would not allow others to doubt it, but would also allow her son to reveal the reasons why he could not give birth.

That is to let everyone think that she likes He Xuezhu very much.

Even if the baby is a girl, she wouldnt let them have a child again for the reason that she worries for this daughter-in-laws health.

Li Chunhua knew that if the baby was a girl, those trash that coveted Shihengs things would still covet it, but at least she could make Shiheng think she didnt know that her son couldnt have another.

It could also make Shiheng feel less pressure.

Li Chunhua had planned to take good care of He Xuezhu long before, but was not comfortable when thinking how she became a mother-in-law but had to give in and take care of her daughter-in-law. But she forces herself to give in for her son.

However, Shiheng, the filial son who picked her up from the railway station, said in the car that he would let He Xuezhu cook and wash her clothes and take good care of her.

On the surface, Li Chunhua reprimanded her son. How he could let the pregnant Xuezhu do these things, but her heart could not help but be happy.

In her sons mind, she is more important when compared with his pregnant wife. As a mother, how can Li Chunhua be unhappy?

After feeling happy, her dissatisfaction on having to wait on He Xuezhu disappeared.

The child, she still doesnt know why in Shiheng heart, the wife cant compare to herself.

We cant let her know; pregnant people love to overthink. Fortunately, she told Shiheng not to let Xuezhu work, and also wont let him show the idea of leaning more towards mother between mother and wife.

At the thought of this, her back became straighter. She looked at her daughter-in-law who had a big belly and was looking at her with gratitude and admiration: Xuezhu, how long have you been waiting? You this child ah, mother is not an outsider, you especially come out to wait on such a cold day, dont catch a cold again.

Mom will stew chicken soup for you in a moment, and make up for it ah.

Seeing He Xuezhus admiration become deeper, Li Chunhua felt a little comfortable and guilty at the same time.

How could this child be so easy to lie to? She actually believed what she said just now. She didnt doubt it one bit.

However, she didnt make up all those words. Before, she didnt know that her daughter-in-law; He Xuezhu had suffered at her own family.

Seeing her eyes full of admiration and dependence when looking at Lin Shiheng, Li Chunhua; as the mother-in-law who knew the truth felt a little more pity.

Shiheng is not considerate. She cant be that kind of a mother.

She has to be a little better to Xuezhu and a little nicer.

Zhang-jie saw people off and looked at the family of three who were gradually leaving with Li Chunhuas kind and amiable questions. Her eyes were both envious and relaxed.

I didnt expect that Commander Lins mother liked Xuezhu so much.

Yes, its like she was her own daughter. Its really lucky to have such a good mother-in-law.

At some point, a woman who usually didnt deal with Zhou Qianqian very well; suddenly thought of something and turned to look at Zhou Qianqian, who was livid: What did someone say before? Eat dirt?

Ah, but I didnt eat the plastic bag last time. I dont think I would have to eat it this time. Later, if I dont have a good eyesight, I wont say anything more. Anyway, what I said is similar to farting and will never be honored.U//ppTodat𝒆d fr/𝒐/m nô/v/e/lb(i)n.c(o)\/m

(Not having good eyesight = a hyperbole for being an idiot/not seeing something for what it is)

(similar to farting = noisy without any actual weight.)

Zhou Qianqians face turned white as she stepped back. Subconsciously, she looked at Miao Xing. She wanted her to say a few words to defend her, but she saw that Miao Xings face was not very good. When Miao Xing left, her delicate and beautiful make-up was a little dark. She didnt look at her at all.

And the woman who didnt like her was still sneering: If you dont eat, hurry to go home and hide. Like last time, hide for ten and a half days. Isnt that your strength?

Ill eat it! You think Im afraid of you!

Zhou Qianqian couldnt stand taunts the most. When she heard that anger rushed to her brain, she actually lowered herself to grab a handful of soil. When she smelled the earthy smell on the tip of her nose, she didnt open her mouth.

How can she eat this disgusting thing?

But if she doesnt eat it, she would definitely be treated as a laughing stock and others would point at her.

(TNote: arent you already one? XD )

Just as she was hesitating, she suddenly had an idea and rushed to the front of the tree with her stomach in her arms to hold the trunk and dry-heave.

Several people knew the news of her pregnancy. This scene gave them a shock. Even the woman who did not like her stopped and didnt dared to force her.

There is a human life in her belly. If anything goes wrong, it would be murder.

Seeing that they had indeed given up forcing her, Zhou Qianqian bent down to hold the trunk of the tree with a smirk on her lowered face.

She was proud of it, but suddenly something fell down on her head.

Zhou Qianqian subconsciously reaches up and wipes bird excrement.

In an instant, her facial expression was stiff and pale. Before she could respond, another lump fell from the sky and landed on her forehead. With a bad smell, it slowly slid down.


Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Looking at her in such a mess, the little military wives that didnt like her laughed: You deserve it!! Who told you to spread rumors. God is punishing you!


Zhou Qianqian has lost her mind after a series of blows: Do you really think her mother-in-law likes her? Isnt it just because of her stomach? As long as she has a girl, you will see!

Who would believe you now? You better hurry back and wash that bird poo off you face!

He Xuezhu will give birth next month.

Youll see! Her mother-in-law favors boys over girls and will definitely turn against her!

She still vowed, but this time, she didnt dare promise to eat anything, just in case she was wrong.


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