Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 115.2 The Research Fanatic Who Lost His Child (1)

Chapter 115.2 The Research Fanatic Who Lost His Child (1)

Who would believe that he would pay back the money when he grew up?

Thus, the original owner went to the old lady. The old lady was soft hearted. After hearing that the original owner, who had never gone to school, was able to read books just by peeking from the windows at the primary school, she wrote to her son and askecl for his opinion.

It didnt really cost much to study. The original owner had excellent grades. He had always been in the top three in primary school, and when he entered junior high school, he started to get scholarships. Since then, the old lady barely contributed much money.

He and the old ladys granddaughter, Chu Chu would always play together as children. In junior high school Chu Chu was picked up by her parents, but the two reunitecl in the same high school. The childhood bond and the joy of reunion were mixed together and the two started a relationship in their freshman year.

When Zhou Chuchu became pregnant. they simply tolcl the parents. Although they were angry that the two were having a child at an age where they should obviously be in school. they saw that the two had grown up together as childhood sweethearts, and saw that the original owner had excellent grades from childhood to adulthood. So. the Zhou family agreed to the marriage.

At that time, there were few people who were married and still going to university. They had a simple wedding and went back to school. Then, Zhou Chuchu took a 6-month break while she was pregnant, and returned to school after giving birth.

They were originally childhood sweethearts. Neither side was superb people, but neither of them were doing bacl either. They were both in good universities, so they should be doing quite well.

However, the original owner was obsessed with doing research.

With that obsession, he forgot everything that had happened in the past. He had no interest in his wife, no interest in his son, who was of his own bloodline, and only wanted to concentrate on his research.

Strictly speaking, he wasnt a bad person. He just neglected his wife and son for scientific research.

At first. no one noticed that something was wrong. People only saw that the original owner loved his work. to the point of forgetting to eat and sleep. He was always buriecl in work in his lab, so people knew that he wasnt having an affair. His salary was paid in full. And on his days off, would still be callecl away to the lab.

He didnt spend much time at home, basically leaving early and returning late. However, because she was convinced that he was indeed working. Zhou Chuchu didnt take it seriously.

She studied painting. So, after graduation, she started to design some original jewelry and clothing, and sold them on the internet. Because of the beautiful workmanship, they would sell well, even at high prices.

There was plenty of time to make jewelry and paint pictures at home every day, so even if the original owner didnt come home very much, their child wasnt lacking company.

The original owner only took his child to play with him once since he was born. His research was a little fruitful and he was so happy that he took a rare day off from work. It so happened that on that day, Zhou Chuchu had something to do, so she left the child in his care and left in a hurry.

The original owner had never gotten along with his son. The 5-year-old, who could already speak clearly, eagerly asked to go to the playground.

With that. the two went to the playground.

While the child was playing, the original owner suddenly got an inspiration. He hastily pulled out the note book he always carried with him and started to bury his head in writing down the series of codes, followed by various calculations.

By the time he looked up and remembered that he had been out with his son, the child was long gone.

This was a bolt from the blue for Zhou Chuchu, who loved her son to the core of her being. She searched everywhere like for her child like a maclman. But no matter what she did, the only thing she found was a premeclitated swift plan of a group clressed in black who had taken children away.

If the child was lost, she could hope that a good Samaritan would call the police. However, since it was deliberate abduction by human traffickers, the hope of getting the child back was slim.

Just when she was at her worst, the original owner went back to his lab. to continue the research he had gotten inspiration for.

For the next 10 years, Zhou Chuchu never gave up looking for her child. She travelled from place to place in the hope of finding their child. The constant travel left her in poor health.

She also made a scene with the original owner, telling him to put down his research to find his child. The original owner was fed up with the disturbances and resented her for delaying his research. He casually said that he was also trying, and if he didnt work hard on his research, where would he get the money to support the family in finding the child.

After all, Zhou Chuchu needed energy and inspiration to make things. In order to find her child, she slept as little as she could, so she didnt have any source of income.

Zhou Chuchu was convinced that the original owner was at a critical time in his research. He only slept for 3 hours a day and rushecl to the lab every day without washing his face or eating. His whole body seemed haggard.

Since then. the original owner continuecl his research with peace of mind. He still sent Zhou Chuchu money every month or calling her as usual. He didnt need money, he just needed his research.

Zhou Chuchu continuecl to travel around the country, looking for traces of her child.

She searched for 10 years. In the tenth year, she was killed in a car accident while travelling by car to a mountain village where many boys were said to have been sold to.

At the end of her life, she was still holding a picture of her child when he was a baby. Her grandmother, who loved her, suddenly cliecl of a cerebral hemorrhage because of the terrible news.

However, the original owner didnt show much grief when he lost his wife. He continuecl to immerse himself in his research until. 5 years later, the police informecl him that his son had been found.

The original owner wasnt very interestecl, but at least it was his biological son, so he still took the person home. According to the police, when the child was young, because he was cute, the person who abductecl him was going to sell him for money. However, he kept crying for his mother. Because they were afraid that he would attract the police, they kept feeding him medicine during transport.

Maybe the closage was too large for a 5-year-old child, by the time they reached the destination, he was somehow unable to make a sound.

In laymans terms. he became mute.

Naturally, no one wanted to by a mute child. The traffickers simply changed their minds and sold him to an organization that specializes in keeping small children to beg on the streets.

The children there were basically made disablecl. This was to make them look pitiful enough to make passers-by give them money out of pity.

The boy was lucky. He was sent there when the doctor in the organization happened to injure his hancl and couldnt operate. Otherwise, being such a small child. how could he survive having his leg amputated? On the one hancl. it was so the children couldnt run away. On the other hand, it made them look even more pitiful. A child that young wouldnt be able to endure it, and one mistake could kill him. Besides, seeing as he was already mute, he managed to avoid getting his arm or leg amputated, like everyone else.

After that. he started a life of begging. basically holding a small bowl in the downtown area, looking miserably at pedestrians as they passed by with his two big eyes. With a few ahh ahhs, he would show people that he was mute, and would gain sympathy.

Usually when they were begging. there were adults watching over them to prevent them from asking passers-by for help or from hiding the money they got from begging. In those days, the streets werent strictly regulatecl. It took 10 years for the state to crack down on human traffickers and this kind of begging organization that used trafficked children.

These children couldnt beg anymore, so the newly abducted children we hastily sold off. The ones that had been raised for a few years followed the boss.

The young children were forced to do thing like fighting, stealing and mugging.

3 years later, when he was 13 years old. the boss' was killed in a fight with others. The underlings all went their separate ways, and there was no one to take care of children like them. Some children who remembered that they were abducted went to the police station to look for their parents. Others, like him, made their own living because they were too young to remember anything when they were abducted.

He was under someones control before, so he had no ID papers. After he was free, he didnt go back to those criminal activities, but took the money he had saved up to set up a small stall. He was very clever and knew howto establish a good relationship with the people around him. Every day, he would go to the entrance of a school to set up his stall. Overtime, when he had saved up a sum of money, he used the money to pay someone to make him ID papers.

He named himself Wang Xuan, because of the Xuan that was embroidered on his clothes as a child.

Wang was a common surname, and it was also the surname of the only person in the organization who was kind to the children.

Since that day, Wang Xuan worked at the stall to save money until he was 20 years old. Another child who had left the organization and found his parents. took him to the police station to register. The police managed to find a list of those children who had been trafficked and compared them one by on. Adding the records and the characteristics left by Zhou Chuchu in various places, they found Wang Xuans name.

Wang Xuan was 20 years old, an adult. and mute. He was now living a modest life. He could have stayed away, but he couldnt resist and went back to his biological fathers house.

He was fortunate and unfortunate. Fortunately, he learned that his mother had been looking for him since he was abducted. He also saw the vicleo left by his mother and knew that she had always loved him.

Unfortunately, all the people who loved him have passed away, leaving only a father who was extremely indifferent to him.

The original owner was very dissatisfied with his son. He imagined a child who, like himself, would have an interest in scientific research and would incorporate the best of himself and his wife.

But the young man in front of him, with a somewhat dark skin, from years of exposure to the elements, was mute and poorly disciplined.

In the records from the police, it appears that he had actually committed theft.

He wasnt presentable.

He was disgusted, but because it was his own son, he didnt kick him out. Although the original owner dicln t say anything, how could Wang Xuan, who had grown up reading peoples expressions, not see the contempt and disdain his biological father had for him?

Naturally, he was angry. Having learned the circumstances of why he was lost in the first place. he felt that, anyone could look down on him, but not this man.

Afterwards, as if to fight for revenge and to make his real father look at him properly, he studied the manners he had never studied before, and forced himself to read books on scientific research. He wanted to be excellent. so excellent that his father would have to look at him squarely in the eyes.

Growing up, he had enough of people looking at him like they were looking at trash. The love his mother left behind told him that he could have grown up like a little prince, that she still had the toys he had as a child. After he was abducted and sold, he couldnt even think about the price of those toys. It was all because his father had lost him.

However, no matter how hard Wang Xuan triecl. his father wouldnt look at him, and only devoted himself to research. When the relationship between father and son fell to freezing point, the girl whom Wang Xuan likecl when he was 15. appeared in front of him.


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