Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 108.1 Good Food (5)

Chapter 108.1 Good Food (5)

It was a torturous night for many of the Blue Star people who watched the broadcast.

No, it wasnt torment. This was what people called itching in their hearts.

If the official Potato Brisket Healing Nutrient hadn't been launched before now, they would have been wary of such broadcasts.

After aII, even if they had never been exposed to it, even if their physical senses were urging them to eat and taste it, in this interstellar age of weird and wacky things, there would be more than a few Blue Star people who would say it must be something weird and maybe poisonous, Im not going to try it!

But now that it has been officially launched as an affiliate of the Federation and the Military Department, what hesitation could there be?

While the officials are quite a bit unreliable in terms of taste, there was absolutely no doubt in terms of safety. And most importantly, no Blue Star could taste that never before tasted delicacy and then choose to turn a blind eye to it.

Lin Shiheng had expected that.

As long as Blue Star people were given a taste of normal cuisine, they would certainly buy it as he wanted, no matter how expensive it was.

It was once speculated that the catastrophe had forcecl the ancient earthlings to intermarry with aliens to quickly improve the physical quality of the next generation. After aII, according to the records, whether male ancient earthlings intermarried with female aliens or female ancient earthlings intermarried with alien men, the children would be born with all the abilities, including physical quality and even psychic power, but they would look like earthlings.

At that time, everyone thought that it was the alien gene that suppressed the earth gene, but it was only when the psychic power surged and only the ancient earth cuisine could suppress it; the experts realized that the earth gene had been there all along, and it was more like embracing the other genes than being suppressed.

Therefore, when there was nothing to be done about the psychic surge, only the earth gene stood up and said: Come on, unleash the power of my big foodie nationli!

As long as you give me good food, I can quell the psychic surge!

The earth gene was very reliable. It was normally unobtrusive, but whenever it was needed, it was sure to step up.

But no one expected that. because of the war, the ancient earthlings would abandon food and choose the fast and convenient way of eating with nutrient solution, making it impossible for the Blue Star people, who had a clesire for food, to master it.

The earth gene reluctantly approved of the healing nutrient solution introduced by the officials, but the Blue Star bodies did not!

(TNote: Thats a long a*s way to say we got gluttony in out genes! Rotfl.)

In essence, they inherited everything from their ancestors. Although they had never eaten a normal meal since childhood, they had a normal sense of aesthetics about food.

Therefore, even if they had only seen two questionable types of food, Kung Pao chicken and shrecldecl fish and pork, the subconscious mind of the Blue Star people told them:

Fake! Thats not what real food looks like!

You officials are liars!

Officials working hard to restore ancient earth cuisine: I'm sorry.

And now, upon trying real earth cuisine, even if they don't personally know it, earths food craving gene still flew into the Blue Stars brains and tongues.

They were like vampires that had never drank any blood since birth. But one day, having lived as vampires all their lives, they took the first sip of blood.

This isnt blood!

This is life!!

They would give all their extra money, as long as they could get life!!!

The next day, with many viewers hunkered clown in the live broadcast channel with two large clark circles under their eyes, the three students in dormitory 311 were up and about.

Shiheng, are we really not going to get beaten up for doing this? Although its called hunger marketing, wont it take a bit too long?

Du Mowen finished gargling, turned around and lookecl at the two roommates who lifted their heads from their books, Lai Wei and I showed our faces. Well get beaten up, right?

Dont worry, the school has a protection system. As long as we stay within the school grounds, well be fine.

Lai Wei lowerecl the book in his hand and analyzed it seriously, The nutrient solution issuecl by the officials before had already laid the first step for us. As long as we broadcast live for another 7 clays to whet their appetite, there's basically nothing wrong with it."

But if it was me; Seeing it, smelling it, without being able to eat it, Id really want to hit someone! And isnt it a bit... ahem, a bit unethical for us to do that? "

Lin Shiheng also lowered his book and gently smilecl, Why? Were helping them.

Du Mowen:"... Help?


Lin Shihengs eyes looked earnest, In fact, everyone has herd mentality. If we openecl up the authorization to buy now, some people would buy it when they see others buying it. What if they dont like the taste after buying it? Its not like you can return it."

And we priced it at an expensive rate. Its not a small amount of money for people. Broadcasting it live for 7 days also gives them room to think about whether to buy it or not, so they wont buy it and then regret it.

Du Mowen listened in a daze and kept noclding, That makes sense."

Were helping them, and they should thank us!"

Okay! Lm going to prepare. What will we broadcast live toclay?"

Lin Shiheng smiled, Mapo Tofu.

Ma Po Tofu ... Ancient Earths Po, seems to mean old woman? And this 'Fu' means rot, rotten old woman?

(TNote: Tofu [sjfS] = 'bean curd, the literal meaning of the individual characters is 'bean'tsj1 and 'curdied/to spoii/to rot' [/Sfl.)

Lai Wei gave Du Mowen a displeased look, Is there soil in potato brisket?

Dont you understand that the names of ancient Earth dishes sometimes have nothing to do with the ingredients at all by now?

Du Mowen touched the back of his head and sheepishly smilecl.

I forgot that, hehehehe

Ignoring this little hiccup in the dormitory, the live broadcast finally kicked off under the watchful eye of many.

First of all, it was still the familiar platform.

It was all white and clean, but there was something unfamiliar to the Blue Star people.

Was that green onion? Whats that white, soft and fluffy thing food? Whats with the killer chilies that are said to be used in potato brisket and these little black dots that weve never seen before?

This time, finally, because the messaging was finally turned on, a group of people were asking questions. From those who asked about the price, to those who asked what it was all about, to the nosier viewers who stuclied the ancient earth and were popping in for a science lesson.

[The tiny black things, scientifically known as pepper, was once suspected to be a weapon too because of the similarity of its name to chili peppers. However, since no relevant literature could be founcl and no test of its power could be made, the officials left it alone. They usually grow in the wild and a tree can grow many of them, and no other use has been found yet.]

[66666 Greetings Big Boss! Big Boss, where did you get the ancient earth knowledge?]

[ive done some research and its really pepper.]

[So, is pepper eclible?]

While they were discussing, the young man who had eaten a pot of potato sirloin in one sitting yesterday, appeared in the camera.

First, he sat upright on the stool, then stretched his neck to look at these things. Curiously, he asked, Whats cooking today?

Mapo tofu.

The familiar gentle voice appeared with a warm tone and slowly spoke in an unhurriecl manner, It was invented by a person called Ma Po, who was called Mapo on ancient Earth.

With that, a slender hand, with distinctive joints, appeared in the camera ancl began to introduce the ingredients one by one, The main ingredients are tofu, minced beef, which is the succulent meat of the spottecl beast. Giant spiny beasts will also work, as well as chilies, peppers, stock, spring onions and sugar...

Those of you who are watching this broadcast can follow along and learn how to make it. The result is much better than a nutrient solution, not only in terms of taste, but also in terms of calming psychic surges."

But for the record, we have applied for a patent ancl ask that viewers who learn the method not to use it commercially, or they will receive a court summons."

[Maybe this one is going to teach us how to cook ancient earth food for freeI!]

[No way!! These things can sell for a lot of money! Why would they teach us for free?!i]

[Why am I not surprised at all? Isnt it obvious from the fact that they donated the potato brisket recipe to the government?]

[Wait, I see the two broadcasters. They all look around 17 or 18, theyre still children.]

[Could it be because they dont understand the value of these things? Damn, if it were me, Id be using it to make money.]

[... Am I the only one who wants to ask: What is tofu?]

Lin Shiheng was heating the oil in the pan when he saw the messages advising them to find out what the value of the items were before making a decision, and a smile appeared on his handsome face off camera.

Perhaps because the war a thousand years ago damaged the Interstellar Alliance so badly, now, a thousand years later, peace was taught among the major planets in an attempt not to let the disaster of a thousand years ago happen again.

Ancl most of the Blue Star people who have been exposed to the education of truth, kindness and virtue from their childhood were definitely well rooted, if not trained, with the heart of gold.

Of course, its impossible to raise everyone to be 100% good, as in the case of the original owner's mother and stepfather, who were typically raised in a crooked way.

But they were still a minority. Most of the Blue Stars were honest. They were more inclined to correct another partys unconscious act of letting other people take advantage.

Its okay, we know the value of these cuisines. Its just that after I inherited the ancient earths recipes, I felt that we Blue Star people, being of earths descent, cant just drink nutrient solutions every day.

About these cuisines, we will choose some of and teach you how to make them. The rest will be sold to the public in 7 days time, so we hope you can come back for more by then.

[This boy sounds 17 or 18 years old, but his wisdom is so much higher than mine.]

[Yes, hes really amazing. If it were an ordinary person, he would have kept the recipe firmly in his hands to make money. Instead, he can still bring it out and share it with everyone. At the same age, I definitely couldnt have done that.]


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