Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Lin Shiheng opened his eyes. In front of him was a miserable hospital room. The little Nurse in the nurses clothes was helping him change the IV. When he saw him wake up, she shouted in surprise, Commander Lin, you woke up?

Yeah. He responded, moved his arm, felt a sharp pain and then frowned slightly: How long have I slept?

The Nurses quickly answered, You have been in a coma for four days. Sister Miao is worried. She takes care of her every day.

She originally thought that Lin would show a touched look, but Lin Shiheng did not seem to have heard it at all. He sat up with his body propped up and his beautiful face frowned slightly, which was different from that of other commanders. Did someone tell my family the news of my injury?

There should be noone, Ah, Commander Lin. Dont use your left hand first. Your left hand cant be exerted right now.

Did Zhang Yanming come?

Yes, Deputy Zhang has just come to see you. He should not have gone far yet.

She stretched out her hand to help him, but Lin Shiheng avoided her hand and sat up by herself. Because he was in a coma for four days, his voice was slightly hoarse and asked softly, Could you please call Zhang Yanming for me and bring me a piece of paper and pen?

He looks handsome, clearly not the usual tough guy with wheat skin. Although he was in a coma for four days, his face was unavoidably pale, but he did not lose his handsome appearance. When a pair of eyes looked over carefully, the little nurses face inexplicably turned red.

She stepped back quickly and stammered, Okay, just a moment, Ill call Deputy Zhang.

Waiting for her to leave, Lin Shiheng looked at his left hand wrapped in gauze and took a painkiller. The pain in his left arm disappeared immediately before he began to look at the memory in his mind.

After graduating from high school, the original owner of this body joined the army, then he struggled to crawl up in the army. He was already the head of the regiment when he was 25 years old this year. While he was doing mine clearing, he was wounded and sent to the military hospital for treatment.

He had been injured before, met a Nurse named Miao Xing in the military hospital, Miao Xing looks and figure are very good, every time the original host was injured she came to care for him gently, Ambiguity rose between them, but he did not say it, they had a tacit understanding.Th.ê most uptod/at𝓮 n𝒐vels a/re published on n(0)velbj)n(.)c/o/m

Until this time, where he was seriously injured and Miao Xing was always taking care of him. After the original host woke up, the two-people told each other their feelings and decided to be together.

Before that, the owner also had a wife named He Xuezhu, who was Lin Shihengs mission target.

Early marriage is common in this age. Many people at the age of 25 are already fathers. Of course, the original host is already another womans husband.

The original host was born in the countryside. His father passed away early in the family. His mother only has this one son. Because she did not get along well with his paternal aunt and uncle, she lived alone with her five-year-old owner, two years after his husbands death. As a result, he managed to bring up the child and became a soldier. Naturally, all her hopes were on him.

He did not show up on the day of the blind date. The whole process was; the originals mother chose a daughter-in-law, met a second time, and then brought home to marry. The meeting of the couple was still two months after the original host got a vacation, he rushed back to meet and consummate then left again in a few days.

( / xingqn = a day where both family meet to see and assess the suitability of a prospective mate or son/daughter-in-law; sort of a blind date, or a match making meet up.)

Its precisely because they were rarely able to meet up, and not knowing each other before marriage that the original host had very little feelings for He Xuezhu; who helped him with the housework and took care of his mother at home. At most, he sent half of his salary every month so that she could maintain their household. His salary in this era is considered high, and his position is very stable. So he could have applied for his family members to join him at the military base, but the original host has always wanted his wife to stay home to take care of his mother, so he delayed in applying.

After the two got married for three years, the number of times he returned was very limited. He graduated from high school and He Xuezhu dropped out of Primary School. She didnt know how to read. He increasingly dislike interacting with his wife. Even if he went back, he found ridiculously reasons to refuse to sleep with her. Under such circumstances, unsurprisingly, his wife didnt get pregnant for three years.

But the mother of the original host did not think so. She only saw that her daughter-in-law, who she had spent a lot of money to bring home, had not laid an egg for three years. Her good son was 25, but had no son to pass down the family lineage. She was very critical of her daughter-in-law when the original host was away, and she was very disgusted with her in her heart.

Bot no one can be imagined he Xuezhus situation, where the husband was the one who didnt like her, her mother-in-laws complaints, and a family whose every visit was to ask for more money to borrow.

After recovering, the original host decided to take Miao Xing home, divorce his wife, anda marry Miao Xing. To treat his wife; who had taken care of his family for three years, which made him feel guilty he planned to take some of the savings accumulated over these years as compensation.

As a result, when he went back, he learned that He Xuezhu was pregnant.

Naturally, the mother was reluctant to let her daughter-in-law abort. She had been looking forward to her grandson for three years. Although Miao Xing earned a salary as a nurse, but her family situation was mediocre. Most importantly, although she disdained He Xuezhu; her daughter-in-law, she disdained Miao Xing even more; who knowingly hooked-up with a married man. So she would rather die than let Miao Xing enter the family.

He Xuezhu was moved that her mother-in-law who disliked her would protect her at the critical moment, but could not do anything about her husband. Mother disagreed. The original host had no choice but to take Miao Xing back to the military first. They had feelings and Miao Xing was unwilling to give up. One night, they drank and consummated their relationship.

Just when Miao Xing found out that she was pregnant, He Xuezhu gave birth to a daughter which disappointed the original hosts mother who hoped for a grandson. Her attitude nosedived. He Xuezhu didnt even get a good recovery month, and the news of Miao Xings pregnancy reached home.

(/ yu zi = month of confinement after giving birth to a child / recovery month. This has to be observed, or is said might let a serious illness befall the mother, and have a hard time getting pregnant again.)

Although the original hosts mother hesitated, she still refused to let it go. Miao Xing then told the original host that she would never go home until he divorced. In the end, Miao Xing used her unborn son to get him to agree.

He Xuezhus nature has always been weak. Although no one in her family dared to stand up for her, the only mother-in-law who was protecting her also changed her mind, she could only hold her daughter and cry and agree to a divorce.

Its just that when Miao Xing and the original host were returning home to divorced and then marry, there was a car accident. The original host subconsciously protected his lover next to him. As a result, Miao Xing only had bruise while the original host became a paraplegic.

After the results came out, Miao Xing had a very simple abortion and left the hospital, leaving only the unattended owner.

Of course, a paraplegic could not serve in the military. After early retirement he was brought home by his crying to near blindness mother, the next half of his life was spent lying in bed.

He looked at how his wife, who he had once looked down upon, do housework and brought up a child while taking care of this sorry husband.

Watching his daughter grow up little by little, and under the influence of her mother, she treated this wrongdoing father as a hero.

Although his mother had always looked down on his wife, they both shared the same idea that they should take care of him, the past issues ceased.

His mother left before him, followed by him. Before he left, although he could not take care of himself, he was clean and tidy. The woman who had taken care of him for half his life sat by the bed crying and said how much she longed for married life before she got married.

She said that she hated him, but she could not leave him alone. After all, this was the environment in which she lived since childhood.

He Xuezhu did not have a good life. In the first half of her life, she lived in a family who valued men more than women. In the second half of her life, she had to take care of her paraplegic husband. Later, when she was old, she had suffered from illness but had no money for treatment. She was suffering from pain almost every day.

The original host left with guilt for his wife. After being selected by the systim, he made a wish that his wife; He Xuezhu could get the family she longed for. That she could not suffer so much, that his mother and wife could coexist peacefully, that his daughter would not be dragged down by her paralyzed father, and she would not be disliked by her patriarchal grandmother.

These are all impossible for the original host, but he exchanged his soul and hoped Lin Shiheng could do them with his place.

[Ding! Receiving memory completed, task completion: 0, please complete as soon as possible.]

Lin Shiheng uncovered the quilt, got out of bed and stood at the window looking at the scenery outside. The original owners memory was very clear, but he completely did not know that the world was a story in novel.

This is a novel set in the 1990s. The author may not be bothered to look up information and set it up overhead, so there are many differences between logic and place.

For example, the body became a commander at a young age.

In this book, the original host with paraplegia was not the protagonist, after his first appearance, he only exist in the memory of the female protagonist; Miao Xing.

Yes, Miao Xing is the heroine of this novel.

She is young and beautiful, and is also a very popular Nurse in such an era. Her first love is the original host. This young and handsome head of regiment has countless potential to rise in the future.

On the contrary, the real male protagonist is the deputy commander of the regiment.

Zhang Yanming; deputy commander of the regiment, is different from the original host who came from a commoner background. He has a good family background. He was thrown into the army by his elders to hone his mind because he was too fickle. He also specially covered up his identity. As a result, he did not realize that he was a bit gifted. He sat down in the position of deputy commander smoothly.

In the memory of the original host, the deputy commander always saw him as very disagreeable. Unpleasant to see, but he knows Zhang Yanmings identity. He thought that Zhang Yanming is only being young. He usually tries to stay away and avoid conflicts with him.

The actual reason why Zhang Yanming dislikes the original host is because he likes Nurse Miao Xing, but Miao Xing likes the original owner who already has a wife.

How can you stay calm seeing a rival?

In the plot of the novel, Zhang Yanming was furious when he learned that the person he liked was pregnant before marriage. She had to go back to her home town with the original host, so he directly hired someone to deliberately cause a car accident.

Then had Miao Xing; who passed out in tears, have an abortion. Then came the sadistic love affair between the couple. Until the final outcome, Zhang Yanming position rose steadily, Miao Xing became Mrs. Zhang, and was envied all her life.

Lin Shiheng saw the plot in the book. Miao Xing left her original host and had an abortion, all of which were forced rather than voluntary. Even for her first time, she and the original host were only able to do it because they were given medicine by Zhang Yanming.

Recalling the look Miao Xing and Zhang Yanming gave each other from time to time, and the unnatural look on Miao Xings face when the original host came back several times. The original host did not care about it, ignoring the past. But this was intriguing in Lin Shihengs eyes.

In the plot, Zhang Yanming took advantage of his absence with the half-hearted Miao Xing while the original host was away. Apart from failing to do the last step, everything else has been done cleanly, more than once.

Lin Shiheng looked down at his left arm wrapped in gauze, raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled.

Commander Lin, Deputy Zhang is here.

The little Nurse knocked on the door outside, and Lin Shiheng turned to look at it and looked up at the young man who came in.

Really good-looking and rebellious. He was looking at Lin Shiheng with cold eyes and impatience: What do you want me to come over for?

Nothing. Its a little strange to hear the Nurse say you came to visit me and not see anyone when you opened your eyes.

When Zhang Yanming heard that, he paused. He came to the hospital, of course, not to see Lin Shiheng, but to see Miao Xing. After he came, he stayed in the ward for less than two minutes, and then he went to pull Miao Xing to the hospital garden to flirt.

At this time, the door was opened again. The beautiful girl in nurses clothes pushed the door open and came in. She looked at Lin Shihengs on the bed and said, Brother Lin, you woke up!

Her hair was neatly combed. Although she was wearing the same nurses clothes, she could see that her waist had been altered and her figure was slim. In addition, her face was flushed at the moment, and her eyes were full of shame and awe. Anybody could see that she liked Lin Shiheng.

If the flush had not been caused by her being kissed in the garden.

Lin Shiheng looked at Miao Xings and the gloomy Zhang Yanming, with slightly raised lips.

It seems that this world should be fun.


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