GOJO: A Sorcerer in the Soul Society

Chapter 44: IKKAKU VS GOJO (1)

Chapter 44: IKKAKU VS GOJO (1)

Moving beyond the speed of the sound, Gojo couldn't help but turn around and look at the bald man behind him.

Shunpo was an art few people could really master to a great height.

Not everyone could move at sonic or supersonic speed with Shunpo, at most they could only move relatively faster.

For example, Nanao, even though she was a vice-captain, her Shunpo had just reached a level barely above that of a new graduate.

That's why Gojo was surprised that a 3rd seat had greater skill than a vice-captain.

What was incredible was that even the 5th seat following behind the bald man had a Reiatsu equal if not greater than Rangiku and Nanao.

'I guess the 11th division isn't called the strongest for nothing.'

Chuckling, Gojo continued to move until they left the confines of the Seireitei and entered a forest in the east of Rukongai's 1st district.


Stopping in front of a hill, Ikkaku looked at the silver-haired man named Satoru Gojo.

"Why bring us here?"

Sitting on a rock, Gojo smiled and extended two fingers.

"Firstly, I hate playing the clown in front of a crowded gallery."

He then lowered the second finger, "Secondly, even though fights aren't forbidden between people below the rank of Captain, all damages must be paid from our own pocket. I don't know for you, but I don't swim in gold you know?"

The currency of the Soul Society was called Kan.

The salary of Shinigami was sadly not that high. After all, they were housed, fed, and clothed for free.

Even most of the basic equipment Shinigami could need were given for free or at discount.

You could say that the only use of money for a Shinigami was going beyond the basics and getting more luxurious things to enjoy themselves.

In short, this was the difference between free players and pay to win.

Gojo liked luxury and refused to be a free player. No way he was going to waste his money because of a fight.

Both Ikkaku and Yumichika's faces darkened. They had indeed not really thought about this.

They were so used to following the captain in destroying walls when they got lost because of Yachuri that they forgot the basic salary between a captain and officer like them was like heaven and earth.

Laughing a little Ikkaku scratched his bald head before bowing,

"Firstly, I would like to apologize for attacking without warning. This isn't much of an excuse but It has been a long time since I had such a powerful opponent. Now then, Satoru Gojo, It's time for our duel."

Saying so, he pointed his sword at Gojo who was resting his head on his palm while looking at them curiously.

At least Ikkaku thought he was looking at them curiously. It was hard to really know with the blindfold on.

"You should activate your Shikai now."


"I mean. You will lose if you don't. Well, it isn't like you will win even if you do. But at least the loss may be less throughout."

A thick vein popped on Ikkaku's head, while Yumichika began to laugh on the side.

"You shouldn't underestimate me."

"Sigh. Why does no one understand my kindness?"



Ikkaku's eyes widened. The voice did not come from far away, but right behind him.

Turning around, he moved to slash with his sword, but all he got was an afterimage as Gojo simply appeared on his side,

"Man, you are slow."

This time Ikkaku did not bother answering and began to chase him again and again.

Watching from further away, the expression on Yumichika's face slowly became graver.

He already understood that the man named Satoru Gojo was incredibly fast.

But this was something else entirely.

He wasn't just moving fast. Accurately grasping the flow, moving with the least superfluous movement and all that without breaking a sweat.

'Just why is such a ridiculous guy in the 4th division?'

Meanwhile, the combat between Ikkaku and Gojo seemed to fall in a stalemate, but,

"This is getting boring. Bakudo #39 Enkosen."

A wide yellow spinning disk formed between Gojo and Ikkaku, thereby stopping another incoming slash.

"You are strong. Really. But if this is all you amount to, then I am wasting my time."

Without even waiting for Ikkaku to answer, a wave of red and black lightning began to cover Gojo's body.

<<Cursed technique: Black Flash>>


Ikkaku immediately felt the threat and tried to retreat, but

"Where are you going?"

Moving his finger, Gojo traced a few symbols in the air,

"Bakugo #9 Geki."

'Impossible! Three Kido techniques at the same time!?"

Ikkaku did not even have enough time to marvel as his body was immediately paralyzed.


This only lasted a short instant but this was more than enough for Gojo,

"See you later."

With Ikkaku unable to move, the result was self-evident.


A cloud of dust covered the zone of the fight before a figure was ejected like a cannonball.

Bouncing on the ground a few times, Ikkaku gritted his teeth and managed to flip around and plant his sword in the ground in order to slow down.

Finally stopping, he stood up with difficulty and watched the silver-haired man standing more than 100 meters away from him.

His body was bruised and battered, his legs wobbly, his breathing rough and short.

Meanwhile, his opponent did not seem to have even sweated.

This was the first time in a long while since Ikkaku had felt so outclassed.

Gojo, who was similarly watching his opponent, wanted to throw some mean remarks. However, just as he was about to open his mouth, he stopped,

"You...Why are you smiling?"

Gojo was obviously surprised. He had been crushed so thoroughly but he could still smile?

Shouldn't he be frustrated, angered, or humiliated?

"Hahaha! How could I not be happy when I am facing someone so strong?"

Much less smiling, Ikkaku began to outright laugh. His eyes showed no inferiority, but only an endless thirst for battle.

What Gojo didn't know was that Ikkaku was used to losing against overwhelming power.

For more than a hundred years now, since his first meeting with his current captain in the Rukongai, he had lost again and again. So many times that he could not even count.

But this has never discouraged him.

Even though he didn't reach his captain's level, he loved fighting. The feeling of clashing against a powerful opponent. His blood boiling in his veins.

This was a sensation like nothing else.

That's why he laughed, why shouldn't he? He was so happy to find someone so strong.

Calming down, he took down his sword out of the soil, as well as the sheath on his hip, and placed them together.

"It seems like I really need to go all out."

The moment he did so, his Reiatsu seemed to boil and filled the zone.


"Grow! Hozukimaru!"

(AN: For those curious I have updated Gojo stats in the auxiliaire. Those stats are what he reached at the end of Vol 3.)


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