GOJO: A Sorcerer in the Soul Society



The fight didn't take long and ended as simply as it began.

All the members of the squad were still surrounding Gojo, after all, he didn't hit them that heavily, and they had been trained to be able to fight even with crippling wounds.

Still, even though they weren't all that wounded, their ego was nearly destroyed.

This fight was simply one of the greatest humiliations they had ever suffered from.

Omaeda, who was the vice-captain of the second division, frowned when seeing them act like this and was about to step forward. However, he was stopped from doing so by a movement of Soi Fon's hands.


"Shut up."

She was looking at Gojo with an unprecedented serious expression. She didn't know how strong he really was, but he was without a doubt a least at the level of a mid or high-class vice-captain.

"I will present myself, I am Soi Fon, the captain of the 2nd division and the commander of the Secret force. What about you?"

Her tone had completely changed. While Soi Fon hated frivolous men like Kisuke or this man in front of her, she also put martial prowess above everything. That was why, even though she already knew his name, she still asked it after introducing herself. This was her way of showing respect for someone strong.

Gojo was the kind of guy who gave as much respect as he received. He had no reasons to escalate the situation since that captain didn't wish to do so. What's more, he was still in the dark about the situation in this world. Not to mention that antagonizing the army just a few days after coming here wasn't particularly smart.

"My name is Satoru Gojo, I don't have any fancy title though." (E/N: Sorcerer Supreme.)

"I see, then Gojo, do you want to enter the secret force?"


An hour later, Soi Fon was sitting while facing Isshin Shiba. Another person she extremely disliked.

She couldn't help but sigh inwardly as she wondered why most, if not all the captains in the Gotei 13 were so frivolous.

For once, Isshin didn't have his usual goofy expression, after all, he could understand how important the situation was.

From what Soi Fon reported, this man called Satoru Gojo wasn't someone to be trifled with.

"So, did he accept?"

"He didn't give a clear answer. I guess he wishes to gather more information by going through the academy."

Even though Soi Fon was more or less refused, she didn't particularly mind and in fact, even respected the man even more. Being strong was one thing, but plunging headstrong in a situation without enough information was stupid.

Isshin chuckled. It was rare for Soi Fon to have such a good opinion about a man.

"Well, in a way our mission can be said to be a success. We have gauged his skills at the very least. As for his intentions, I guess we will have to wait for his school life to observe him more."

Isshin decided to stop the mission here. After all, if the man could so easily find a secret squad observing him, no one could spy on him.

"Well, it's time to give feedback to the old man."

Saying so, a black butterfly with purple wings flew before landing on his hand. He spoke quietly to it before sending it away.

Those butterflies were called Jigokucho, or hell butterfly, and had many purposes such as being communication tools.


[Gotei 13; 5th division]

In the center of the Seireitei, stood proudly the Gotei 13.

In one of the main buildings, with the number 5 inscribed on it, a young man with silver-white hair and an unsettling smile listened to the report from the hell butterfly.

In front of him, a seemingly gentle-looking brown-haired man wearing a pair of glasses and a white coat over his shinigami uniform was doing the same.

After a while, once the butterfly vanished, the brown-haired man released a sigh and asked,

"So, Gin. What do you think?"

Gin Ichimaru, the vice-captain of the 5th division and the greatest genius in the past 100 years, said.

"Captain Aizen, I do not think this is particularly important."

Gin said so without breaking his usual smile while he faced his captain, Sosuke Aizen.

"This is indeed so, but, I must admit that this man caught my attention. Hmm Satoru Gojo, was it?"

Adjusting his glasses, Aizen let out a cold smile as he murmured Gojo's name. Things seemed to become interesting.


[Gotei 13; 11th division]

In the Gotei 13, some divisions had different specialties like the 2nd, 4th, and 12th, while some other divisions were simply geared toward fighting.

Out of all the divisions, the 11th was known as the overall strongest, not only because of the battle-hungry members that composed it, but more than anything because of its captain.

Zaraki Kenpachi.

The 11th Kenpachi.

A man who was infamous for his strength and his battle thirst. He was also the sole captain to have reached his rank without even passing through the academy, since he killed the 10th Kenpachi, Kiganjo Kenpachi, under the witness of more than 200 shinigami.

Currently, said captain, a very tall man with spiked hair and a long scar on the side of his face was laying down on the grass under the sun as he listened to the report, once it was finished, a fierce grin split his face as his eyes shone with hunger.

Next to him, a very young pink-haired girl was crouching down and observing a group of ants. Without having to turn around, she asked,

"Ken-chan, do you want to have fun?"

She was Yachiru Kusajishi, the vice-captain of the 11th division and the only one in the world who could call Zaraki like this. After all, she was more or less his adopted daughter.

"Haha! It seems like an interesting guy will come soon. I hope he will be entertaining."

On the side, Yachiru gave a simple smile. As long as her Ken-chan was happy, nothing else mattered in the world.

She sincerely hoped that this man was strong enough to make Zaraki even more happy.


[Rukongai, 1st district, west.]

The 5th and 11th divisions weren't the only division to receive this piece of news, the report was sent to absolutely all divisions.

Each of the captains reacted in different ways. Some were disinterested, some others were curious and some were wary.

But no matter what, one thing was clear. Before even setting foot on the Seireitei, Satoru Gojo was already making waves.

Meanwhile, the man of the hour, Satoru Gojo, was smiling blissfully as he ate a delicious cake. His expression, seemingly melting in bliss.

(AN: So to be clear, things like high class or low-class vice-captain or such aren't really a thing in bleach. It's more of a fan-made system. Like how in naruto people talk about high Kage or super Kage. Fans of bleach know without a doubt that even between people of the same rank, the difference of power can be quite startling. For example, for the vice-captains, we have Renji Abarai who is at the level of a captain despite his rank. Meanwhile, for the Captains, we have someone like Mayuri who should be at the level of a vice-captain. Just to be clear, I am talking about pure power. Otherwise, if we talk about danger level, Mayuri is without a doubt the most dangerous between all captains in my opinion. If he is given enough time he could perhaps create a poison to kill all shinigami, lol. He is like the Orochimaru of naruto.)


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