Godzilla Earth: Origin

Chapter 0: The First Landing

Chapter 0: The First Landing

I saw another beast coming up out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name.

Book of Revelation: Revelation 13:1

Are you the reporter for this time? The topic of the interview is the first landing, right?

In the darkness across from me, a man sat in the middle, smoking and looking this way, then slowly spoke.

The first landing It feels like a long time ago.

Lets begin.

The interview officially started.

On that day, after a long absence, I returned to my hometown, Cape Soya (Tn: Cape Soya is a city in Hokkaido, Japan), from North America to visit my grandparents and negotiate the demolition.

At that time, the second expansion of the Hokkaido supercity cluster had begun, aiming to establish a connection with the offshore city of Grafadamoni and the supersonic train of the supercity cluster, with one of the stations being Cape Soya.

At that time, Cape Soya was still unknown to the world due to the first landing.

Before the landing, it was just a small city located at the northernmost tip of Hokkaido, with a population of barely 200,000. Our ancestral home was located on the southeastern coast of this small city, a very quiet place where you could see Grafadamoni several kilometers away.

However, a quiet location also meant that there were no people and the land was cheap. It was precisely because of this that the train did not bypass us but intended to directly demolish our ancestral home and the surrounding houses by compensating us with money.

According to the unions standards, they should have paid 40 million Vei. But they were only willing to pay 10 million Vei and even threatened my grandparents not to speak out.

Of course, my grandparents did not yield to the threat but told the whole family. However, at that time, we didnt have a good solution, so we could only ask me to come back first.

In the morning when I received the news, I asked my mentor to come back home with me.

At that time, my mentor had achieved a Nobel-level accomplishment, although it hadnt been officially awarded at that time, it was already a sure thing in the future. With his influence in the scientific community, I believed that we could resolve this matter soon.

I made an appointment with those people to meet at my house in an hour. They kept the appointment and arrived at my house an hour later.

At that time, we began the negotiations, and it was during the negotiations that the first landing of that thing began.

At this point, his voice trembled.

First, there was a strong tremor.

The ceiling and furniture shook violently, and the people negotiating inside the house felt a strong tremor, but the negotiations did not stop, they continued.

Even the old house built with earthquake-resistant materials a hundred years ago could withstand an 8-magnitude earthquake, so this level of shaking was not enough to panic them.

The last time people died in Hokkaido due to an earthquake was twenty years ago, and earthquakes today were not deadly.

Then came the thunderous sound.

After the tremors, thunderous sounds erupted like dry thunder, followed by another tremor, then another thunder.

At this moment, someone realized that something was wrong.

The negotiations were interrupted, and people went downstairs and gathered in the yard of the old house, looking in the direction from where the sound camethe endless sea surface.

Then came the dorsal fin, like a mountain peak.

From the endless sea surface, the people who came out could see a large shadow moving in the middle. It was larger than any fishing boat and was advancing towards the shore.

Every movement it made caused the earth to shake, and the thunderous sound resounded once again.

At this moment, a large crowd had gathered on the shore, attracted by the thunderous sound and tremors.

They all saw the shadow underwater.

Then, in full view of everyone, the shadow broke the surface of the water, revealing a dorsal fin like a mountain peak.

Finally, the embodiment of destruction appeared.

The crowd scattered after the appearance of the dorsal fin, and people started running towards a direction away from the shore, desperately running.

But it was already too late, or rather, the people here had missed their chance to leave from the moment it chose to land here.

Because destruction itself had arrived.

Two minutes later, a massive figure emerged from the sea, standing at a towering 200 meters tall. Its black skin, muscular legs, powerful stance, and sword-like dorsal fins made it seem like a relic from 100 million years ago, transported through time to this place.

Its colossal presence exuded a power beyond human comprehension. Its massive tail struck the seabed, causing earthquakes. Every footstep reverberated with a thunderous boom that echoed through the valleys.


The sound transformed into a tangible shockwave, spreading in all directions. The previously calm sea surface was lifted by the sonic impact, creating towering waves nearly ten meters high.

All the glass within a hundred meters shattered. Even the crowds that had been running for two minutes felt as if their heads had been struck by a heavy hammer.

On its dinosaur-like head were a pair of serene eyes. It scanned the dots below, the rapidly moving maglev vehicles, and the towering buildings of Grafadamoni that dwarfed even itself. It lowered its head and opened its mouth.

And then, light appeared within its mouth.

The air emitted a blue glow, a manifestation of ionized air from gamma radiation. Three seconds after the appearance of the blue glow, the highly energized plasma, confined by a strong magnetic field, pierced through the atmosphere at a speed of 50 Mach.

No one could hear the sound it made because, before the sound, the spreading plasma had already incinerated everything in its path.

The range of the strong magnetic field was not far, which allowed the spewed plasma to immediately begin expanding after leaving the creatures mouth. However, due to its immense speed, it often struck its target before fully spreading.

Upon impact, violent thermal explosions followed. The plasma, with temperatures reaching tens of thousands of degrees, expanded rapidly once freed from the constraints of the magnetic field.

The outward thermal pressure generated by the explosion caused the originally two to three-meter-wide linear ion beam to expand almost instantly into a massive fireball over 1 kilometer in diameter, with internal temperatures surpassing that of the suns surface. It engulfed houses, streets, and people on the ground.

The colossal creature turned its head, and the flames spewing from its mouth sliced through everything in its path like a cutting laser, obliterating all obstacles.

Not only was the land beneath its feet incinerated, but the city several kilometers away was also affected by this devastating assault.

By the time the plasma flame reached a distance of over ten kilometers, it was no longer a mere line confined by magnetic forces, but had transformed into a fiery storm with a width of over ten kilometers and a length of tens of meters.

Skyscrapers hundreds of meters high were instantly covered by the intense heat of the flames. Although the flames no longer possessed the kinetic energy to destroy the structural integrity of the buildings, the terror of the extreme heat obliterated everything except the core structures.

Vehicles were melted into molten metal in an instant, and the people on the streets were turned into charred remains before their pain could even register in their brains.

The supersonic train was reduced to molten debris, and the high-rise buildings housing thousands of people were burning. The entire city was engulfed in a sea of fire. The firestorm not only brought destruction itself but its secondary disasterthe ignited materials releasing energy no less devastating than the flames.

This immense heat circulated in the sky above the city, mercilessly claiming the lives of all living beings engulfed by the spreading flames, just as humanity had done to this world two hundred years ago. However, this time, humans were the victims.

The colossal beasts azure eyes surveyed the burning metropolis. And then, it submerged back into the depths of the sea, disappearing from the gaze of the survivors.

On March 16, 2208, at 13:00, an unnamed Titan landed from the direction of Cape Soya in Hokkaido, launching an attack on the oceanic city of Grafadamoni before diving back into the ocean.

According to later statistics, this landing caused over five hundred thousand deaths and over two million injuries. This unnamed Titan was bestowed with the title of the God of Destruction from local mythology.

Its name:



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