Gods' Impact Online

Chapter 453 453- Nirn- The Demon Lord of the First Hell

Chapter 453 Chapter 453- Nirn- The Demon Lord of the First Hell

Zach's footsteps echoed through the dimly lit hallway as he approached a massive door, adorned with intricate carvings of demonic symbols. The air was heavy with an oppressive aura, and he could feel the weight of the demon lord's presence beyond the door. He knew that on the other side lay the grand chamber— the throne hall, where the demon lord resided in all his malevolent glory.

With a deep breath, he pushed open the door, and it creaked open with a haunting sound, revealing the grand chamber beyond.

The sight that greeted him was both awe-inspiring and terrifying. The throne hall was vast and adorned with dark and macabre decorations. The walls were lined with menacing tapestries depicting scenes of conquest and destruction, and the floor was made of polished obsidian that seemed to reflect the malevolence in the air.

At the far end of the chamber, upon a dais of bone and stone, sat the demon lord on his dark and imposing throne. He was a towering figure, his form wreathed in shadows and emanating an aura of pure malice. His eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, and a wicked grin spread across his twisted visage as he beheld Zach's arrival.

Zach's heart sank at the sight before him when he saw a gathering of terrified women and girls, their faces etched with fear and despair. They were shackled and naked, their bodies filled with wounds and bruises.

Anger and disgust swelled inside Zach as he beheld the plight of these innocent beings, forcibly taken by the demon lord for his sadistic pleasure. His hands clenched into fists, his nails digging into his palms as he fought to contain his fury.

The demon lord's twisted grin widened as he noticed Zach's reaction. "Do you like what you see, mortal?" he taunted, relishing in the discomfort he caused. "These are but playthings for my amusement."

Zach's gaze narrowed, his jaw tightening in anger. "You are a monster," he seethed, his voice laced with fury. "They are the citizens of your kingdom. Is that how you treat them?"

"Hah?!" Nirn laughed out loud while holding his stomach. Then, he suddenly stopped and glared at Zach fiercely. "Are you seriously asking a demon to be nice? Don't throw your morals at me, mortal."

The women and girls looked at Zach with a glimmer of hope in their eyes, sensing a champion amidst the darkness. Their fear began to transform into courage, emboldened by Zach's determination to stand against the demon lord.

Zach took a deep breath, his eyes scanning the women and girls who were still in chains, their hope shining through the darkness that surrounded them. He knew that their safety was paramount, and he couldn't leave them at the mercy of the demon lord any longer. With determination burning in his gaze, he muttered under his breath, knowing that the demon lord would dismiss it as merely muttering to himself.

"Hey... take the innocent out of the castle. Take them as far as you can from here."

Unbeknownst to the demon lord, Zach's words were not directed at himself but to the hidden presence of Hell's spirit. He knew that the Hell's spirit, tied to the Hell's Throne and susceptible to the demon lord's commands, had to remain concealed for now. To save the innocent women and girls, the Hell's spirit had to act covertly, beyond the demon lord's reach.

The Hell's spirit, sensing Zach's intention, nodded imperceptibly, acknowledging his command. It began to weave its ethereal essence through the shadows, gently beckoning to the women and girls to follow. Their eyes widened with surprise and trepidation, but the glimmer of hope in Zach's eyes reassured them.

One by one, the women and girls allowed themselves to be led by the subtle guidance of Hell's spirit. They stepped away from their chains, their shackles falling to the ground as they followed the ethereal path of escape.

Zach kept his focus on the demon lord, maintaining a facade of confrontation while ensuring that the women and girls could flee safely.

Hell's spirit worked silently and swiftly, enveloping the innocent women and girls in its shadowy essence. With its power to teleport anyone anywhere in Hell, it carefully and gently transported the innocents, one by one, out of the castle.

As the women and girls disappeared from the throne room, the demon lord's attention remained fixated on Zach, unaware of the clandestine rescue taking place under his nose. The Hell's spirit was adept at concealing its actions, ensuring that the demon lord remained oblivious to the escape of his captives.

In the hidden passages and secret corners of the castle, the innocents reappeared, their eyes wide with surprise and hope. They found themselves free from the chains that had bound them, and the fear that had plagued them was gradually replaced by a sense of relief.

The Hell's spirit, acting as their guardian, ensured their safe passage through the treacherous realm of Hell. It guided them with a silent presence, leading them away from the demon lord's stronghold and deeper into the dark and labyrinthine depths of the underworld.

With each teleportation, the Hell's spirit concealed their traces, leaving no hint of their escape for the demon lord to follow. It was a delicate dance, keeping the innocents safe while remaining undetected by the malevolent forces that lurked in the shadows.

As the last of the innocents disappeared into the shadows, Zach's heart swelled with a sense of relief and triumph. He knew that Hell's spirit had successfully fulfilled its covert mission, ensuring the safety of those he had sworn to protect.

With the innocents safely away from the castle, Zach turned his full attention back to the battle at hand. His heart thumped with anticipation as he turned his attention back to Nirn, the demon lord who had caused so much suffering and misery.

Zach's eyes glinted with a newfound resolve, and a confident smirk spread across his face. He knew that the only way to defeat Nirn was to use the full extent of his power; the power bestowed upon him by the late great demon king of the seven hells, his maternal grandfather— the Demon King's Blessing.

"So long, the Demon Lord…"


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