Gods' Impact Online

Chapter 451 451- Dealing with Hell’s Spirit

Chapter 451 Chapter 451- Dealing with Hell's Spirit

The shadows of Hell seemed to shift and churn as Zach turned back to face the spirit of the hell once more, his confident smirk still firmly in place. The malevolent entity regarded him with a mix of curiosity and suspicion, unsure of what game Zach was playing.

"You seem quite eager to taunt me," the spirit of hell remarked, its voice tinged with an air of caution.

Zach's expression softened slightly, his eyes locking onto the spirit's crimson gaze. "My intentions are clear," he said, his tone sincere. "I have no desire to fight you. I will gain nothing from defeating you. My only enemy is the demon Lord."

The spirit of hell regarded him thoughtfully, its dark presence swirling around him. "And what is it that you propose?" it asked, its voice a low whisper that seemed to echo through the abyss.

Zach took a step forward, closing the distance between them. "I propose a deal," he said, his voice unwavering. "We both have a common goal — to defeat the demon Lord. If we join forces, we can increase our chances of success."

"Common goal? Did you forget I am on the demon lord's side. I am protecting him from you. Why would I want to defeat the demon lord?"

"It's not hard to understand that situation you are in. The demon lord is slowly killing you, removing you from existence and you know it. All he has done in hell so far, killing and torturing the residents of hell. I can free them from their suffering if I kill the demon Lord."

"That is not true. I don't care about anything other than Hell's throne. As long as there is someone to sit on it, I will continue to exist, no matter what happens," it said in a calm manner.

"Yes, and will you be happy with that? You will live in humiliation with no power."

"..." It stayed silent.

"You are Hell's spirit! You are supposed to be all powerful in hell. Hell is your domain and you should be able to do anything you wish! You can turn the water into lava and the trees into monsters. And yet, you had to rely on small pests to stop me from advancing further in hell.

Where is your dignity and ego, hell's spirit? You are known as the Demon Lord's pet, you know? You should be the one feared in hell, not the demon lord who is constantly devouring your powers for his selfish acts.

It's about time you show him who you are." Zach moved his hand forward and continued, "Think about it. You will never get another chance. No one will ever come as far as I have to defeat the demon lord. If you don't let me do what I came here for, you will never get another chance and you will continue being regarded as the demon lord's pet."

The spirit of hell seemed intrigued by Zach's offer, its curiosity getting the better of its malevolence. "And why should I trust you?" it asked, a hint of skepticism in its tone.

Zach's eyes gleamed with determination. "Because it's in both our best interests," he replied. "If the demon Lord is defeated, it will weaken his hold on this realm, including you. You'll be free from his influence and able to exert your power elsewhere."

The spirit of hell considered Zach's words for a moment before responding. "You make a compelling argument," it admitted, its voice more contemplative now.

Zach nodded, seizing the opportunity to make his case. "Together, we can be a formidable force," he continued. "With your knowledge of this realm and my determination to protect those I care about, we can defeat the demon Lord once and for all."

The spirit of hell seemed to ponder the proposition, its dark aura fluctuating as if weighing the options. "What guarantee do I have that you won't betray me once the demon Lord is defeated?" it asked, its caution returning.

Zach's smirk returned, his confidence unshaken. "My word," he said firmly. "I may be cunning, but I am also a man of honor. If we strike this deal, I will uphold my end of the bargain."

"My main question still remains. Hell's throne can't be vacant. Who will be the new demon lord once you have defeated the current one? Who will become the next demon lord of the first hell? Would you sit on the Hell's Throne and become the next demon lord?"

"I won't. But I have a solution for that."

"And that is?"

"I cannot tell you unless I defeat Nirn first. I can't trust you as you have nothing to provide me in return. I am giving you freedom, but you… nothing," Zach shrugged.

The spirit of hell regarded him for a long moment before extending a shadowy hand. "Very well. We have a deal," it said, a hint of begrudging respect in its voice.

Zach clasped the spirit's hand firmly, sealing their agreement. "Excellent," he replied. "Together, we will face the demon Lord and emerge victorious."

With their deal struck, Zach knew that the path ahead would be treacherous, but he also understood that they had a chance to succeed with the spirit of hell on their side.

The shadows of the spirit of hell swirled around Zach, enveloping him in an oppressive darkness. He felt a sudden weightlessness as he was pulled through the void, his surroundings blurring into an incomprehensible haze. It was a disorienting sensation, like being caught in a whirlwind of shadows and whispers.

As the teleportation process continued, Zach could hear faint echoes of sinister laughter and malevolent whispers surrounding him. It was as if the very essence of Hell itself was conspiring against him, testing his resolve and courage. But he remained steadfast, determined to face whatever awaited him on the other side.

Finally, the darkness began to recede, and Zach found himself standing within the ominous halls of the demon lord's castle.

"Knock Knock, Nirn. Daddy is here!"


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