Gods' Impact Online

Chapter 438 437- New Challanger

Chapter 438 437- New Challanger

"Will you shut up?!" 

"No~ I won't~ What will you do?" Asmodeus asked with a seductive gaze.


"Right~ How about you shut me up by stuffing something in my mouth? Something hard yet soft. Something long and thick. Something big with a tip? That would really keep my mouth shut for as long as you want~"

"Ugh! I just ended up imagining that. Something is wrong with me!"

"Nothing is wrong. Let's just give in to temptation and enjoy ourselves. It's not like it  matters."

"It does matter!"

"How exactly?" She pressed her body against him and asked, "Is It because we are brother and sister? Why do you care so much about it? It's not like we have ever shared a brother-sister bond.

Just treat me like a random girl and give me pleasure. I am sure you want the same thing. You can use my body, and I don't mind. In fact, I want you to ravage me and mark me as yours."

"Enough! I have had enough of this!" Zach grabbed Asmodeus and picked her up in his arms.

"Oh, my~ Are you finally going to—" Asmodeus stopped when she realized Zach was walking towards the exit of the cave.

"No~! What are you doing?! We can't leave the cave!"

"We are! This cave is making us insane. It's similar to the aphrodisiac effect."

[Oh? So you have experience with that?] A crisp voice asked.

"So you finally showed yourself, huh? Yet another general lord of that shitty demon lord. Listen, why don't we just go our way and save time?"

[No can do. I must stop you from entering inner hell. And I will.]

"The other general lords said the same thing, and now they are dead. Seriously, I am giving you a green card and letting you live. It's a one-in-a-million opportunity. If you are smart enough, I would suggest you take it," Zach uttered nonchalantly.

[Yes, I know. The other lords are dead, and the water spirit has joined your team and betrayed the demon lord. But that is not why I am here. My job is to stop you, and I will do whatever I can to do that.] 

"What part of my offer did you not understand? You will die. Just get the fuck out of my sight, and I will let you live. I don't have time to fight you!"

[Indeed. It must be hard for you to fight in your current condition.]

Zach fell to his knees with Asmodeus still in his arms.


'My legs…! They feel so heavy! And why do I have a raging boner?! I feel like it will penetrate my pants and pop out if I don't relieve myself!'

[No one can fight in an aroused state. You are an intelligent man. I am sure you know what you need to do. You have such a beautiful lady in your arms, waiting for you to make love with her. Feel free to make yourself busy with her. I can wait for you, even if it takes an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year, a decade, or a century.]

"Like I will do anything when I know a creep is watching us," Zach muttered.

"Oh, don't you worry. I am an inanimate object. I don't have a gender, so it doesn't matter to me. I have no feelings or emotions, so even if you somehow managed to kill me, I wouldn't feel pain. 

I don't have anything personal against you, and neither do you. We both want to survive, and we are doing our best to make that possible. So please, relieve yourself. I can wait.]

'Calm down, Zach. This is obviously a part of his plan. He will attack us when Asmo and I are having… wait… no. Why would we have sex? Why did I even consider doing that? I am slowly losing my senses. I have to do something fast!'

Zach took a deep breath and cleared his mind.

'I already know the general lords are based on nature. This one is a mountain, and we are in a cave. He most likely trapped us in his domain and created an aphrodisiac effect.'

"Heh! I already know your trick, so it won't work on me. I am immune to poison, so your aphrodisiac trick is useless against me."

[I wouldn't say that if I were you. Even an antidote or medicine is poisonous if you take them in large quantities. Water will turn venom if that's your weakness. There is no true immunity, simply tolerance.

You surely have a high tolerance against aphrodisiacs, but you won't last long. Still, I must say I am surprised you are still able to keep your sanity. Most challengers lost their sanity in less than three seconds, while here you are… still half sane even after five minutes.]

Zach gritted his teeth and furiously yelled, "You won't get away with this. I will find you and chase you to the depth of hell to kill you!"

[There we go. You showed your true colors.]

Zach clapped his hands loudly and uttered, "Domain… expansion!"

It was the absolute rule in the battle of domains, that if a stronger domain was created in an already existing domain, the stronger one would dominate. Undoubtedly, Zach's domain was the strongest, even in its weakest form, so it was natural for Zach to assume that he had won.

[Hmm~ A domain expansion. Complicated technique and not easy to pull one. It takes years of practice to learn it and centuries to master it perfectly. I won't blame you if you mess it up. Only one person managed to master all the domain techniques in less than a month. 

No one else is capable of pulling off such a feat. Your domain expansion failed because you have been casting them left and right without knowing its full rules. You never try to learn them. Nevertheless, everything would have stayed the same if your domain expansion was successful.]


[After all, I haven't cast a domain. You are under the natural aphrodisiac effect. It's not my doing.]


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