Gods' Impact Online

Chapter 417 417- Escaping The Obssessed Followers

Zach suddenly sat up and pointed his finger at the tower.

"Hey, look! What is that?!"

There was a shadow crawling on top of the tower, holding a fire torch.

"Who is that?" one of the citizens asked.

"Oh no!" Zach exclaimed. "Could it be that it's one of the guards who was hiding all this time?!"

"Yes! Yes!"

"Oh no!" Zach exclaimed again, but a little more exaggerated this time. "Why is he holding a torch?! Could it be that he is trying to call for backup?!"

"Hurry! We should kill him before that happens!"

All the citizens rushed to the tower to kill the guard. However, that shadow was Layla, who was acting on Zach's order.

The moment the citizens reached the top, Layla had vanished, and so had Zach. When the citizens returned to the garden, they found something written on the ground on the spot Zach was sleeping earlier.

[We have captured the rebellious price on the demon lord's order!]

"They captured our savior!" one citizen yelled.

"How careless of us! How could we leave him behind!"

"What should we do now?"

"Without him, we are helpless."

"No, we are not," someone from the crowd said. "He gave us strength and a reason to move forward! He risked his life for us! He freed us from everyday torture! We shouldn't forget all that!"

"But what can we do without him? We are weak and worthless."

"Yeah. We had only one hope, which was also destroyed by the demon lord."

"No. We have to put our faith in the dead demon child! So what if he was abducted by the demon lord? He promised us that he would free us all! He promised that he would defeat the demon lord! We should trust him! We shouldn't lose our faith in him! Let's keep praying!"

"He is right."

"Let's all keep our faith in him."

The person who said that slowly separated from the crowd and slipped off from an alley.

"That would do it," he muttered.

The person was none other than Zach, disguising himself as a citizen by hiding his face with a cloth.

Had Zach simply escaped without leaving anything behind, the demon citizens would have lost their faith in him the next second. However, Zach's simple trick just increased their faith in him even more.

'I can feel my soul power charging up. With this, I can convert it to MP without using my life force. But let's not use DT on anyone. I can use Deus' Authority and create my own domain. However, I have never done it before— although I saw my father using it when I was in a memory slumber.'

Zach left the city while making sure no one saw him. And since he had already killed all the guards in the city, there were no guards at the city gates either.

A few minutes passed, and Zach chose the forest route to start his journey, which was also the best place to hide.

It was nighttime, so everything was quiet except Zach's loud and hasty footsteps.

"..." Zach raised his brow and swiftly jumped on the tree. He moved from one tree to another without making much noise, but the rustling of the branching rubbing with the leaves was something he couldn't control.

Of course, Zach could fly and avoid all that, but he wasn't for some reason. He jumped to the ground and started running, but suddenly disappeared after passing a certain tree.

Out of nowhere, a shadow of a person peeked from behind the tree and glanced around.

"Where did he go?"

"Behind you," Zach responded.

The person immediately grabbed the weapon and attacked Zach, but they were knocked unconscious after receiving a punch in the face from Zach.

"I thought I was being paranoid, but someone was really following me," he muttered.

Zach pulled a few veils from the tree and tied the person before taking off their mask.

"Let's see who you are. Probably some random bandit, trying to loot the travelers."

He removed the mask and was surprised to see a demon girl, but very much human-like. The only difference was her demon horns and fangs.

"This is the first time seeing a demon looking so… human-like. She looks like a character from the games Kayden used to play. Kind of cute and hot at the same time…" he muttered.

"Who are you calling cute and hot?!" the girl hissed with closed eyes.

"Oh? So you were pretending to be knocked out? Not going to lie, you fooled me there."

The girl opened her eyes and glared at Zach with gritted her teeth.

"Whoa. Be careful, or you might just break your fangs while gritting like that."

"Untie me! Why can't I break through these silly weak-looking veils?"

"I poured some mana in them and made them one thousand times stronger. Now, if you answer my questions honestly, I might let you go depending on what you were after."

Zach grabbed the girl's chin and looked into her eyes as he asked, "Tell me, why were you following me?"

"I wasn't following you. I was just passing through the forest and happened to run into you. I thought you were a bandit, so I hid myself."

"I see. My bad, then. I will let you go." Rudy placed his hands on the veil until the girl, or so she thought, but Zach tightened them even more.

"Did you seriously think I would fall or such a cheap lie?" Zach furrowed his brows and said, "I will ask you one last time. Why were you following me?"

"..." The girl continued to glare at Zach without speaking a word.

"If you think that I won't harm or kill you because you are a girl, then you are wrong. I can kill you now if I want to, but I want to know why you were following me. Do you understand? I am giving you a chance to redeem yourself. You can save your life by spilling the beans."


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