God's Apostle: Rebirth of a Lazy Genius

Chapter 124 Finalizing

One week passed and Ethan returned to the Dragondale village once again. The whole week, the soap that was poured into a large mold had been left alone securely to cool off and harden and now it was time to finally see the results of all the hard work.

Valeria, the workers who had worked on the two batches, Ethan, and his subordinates stood outside the workshop in anticipation as the guard opened the door of the workshop.

The door opened, shedding light inside and then a floral, rejuvenating, sweet scent tingled everyone's noses as they entered the workshop.

Ethan immediately got to where the molds were placed without wasting any time. After reaching there, he became anxious to uncover the results. Even though the smell was wonderful, he didn't know if the soap actually turned out good or not.

Everyone watched as Ethan hesitated, finally, Naenna spoke, "I will do it! I'm sure it's perfect!"

Ethan smiled and took a step back as he let his sister come forward to unveil the soap under the covers.

Naenna's eyes were brimming with anticipation and happiness as she gladly came forward. Extending her arm, she unveiled the mold abruptly in a blink of an eye and everyone's eyes widened seeing the sight in front of them.

In the mold, a dark green colored hard soap with a very soft and cozy texture gave off waves of sweet, herbal fragrances as its sight fell on everyone's eyes.

Breathing deeply and taking the fresh fragrant smell in, Naenna let out a surprised squeal as she exclaimed, "Woah! This smells amazing! I think… I think it's done."

Everyone nodded in response as they breathed in. This was a scent that they had never sniffed before. It was herbal, yet floral and suddenly very mysterious. It was hard to describe and that was also its appeal.

Ethan smiled as he touched the large slab of soap and felt its texture with his hand. It was exactly as he had hoped. It was hard enough but not so much that you could blow a person's head by throwing it at someone. Ethan could easily dig his nails into it and that meant that the soap was perfect.

Seeing this massive success, Ethan couldn't help but laugh in delight.

"Well done! We have done it! Have this slab of soap out from the mold and carefully cut it into small rectangular bars. Then wrap the bars in packaging and fill the stock in." Ethan ordered with a wide smile on his face.

"Yes Master, but we will need more skilled people for the job of cutting," Brock said.

"That's true, what's next?" Valeria joined in.

Ethan released the breath that he had been holding and said, "Now we don't look back. We will begin mass production right away. Everything will be delivered here. All the tools and ingredients. Each day there will be new batches in the molds. You can start to employ all the hundreds of people we have here after a few days when everything is prepared and we are fully functional."

Brock and Valeria's faces brightened upon hearing this as they bowed.

Taking another look at the slab of soap, Ethan smiled proudly and then turned around. "Quickly cut a few samples for me."

Bowing politely, the workers began the work and Ethan left the workshop with his group. After some time, a few perfectly cut samples of soap were delivered to Ethan, taking those samples with him, Ethan left for the merchant association.


Ethan's carriage reached the merchant association once again and he quickly went in without wasting any time.

As soon as he entered, the receptionist from before came forward and directly guided him to Simon's office.

"Mr. Ledger, nice to see you again," Ethan said as he entered the office with Albert.

"Likewise, please… Have a seat. Would you like something to eat or drink?"

"Yes, tea," Ethan said.

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ Simon smiled and shot a glance at the receptionist. She nodded in understanding and left.

As Ethan sat on the chair, Simon said, "I received your letter and we have taken the appropriate action."

Ethan smiled and nodded as he said, "That's wonderful. You see, I realize that there is bitter competition between the merchants but I cannot tolerate when someone's actions jeopardize the city."

Simon nodded affirmatively.

"That is reasonable. We are against any malicious practices." Simon reassured with a smile.

Ethan's expression and body posture suddenly changed as he became candid. Leaning forward in the chair while narrowing his eyes slightly, Ethan spoke, "Alright, now then… Let us discuss business, shall we?"

Simon smiled amicably and responded, "Certainly, I have been waiting."

Ethan showed a mysterious smile as he glanced at Albert.

Albert understood and put two boxes on the table which immediately drew Simon's attention.

Looking at Simon's puzzled expression, Ethan confidently gestured to open the boxes. Simon went ahead and opened both boxes with anticipation and was baffled by what he saw.

In the first box, there was a chessboard set that only looked like some elaborate designer block of wood to him and in the other box, there was some strange green object with a strange texture.

With a dumbfounded expression, Simon asked, "What… What is this?"

"There is one of the products that my company will be mass producing." Ethan said casually with a straight face.

"...yes.. But what are they? I haven't seen anything like this before." Simon mumbled.

Ethan chuckled and then broke out with a grin as he then went on explaining the concept of chess and the use of soap.

As he was explaining, Simon's eyes were slowly stretching out of their sockets. By the end, it looked as if his eyeballs would fall off and roll on the floor.

Simon hadn't acquired such an honorable position in the merchant association's hierarchy for nothing. In his roots, he was a very shrewd and cunning merchant who could practically smell the scent of money and profits from miles away.

Simon knew the value of what Ethan had brought out but what baffled him, even more, was that Ethan didn't seem to care about such revolutionary things. He was explaining so casually as if these things were just some day-to-day products.

What baffled him, even more, was the fact that Ethan had claimed that he had more such revolutionary ideas.

At this moment, Simon saw Ethan as someone extremely important and didn't dare to be careless. He knew why Ethan was with him and decided to come straight to the point.

"Young Master… These things are incredible. What would you like from us?"

"Simple, I want you to share Intel with us and provide assistance supplying the soap throughout the kingdom. In return, you will receive 10% of the profits. I would like for us to have a cooperative relationship. What do you think?"

Hearing this, Simon went silent for a moment and then spoke resolutely, "What about some share of the company?"

Hearing this, Ethan narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "Unacceptable. The only reason I'm here is that I don't want to bother setting up my network. Do you think the White Family can't handle supply? The production, the idea, the manpower, all work is done by us and you want a share of the company? That's simply not possible.

This is my final deal, 10% of the net profit of the individual product of soap and the chess set. As for the intel, if it's too sensitive then we are willing to pay extra. Take it or leave it. Before you make the decision, know that these are not the only products I have in mind. There are more to come."

Hearing this rather blunt response, Simon fully accepted that he truly wasn't dealing with someone ordinary. The way Ethan had put it, it was very blunt and cold but at the same time, there was no argument he made as what Ethan had said was the truth.

A few minutes of silence fell upon the surroundings as Simon carefully contemplated all aspects. If what Ethan had said was true, then the profits would be humongous. On top of that, Ethan presumably had more such goods to sell.

Since it wasn't worth it to antagonize Ethan, Simon smiled happily as he extended his hand, "Young Master Ethan, it's good to work with you. We will handle the distribution and supply on your behalf. May I ask, have you registered your company?"

Ethan shook Simon's hand and said, "Don't worry about it, we are called the Silkline Trading Company. All my products shall be sold under this name. Is that clear?"

"Of course, it's a good name. I will have the contract made and sent to the castle soon. If you have more such eccentric and unique ideas, please consider giving me the honor to collaborate."

"Sure, I will consider it. Now then, I have much to do." Ethan said with a gentle smile as he stood up from the chair and turned around.

As Simon watched him leave, Ethan said, "Keep those two boxes as a gift."


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