God's Apostle: Rebirth of a Lazy Genius

Chapter 115 Buisness Talks

In what seemed like a professional-looking meeting room, around five people in typical extravagant merchant clothing were sitting around each other, seemingly busy with what seemed like an important meeting.

In front of them was a large-sized table on which a few papers with something written on them were laid out messily.

​ The men talked as they did dramatic gestures and wore a multitude of expressions throughout the meeting. Sometimes excited, sometimes pondering, sometimes shocked and stoic on others; as if to convince, urge, and captivate the man sitting in front of them on a higher standing chair. They seemed to be doing their best to convey their thoughts to the man.

The man wore a poker face and was mostly unperturbed by the merchants trying to convey their presentation. He simply responded by nodding in agreement a few times and then furrowing his brows in doubt the other times.

Then had a clean shave, brown hair, an esteemed presence, a handsome and confident appearance with sharp, sly black eyes. The man was none other than Simon Ledger. The boss of the Whitesburg Duchy's merchant association headquarters.

As the meeting went on, Simon began showing more and more interest in the merchants and their proposition. As more time passed, his stoic expression changed a few times during the meeting, turning a tad bit excited and fascinated as he began imperative questions to the group of merchants before concluding.

At the climax of the meeting, the merchants were happy and practically jumping for joy. While Simon wore a gentle, mild smile as he shook hands with each of the merchants.

As the merchants then left contented. His gentle smile changed to a sly one. He chuckled and thought, "Ah! Another great day of profit!"

Just as he was about to leave the meeting room as well, the receptionist lady from before entered and bowed.

"Miss Nillie, is there something?" The man asked in curiosity, his voice sounded soft and cultured.

"Yes… Young Master Ethan has arrived and was requesting to meet you."

His eyes widened, and Simon exclaimed, "What? Why didn't you tell me before? Is he gone? Damnit!"

Nellie flinched and jumped back in surprise as she hurriedly explained, "No No… He's still here. He himself asked not to disturb you until the end of the meeting."

Scratching his head in bafflement, Simon muttered, "How surprising… Seems the rumors about him are true. He's not bossy at all."

Suddenly waking up from his thoughts, he moved hurriedly and said, "I'm going to meet him now."


The door of the waiting room opened, revealing Ethan and Naenna sitting leisurely on the couch and the others standing behind them.

"Forgive me for being so late, I was preoccupied and wasn't informed of your arrival during the meeting." Simon bowed and apologized.

"Oh, it's quite fine. I came unnoticed so I didn't want to bother you during work." Ethan shrugged nonchalantly as he picked up his cup of tea.

Seeing Ethan's sincerity, Simon truly felt flattered. Normally, he would have to leave whatever he was doing if the Duke or the Ducal Heir wanted to see him. And he did not mind doing so as the city, the fiefdom he was working in belonged to them in the first place. However, it would be annoying nonetheless.

Sitting on the couch in front of Ethan, Simon said while carrying an open smile, "So, how may I help?"

"I wish to open a Merchant Company," Ethan said as he leaned forward.

Albert was surprised and truthfully, he had no idea what Ethan was saying but he still maintained a stoic expression as if nothing had happened. As a proficient and skilled butler, he would not embarrass his master in front of any third party at any cost.

Albert was surprised but Simon was totally dumbfounded. "You?" He blurted in shock.

Narrowing his eyes, Ethan spoke in a stern voice, "Any doubt?"

Realizing the blunder, Simon quickly regained his composure wondering that this was the first time In a while that he had been shaken so much like this.

"Of course not, what does the young master have in mind?" Simon asked probingly with a friendly smile.

"Many things, but they're for us to discuss later. First of all. Tell me, what is the merchant association really? Why should I get in business with you?" Ethan asked sincerely in a confident tone without a no hint of contempt or arrogance whatsoever.

Ethan had asked very casually but the question itself seemed very arrogant and narcissistic at a first glance. But Simon did not think so as he was a good judge of character. Due to his experience in meeting with people of all kinds, he could tell what people really felt inward but he could only sense blatant confidence and curiosity from Ethan. Since this was the case, he spoke proudly.

"The Merchant Association is an entity that is present in every corner of the world. It was created long ago when countless merchants banded together for the betterment of all merchants. Today, all merchants aspire to join the association to get more resources, protection, Intel, and prestige. This is The Merchant Association."

Seemingly impressed, Ethan said. "That is incredible."

However inwardly, he could sense very mild intimidation in Simon's words. He referred to the association as an 'Entity' meaning that the organization worked like one body. He also said that it works 'In every corner of the world' meaning that it was no lower than something as big as a Kingdom or Empire. This was a show of the association's influence and power.

Ethan did not think that Simon was trying to intimidate him. It was probably a habit of Simon who subconsciously installed a strong image of the association in the hearts of anyone to who he introduced the organization.

Simon nodded and continued, "If you join the merchant association, we can invest in your venture and help to grow the company. We can share our valuable connections, resources, and influence as well. Of course, all of this is possible if the young master is not joking and really has some good ideas for business."

Ignoring Simon's low confidence in himself, Ethan asked, "Investment… for how many shares of the company?"

Surprised that Ethan had asked such a direct question, Simon was startled. Seeing that Ethan was not the slightest disturbed by his provocation earlier, Simon's instincts were telling him to not underestimate Ethan anymore.

"It all depends on how much we invest. But usually, it can be 10%-25% of the company. However, the specific terms can be varied and discussed in special circumstances." Simon explained.

Hearing this, Ethan raised his brows. "What if I do not want investment?" He asked.

"In that case, you can join the association by donating a sum annually and gaining membership. Young Master, it can be difficult to survive in the market as there is too much competition. I recommend you to partner with us so that this may be avoided." Simon suggested awkwardly.

Truthfully, Simon was very confused. The way Ethan talked was nothing like a kid. He felt like he was speaking to an adult who knew much about the field. But at the same time, he didn't know what Ethan was up to.

The White Family was already in business with merchants of the association. The Whitesburg Duchy was a fertile place with plenty of human and natural resources. Technically, there was no point in the Duke's son running a merchant company. Simon did not think that Ethan was simply messing around Either as that contradicts what he knew of Ethan so far.

Suddenly, Ethan looked at Simon seriously and asked,

"Aside from this topic, how much time do you think it would take to prepare everything? Hiring people, opening shops, buying carriages, deciding trade routes,s and all the rest?"

"It would take considerable time and effort even for the House of White. But we can lend a hand and the time and efforts may be reduced." Simon answered genuinely.

Ethan nodded in agreement as he too thought that creating a Trading Company out of the blue from scratch would be difficult. Unless one came from a commerce or merchant background, it was very hard. However, Ethan was hesitant to work with the association.

Suddenly, a thought hit Ethan as his eyes widened, shining with a brilliant light.

He smiled and then stood up, bowing slightly in gratitude. Ethan spoke in an amicable tone, "Mr. Ledger. Thank you for your time. What I have in mind is rather different and ambitious and it will require a special arrangement. I shall come back in one-two week with a proper business proposal and a work plan. Now I will take my leave. Until then, take care."

Simon also stood up. He had an accommodating smile on his face that made one relax in his presence. Without a shred of disappointment or distrust in his tone, Simon spoke.

"Of course, The Young Master is always welcome in our humble abode. I am always happy to entertain you. I will wait for your arrival with much anticipation. Looking forward to hearing your ideas."

Nodding with satisfaction, Ethan left with everyone as Simon showed the way politely.

While all this was happening, it was as if Simon did not even notice Naenna. Seeing this, she felt like Ethan was very talented to hold talks with Simon so well and she had yet to learn more. However, she was not discouraged. The day was fruitful and Naenna had never felt so exhilarated before.

Passing by the receptionist and the bustling merchants in the hall, Ethan left the merchant association. Before entering the carriage, he said to Albert, "I will explain this once we get home. For now, summon Roly for me."

Albert, who was confused, impressed, happy, and anxious for Ethan all at the same time sighed inwardly, he nodded and said, "As you wish!"


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