Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister

Chapter 7 - Change Of Treatment

Chapter 7 - Change Of Treatment

Yuna was defeated. Completely outclasses. Just when was the last time that she felt like there was no path to victory? Now, one might ask what exactly defeated her.

"Nee-san let's play~"

This is what defeated her. Her little brother's cuteness. She simply can't say no to that sunshine-like smile and those big blue eyes. The first time Naruto gave her the puppy eyes she almost had a heart attack.

"Okay~. I'm coming"

[Oi, what happened to your dignity?]

'Dignity? There is nothing shameful about playing with a little kid. When I had children in my previous life, I always played with them as well no matter how silly it looked. No need to act all high and might in front of children after all.'

[Yeah, yeah, whatever. More importantly, have you noticed?]

'The looks right? The other children have been avoiding Naruto and me while the adults seem to grow more and more hostile. They better not hurt my little brother or I might have to accidentally assassinate a few of them'

[*cough* Assassination aside, I really wonder what's going on]

'Hehe, Kurama you really don't understand humans, do you. It's rather obvious that someone is plotting something in the dark'

[Of course, I don't understand them, after all, I have no interest in them either. What do you mean by someone is plotting something? What makes you think that?]

'Think about it Kurama. My father was the Hokage and I have you sealed inside of me. My brother and I probably have this village's greatest potential, yet here we are clowning around in an orphanage. And suddenly people start avoiding us despite us having no conflict with them at all. I bet when the two of us are completely isolated from everyone in the orphanage our "savior" will appear and with all of his benevolence will adopt the 2 isolated orphans which will turn the orphans completely loyal to that savior. What a joke.'

[Humans are disgusting.]

'True. That's just how we are. We cheat, we lie, we kill, and all of that we do for what we perceive to be the greater good. Killing a child is horrible, but killing a child for the greater good of Konoha is perfectly fine. I have lived for a long time and it has pretty much always been like this. And you know what Kurama. I'm pretty sure I know who is responsible for our encounter with the "greater good".'

[The puppet huh.]

'Indeed, the puppet. Of the three people that are constantly watching us he is the most suspicious. The two people that still have their emotions are probably only here to watch over this village's jinchuuriki's. The one without emotions however is probably here to see when we break. Someone who is willing to break their subordinate's emotion shouldn't have any qualms using this kind of method.'

[So, what should we do?]

'That's a rather weird question Kurama. What CAN we do? I'm just 2 years old. I can circulate my chakra by now, but that really doesn't help the current situation. For now, we can only wait. I won't break no matter what the other side plans to do and as long as I am by his side Naruto won't break either. For now, we lay low and wait.'

[Is there really nothing else we can do?]

'Well, if I could get my hands on the Henge no Jutsu I could do a lot of things. Unfortunately, Kushina's memories only gave me the name and nothing else. If I could transform into an adult, I would have already been out of here months ago.'

[Sigh, so we wait.]

'Yup we wait'

"Nee-san something feels…wrong?"

After hearing Naruto's troubled voice Yuna immediately put her whole attention on him. After constantly growing her soul and reaching the age of 10 with it, it has become easy for her to have multiple thoughts going in parallel. When there is something troubling Naruto, however, she usually fully concentrates on him, even when she would like to retort to Kurama's silently whispered "Doting grandma" tsukkomi, she doesn't do so.

"Oh? What do you mean Naruto?"

"Ano, I'm not sure. It's just like…err…it feels like the other people suddenly don't like me anymore."

'Alright, assassination it is.'

[WAIT! What happened to waiting?]

'Haha, err I was just joking?'

[Why is that a question?]

'Okay, fine, no assassination for now'

"I don't know Naruto. Maybe you played a prank on them and now they are angry?"

To Yuna's surprise, Naruto actually started blushing and started to look at the ground.

'Wait seriously?'

"What did you do Naruto. Don't worry I won't get angry, I'm just curious"

Naruto looked even more guilty, but since his big sister asked him, he decided to just tell her. Naruto believed that when she said she won't get angry then she really won't get angry no matter what he has done.

"I put liquid soap into the toothpaste of all the adults"

"Pfffhaha *cough**cough*haha phew *cough* Alright haha *cough* Not funny at all hehe*cough*. Just don't do it again okay. I'm sure they will forgive you very soon since it was just a little prank."

"Okay, nee-san. And I'm sorry."

Seeing how guilty and sad Naruto looked Yuna immediately started to pat his head so he doesn't feel guilty for long. And just after a few seconds of petting Naruto gave her one of his sunshine-like smiles and went off to another room.

[Your little brother is a demon]

'Yup, he will probably become a nightmare for this village when he gets older.'

[Are you fine with that?]

'Yeah, no problem. As long as his pranks don't become malicious it's fine. Planning pranks will be good training for his future as a ninja as well, so everything is good.'

And just like that another year passed inside the orphanage. At this point in time, everyone in the orphanage ignores the twins. The only reason no one dared to attack them with physical force so far is that the first time a situation escalated Yuna appeared and stared down the aggressor like a lioness willing to fight to the death to defend her cubs. That quickly stopped anyone from having any bad ideas. This naturally also increased the animosity people have against her, but Yuna couldn't care less about that.

Now, however, Naruto and Yuna were standing in front of the orphanage. Naruto looked like he had no idea what just happen, while Yuna was completely dumbfounded by the current situation.

'D-did they just kick us out of the Orphanage?'

[That seems to be the case.]

'They do realize that if either of us gets close to death the big, bad Kyuubi will go on a rampage don't they'

[I don't think they do]

'Sigh, whatever. Like this, I will at least have more freedom to act on my own. Guess the next step is getting my hands on the Henge no Jutsu. We might have to live on the streets for a few weeks, but there currently is nothing I can do about that.'

"Nee-san. What is going on?"

'Sigh. On top of all of this, I need to make some space in my schedule for the assassination. Oh well I will manage somehow'

"Don't worry Naruto. Just trust your nee-san and every problem will be solved."

After hearing Yuna's answer Naruto gave her another sunshine-like smile.

"Ok nee-san. I believe you"

'Geez, my little brother is seriously the cutest.'


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