Goddess of Ice: Corrupting Bleach

Chapter 27: Talking Inside a Hot Spring

Chapter 27: Talking Inside a Hot Spring

Around half an hour later, Hisoka could be seen lying on the ground, breathing heavily while covered in sweat. Yuna, who was standing close by with her sword casually resting on her shoulders, simply shrugged her shoulders while overlooking Hisoka's current state.

"Oh well, I'll give you a pass, Hisoka."

"Haa~ Thank god haa~ I was about to die haa~"

"No need to thank me."

Hearing Yuna's shameless words, Hisoka could only roll her eyes, while not commenting any further.

"Well, now that we have worked up a nice little sweat, how about another dip in the hot spring, girls?"

Hearing Yuna's words, Retsu simply nodded her head as she drank what remained in her cup.

"I wouldn't mind soaking some more. The healing capabilities of that hot spring are rather enjoyable, after all."

Rangiku eagerly nodded her head as she copied Retsu and emptied her cup, the third one.

"*Hic* Hehe, let's soak, let's soak~ Everybody get naked~"

Seeing the somewhat drunken Rangiku eagerly undressing herself, Yuna couldn't help but chuckle a little as her gaze fell on Hisoka, waiting for her answer.

"Yeah, I'm coming as well."

"Oh, I expected you to be at least a little embarrassed."

Yet again, Hisoka could only roll her eyes as she shakily got up from the ground.

"Sensei, I'm soaked in sweat while lying in the snow. It's either the hot spring or death for me."

A smirk appeared on Yuna's face as she wiggled her fingers in front of Hisoka while laughing like a creepy old man.

"Gehehe, since we'll be naked anyway, surely you wouldn't mind going a few rounds."

Seeing the perverted grin on Yuna's face, Hisoka could only shake her head with a wry smile on her face. Although Yuna acted like a perverted old man, Hisoka knew that she had at least never forced herself on someone... Well, someone who didn't want Yuna to force herself on them.

Anyway, a few minutes later, four naked women could be seen relaxing in a steaming hot spring surrounded by snow.

"Haa~ This hits the spot~"

Hearing Hisoka sigh in satisfaction, Yuna simply nodded her head as she leaned back and comfortably rested her arm on Rangiku's shoulder. Rangiku, on the other hand, barely noticed Yuna's arm as she was currently poking her finger at her breasts, which were currently floating in the water.

"Hehe, floating~"

Seeing that, Yuna nodded in approval as she quickly decided to copy Rangiku's actions and started poking Rangiku's breasts as well, causing her to giggle.

"Hehe, you're a pervert, Yuna~."


Observing the spectacle in front of her, Hisoka's cheeks reddened as she averted her eyes, while Retsu only shook her head as she picked up a bottle of sake that was floating on a small wooden boat and took a sip.

"Ara~ Youth nowadays sure are energetic, aren't they?"

Hisoka almost caught out some blood when she heard Retsu's words; after all, Yuna was anything but a youth despite her behavior.

'Youth my ass! As a Jinchuuriki and an Uzumaki in her past life, she should have easily reached the age of 300 or even more. As for someone killing her? I don't believe that can be done. Additionally, I still firmly believe that she had another life before her last one, even though I never really could confirm it.

"By the way, from what I remember, you are only the fourth seat in your division; how come you can use your Bankai? Or rather, why did you hide that you could use Bankai?"

A chill went through Hisoka's spine as Retsu's gaze became fiercer while asking those questions. Hisoka really didn't want to get on her bad side.

"Frankly, I hid it away because I didn't want to draw too much attention. I prefer a calm, peaceful life over the glory of becoming a captain. I planned to work my way up all the way toward becoming a Lieutenant but now... haaa~"

Retsu tilted her head in confusion as she saw Hisoka sighing deeply with regret clearly visible in her eyes.

"Mhh, since you were forced to show your Bankai in front of me, you probably assume that I will reveal it to at least the Head Captain, but as long as you, hiding your strength, doesn't negatively influence Soul Society, I don't mind hiding it."

A bitter smile appeared on Hisoka's face as she shrugged her shoulders and continued speaking.

"That's very kind of you, but that isn't the problem. I hid my strength to lead a quiet life, but now that I know Yuna-sensei is here, that goal is already impossible to achieve. So, since a quiet life is already impossible, I might as well become a Captain, so I have more freedom over my own actions."

Although Retsu nodded in understanding, there was still another matter she found rather weird, so she continued speaking.

"You seem to respect Yuna a lot, but it somehow feels like you don't like her at all."

Retsu could easily tell that Hisoka held a lot of respect for Yuna, but considering how often she spoke somewhat negatively about Yuna, there was clearly more to their dynamic.

Hisoka could only smile wryly when she heard Retsu's words and quickly explained her position.

"I DO respect Yuna-sensei a lot. Or rather, I respect her strength and overall abilities. However, her antics make her incredibly annoying to deal with, and the fact that she loves creating chaos doesn't make it any better. I respect her strength, but not her personality."

Retsu simply nodded her head in understanding as she briefly glanced at Yuna, who was currently flirting with Rangiku.

'I see, so it's like that. I guess I am at least in a somewhat similar position. I admire her strength while not being too interested in her personality.'

"I see where you are coming from, but are you sure you want to say something like that in front of the person herself."

Hearing Retsu's words, Hisoka chuckled in amusement. After all, unlike Hisoka, who had known Yuna for a long time now, Retsu only just got to know her. So, Hisoka directed her gaze at Yuna with a smirk on her face and started talking.

"Hey, sensei, you are perverted degenerate with a horribly twisted personality."

Retsu and Rangiku immediately frowned when they heard Hisoka insulting Yuna. Neither of them felt good about Yuna being insulted. However, Yuna wasn't someone who needed others to defend her, so both of them kept quiet.

Yuna, on the other hand, tilted her head left and right, seemingly pondering Hisoka's intentions for saying what she had just said.

After a few seconds of thinking, her eyes widened as she raised her left hand and hit her palm with the underside of her right fist.

"Ah, so it's like that. You finally decided to become part of my harem, huh? Very good."


Hisoka only wanted to make a point that Yuna didn't care about others describing her personality negatively, so she had no idea how that suddenly turned into her joining the harem.

"Well, I mean, for you to praise me like that, you obviously want something. So, I considered all the things I have that you might want and know about and quickly singled out the most likely one: My body, which was blessed with unparalleled beauty."

Hisoka could only facepalm as she heard Yuna's narcissistic words while Retsu and Rangiku looked at Yuna in bewilderment. This was the second time Yuna had a weird reaction after someone clearly cursed at her. Neither of them could understand how Yuna somehow managed to interpret Hisoka's insults as praise. Naturally, Hisoka noticed their reactions and chuckled in amusement.

"Yuna-sensei is fully aware of what kind of personality she has and has embraced her own insanity a long time ago. Why would she think someone is insulting her by calling her a degenerate when she herself considers herself to be one?"

Yuna nodded in approval at Hisoka's words as the arm resting on Rangiku's shoulders started moving, slowly moving her hand towards Rangiku's breasts.

"That's right; I'm a perverted degenerate. So what? I'm someone that will surpass the pinnacle of the strength of what people thought was possible, so how could I possibly not acknowledge who I am? The first step towards true power is acknowledging who you truly are."

Hearing Yuna's words, Retsu and Rangiku became slightly dazed, while Hisoka only rolled her eyes at Yuna, while yet again thinking that Yuna definitely had a life before the one in the Naruto world.

Meanwhile, Yuna looked at the state of the three people in front of her and nodded her head.

'Two out of three, as expected of old ancestor speech.'

[I swear, if those two somehow power up after this, I WILL find a way to kill myself.]

[Gah~ Big brother sad?]

[Urgh. T-That err...]

'Hahaha, don't worry about it, Chaos. This is just a little game Kurama, and I like to play.'

[Game? Chaos wants to play, too! Gah~]

[I have a bad feeling about this.]

'Hehe, it's a little too early for you, Chaos. But don't worry, you'll surely participate in our little game soon.'

[Looking forward. Gah~]

[Shit, I have a REALLY bad feeling about this.]

'I just wonder which side you will be on~'

[Gah~ side?]

[Yup, the feeling is getting even worse.]

"By the way, there is something I always wanted to ask you, Yuna-sensei."

Hearing Hisoka's words, Retsu and Rangiku came out of their daze while Yuna stopped the conversation with those living inside her body rent-free.


"I always wondered about this, but do you remember the life you had prior to your last one? I always knew that you were some kind of anomaly in that world, and considering the way you occasionally acted; I always felt you must have had a past life."

While Retsu and Rangiku's eyes bulged, hearing that Yuna apparently not only had memories of her past life but maybe even memories of the one before that, Yuna simply shrugged her shoulders.

In her previous life, she hid her memories from her close ones for quite a long time due to not being strong enough to defend herself in case someone found out about her past life, but by now, she had already reached a level where she was confident of defending herself, so she didn't mind Hisoka revealing her secret. Not to mention that Yuna usually only told people about her past life after sleeping with them, so both Retsu and Rangiku fit that criteria, and the only reason she hasn't told them about that, was because there was honestly little point in doing so. Unlike her previous life, where some of her partners were only 16 during their first time, both Retsu and Rangiku were way over 100 years old, making age a rather irrelevant factor.

"Yeah, I have memories of my past two lives and not just the last one. Honestly, if you had just asked me in my last one, I would have told you as the only reason I didn't do so was that I don't see a point in telling people my backstory randomly. I have better things to do."

Hearing Yuna's words, Hisoka simply nodded in understanding while sighing in relief. If someone as abnormal as Yuna was somehow born from an empty slate without any memories to support her personality, Hisoka would have to seriously doubt everything she knew about.

Since Yuna revealed that she had a past life before her past life, Hisoka could at least conclude that she went through a lot of crazy incidents that formed her personality instead of actually being like that from the start.

Retsu and Rangiku, on the other hand, were still staring at Yuna with wide-open mouths, causing her to chuckle in amusement.

"Yup, you got that right. I have not only memories from my past life but even memories from the life before that. You don't honestly think that a 16-year-old little girl could have that kind of skill in combat, did you?"

Hearing Yuna's question, Retsu and Rangiku both averted their gazes from Yuna as slight blush appeared on their faces. Frankly, they didn't really believe it, but considering what Yuna did, what else were they supposed to think that it was true? Having memories from their past life wasn't exactly something a sane person would assume to be the case, after all.

Although the duo was still somewhat stunned, Rangiku was the first to recover, which probably can be partially credited to the alcohol coursing through her veins.

"That's so interesting! Hey, hey, how old are you really? I mean mentally. It felt a little odd sleeping with someone as young as you, but since you are mentally older, I think I would stop caring about that~"

Hearing Rangiku's question, Yuna paused for a moment before shrugging her shoulders.

"Honestly, I have no clue."

"Ehh~ Why not? Come on, tell me. I'm curious~"

Feeling Rangiku push her breasts into Yuna, she could only smile wryly as she shrugged her shoulders.

"As I said, I have no clue. Frankly, most people stop counting after reaching the fifth digit. Although I kept counting until the sixth one, considering I'm pretty sure I have reached the seventh or even eighth by now, that doesn't really mean much~"

Silenced covered the group as everyone was looking at Yuna like she had just grown a second head. Only after around a minute of oppressive silence did Hisoka finally manage to open her mouth.

"E-Eighth? W-We are still talking about years, right, Yuna-sensei?"

"Mhh? Well, the term 'years' is rather hard to define, considering we were likely from different worlds, but what I consider one year loosely matches 350 day and night circles in the human world."

Another shock went through Hisoka's body as she looked at Yuna in bewilderment, while Retsu and Rangiku still couldn't fully fathom what they had just heard.

The oldest living Shinigami was the Head Captain, and although no one knew how old he actually was, people believed that he was around two to three thousand years old.

Although most people perceived that to be truly ancient, comparing that to the age Yuna just mentioned, he might as well be a toddler. 2000 years? That wasn't even one percent of what Yuna had just mentioned her age to be. In more relatable terms, that was like the difference between a one-year-old and someone who was 100 years old.

Although all of them were shocked by that revelation, Hisoka was the first one to snap out of her daze yet again. Honestly, that was only natural as she was the one who had been exposed to Yuna's... "Yuna" for the longest time in this group.


Finally, everything clicked into place for Hisoka. She had noticed a long time ago that Yuna liked to spout profound-sounding nonsense that somehow managed to inspire the people she said it to occasionally. However, so far, Hisoka had never connected that with Yuna actually being one of those cultivation stories old ancestors as it was simply too absurd for her to think that Yuna had lived THAT long and somehow kept THAT kind of personality, but now that Yuna had admitted to it by herself, Hisoka had no choice but accepted the truth.

However, hearing Hisoka's surprised yell, utter disdain appeared on Yuna's face as she raised her head high, pride and arrogance radiating out of her body as her presence turned into something ancient and timeless.

"Old ancestor type? Don't be ridiculous, brat! I'm not 'The old ancestor type'; I am THE old ancestor. This venerable one is just that kind of revered character."

Retsu, Rangiku, and Hisoka had chills going down their spines as Yuna's presence grew into something seemingly more ancient than time itself. Unlike Rangiku and Hisoka, Retsu had seen quite a few ancient monsters, but compared to the presence Yuna was currently emitting, all of them were nothing but a side note.

'Ahh~ This is bad. I'm getting excited ~'

As those words passed her mind, she licked her lips in excitement while briefly glancing at her Zanpakuto, not lying too far away from her current position.

'I want to go a few more rounds~ This is bad; if I'm already this excited due to a few words, I don't think I will ever be able to forget or discard my fights with Yuna after a few more rounds. Haa~ Damnit, I'm already addicted~'

Naturally, Yuna saw Retsu's condition and chuckled in amusement.

"Well, I don't mind going a few more rounds with you, Retsu, but I know that you haven't fully recovered yet. We both know that that is not the fight you wish to have, so let's postpone our next battle some more."

Hearing Yuna's words, Retsu managed to calm down and took a few calming breaths. Indeed, she wanted to fight Yuna again, but obviously, she didn't want to do so if she wasn't at her peak. She had already got to know that Yuna was stronger than her, making it impossible for her to truly enjoy the fight, but if Retsu were to fight Yuna, she at least wanted to be in her top condition, so she could at least stimulate Yuna to some degree.

Seeing Retsu calming down, a smirk appeared on Yuna's face as she stood up while picking up Rangiku and throwing her over her shoulder.

"That being said, I know about another fun activity we can do to bridge the time until you are fully healed, Retsu."

As she said that, she gave Rangiku's butt a crisp smack, causing her to giggle in amusement while Retsu rolled her eyes.

"Well, see you later, Hisoka. It's time to show off the techniques this old lady has cultivated over her long life~"

While Hisoka only rolled her eyes as Yuna called herself an old lady, Retsu couldn't help but chuckle a little while Rangiku moaned in pleasure as Yuna massaged her butt.

'Well, she might be ancient, but considering her rather childish personality, I guess I don't really mind.'

As these thoughts passed through Retsu's mind, she gave Hisoka a slight nod as she followed Yuna out of the hot spring and into a small hut.

"Oh well, I will partake as well, so enjoy your alone time in the hot spring, Hisoka."

Seeing Retsu happily getting out of the hot spring and following Yuna to what would undoubtedly end in a small orgy, Hisoka could only shake her head with a wry smile on her face.

"What am I even supposed to say about this? I guess something along the lines of 'As expected of Yuna-sense' would fit the situation. Seriously, what the hell?"


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