Goddess of Ice: Corrupting Bleach

Chapter 24: vs Unohana 2

Chapter 24: vs Unohana 2

Loud explosions constantly echoed through the underground cave as two people clashed again, and while one of the two people was laughing like a maniac, the other one wore a crazed smile as her blood was splattered everywhere after every clash just for her wounds to close instantly.

'This is it! This is what I have been carving all my life! A fight! A real fight! This is the best moment of my life!'

Yet again, the duo clashed, resulting in one of Yuna's tails piercing into Unoha's shoulder and an icicle leaving a gash on her cheek. Nevertheless, Unohana continued the attack as she expertly weaved through Yuna's onslaught of projectiles, tail swipes, and deadly slashes.

"HAHAHA, AMAZING!!! Your swordsmanship and movement techniques are honed beyond perfection! Fighting someone who uses pure skill is always so exhilarating!"

Hearing Yuna's crazed words, Unohana subconsciously nodded her head in agreement. The only other person who could make her feel this much joy was Zaraki Kenpachi; however, that man fought like a wild beast, recklessly swinging his sword around. Fighting someone like Yuna gave Unohana a totally different level of satisfaction.

'Haa~ This is so great. Just like Kenpachi, Yuna is holding back, I can feel it, but this time it's different. She's allowing me to indulge in my desire~'

The duo's weapons clashed again; however, as soon as Unohana stopped sliding backward, her body started swaying left and right, resulting in her falling to her knees.

"Haa~ Haa~ Damn, I was having so much fun that I didn't even notice how exhausted I was."

As she said that, she glanced over her own body, which was ridden with small wounds that no longer healed, causing her to frown.

Yuna, seeing the Unohana was at the end of her robe, walked towards her with leisurely steps while taking off her Hollow mask and placing it at the side of her head.

"Phew, seems like you are out of steam, Unohana. How was it? Did you enjoy yourself?"

Hearing Yuna's question, the maniac grin on Unohana's face widened further as her madness-ridden eyes landed on Yuna.

"It was the best thing that ever happened to me. I don't think anyone, but you could make me feel like this. A pity, I would have loved to indulge in fighting even more, but I guess this is the end for me."

Yuna couldn't help but tilt her head in confusion when Unohana claimed that this was her end.

"You end? What are you talking about? Pretty sure your wounds are far from lethal."

This time it was Unohana's time to look at Yuna in confusion as she resumed talking.

"What are you talking about? My wounds certainly aren't leather, but aren't you going to finish me off?"

"Haa!? Why would I do that? Didn't I ask you to join my harem?"

These words caused Unohana to pause as she remembered that Yuna had indeed made her an offer like that. Additionally, she remembered that Yuna claimed that there were more powerful people in her harem, meaning that there would be more chances to experience the thrill of battle.

'I honestly don't care about having sex, but it's not like it's disgusting for me or anything like that; it's just that I don't care for it. However, am I willing to join a harem and engage in sexual acts just to get my hands on more chances to fight like I just did? That's pretty much prostitution... F*ck it; if I get more chances to have a proper fight, I'm willing to do more than just a little prostitution.'

"As long as I can meet more people that can grant me a thrilling fight, I'll join your harem."

Hearing Unohana's words, Yuna smiled broadly as the surrounding ice barrier melted away.

"Excellent; in that case, let's take a long bath to get rid of the sweat and then jump straight under the sheets to have some fun."

Instead of commenting, Unohana simply hummed in acknowledgment. She has been sweating quite a bit during her fight with Yuna, so a bath would certainly hit the spot right now. As for the fun under the sheets, she simply didn't mind it.

Moments later, the ice barrier was entirely gone, revealing a dumbfounded Rangiku, who was currently looking at the approaching duo with her chin on the ground.

"W-What in the world was that!?"

"Mhh? What exactly do you mean? It was just a little fight between two people with a passion for fighting."

"Nonono, no matter how I look at it, this whole fight was insane. I have seen my Captain fight before, and that wasn't even close to this monstrous!"

Hearing Rangiku's outburst, Unohana simply shook her head.

"Nothing against Captain Hitsugaya, but he is simply too young. I believe in a few thousand years; he will be able to fight at this intensity as well as long as he continues training properly."

"Okay, then what about Yuna!? Isn't she like 17?"

Unohana nodded her head to Rangiku's question and briefly glanced at Yuna before answering her.

"While Captain Hitsugaya is undoubtedly a genius, I just fought a monster. Although it is rare, sometimes people are born that are so abnormal that they can no longer be defined with reason. Don't bother too much about this, Lieutenant Matsumoto. Just explain her strength away with her being a monster, and don't spend any more time thinking about it."

Although Rangiku still had a lot of doubts, in the end, she decided to obediently nod her head and as no further questions despite still having a few more. After all, why did Yuna have to Shikkai, and what was going on with that Hollow mask?

"Anyway, let's put all that complicated stuff aside and get to the meat of the matter. Rangiku, you want to join us in the bath and everything that follows?"

Rangiku almost tripped as she looked at Yuna in disbelief. She already noticed that Yuna was pretty much shameless, but inviting one woman to have sex directly after doing so to another was beyond what Rangiku had expected.

'Well, she DID make it rather clear that she is making a harem, so I guess there is no surprise in her asking that kind of question.'

So, after thinking about Yuna's question for a few seconds, Rangiku simply shrugged her shoulder.

"Oh well, why not? Since I'm stuck here for now, I might as well have a little fun~"

So, around a minute later, three women stood in front of a frozen hot spring with awkward expressions on their faces.

"The, oops~"

Hearing Yuna's fake chuckle, Rangiku and Unohana could only roll their eyes at Yuna. Luckily, warming up a frozen hot spring was no big deal with the help of Kido, so the trio could enjoy their bath together rather quickly.

Several hours later, three naked women were lying next to each other on a comfortable bed. While one of them was already deeply asleep, another one was breathing heavily with her chest continuously going up and down, and the last one simply lay there, enjoying the comfortable feeling of two naked women lying next to you.

"Well, what do you think, Retsu?"

Instead of answering the question, Retsu Unohana took a few more deep breaths to regain her composure and only answered after she was done doing so.

"Honestly, that was significantly more fun than I had expected. Seems like your skills in combat aren't the only thing abnormal about you, Yuna."

Hearing Retsu's answer, Yuna chuckled in amusement as she played with the passed-out Rangiku's hair.

"Yeah, I consider myself to be rather skilled not only on the battlefield but in the bedroom as well. However, I'm curious about which one you enjoyed more. The 'battle battle', or the 'bedroom battle'?"

After Retsu heard Yuna's question, she didn't have to think too long about how to answer and did so after only a few seconds.

"Although I did the fight inside the bedroom at the end of the day, only a real battle can give me the thrill I need to truly enjoy myself to my heart's content."

Yuna simply nodded her head at that. There were all kinds of people with all kinds of preferences, so she didn't mind that Retsu preferred combat over sex.

"I see, so it's like that. Oh well, let's sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day."

"Oh? What do you plan to do tomorrow?"

Yuna couldn't help but smirk when she heard Retsu's question. She was truly looking forward to what was about to happen tomorrow.

"Hehe, I planned to go there today, but you intercepted me before I could reach them. I plan to go to the 11th Division to have some fun~"

To Yuna's surprise, a hint of guilt appeared on Retsu's face when Yuna mentioned the 11th Division, confusing her greatly.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem with the 11th Division?"

Retsu couldn't help but bite her lip when she heard Yuna's question, as the 11th Division was the source of her greatest sin. She considered whether she should tell Yuna about it or not, but considering her strength, Retsu considered that Yuna might actually be capable of removing the consequences of her sin.

So, without delaying any further, Retsu told Yuna the story of how she met Zaraki Kenpachi for the first time. How that was the first fight Zaraki and Retsu had ever enjoyed, and about how she finally won the match due to Kenpachi holding back because she was too weak to match him.

"My greatest sin was being weak in front of the young boy I met that day. Because he didn't want to lose the feeling of savoring the fight, that young man lowered his strength subconsciously to match mine, allowing me to defeat him with my experience. From that day onward, he continuously did the same, lowering his strength further and further until he was just a hull of the powerhouse he once was. In his current state, if you were to face him seriously, you would kill him in one hit."

Finishing her explanation, Retsu patiently waited for Yuna to digest everything she was just told, and a few seconds later, Yuna nodded her head in understanding.

"I see, so it's like that. That's a bit of a pity."

Retsu nodded her head in agreement, and after thinking about the situation, some more determination appeared on her face.

"That being said, I think it is possible to get him out of that mindset. I think that by bringing him to a near-death state continuously, he should sooner or later stop holding back. Every near-death should allow him to unlock more of his real strength."

Yuna pondered Retsu's words for a brief moment before nodding in agreement. Although nothing was set in stone, she could certainly see that working out.

"I see; it might be interesting to help him get his full power back."

Yet again, Retsu nodded her head as a hopeful expression appeared on her face.

"If possible, I would like to request from you that you help him regain his strength. Initially, I planned to do so myself one day, but you are even better suited for this than me, as you might even surpass him in his prime. He was the first person who truly allowed me to enjoy fighting, so I hope you can help him regain that feeling as well."

Hearing Retsu's request, Yuna didn't think long about it and simply nodded her head in agreement.

"Sure, if you request it of me like this, I can hardly reject it, can I?"

At first, Retsu wasn't sure what Yuna meant by "like this", but not even a second later, she realized that she was currently completely naked with her breasts showing, causing her to roll her eyes.

"No need to pretend; we both know that you will get something out of this as well. I bet you can't wait to fight him at his peak, can you?"

Yuna couldn't help but chuckle in amusement when she heard Retsu's claim before simply shrugging her shoulder.

"Never claimed I didn't. However, if you hadn't requested it of me, I might not have bothered to go through all that hassle just to see his true strength. I think it will be a lot of work to actually push him to that point."

At that assumption, Retsu could only nod her head in agreement. If it was time to unleash the true Kenpachi one day, she was prepared to kill him 100, 1000, or even 10000 times before his full strength was finally restored. Although she was pretty sure Yuna could do so faster, it would still be a huge hassle to do so.

Just like that, another night passed, and Yuna left the underground cavern yet again with a clear goal in mind. As for Rangiku and Retsu, they stayed behind and enjoyed a leisurely morning. Although there was not only a gap in age but one in rank as, after yesterday's night activities, the two got along decently well, so Yuna had no trouble leaving them behind.

Meanwhile, in another part of Seireitei, a young woman with long black hair and almost white eyes left her compound. She had been lazying around for the last few days now and was finally ready to resume her duty. Obviously, she didn't report about her lazing around but instead claimed that she needed to seclude herself for a few days as she felt she was about to have a breakthrough with her sword.

She probably would feel guilty about skipping work like that if it weren't for almost every other Shinigami frequently doing the same.

Anyway, she was currently on her way to her division's fifth seat as that guy was always well informed to inquire whether anything of interest had happened in Seireitei while she was in "seclusion".

However, just when she was about to reach where he was stationed, a shiver crawled down her spine as she got an incredibly awful feeling.

"Mhh, you look rather familiar. Do I know you?"

Somehow, that voice seemed a little familiar to the young Shinigami, but she couldn't put her finger on who it actually belonged to. However, for some reason, hearing that somewhat playful voice sent shivers of absolute terror through her spine.

'Who the hell did just speak? I'm getting the creeps just from her tone of voice.'

As these thoughts passed through the woman's head, she slowly turned her head to look at the source of the voice, and as soon as she saw the owner. She almost fainted. It was someone who looked like someone she was decently familiar with in her past life and someone she would rather not meet ever again: Her sensei, Yuna Uzumaki.

"F*ck me; you have to be joking."

Hearing the woman's words, the Yuna-look-alike chuckled in amusement as she disappeared and reappeared in front of the black-haired woman, putting her on guard.

"Well, I don't mind f*cking you, but that's beside the point for now. Are you by any chance called Hisoka, a student of Yuna Uzumaki?"

Naturally, Hisoka almost started weeping when she heard Yuna's question.

'Why is she here as well? Haven't I suffered enough in my past life? Should I lie about being Hisoka? Yeah, right, that will surely work on Yuna-sensei.'

So, without trying any tricks, Hisoka's shoulders sagged as she looked at Yuna in defeat.

"*Sigh* Although I'm not sure what I did to deserve this, it's indeed me, Yuna-sensei."

Having her guess confirmed, a broad smile appeared on Yuna's face as she pattered Hisoka's shoulder.

"Hahaha, so it really was you, Hisoka. Isn't the multiverse small for us to meet like this?"

Looking at the hand patting her shoulder, Hisoka's face deadpanned.

"Really, sensei? Really!? We have just met, and the first thing you do is sneak a pranking device onto me?"

"Are you surprised?"

"... Honestly, I'm not."

Yuna nodded in approval at Hisoka's rather peculiar state of mind but didn't comment any further on it.

"Anyway, fancy meeting you here. Do you have knowledge about this world from an anime as well, hahaha?"

Although Yuna was initially laughing, thinking she had made a decent joke, she choked rather quickly when she realized Hisoka's awkward expression.


"Well, it's been almost 100 years since I wanted the anime, so my knowledge is pretty scattered. However, yes, I saw the plot of this one as well."

"How fascinating."

Yuna couldn't help but wonder how Hisoka came to two different worlds she had knowledge of. No, in fact, it was even weirder that there WERE worlds she had seen in anime.

'Is the world of her first life some kind of central hub connecting other worlds? Now I'm getting rather curious about what that world has to offer.'

"Anyway, any immediate threats I need to be aware of, Hisoka?"

Hearing Yuna's question, she started awkwardly looking around, and before she could say anything, Yuna said a few more words.

"Don't worry; we are currently not being watched by anyone."

Although Yuna's words caused Hisoka to smile with a mirthful expression, in the end, she simply started speaking.

"As expected of Yuna-sensei, you already figured out that some people in this city like to peek. I can give you the full story at a better location, but the current situation is more or less like this: Aizen Sosuke will betray Soul Society and will steal something that is currently hidden in Rukia's soul."

As she was pondering Hisoka's words, Yuna repeatedly nodded her head as if she was confirming a few guesses she had made herself already before she resumed talking and dropped a bomb on Hisoka.

"I've already allied myself with Aizen."

Hearing Yuna's claim, Hisoka choked a little before regaining her bearing while smoothly wiping away the trickle of blood flowing out of the corner of her mouth.

Moments later, she started swaying to her sides as she was trying to comprehend what she had just heard, and in the end, she simply fell to her knees, a single tear flowing down her face.

'I'm sorry, Aizen. I always thought you were a pretty cool villain, but there is nothing I can do to preserve your dignity. Good luck, and again: I'm sorry.'

On the other hand, Yuna completely ignored Hisoka's antics and resumed talking.

"Anyway, let's go to a secure location so we can have a proper chat."

Hearing Yuna's words, Hisoka simply nodded her head. She knew that there was no point resisting.


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