Goddess of Ice: Corrupting Bleach

Chapter 21: Meeting Aizen

Chapter 21: Meeting Aizen

*Author Note*

Sorry for the delay, had a busy week~

*End of Author Note*

Several hours later, in a decently-sized house, two naked women could be seen lying next to each other on a bed. While one of them was breathing a little haggard, the other one had a leisurely smile on her face as she was playing with the lock of the first woman's long blonde hair.

"*Haa~* What kind of *haa~* freak-stamina do you have, *haa~* Yuna?"

Hearing the blonde woman's question, Yuna chuckled in amusement as she shrugged her shoulder.

"In regards to stamina, few are my match, and in regards to stamina on the bed, no one can compare to me, Matsumoto."

After Yuna issued her claim, Matsumoto didn't comment any further. Considering how long they went at it and Yune seemingly being good to go a few more hours, she half-believed Yuna's claim to be true.

Seeing that Matsumoto didn't reply, Yuna chuckled in amusement and got off the bed. She grandly stretched her back, giving Matsumoto a good show. Naturally, Yuna noticed that Matsumoto was watching her, resulting in a grin.

"Like what you are seeing?"

"Yup, good stuff."

Unlike Hinata, who initially was rather shy, Matsumoto had no trouble being naked or seeing her partner naked, so Yuna could only shrug at the failed teasing attempt.

"Oh well, I guess you want to catch some sleep?"

Matsumoto simply nodded her head at Yuna's question. She was pretty exhausted and definitely needed some sleep.

"Yeah, I'm tired. What do you plan to do now, Yuna? Kira should have made his report by now, so people will know what you look like."

"Mah, no worries. I'm not that easy to catch. As for my plans, I'll either go and bully a few nobles or invade the 11th Division."

As soon as Yuna finished speaking, a heavy atmosphere covered the room as Matsumoto looked at Yuna in disbelief.

"B-Bully nobles or go to the 11th Division? What the hell are you thinking!? Aren't you here to save Rukia?"

Hearing Matsumoto's words, Yuna paused for a minute before frantically nodding her head.

"Ah, yesyesyes, I'm definitely here to save Rukia, hahaha. I totally didn't forget about that, hahaha *cough*."

Matsumoto's face deadpanned when she saw Yuna's reaction. No matter how she looked at it, Yuna completely forgot about Rukia. Yuna saw how Matsumoto was staring at her and couldn't help but chuckle a little.

"Mah, no need to look at me like that. The rest of my group will arrive in about six days, so I might as well have some fun and enjoy myself a little before they are here."

"How in the world is bullying nobles and attacking Seireite's most combat-orientated Division fun?"

Yuna tilted her head in confusion when she heard Matsumoto's answer, as if she couldn't even grasp what she was talking about.

"How is it NOT fun? I mean, bullying pompous nobles are obviously one of the best things one can do. As for the 11th Division, I simply like fighting, so I think it's a good target."

Seeing Yuna looking at her like she was the weirdo, Matsumoto could only roll her eyes at Yuna.

"You do realize that both of these things have a high chance of killing you, right?"

After hearing Matsumoto's question, Yuna couldn't help but start laughing as she walked back towards the bed and patted Matsumoto's head.

"Hahaha, you are pretty funny, Matsumoto. Me dying just from messing with some nobles and a powerful military division. Truly hilarious."

Matsumoto's face deadpanned as she realized that trying to convince Yuna with reason and logical arguments seemed to be pretty much impossible. The only way for her to sway Yuna's plans would be to suggest something she found more interesting. Matsumoto was pretty sure that a few more rounds under the sheets would qualify, but she was too exhausted for that.

'Sorry about that, noble clans. I'm sure you will be fine... maybe... probably... oh well, good luck.'

A few minutes later, Yuna left Matsumoto's house, and as she was walking, she decided on what to do next.

'Yup, I'm gonna bully some nobles first~'

[*Sigh* I can't help but pity them a little.]

'Mah, what is there to pity? They are nobles, Kurama. They exploit those they consider to be born with inferior blood while being nothing special themselves.'

[Even if you claim that you have no idea whether that is actually true or not. No matter what you say, you have only met a single person from a noble clan so far, and he could at least back up his attitude with his strength.]

'Well, what can I say? There are nobles, after all. It's only natural for them to be trash. Just because I met one decent one doesn't change anything.'

[In that case, what if the nobles of this city are actually decent people?]

Hearing Kurama's question, Yuna couldn't help but chuckle in amusement.

'That's one funny joke, Kurama. People with a lot of political sway are pretty much guaranteed to get corrupted by the power they hold, so I have not a mote of doubt in me that the nobles of this city will be trash as well. At least most of them will be.'

[Very well, then. Let's take a look.]

'Yup, and what better place to infiltrate than the gathering place of all the big shots? Central 46, here I come~'

Meanwhile, Aizen was yet again in a room filled with monitors as he was reading through the newest report regarding the person who invaded Seireite. Naturally, this report was provided by Kira.

"Fascinating. How did she manage to become a Soul Reaper? That should be impossible."

No matter how he thought about it, a normal human becoming a Soul Reaper was impossible. In his opinion, the only reason why Ichigo could become one was that his father was one as well.

"The more information I collect about her, the more fascinating she becomes. Does she have a Shinigami down her family line, or is she simply a freak incident? What about her brother? Did he become a Shinigami as well? How is she strong enough to easily defeat two Lieutenants simultaneously?"

The more he read about Yuna, the more curious he became about her. By now, he pretty much had decided to take her to Hueco Mundo as soon as he could no longer stay in Seireite.

While Aizen was deep in thought about Yuna, another man entered the room and glanced at the pondering Aizen.

"Captain Aizen, I heard a Lieutenant was kidnapped by the intruder. Should we do something about that?"

Hearing the man's question, Aizen simply shook his head with disinterest.

"No, I don't care about the kidnapped Lieutenant. Just leave her be, Gin."

Hearing Aizen's words, Gin almost lost control over himself before regaining his calm instantly. Unlike Aizen, he cared about Rangiku Matsumoto a lot and really would like to search and rescue her. However, he also knew that asking for that would have been a bad move as that would reveal to Aizen that Gin actually cared about one of the Soul Reapers within Seireite. He couldn't allow that to happen. He had to keep his image as an uncaring monster until he finally got his chance to retaliate against Aizen for taking part of Rangiku's soul all these years ago.

Unlike what Gin expected, Aizen saw the flash of emotions passing through Gin's face, causing him to smile inwardly. He always knew that Gin would one day betray him. Initially, he didn't know why Gin desired him to be dead, but now that he briefly saw Gin displaying some emotions for Matsumoto, he could at least form a guess.

Simultaneously, Aizen came up with a few ways to possibly use Matsumoto's unknown relationship with Gin to his advantage.

"Man, what the hell is this? I came all the way here to bully some nobles, and when I arrived here, all of them were dead. That's kinda annyong. Now I have to seek out the noble clans individually. Seriously, how rude can they be?"

Aizen was about to continue talking with Gin, but before he could do so, an unknown voice echoed out of one of the screens monitoring all of Seireite.

Aizen and Gin's heads immediately snapped towards the relevant screen, and on it, they saw a young woman with red and blue hair leisurely walking into a courtroom filled with 46 dead bodies while a pout was on her face.

"She actually went towards the Central 46? Why?"

Hearing Aizen being flustered for once, Gin couldn't help but chuckle in amusement while pointing at the monitor.

"She already said her reason, captain. She wants to bully nobles."

Aizen's head snapped towards Gin, and he looked at him in disbelief. Although Yuna did indeed say that, he didn't believe for even a second that someone would break into one of Seireitei's best-guarded buildings for such a childish reason.

Moments later, Aizen got out of his daze and stood up with a serious expression on his face. He immediately walked towards the door while leaving a few words behind.

"Let's hurry. We need to capture her before she can mess anything up. I don't want the deaths of the Central 46 to be known yet."

Meanwhile, Yuna was leisurely riffling through a bunch of closets and drawers while inspecting their contents.

'Oh? This letter has "confidential" written on it; let's take a look~'

After swiftly ripping open the envelope, she started reading its content and could only frown due to what she had read. Apparently, Shinigami, who were considered to be future threats, tended to be looked away before they could even do anything forbidden.

'Nasty busnis~ Imprisoning people for things they haven't even done yet is not very nice.'

However, as she continued reading, her frown grew more and more stern, and as soon as she finished reading, she balled up the letter and tossed it away.

'Preemptively imprisoning people is one thing, but a few of these so-called nobles actually pulled some strings to get a few people shipped to the research department to test all kinds of things on them. Mayuri Kurotsuchi, huh? I might have to grant his Division a little visit as well. I really should have a nice and kind conversation with him.'

"Oh, what do we have here? To think the intruder would go so far as to slaughter our government body."

Suddenly hearing a voice, Yuna gave the duo who had just arrived a small glance before putting her focus back on searing through a different cupboard.

"Aizen and Gin, huh? Nice to meet you, I guess."

Aizen briefly paused his steps when Yuna casually identified him, but in the end, it didn't really matter.

"You know us? I'm impressed."

Yuna hummed in acknowledgment as she opened another envelope that had "confidential" written on it, causing Aizen's eyebrows to twitch in irritation.

"If I plan to invade a place, I'll obviously gather information about its big shots first. Seems like what I heard about you is true, Aizen."

"Oh? And what have you heard about me?"

"Well, I heard you are a kind man that is always ready to help others. Overall, a good person."

Aizen nodded his head at Yuna's explanation. That was exactly the image he wanted to portray while still living in Seireitei. He really wondered why Yuna even brought that up, but before he could do anything else, Yuna's next words caused him a massive shock.

"As the person who killed all these nobles, you are obviously a good person."

Naturally, Aizen was surprised at how Yuna confidently stated that he was the culprit. Despite there being no evidence, she somehow seems to be absolutely certain that her words were correct. Aizen could feel no doubts in her words. However, Aizen was a master at tricking people, so he was not someone who would lose their composure from simple guesses.

"That's quite the accusation from the one being alone in this bloody place while reading documents she shouldn't read."

Yuna simply shrugged her shoulders as she tossed another letter aside while searching for more interesting things to read.

"It couldn't have been me who killed these people, as all of them had been dead before I even got into Soul Society. Every half-decent medic could tell as such. Additionally, I noticed someone monitoring this place, and as soon as I entered, you two arrived here. Rather suspicious, no?"

Although Aizen still had a calm expression on his face, he couldn't help but feel slightly helpless with the current situation. It's not like he could just not come here after Yuna invaded this place. He HAD to act; otherwise, things would have spiraled out of control.

'Honestly, I don't even know why I am holding this conversation. I should have just knocked her out the moment I entered this room.'

However, before Aizen could make his words come true, Yuna dropped another bomb.

"Geez, I wonder why someone would spy on this place~ Well, obtaining information about the actions of the political leaders is always a good thing, but I feel this whole setup is a little too dangerous. Almost like the person who secretly installed those spying methods didn't plan to stay here much longer. For example, someone who plans to betray Seireitei anyway."

Yuna's words caused Aizen to freeze up. Despite Yuna's words being well structured and logical, Aizen couldn't believe how she managed to see through his intentions with such ease. Well, just the act of killing the Central 46 was already a massive act of betrayal, but even finding out that he was the one responsible due to him coming here was pretty insane.

Obviously, Aizen was not someone who faltered easily, so he quickly continued speaking with an indifferent smile on his face.

"Impressive fantasies you are having there, but I'll still have to capture you. Even if you weren't the one who killed these people, you still broke in here and read important documents. You need to be captured."

Yuna couldn't help but chuckle in amusement when Aizen easily dismissed her theory as her having a vivid fantasy before she shrugged her shoulders in indifference.

"Well, I would rather not get captured, so how about I offer you an alternative solution."

Aizen frowned a little when he heard Yuna's words, but after thinking about them for a while, he motioned Yuna to continue speaking. Frankly, over the course of occasionally monitoring her together with Ichigo, Aizen had become very curious about Yuna, a character that seems to defy all his expectations.

"Hehe, let me join your side. That should be fun~"

Aizen was taken aback by Yuna's offer, but after thinking about it for a short moment, he actually grew a little fond of that idea. He had planned to kidnap her at some point in time anyway, so, her coming with him by her own will was actually a good outcome. However, Aizen was not someone who would willy-nilly accept new people in his ranks.

"Why would you want to join me? Aren't you here to rescue Kuchiki Rukia?"

"I do want to rescue her, but considering the central governing body of this place had been dead for a while, you have been calling the shots in here, correct? Clearly, your plans involve Rukia in one way, so I was wondering whether a part of your plan involved Rukia's death, and if it doesn't, aren't things fine? As for why I would want to join you, this side seems to have a lot of dirty clothes inside their closets."

As she said that, she dangled another confidential letter in front of her face. This one writes about sending a group of Shinigami to the rowdier part of Soul Society to "get rid of the trash".

Aizen's eyes widened as he realized what Yuna was talking about. He has been a captain for a while now, so he naturally was aware of the darker aspects of Soul Society.

'I see; she is still young, after all. After breaking in here and reading about a few dirty secrets, anger build up within her against Seireitei. No matter how frightening her thought process is, she is still young and emotional. Since she concluded that Seireitei were the bad guys, I, who plans to go against them, must be a good or at least better guy. So the only worry she still has is about her friend, who is supposedly going to get executed. In conclusion, as long as I don't cause Rukia's death, she will be on my side. How interesting.'

"I guarantee you that my plans won't end with Rukia's death. In case everything I planned for succeeded, she will be, at worst, temporarily weakened."

Hearing Aizen's guarantee, Yuna sighed in relive as a smile appeared on her face.

"That's good. In that case, let's work together from now on. Oh, but I won't be joining you just yet; I still have a few things to do within Seireitei~"

"Indeed, let's cooperate. However, there is still something else that needs to be done."

Yuna watched Aizen with curiosity as he pulled out his blade.

"[Shatter Kyōka Suigetsu]"

As Aizen said his Zanpakuto's name, the mist started filling the room, causing one's senses the be distorted.

"Well, what do you think about my Shikai?"

Yuna frowned when she heard Aizen's words before simply shrugging her shoulder.

"Water-Illusion-type, huh? No offense, but I prefer more direct types."

Hearing Yuna's answer, a small smile appeared on Aizen's face as he sheathed his Zanpakuto.

"Is that so, too bad? I'm actually quite fond of it."

As he finished speaking, he turned around and left, leaving Yuna behind.

'Complet Hypnosis was a success ~ Although she has a compelling reason to go against Seireitei, there is no way I'll trust her blindly, so this should serve as a good backup strategy.'

Meanwhile, Yuna looked at the back of the leaving Aizen and Gin and couldn't help but smirk.

"Interesting, he can at least control my sight and sense of touch. I wonder if he can affect the other three senses as well. He left a sliver of his Spiritual power in my body, which I assume serves as the anchor for his ability. I'll leave it there for nor so he won't be alarmed, but I think I can pull a lot of fun stuff with this, hehe~"


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