Goddess of Ice: Corrupting Bleach

Chapter 19: Arriving at Soul Society

Chapter 19: Arriving at Soul Society

Another few days passed, and it was the day of departure towards Soul Society, so everyone was gathered underneath Kisuke's shop.

"Whoa, to think there would be such a huge place hidden underground!"

Hearing Orihime's exclamation, Kisuke immediately gave her a thumbs up.

"Such a good reaction. Very nice!"

As Orihime was awkwardly scratching her head due to the sudden praise from Kisuke, Yuna's eyes locked on her target: A black cat.

She immediately walked towards the cat and squatted down in front of it with a wide smirk.

"Such a splendid pussy."

The cat's face deadpanned as it opened its mouth and answered Yuna with a surprisingly masculine voice.

"That joke is getting old."

"Maybe for you, but not for me."

Seeing the interaction between Yuna and the cat, Orihime tilted her head in confusion.

"Did you know mister Yoruichi beforehand, Yuna?"

Yuna's eyebrows rose due to Orihime calling Yoruichi "mister", but considering how deep her voice was while in cat form, Yuna could understand the misunderstanding.

"Well, I have met... him a few weeks ago and had a naked conversation. Anyway, I have to say, I'm not really into man, but I wouldn't mind getting crushed by those thighs."

Question marks popped up above Orihime's head as she had no idea what a "naked conversation" was, not realizing that Yuna's words were meant literally. As for the second sentence, Orihime had even less of a clue what that was about. It seems to be completely detached from the conversation.

Meanwhile, if Yoruichi's head wasn't covered by dense black fur, everyone could have seen her blushing. Her combat style was heavily geared toward speed, so she paid a lot of attention to her legs, so she was rather proud of them. Especially her well-defined thighs were to her liking.

"Anyway, let's leave nee-san's fetishes aside and get this thing on the road. Are we ready to go, Kisuke?"

"Okay, we can start~ Everyone gather, and please pay attention."

As soon as Kisuke finished speaking, four massive stone blocks that were covered in paper tags exited what appeared to be black portals and connected with each other, forming a huge square.

Following that, Kisuke proceeded to inform the group in front of him how this "Tunnel World Gate" worked and what dangers the journey toward Soul Society entailed.

First of all, after entering, it would convert the bodies of everyone who didn't have a Shinigami form into something similar, as only souls could enter Soul Society.

Next, he explained that the gate led to the void between the human world and Soul Society and that it could only stay open for mere four minutes. After those four minutes are over, the gate will close, trapping everyone inside the void.

Finally, there was the Koryu, something like a cleaner between worlds that would paralyze everything it touches, which would make it impossible to reach Soul Society in time.

While everyone was simply listening to Kisuke's explanation, Orihime, the timidest in the group, couldn't help but have some doubts.

"Is this really fine? Can we really make it?"

Hearing Orihime's words, a smirk appeared on Tatsuki's face as her hand landed on Orihime's shoulder.

"Hehe, of course, we can make it. Worst case, we'll just push through with our guts alone!"

Before Orihime could comment on Tatsuki's rather weird claim, Yoruichi spoke up as well.

"That's right. Never forget the heart and the soul are connected. The state of your heart is crucial."

"Never really got all that heart demon stuff, but I know about it~"

Yoruichi heard Yuna's comment but decided to ignore it and continue speaking.

"Have no doubt. Have no Fear. Do not stop, and do not look back. Always move forward. Only those that can do that are allowed to follow me to Soul Society."

Before anyone else could comment on Yoruichi's words, Ichigo stepped forward with determination burning in his eyes.

"You are preaching to the wrong people. The moment all of us came here; we had already made up our minds."

"Are you sure about that, boy? If you lose, you will never come back."

Ichigo's confidence waved not the slightest as he looked back at Yoruichi.

"Isn't t simple then? We just have to win."

"Hahaha, that's right, Ichigo! And in case things go south, I'll just blow up the whole city, HAHAHA!!!"

While everyone was giving the crazily laughing Yuna, weirded-out looks, Hinata and Naruto, who knew she wasn't bluffing, could only shake their heads.

"Nee-san, the objective is rescuing Rukia."

Yuna momentarily choked on her own laughter before regaining her bearing.

"Yeah, I totally remembered that and was just playing around."


Anyway, moments later, Kisuke stabbed his walking stick at Ichigo, causing his Shinigami form to pop out, and moments later, Yuna, Naruto, and Hinata revealed their Shinigami forms as well.

"Hey! Why do your clothes look different?"

Unlike Ichigo, who was dressed in the usual black and white Shinigami uniform, the trio's clothes had a completely different color pattern.

Yuna's clothes were pure white with blue snowflakes on the seams. Hinata's were blue, with purple water patterns on the seams, while Naruto's were a light orange, with a black Uzumaki symbol on the back.

"Well, Ichigo, I see no rules why we wouldn't wear different clothes."

"Nonono, isn't our Shinigami form like our soul or something? How can we just change what we look like? Wouldn't that change our soul or something like that?"

Yuna simply nodded her head at Ichigo's question, dumbfounding him.

"That's correct. Just change your soul a little, and you can easily change your clothes."


Naturally, Ichigo was surprised by that. Despite being a Shinigami, he honestly didn't know much about souls, but he was fairly certain that changing your soul was a bad thing. However, three examples of that not being the case were standing right in front of him now.

'Damn, I want to change my outfit as well. I'll ask them how to do it when this whole mess is over.'

Anyway, moments later, Kisuke activated the portal toward Soul Society, and the group of nine went through it and entered the void between the two realms.

In front of them, a path was visible, while the rest of the place was filled with a black gooey substance that seemed to be constantly moving around.

"No time to gape; we need to hurry!"

Hearing Yoruichi's command, everyone quickly started moving, but after running for about two minutes, a problem appeared.

It was a massive moving object that seemed to be covered by the same goo as everything else, and it was currently moving towards the group.

"Ohh~ Is that one of those cleaner things Kitsuke was talking about~"

Hearing Yuna's carefree statement, Yoruichi briefly glanced back and couldn't help but curse under her breath when she noticed what was approaching them.

"Shit, hurry up! And remember, you can't let that thing touch you!"

So, everyone accelerated even further, but unfortunately, the cleaner was slowly getting closer. Just when it was about to touch Orihime, she activated her hairpin, causing three small fairies to appear, which swiftly moved into a triangle formation, forming a shield and stopping the cleaner.

The moment her shield made contact with the cleaner, Yuna could feel temporal ripples erupting from the point of contact, causing her eyebrows to raise.

'Time? I don't think it's dangerous, but we might lose a few days of time. Oh well, miss me with that; I'm going in first~'

[You just don't want to lose any time you can spend messing with people.]

'I never claimed that not to be the case.'

So, without waiting any longer, she injected Spiritual Power into her legs and shot away from the other.

"See ya later; I'm going in first~"

As soon as Yuna started using her Spiritual Power, the goo on the walls started moving towards her feet, clearly attracted by her Spiritual Power. However, Yuna was too fast to be caught like that and managed to reach the exit before the weird time wave could affect her, and, what only appeared to be a few seconds later, the rest of the group left as well. However, unlike Yuna, the wave of messed up time wave had washed over them, resulting in them actually arriving in Soul Society seven days after Yuna.

The moment it became clear that everyone had arrived safely, Yoruichi looked around and immediately noticed Seireitei, the main city of the Soul Society. However, she immediately noticed that things were a little... off.

"Is that a penis?"

"That's indeed a penis."

Hearing Yoruichi's question, Naruto followed her gaze and immediately noticed a massive ice penis growing out of the middle of Seireitei. However, that wasn't everything Yoruichi felt was off.

"Look, it looks like a big chunk of the outer wall is broken over there."

"Wow, that part of the city looks like it's frozen; that's so cool."

"Look closer; it's even snowing over there!"

While everyone was fascinated by whatever was going on in the city, Yoruichi had only one question.

"What the hell happened here?"

Hearing her question, Naruto could only shake his.

"Nee-san happened."

Yoruichi couldn't help but look at Naruto in bewilderment, but a moment later, she realized that Yuna was indeed not there. Moments later, she realized what had likely happened.

"The void between the two words has a messed up time flow, so the collision with the cleaner must have caused a temporal misplacement. June noticed that, so she went ahead of us to dodge the phenomena."

After Yoruichi finished her analizis, Naruto simply shrugged his shoulders while a few others had steam coming out of their ears.

"Yup, that's like what happened. If I had to make a guess, she arrived here one week early."

"Mhh? One weak? What do you base that on?"

"The scale of destruction."



Sighing deeply, Yoruichi simply shook her head as her gaze fell back on Seireitei.

"Oh well, all the chaos will probably make it easier for us to infiltrate, so let's go."

Meanwhile, seven days ago when Yuna arrived at Soul Society and immediately checked out her surroundings. She was currently standing in a rural village while a massive city bloomed not too far away.

"Yeah, I'm definitely going there."

So, without further delay walked towards the center of Soul Society: Seireitei. However, her steps suddenly paused as she let her sense wash over her surroundings, noticing that if she were to get any closer, a massive wall would drop from the sky. She briefly wondered what the idea behind making the wall hover was, but she discarded that thought path rather quickly.

'Guess someone wanted this to be fancy; what a waste of resources.'

Before advancing any further and possibly triggering any hidden mechanisms, Yuna began to scout her surroundings while her senses were taking in any information they could get. After doing so for a short while, Yuna nodded her head in approval.

'Okay, I think I know what to do. It will be a rather delicate process, but I think I've figured it out.'

[Somehow, my guts are telling me there will be nothing delicate about whatever you plan to do.]

Anyway, around five minutes later, a young woman could be seen carrying a massive boulder over her head while running toward Seireitei at an insane pace.

One might wonder why it took Yuna five minutes to choose this kind of approach, but those five minutes were spent looking for an appropriate bolder.

[Ah yes, the classic charge them with a boulder in hand strategy. A truly subtle classic.]

'I know, right?'

[Gah~ Frontal Assault!]

'Hahaha, that's right, Chaos.'

While Yuna was chatting, Seireitei's wall started descending quite far away from Yuna, undoubtedly making it to the ground before she could reach it. However, this was where the bolder came into play.


While she was yelling, she tossed the boulder toward the place where the wall would land, and just when the wall was about to touch the ground, the boulder landed underneath it, stopping it in its tracks.

Unfortunately, all the wall segments were connected, so as soon as one of them tilted, the one next to it tilted as well, causing quite a few segments to fall over.

[Oioi, isn't that too much? Did you really want to cause that much damage.]

Yuna kept silent for a brief moment before answering Kurama's question.

'... Oops, tehe~'

[*Sigh* I thought so.]

'Anyway, the door is open, so let's see what's going on in there.'

[The door isn't just open, it's in shambles on the ground, while a big part of the surrounding wall is damaged as well.]

'Pah, minor details.'

As the duo continued bickering, Yuna continued running, and a few seconds later, she went past the damaged wall, completely ignoring the massive guy who was cursing up a storm due to "someone" damaging his gate like that.

'I really wonder who would do something so outrageous~'

[Oioi, your memory can't be THAT selective, right?]

'Is that a challenge?'

[Urgh, don't bother.]

However, as soon as she had entered Seireitei properly, he steps paused as an ugly expression appeared on her face.

'I'm being watched.'

[Well, you leveled their f*cking wall, so they have all the right in the world to monitor you.]

Yuna hummed in acknowledgment before shaking her head in denial.

'No, this is different. The malicious intent isn't only directed at me but at Seireitei as well. Not sure what is going on, but someone or something is lurking in the shadows, watching at least this part of the city. I'll definitely need to keep an eye on this.'

[Wow, you actually sound serious.]

'Urgh, I can feel the power of fate. I think I'm getting diarrhea.'

[Who gets diarrhea from feeling fate?]

'I do.'


First of all, Yuna wanted to get a better grip on the city's structure, so she did what every sensible person would do: She kidnapped a guy that looked like a wimp and questioned him, allowing her to get a general overview where which division resides.

'Well then, what should I do first? Mess with the noble clans or go to the 11th Division to have a little death match or two?'

[You still remember why you are here, don't you?]

'Hahaha, of course, I do! It's to have f... *cough* I meant: it's to rescue Rukia.'


While the duo was chatting, Yuna was constantly observing her surroundings, and while doing so, her head snapped toward a certain location.

'Oh my, what do my old eyes see over there~'

[Gah~ Big tiddies gah~]

'That's right, Chaos. Those are some really big tiddies.'

[*Sigh* Please get me out of here, father.]

'Sorry, Kurama, I fear not even the Sage of the Six Paths can help you.'

Finishing her short internal conversation, Yuna took a step, instantly appearing in front of the pair of breasts she had previously spotted.

Obviously, a woman was attached to that pair. She had long curly blonde hair, big breasts, blue eyes, big breasts, and a beauty mark under her mouth. Oh, and big breasts.

"Hello beautiful, interested in joining my all-girls-harem?"

[Very smooth.]

The woman was surprised by Yuna suddenly appearing in front of her and asking such an outrageous question. However, after only a few seconds, she managed to stabilize her mind and answer Yuna.

"Well, directly joining into a harem is a bit much, no? However, I wouldn't mind having some fun~"

"L-Lieutenant Matsumoto!?"

Suddenly, another person spoke directly next to the woman Yuna now knew was called Matsumoto.

'W-When!? I didn't notice him approach at all! I wasn't expecting to meet someone with such a high stealth capability.'

[He literally was standing next to that woman the whole time. Hell, when you appeared, the two were even talking with each other.]

'Eh? Oh! So it's like that. Hehe, oops~'

"Don't be like that, lieutenant Kiba~ Everyone is so stiff and formal in Seireitei. Before things can even get heated, everyone already talks about marriage and the future. I just want to have some fun and not commit to a relationship."

Hearing Matsumoto's words, Kiba couldn't help but facepalm.

"You wanting to have fun is one thing, but you don't even know this woman. How can you agree so easily?"

"Mah, as I said, everyone is so stiff~ It's just some casual fun, okay~"

Hearing Matsumoto's words, Yuna had to intervene to correct one of her misunderstandings.

"Sorry to interrupt the conversation, but there is something you are misunderstanding. This isn't just something casual because once you go Yuna, you never go back."

Matsumoto couldn't help but raise her eyebrows due to Yuna's statement.

"Are you seriously telling me that I would fall for you after we have some fun together once?"

"Nonono, that's wrong. At first, you will only have some fun and play around, but the more time you spend with me, the more your desire grows to spend more time with me. I'm simply too beautiful for anyone not to fall for me. *Sigh* Despite being blessed with such beauty, sometimes I feel cursed. Do my women really love me, or are they just after my beauty... What am I even saying? Of course, they love me! I'm awesome!"

As Yuna was praising herself again and again, Matsumoto couldn't help but grow more and more dumbfounded, and as soon as Yuna was done speaking, she retorted.

"You are the most narcissistic person I have ever seen."

"Thank you; I'm doing my best."

Matsumoto couldn't help but chuckle in amusement due to Yuna's answer. She expected her to get angry due to being called narcissistic, but Yuna actually accepted that label and was even proud of it. It was clear to Matsumoto that the person in front of her was very weird, but that didn't necessarily mean something bad. She was weird, yes, but she was also rather amusing.

"Wait a moment; I didn't notice since the conversation flew so smoothly, but who exactly are you? You are speaking rather casually despite talking to two lieutenants. I don't remember someone with such a flashy outfit being at a point where they could casually speak to a lieutenant."

Hearing Kiba's words, Yuna could only shake her head. No matter where she went, people were always talking about rank and speaking formally and stuff like that, which was something she had never done once in her life. Well, she occasionally did it mockingly, but that was beside the point.

"Well, if you are worried about my rank and stuff like that, you honestly don't have to bother. After all, I'm an intruder and have nothing to do with your internal ranking."

Hearing Yuna's words, a heavy silence descended on the trio as Yuna simply waited for one of them to continue speaking, while Matsumoto and Kiba we rather stunned by Yuna's words.

It took both of them a few minutes to reboot their brains, and as soon as they did, they drew their swords and pointed them at Yuna.

""You are under arrest!""

"Oh? Roleplay? Nice, I'm into it. However, could Kiba leave? I'm not really that into man~"

Yuna chuckled in amusement as she drew one of her swords with a slight smile on her face.

'Oh well, jokes aside, it's time for your depute, Chaos.'

[Gah~ Fight!]


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