Goddess Collector: Every Hole is a Goal

Chapter 819: 807

Chapter 819: 807

Title: Amora the Enchanted

In respect to an equally slutty opponent, Nik erupted with 'full' force. After all, he had just felt Amora being one of the most seductive entities the moment her scent entered his senses. In more ways than one, Amora seemed similar to Nik. She looked frivolous but when she acted, her method was to snare her opponents in an instant, and then maybe use the beings under her command to complete her bidding.

Nik was the same. He had done all these things himself. In fact, Engel and her force of Angels was simply another example. Nik didn't even actually feel lust for them. Of course, he was interested in a city-wide Angel orgy, but not to the point where he forgot that a being named Knull had identified him as a potential threat.

'But... I can hook up with Amora to show our differences, right?' Nik thought to himself. The Lust Grimoire appeared in his hands and he launched the Dome of Fantasy to figure Amora out without actually entering her mind. After all, the Lust Domain would fashion Amora's deepest and dirtiest desire.

Under the stunned gaze of the girls behind Nik as they were covered in the violet-pink dome themselves, they saw figures made of mist. A large number of them, in fact. Their minds were already 'cultured' enough to understand what would come next. Especially Janet and Morgan. But much to their surprise, the figures actually began hugging Amora one after another.

"W-wait! What is this?!" Amora blushed.

"Sweet mama, she's an angel!" Poole gasped while Spider nodded slightly.

They all were still cultured enough to understand what was happening.

But Amora, who was first stunned but the sensation of lustful heat overtaking her lions and then warm figures made of mist hugging her one after another so firmly yet tenderly, couldn't help but shiver as her expression grew more vulnerable and her cheeks rosier.

This wasn't the part of the script!

If they were both to act against each other aggressively then it should end with a violent and ravaging sexual climax. Not this!

Amora found herself weaker and weaker as the figures would keep hugging her. Some of them would plant their lips on her cheeks and forehead while a few others would pat her head. The most dangerous one that almost made Amora wet herself was the elegant action of taking her hand kissing tha back of her palms.

"Stop it!" Amora screamed and glared at Nik.

"You don't have to tell me twice..." Nik mumbled with a slightly dazed expression as his pheromones returned within his body and the lust domain crumbled apart easily.

"Alright. It's official!" Janet mumbled, "I'm not gonna judge a book by its cover from now on."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Amora gave a sly smirk as a green-colored magical sphere grew in her palm, "To think you would be so easily manipulated by words," she gazed at the group with narrowed eyes, and at this moment, Morgan sighed and snapped her fingers. Cruel steel chains layered with violet mist suddenly surged from her body and shot towards Amora.

"Huh?" Amora casually tossed the ball of energy towards the chains, showing complete confidence, her body still retreated at a quick pace and much to Amora's expectations, the chain pierced through the magic sphere and followed Amora.

"What kind of magic is this? A human shouldn't have power in a different realm!" Amora scoffed while she chanted a few unintelligible syllables. Her golden hair brightened literally and shot forward, extending until they collided with the chain like steel vipers themselves.

"My source of magic is rather outstanding," Morgan replied calmly.

'Aw, you're making me blush,' Nik's bashful and playful voice appeared in Morgan's consciousness.

Not at all fazed, Morgan waved her hand while three more chains appeared and shot towards Amora.

"As you wish" As Amora and Morgan's conflict grew, Poole jumped onto Nik and inquired curiously.

"What are they even fighting about?"

"I wish I knew," Nik mumbled himself and then looked towards Janet and Spider.

"We should explore a little. How about it? Let's go and find Karnilla," Nik smiled while Janet looked at Nik suspiciously. Meanwhile, Spider didn't have any suspicion at all. Nik was making an effort to look for a woman. She practically knew what his mind would have planned for afterward.

"Haag, is it?" Nik turned and smiled at the silent Haag standing in the deeper section of the cave. Her head lowered.

"Where is Karnilla?" Nik inquired with a polite tone.

"Mistress is probably in her residence," Haag looked further down.

"Can you point us in the right direction?" Nik continued when he thought differently, "Wait. She's probably contacting some other guy. Don't want to be the one to disturb a lady at such a moment. How about you show us around?"

Nik's gaze focused on Haag.

"Meanwhile, we can chat about your ability. It's quite interesting. I have a few questions about it," Nik's gaze couldn't look more enticing as Haag slowly nodded. Her heart thumped for a moment. The way it hadn't for years.

On the other hand, Amora frowned and continued to dodge Morgan's chains.

"Are all human sorceresses this impudent?" Amora inquired while trying to figure out Morgan's motivation.

"Pardon me," Morgan slowed in her actions as Amora crossed her arms. Her hair still wildly dancing behind her.

"This is way beyond the scope of measuring another sorcerer," Amora whispered with a cold expression, "And I don't recall messing any mortal up on Earth. And I wouldn't dare claim that a Sorceress would actually fight to defend her man. So why the aggression?"

"This isn't intense at all," Morgan stated calmly but at this point, the chains vanished, "But if you think that this is intense that I clearly underestimated my growth in spellcasting."

Morgan's words irked Amora now more than ever.

"If it is true completion of skill that you desire, find Karnilla. She is a greater Sorceress."

"I'm not interested anymore," Morgan looked around before her gaze landed on Amora once again.

"What is it?" Morgan inquired.

"Who are you to Loki?"

"In the entire group, there is only one male, and Loki sure as heck didn't turn into a female to sleep with me. What does your lacking mental status suggest?" Morgan narrowed her gaze.

But instead of getting offended, Amora's eyes brightened.

"Really? Loki? And a normal-looking guy?" She sat on the slightly farther chair.

"Yes. As you just experienced, despite rather ordinary physical display, he has undeniable charms," Morgan sat on the long couch.

"So... is it some sort of weird sex thing? Or do they do it normally?"

"Well, with everyone around, it is usually normal. We don't want to expose ourselves to others too much," Morgan replied.

"You mean..." Amora's breathing quickened.

"Yes. It is how we usually pass time. Well, I'm busy with my research but Loki, Janet, and Angela. The three of them do."

"Oh, my, Loki with all of them... and him," Amora glanced at the direction where Nik left and recalled the previous experience.

"What was that Grimoire?"

"Something I won't disclose about," Morgan smiled.

"So, this is Asgard. What is the greatest feat of sorcery in this realm?" Morgan inquired.

"Who cares?" Amora scoffed, "Tell me more about Loki and this mystery man. Does Loki... you know, ever revert to his true form? Did you sleep with Loki like that? Is the group thing more open or just with the already selected members?" Amora inquired.

Morgan thought for a while. She wanted to know more about the various levels of spellcasting on Asgard.

A serious side of her mind wished to return to the Dream Core. But her rational side saw something else. An opportunity.

'If Nik pulls Asgardian Sorceresses and then stores their knowledge on Magic within the library, will I not be able to gain all of it in one sweep?'

Surprisingly, this was now the easiest method in Morgan's arsenal to rob others off of their knowledge.

'Let's see... she looks open but the way she wants to be treated... I think it's doable.'

'Or in this case, she is doable... oh, lord... I've been tainted by Nik in mind, body, and puns...'

"We're more open in a sense with only the single guy present. And you wouldn't expect how long that engine runs," Morgan gave a collected smile.

"In fact, will you be willing to make a bet with me?"

Amora grew interested.


"Karnilla. She seems smitten by this Balder individual."

"Of course. He is the most beautiful man in Asgard."

"Hmm, I bet that Nik can change Karnilla's mind on the matter within a week."

Amora's eyelids jumped in surprise.

But her gaze brightened.

"What if you lose?" She inquired.

"I will share my source of magical energy with you. You're well aware that mortals like me cannot contain magical energy within ourselves, right?" Morgan replied with a chilling smile.

"Hmm, and what if I lose?" Amora inquired.

"Easy. You introduce Nik with more Sorceresses in your known."

"For?" Amora inquired.

"Why don't you ask Loki about that?" Morgan smiled.

"I see. But no, thank you. I don't know anything about your group yet. Let me sit down with Loki and have a chat about life before I agree to anything," Amora smiled.

Morgan pursed her lips but still nodded.

If Morgan knew anything about Loki then it was that Loki would especially pull innocent bystanders to the pit she's in just to chat about how similar their circumstances are and laugh about it.

And in the matter of manipulating men and women with words, Loki is clearly superior to Morgan.


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