Goddess Collector: Every Hole is a Goal

Chapter 805: 793

Chapter 805: 793

Title: Benefits of Soul


"You mean Good."


"Oh, lord, turning you into a human was a mistake," Nik mumbled while looking at an exotic figure. He still felt a little surreal. He pulled it off! A human forest salamander!

He looked at the naked woman lying on his bed over her stomach, her arms spread apart. At a single glance, the mix of human-like dark green, almost black skin surrounded by layers of scales pulled the interest of those around her, and sadly, only Nik remained to gaze upon her at the moment. Light brown hair that barely reached her neck and a thick, almost equal to a human's leg, tail. The underside of the tail was padded in soft skin but around it was a barricade of jagged black spikes, each spike around the size of a fingernail. The spikes ran in the columns across the entire length of the tail.

The woman had her face buried into the mattress, but even the thick attachment of her tail couldn't hide her wide hips and comely ass. Plump and smooth. Of course, if Nik is going to create a humanoid female, he wasn't rearing to one in a little girl's body if possible. Her legs were a sight to behold with thighs that were equally thick and by the constant push of the upper edges of the tail, they felt soft.

Aside from the upper curve of the tail, the woman's calves and forearms were covered in black scales themselves. They were actually dark green, but due to the only source of light being a simple, flickering candle, the scales looked even darker than usual. Her feet were fashioned as wide claws and her palms, too, but when it came to her palms, the claws were slightly smaller. the underside of her palms layered in padded yet protective scales and unlike her previous nails, although she still had fingernails as tough as a bark of a tree, they looked more polished.


"Got it! Ugh, you need to act more like a human, you know. Learn to speak and even walk on two legs... kids have it better than you, at least, they don't have tails!"

It was hard raising extremely demanding pets. Out of four of his pets, Venom, despite being a spider, was the timidest one. Always finding little corners for herself. An unsociable pet through and through. Next came Penta and she was worse. If anyone, more so, Yu Yan, tried to get close to her, she would vanish and reappear in the other corner of the Dream Core! Meanwhile, Moon and Ignit were more dangerous. They were cute, and they knew it, and they also used it to their advantage.

Moon would smack Venom off of Nik's shoulder whenever she would try to climb up and Ignit... well, she became a human, didn't she?

Nik waved his index as a formless pressure turned Ignit around, giving Nik a hardon for her once again. It was harmless, of course. The way Ignit is right now, unable to form sentences and even walk, it felt like looking at a baby... just a humanoid lizard version of it.

Ignit's face still held her more primal features. Though oval, her face was framed with scales while her glimmering yellow eyes with dark slits for pupils worked well with her complexion. The scales only reached till her collarbone and then came her breasts. Round, big, firm, and plump. Fashioned by Nik's desires, Ignit kept the best of features and his gaze lowered, Nik suppressed a smirk. Of course, he wasn't going to tarnish her beauty near her lower slit by giving her pubes which she would need to shave regularly.

And Nik knew it for a fact that Ignit would rather grow it out as long as her hair... so, right above her dark slit was a bunch of shimmering scales. It was just grown over the flat of her crotch and right above her slit, not extending any further, and looked extremely pleasant to gaze at.


ignit snorted to get Nik's attention and he saw how seamlessly Ignit parted her lips, revealing rows of jagged teeth while an extraordinarily long tongue sneaked out to lick her lips... then chin. Honestly, she only retained her agile tongue, nothing else when it came to the movement of the new body.

In fact, aside from the beautiful exterior, the amount of work Nik put into reconstructing Ignit's body was tremendous. She is now perfectly capable of absorbing spirit and other natural energy through a new set of the circulation system. It was similar to the respiratory system and the slightly impure energy would be exhaled through her skin in equal intervals, but when she has mastered her body enough, Ignit would be perfectly capable of changing the time of said discharge.

Her bodily structure was a mix of Asgardian Physique and the Divine Physique belonging to the spiritually baptized Yu Yan and Samya. Not only that, Nik tried it for a moment and managed to tweak her body enough to make her holes more pleasurable and the cherry on top Ignit will digest everything she eats without the need of excretion.

So, in fact, her butt hole was simply another tool for pleasure and just that.

A lewd grin touched Nik's lips once again.

'Ahh,' he sighed, 'Even I have to admit it'll be pretty hot with Ignit... but not gonna have her cheat into education, I guess. If I do that then where does it end?'

Nik smiled and caressed Ignit's partially scaled cheeks.

"Hehe... math's gonna be hell for you," Nik smiled gently but to Ignit's new eyes, she only felt discomfort spread across. After all, Nik did not hold back his intentions at all!

The next step was easy for Nik sending Ignit to himself in the Dream Core to have her tutored... and make her learn how to walk. He trusted his own mind to wait until Ignit was at least able to form sentences but the same couldn't be said for the girls in dream core. As they are right now, going crazy on Luci, they might just have at Ignit, too and the first time should belong to him, he thought with a righteous mindset.

The next few days passed uneventfully. He would regularly get sliced up by Lilith, and he would help Morgan with whatever she wanted all the while Leah had her revenge over Hela in every turn. Sera and Angela found themselves interested in practicing against a few Hel-Spiders and Loki continued to ease her bored mindset onto the Disir by tormenting and insulting them.

"Hey, stand there," Nik lined three sets of five mortal souls. These souls were constantly tormented in the river of Gjoll. One set contained males, the others contained females, and finally, the last contained a mix of genders. Two males and three females.

Right now, Nik stood alone in the wide icy scape of Niffleheim.

His stay in Hel couldn't be more productive but with constant failures in Valkyrie Art, even Nik was growing slightly weary of the situation and was planning to test the Technique of breaking the shackles next.

"Alright, let's start with you five," Nik gazed at the enslaved group of male souls.

How can souls have genders?

Easy, self-realization. That is the name of the game in Hel. The psychos who truly believe that every action they took was the greatest virtue have a vacation pad in Hel while the guilt-ridden philosophers toil away. The same came to gender differentiation. Although Sera claimed that her soul was fashioned into her female form due to the curse and magic that changed her but the simple truth is, she is now a woman interested in women. Voluntarily at that.

Changing the topic, Nik looked at the group of male souls as they began chanting a sermon and continued to create a magical rune midair.

'Hmm, this is probably the thirteenth variation. Instead of giving the command of commencing the art to a single leader of the said group of devotees, all of them are of an equal mind to fuse,' Nik gazed at the group of souls slowly being covered in a soft golden glow. All of them looked haggard previously but now, under the gold glow, their appearance and aura began to change.

Their heights grew and some grew shorter while the structure of their faces began to grow more harmonious as if they all were a group of quintuplets.

"Argh," suddenly, one of them groaned and Nik focused his attention on the soul.

"That's a pity," Nik mumbled as the other four souls grunted and the rune was stopped in the middle.


The rune collapsed in a soft hiss as the five souls collapsed on the frozen hell. As souls, it was highly unlikely for them to 'die', in a sense. Souls can surely get destroyed in Hel, like how Nik was supposed to end Malekith. But the souls wouldn't get destroyed because of the Valkyrie art and that's what made it such a great location for Nik.

But as they are, the souls themselves were useless. According to Sky, these souls had their origins ruined, or whatever the hell she meant but in layman's (Nik's) terms, these souls officially cannot break into rank 6 and they no longer had a coherent consciousness which brought Nik to his next step of the process.

Snapping his fingers, Nik produced a pitch-black cauldron with draconic figures carved on its legs.

The Nightmare Demon Pot!

"I feel like I'm a worker in a factory. Work, work, and more work," Nik mumbled and collected the five souls before stuffing them into the small cauldron and fueled it with his spirit energy.

The runes and carvings on the surface of the pot lit up.

He simply stored the soul and waited for the remaining two groups to finish up and even with all his optimism, the Valkyrie art was something Nik and his Harem failed in collectively so by now, he did not hold much hope and as he expected, the two remaining groups failed and Nik stored their souls before starting to fuse them.

With the icy scape cleared out, Nik created a small dune of snow before slumping down and gazing at the rotating cauldron with an idle expression.


The cauldron let out a sonorous hum and Nik looked up once again. The pot had stopped rotating and Nik made the pot eject the fused item.

[Soul Essence], a fusion of souls which increases in quality the more souls you add with the simple function of healing the souls. A single trip to Niffleheim had removed Brian's need for his Sap of the First Tree which had better effects by a huge margin but then again...

Nik is now the ruler of the dead, at least, a part of it. He had millions of souls waiting to be tested on and fused!

"Hehehe... hahahahaha! Suck it! Brian and Ray! I fucking rule!" Nik laughed loudly, in fact, maniacally. Who knew Hel could be this good? Well, aside from Ray who bagged the literal devil in his harem.


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