Goddess Collector: Every Hole is a Goal

Chapter 779: 768

Chapter 779: 768

Title: The Committed Disir

"So? What's it like to be the right-hand of Hell's queen?" Poole inquired as the seemingly desolate border of Helheim now had wooden furniture placed around for rest since the group was rudely not even asked inside the Hel. Leah, too, sat on one of the chairs and was now visited with one of the two phantoms that accompanied the odd one out of the group.

After all, in a group of ravishing females, a single male did look quite odd. Leah would have expected this one to be one of Loki's many new toys, whose end would be marked with a cruel fate of being Loki's pawn but it seemed that the situation wouldn't entirely be true.

Instead of answering Poole and accidentally divulging the secrets of Helheim, Leah questioned the strange and cheerful phantom instead, "What are you?"

"I'm Gwen!" Poole smiled. Meanwhile, Janet looked towards Leah talking to empty air, and inquired Nik.

"Are those... whatever that's following you?"

"Yeah, wanna see them?" Nik inquired with a playful smirk.

"Sure," Janet shrugged and suddenly, she felt her head a little chilled, and soon, she saw a blonde girl in a white spandex suit with pink schematics making hand signs in front of Leah. Meanwhile, another figure, in white, black, and pink was on Nik's shoulder, lying down idly.


Janet instantly turned small and went for Spider.

"Hey, your costume is pretty cute," she smiled and flew around Spider, observing the blonde girl sighing deeply and slowly sitting up.

As Janet began to converse with Spider, Nik looked towards Leah and spoke out, "Could you answer a few of my questions?"

His charm seemed to have minimal effect on this girl in particular so he could only try without taking drastic measures.

Averting her gaze from Poole, Leah inquired, "Regarding?"

"The Goddess of Death. Is she really Loki's daughter?" Nik continued.

Frowning, Leah shook her head, "I am not aware of the truth."

"Why is their relationship so... delightful?"

"I am not privy to Queen's personal relationships," Leah frowned.

"If there is a queen of Hel, is there also a king?" Nik tried to scout for potential rivals. By now, he knew his value well. And, he would have strongly opposed Loki's plan but after seeing Hela, Nik strongly appreciated Loki, so much so, he would bask her in affection as soon as she completes her task, and if all goes well, along with Hela.

"Queen has no use of a king. It dilutes authority," Leah looked confused, "But I sense that your inquiry seems to be regarding a matter different from authority."

"He's asking if your Queen's banging someone!" Poole snickered while pumping her hips forward, "Like this."

Leah fell into a stunned silence. Anger crept into her eyes while a rosy blush blessed her fair cheeks.

"You dare hold such degrading thoughts about the Queen?!" Leah stood and shrieked.

'Well, there goes my good impression,' Nik sighed, "Why are you speaking for your queen?"

His words only making Leah more frustrated, "You might not have noticed it, but your Queen checked me out. She gave me 'the' look. I'm sure you are old enough to understand what I'm saying," Nik shrugged while Morgan pointed out.

As a fellow bender of the dead, her thoughts seemed more compatible with Hela, or they possibly were.

"Why are you assuming that the goddess of death will ever be interested in a living being? She might have been thinking of eleven different ways to ravage your corpse."

Her words actually made Leah blush.

This action was observed by everyone. The sheer look of embarrassment and yet, without any way of rebuttal. This...

"No... way," Poole gasped.

"How about that," Spider's expression turned dark.


"Not now!" Nik gasped and flicked Moon's forehead, making her jump off Morgan's lap and onto Jennifer's, to get out of Nik's reach.

"Umm... it does seem appropriate..." Jennifer had a wry expression.

"Does a corpse even have an erection?" Angela suddenly seemed to have started asking important questions.

"It depends. Most of the necrophiles I knew back in the day just enjoyed the first few hours of softness," Morgan hummed in response.

"I feel sick," Janet's expression turned disgusted.

"You and me both, sister," Nik groaned.

"This conversation is no longer necessary," Leah snorted coldly before taking her seat. It was only at this moment that Nik felt Leah's resemblance to Hela. It was her nose.

'Hmm, family relations of gods can be too strange...' Nik thought internally.

Meanwhile, quite a bit of distance away, Loki was surrounded by a sum total of eleven wraiths. Beings that were unaffected by physical substance. Dark blue skins, contorted faces with the top of their heads hidden by helmets as black, feathered wings covered their backs. Though of all these were women, Loki couldn't feel any love for them. It wasn't because of her lack of desires.

'They are just disgusting.'

"Frost Giant," the one holding a lance whispered, "Why did you summon us? Your flesh reeks and so does their's... except that one. Bor's scent lingers in her veinssss!"

"Mighty Disir," Loki addressed the group as such.

She was surrounded by a spatial lock, which stopped the sudden influx of the wraiths to escape as Nik gazed towards them for a moment.

"What are they exactly?" Nik inquired.

After their previous conversation, Leah was happy and relieved by the change in the line of questioning.

"Disir is the group of Valkyrie who broke their vows," Leah replied. "Originally, they were the greatest group of warriors... but they fell to temptations and drove themselves to break their vow. They slept with men, and devoured the flesh of Asgardians," Leah's gaze flashed, "I have only heard about them from the Queen but..."

Leah did not speak further while Spider whispered with a hint of anxiety.

"Will Loki be alright? She's a sleazy slime but... she hasn't been too bad," Spider continued.

"Not too bad?" Nik inquired, "She attacked government facilities, controlled the mind of many, and was preparing to bring a war with an army she cannot control..."

"What?!" Jennifer shouted in shock. "Why is the first time I'm hearing about this?!"

"It's the first time all of you are hearing about," Nik shrugged, "Besides, I know not to engage in or assist in manslaughter. I'm over that phase."

Janet gulped, "What do you mean?"

"Nothing really. It's like this, when you travel through worlds, you meet all kind of people and sometimes... just sometimes, one of these worlds is filled with so much dirt... uh, you know, the better way to explain would be having you read one of the more popular webnovel fiction. I went into this particular world and it has the same characters as the book but when I read it, the characters were so attached to killing each other over small problems that it blew my mind!"

Nik's words emerged within the head of the girls.

"So, what I'm trying to say is, that even if the current earth is peaceful, mind you, relatively, I've had to do a few unsavory things just to... gain the maximum advantage that I could think of at the time."

Nik recalled his first adventure. He killed the Avatar, and robbed him off of his recently met companions. Then, he effectively killed the fire lord. In the next world, he did end up committing a slaughter of the royal family. In the last adventure, Nik's actions were less in quantity but increased in quality. He took over a dark guild by killing the Demon Lord... and robbing him off of his trophy wife... which, as it turns out, was much more dangerous than a trophy. Elsa freaking killed the young lord of the city and disguised as him to infiltrate the city just to get into bed with him!

Such devotion!

While Nik relived his choices once again, this time, not feeling even a tinge of regret even for some rather guilt-inducing actions, Loki began to work her charm on the group of adequately armored Disir.


"I require your assistance. I want you to pledge your services to me," Loki began as the other wraiths instantly shrieked, making the mischievous goddess' head ring in discomfort.

"Mark your words carefully, goddesss," a wraith with her skin completely dried out and lips cut-off, revealing her jaws, hissed with a ghostly glow in her dark eyes.

"This is your only way to exact revenge on Asgard... Sig. You remember him, right? The cause of your fall? One night of debauched desire, next thing you know, Sig fled the realm and left you to take the fall, and oooh, how low did you fall. Curse of banishment. Inability to eat and enjoy the warmth of life. And the constant desire to feed on Asgardians, but being unable to. See? Even now, I can feel the realm rejecting you!" Loki clapped her hands as the wraiths grew restless. Anxious, excited, and deranged shrieks blew from their lips but none affected Loki this time.

"How?" A question finally emerged.

"How will you restore us?"

"By pledging loyalty to me, you will assist me in destroying Asgard. Of course, you alone won't be able to contend to the mighty force of the realm, but with the help of Hel, we will have a foothold. The moment Asgard falls, the first thing in my tasks as the new ruler will be to destroy the curse that afflicts you. One of my allies, is a being with mastery of Sorcery right below me. You could even think of me as his mentor... heh, and he has a mage as great as a Supreme on his leash!"

Loki grinned, "In your remaining, unrotten section of your brain, think. With the combined forces of all the Sorceress in Asgard and these two... your affliction can be cured. Even the mighty king of past wouldn't hold a candle to the combined might that I speak of!"

The group flinched but seeing their hesitation, Loki drove the nail into the coffin with one final play.

"And... once you pledge your loyalty to me. Give me, the new ruler of Asgard the right of your services as tradition dictates... I shall reveal the location of the mighty Sig to you."

This particular condition seemed much more enticing than anything else.

"How I wish to sink my teeth in his flesh!" One of the wraiths whispered.

'Teeth isn't the only thing you sunk into him,' Loki snickered internally.

As the wraiths began to voice their agreement, Loki began a chant which pulled droplets of her blood from the tips of her fingers, and soon, the blood covered the surface underneath in a contractual circle.

The striking red circle was carefully observed by the Disir before they nodded.

"These agreements, we all agree!"

'Of course you do. If I had forbidden sex again, you guys would have torn me apart,' Loki scoffed.

"In the name of our lost honor," the group screeched simultaneously, pitch-black gas escaping their facial orifices, they claimed, "We serve in the honor of the queen of Asgard provided these conditions!"

As the group of old Valkyries commented such, a malevolent grin spread across Loki's lips.

"How nice," she whispered.

In the corner of the bloody red magical contract, a tinge of blue was finally revealed.


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