Goddess Collector: Every Hole is a Goal

Chapter 766: A Team

Chapter 766: A Team

Shot out to Dylan L, Eakamdeep Brar, Jwolf, Juan Carlos Neves.

Read advance chapters @

Patre /fanharem


If you like Nik and also enjoy Soul Land then please give Quest Maker of Soul Land a try. It's my new fanfic that I'm working on because of my writer's block of ehg since not being able to write in itself would have felt weird. All I ask is you guys give it a try. The lemons are slow, but there's a high chance you may get hooked on it~

Enjoy the late update (Sorry)


"Do you really have to leave?" Susan inquired with a serious expression.

Right now, Nik's apartment was filled with men and women. Tony, Pym, Reed, Ben, and Johnny were the only males besides Nik to be present here while every girl in Nik's harem, from Tigra to Morgan, were present here. Obviously, those who knew each other and were in terms not so favorable caused visible friction and tension to spread in the apartment, signifying one of the many reasons why Nik didn't build yet another mansion for everyone to stay together.

It was highly unlikely.

In this society, Villains and Heroes were like oil and water while Nik walked the path of lust. Unaffected by morals of justice and still as a calm surface of a lake in front of the debauched desires of villains.

In such a situation, there were three greatest voices of reason among all the women present. Susan, who actually had the least contact with the entire group. Morgan, who could truly care less about others. And Natasha, whose training of decades gave her enough ability to control the outburst of her emotions.

Even the men in the room did not feel strange to be a part of the conversation. Nik's ability to control mind as if turning a set of commands into memories of others was already this fearsome.

"I think it's a great opportunity. Just on this planet... I got a chance to find a method to break five shackles and reach rank 6. And this is just a single earth. The opportunity in front of me will allow me to find the knowledge of other realms. It is highly possible that Loki doesn't care for such methods and may have missed them but since a technique of such nature can surface in the land of mortals, why will it not be present in the realms of gods?" Nik stated somberly.

"What I'm asking you is not to fight for me or anything. Heh, in fact, I'm sure all of you are clear by now that you all will need a thing or two of your own. To just keep you all chained by my side, well, it would be a pity, honestly."

Nik's words resounded in the ears of other heroes and villains, mothers and daughters.

Among the group, Anna and Gwen stuck together like a glue. In such a gathering, these two truly felt short about themselves. In Gwen's mind, even Spider and Poole were much better in such a situation.

"The duration of the trip is not defined, so... I should address that the biggest elephant in this room will be gone for a while." A few light-hearted chuckles and smirks spread across the room. Tony being the boisterous one.

Honestly, Nik was still surprised that Ray didn't bag Tony. Even he admitted that if he was a girl going for the greatest male harem, Tony would be one of the proud princes of such a group.

However, these chuckles could not hide the worry flickering in the eyes of girls.

Of course, the worry did not focus on Nik's wellbeing. They all were well aware that should Nik perish, he would just return to his homeworld without his karma being unfulfilled. However... the biggest elephant would really be gone for a while the major source of their worry.

This was a strange situation where Nik didn't think from his dick and presented a rational mindset willing to aim for greater opportunities, instead, the girls balanced this out by thinking about Nik's dick.

"I... should probably tag along," Anna grinned, only for a smack to land on the back of her head.

"Nik can leave highschool because he has University level knowledge. You, on the other hand, cannot even define the simple concepts of physics. Not to mention the fact that you always squander your time on video games and dancing!" Mary was ruthless in her lecture, instantly dimming the eyes of other schoolgirls still present in the room including Mj and Cindy.

Mary was right. Nik could do as he wishes, even leave the school, because of him going through many levels of educational institutions already. Even a whore school was checked off his bucket list!

"Now, now, I'll just quickly take over Asgard and have a castle for you guys to visit. I did promise you a vacation island... what could be better than a floating island?" Nik cackled.

"Well... not to sound too depressing, but our opponents would be the level of Angela's physique. So, with a clear heart and aching body, I'll just wait for you here. I can pass my time stealing things," Felicia snickered. Just like Mary, her words threw a bucket of cold water over many combatants of the group, including Natasha for that matter. Vertigo sighed but didn't have too much of a change in expression. However, Tigra felt a little too worse, her straight furry ears drooping low for the first time.

"Actually, if I can, I just want to invite Morgan and Angela on this trip."

"Of course, I need answers from Asgard about who I really am," Angela remarked with a cold expression.

"And I need to track other infinite stones. I'm a little close to completing a tracking spell to find the stones," Morgan sighed. If she could, she would really want to evade the trip. One does not become a hoarder and a grand magician without staying under a roof for much longer than necessary. Not to mention, her necromancy could be useful considering the fact that... well, their first arrival will be in a Hell.

"But... I won't mind if anyone else wants to join me at all. Keep in mind though, I won't be fighting your battles," Nik pointed out.

"I want to join," At Janet's words, Henry's lips twitched but he refrained from Interjecting.

"I think, with my ability, I can be a better scout than Professor Numbnuts and this Brute here," She crossed her arm with a provocative smile while addressing Morgan and Angela.

'Not to mention, I'll get a chance to observe the fashion of gods,' she added internally.

"Do you understand I can turn you into cosmic dust with a few words?" Morgan narrowed her gaze.

Before Angela could add on, Janet smiled coldly and sneered, "And did you know that I can enter your butt before turning into my ordinary form, efficiently tearing you a new one?"

Angela pursed her lips. Suddenly, she grew more affectionate about this elegantly dressed brute whose words were no less than the rest.

Morgan, meanwhile, pursed her lips.

"Stupid ape," she finally mumbled rather quietly.

"Alright, Janet's in. Who else?" Nik inquired.

"Um, I don't want to overestimate myself but... I think I can keep up with you guys there," Jennifer slowly raised her hand. Still, in her She-Hulk form, she stood out amongst the rest.

"Of course. But didn't you want to set-up your own business?" Nik inquired.

"A delay of year or two doesn't matter... and I think, you'll probably need an attorney with the other group inside that isolated space," Jennifer commented.

'True dat... in a single day, that group managed to destroy my hard work of creating the medicinal lake. {A/N: DLK plot}'

"I..." Susan whispered, "Will stay here. I just don't want to be called an invader."

Her words making Ava nod with an understanding expression, "That's right. You guys will be the villain."

Her words a little cold than her usual self but the dark-skinned White Tiger looked at the group despite her displeasure and remarked anyway.

"Not if we win," Nik pointed out. "It's hard to realize it now... but despite the laws and regulations of the cities and countries, all it takes is one snap sometimes to turn things around," Nik sighed.

"Uh, you do you," Ava nodded, "But... it's feeling a little congested here. Can we move this thing a little quicker?"


"Count me in."

Poole and Spider jumped off Gwen's pockets and walked towards Nik.

Nik nodded. In a manner, these two can be the greatest burden and no burden at the same time. If someone can target consciousnesses, then these two will have no chance. If not, these two might just be called invincible.

Gwen's mood soured. First, her dad's lack of stay could be coped up with these two and now Nik, too. But the three of them were leaving.

How couldn't she feel the slightest bit depressed?

"I understand while many of you don't think much about this. There might be some of you who must be feeling a little down now. But..."

"Ugh," Ava made a puking expression.

"Wow... really, wow..." Felicia added with a sigh.

"Really? You wanna leave on such a low note?" Natasha frowned.

"Come on, he's still young. He'll get it one of these days," Mary smirked.

"Oh, shut it," Nik rolled his eyes, "All I'm saying is that these guys are going to set-up the Symbiote Conversion system inside the Savage Island," Nik pointed at the men of the group, "Vertigo and Tigra, wanna keep your usual position even now? I'll still be taking away Ignit though," Nik inquired.

"No problem," Tigra bit her lips while Vertigo shrugged, "It will be a little quieter with Ignit gone. But sure."

"Well, you guys enjoy while I'm gone... oh, and if some maniacal being in black calling himself Knull comes looking for me... uh, give me a call. Or, if he's a bit reasonable, just say that I'm in Asgard. That will actually work for the best," Nik grinned before creating a portal.

While Angela, Janet, Morgan, and Jennifer walked through the portal Nik looked at all of the girls. His gaze a bit reluctant as he was thinking of something.

"You know... we could all just tag along and have fun every day," Nik offered, making Mj snort a chuckle, "Go!"

"Fine. Oh, and don't let the fact that I own the Savage Land leak out you guys," Nik looked at the men in the room.

"Tigra, Vertigo," Nik opened a portal, "You can leave whenever you want. This portal will close itself in three hours. In fact, all of you should visit the island this time. It'll be fun," Nik smiled, not having a mind to further delegate tasks and warning since many of them were already astute enough.

Right before he left, Gwen and Ava seemed to have thought of something.

"Take care!"

"Be safe!"

They both exclaimed at the same time, making Nik wave behind turning back as Spider and Poole waved back at Gwen before disappearing into the violet portal.

"Be safe? Is that really you, Ava? Ah, how sweet~!" Felicia smirked, making Ava blush heavily.

However, before the two girls could further be teased, Anna shouted, "I'm going! Bye-bye!"

Saying that, she jumped into the other portal.

"It's 8 am. We have till eleven," Natasha smirked, following instantly while Susan looked at her family and sighed.

"Um, I'll return to the building later," she smiled at Reed.

"Sure," he replied and left with others while Tony stood, looking a little conflicted.

"Hmm? What's wrong?"

Noting the expression, Mary inquired.

"Nothing... I just got a Missus. You know, the current owner of Stark Industries... but now I think... should I also try having multiple women? I can certainly afford the expense."

Not having expected such an inquiry, Mary rolled her eyes and entered the portal.

"Don't worry," Felicia smiled, "I'm sure you can try it. What do you have to lose? Aside from your current partner, that is," Saying so, the silver-haired woman entered the portal, too, obviously thinking of striking rich in a restricted island.

"Come on, we don't wanna be left behind," Cindy locked arms with Gwen and Ava, pulling them along.

"Say, you're Mary, too, right? Anna speaks a lot about you," Mary walked to Mj.

"Good things, I hope... we don't have that good of a past together," Mj smiled wryly.

"Come now, I'm sure Anna feels the opposite of that. It's nice to meet you. Let's get going," The mature woman instantly won Mj's good impression as she followed Mary into the portal.

"Don't worry, you don't have to hear stuff from that fake cat. But... you should try to first complete Nik's tasks before thinking of women," Tigra patted Tony's back.

The remaining girls entered the portal while Tony rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Now that I think of it... nanotech can be the solution to robot girlfriends, so... I hope Pepper doesn't mind it too much.


While the girls began their own temporary adventure, Nik had already summoned Ignit back while he appeared inside an abandoned building in one of the ghost cities near the border of the state and found a strange Morgan holding a blue cube in her hand while a gloomy Loki folded her arms, tapping her foot against the ground impatiently.

"What's going on?" Nik inquired, already knowing that Loki set off all the enslaved individuals once it was signified that an army wouldn't help their cause. At least, not the Chitauri one, essentially blue balling whoever hired Loki to transition the army on the planet in the first place.

"Remember that we are searching for infinite stones since it somehow allows you to understand the essence of concepts?" Morgan inquired.


"Well, this cube holds another one of the stones. Congratulations," Morgan stated impassively.

"Hey, handle it with care, please. That's our ticket into Hel!" Loki hissed.

"Shut it, slut," Angela snorted, making Loki smile coldly, "Sister, we share the same traits."

Her words making Janet snicker while Jennifer growled at Loki.

"You're the one who interrupted my chat with cousin!"

"I just interrupted the chat," Loki snickered, "Another guy did a lot more."

While Jennifer growled, Nik thought to himself.

'We still don't have a concrete plan... we're going to hell... and this is a team whose only bond is my dong... alright, if approached carefully, this trip can really be great!'

Similar to others, Nik had his own sub-goals.

'It's a pity... I low-key wanted Ava, Felicia, and Greer to follow along... three cats and one master... ah, what a wonderful situation it could have been.'

Nik sighed to himself.


A/N: Aaaand that's it for this volume guys! 'It's Marvelous' has officially come to an end. Now starts the second volume of the arc All-Daddy of Assgard!

Reason: Marvel has proved too big, and I state this face continuously. Just the number of girls in other realms is astounding and this is currently me being too strict on the number of girls entering the harem. The reason I am dividing the arc into two volumes is that the situation would change entirely and every Volume, in my mind, works as a fresh start. So, I can continue writing with renewed vigor! Thanks for all the support till now, love you all!

*Ps: The above note is when I actually started the new volume and the speed of the updates grew once again. I face a block once again as all of you know currently, sorry.


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