Goddess Collector: Every Hole is a Goal

Chapter 747: Sky's Family

Chapter 747: Sky's Family

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"I actually haven't been here quite often," Nik smiled as he introduced Janet to the young, dark-haired girl on the hospital bed, "Janet, meet Jessica Jones."

As he pulled a chair for Janet to sit, the woman slowly shook her head and walked forward to observe Jessica.

"Why is she here?" Janet inquired as Nik looked around a little before picking one of the apples from the nearby baskets. After all, even if Jessica was awake, she wouldn't have minded his presence, much less when she is asleep.

"A car accident... she's the only one who survived," Nik replied softly.

"Were you close?" Janet continued, not at all uncomfortable by the situation she found herself in.

"Not particularly. I was a bit of a douche back then, and Jessica too shy to ever start conversation. She does have quite the temper though," Nik smiled as he checked Jessica's situation.

'It's gonna take too long like this... she needs some kind of trigger to quickly develop resistance and turn the problem into an opportunity...' Nik had already known that what actually sent Jessica's body into a shock wasn't the crash but the contact of radioactive waste being transported during the crash. Although her family is no more, Jessica was still left with a situation that would allow her to live independently.

"Then why are you visiting her today?"

"Honestly," Nik thought for a moment, "It felt convenient."


"Yeah. I don't think I'll get more chances to just visit her and I thought..." Nik looked away for a moment, recalling how the girl had an obvious crush on him.

'Although I don't share the feeling, since it is so simple to help her wake up, I might just help her,' Nik thought.

'Man, you can be cruel at times,' Asmodeus sighed.

'And?' Nik inquired silently as he injected his newly acquired ability to tweak a bit of cosmic energy due to his mutation and the ability into turning Netherion.

Cosmic energy roiling within Nik was the most efficient trigger to help Jessica.

'If you wake her up, she won't have a family to return to,' Asmodeus continued with what Nik could easily feel to be a mocking smirk.

'And if she doesn't wake up in a week, she'll get absolutely destroyed by whatever Loki is planning.'

'So you'll rather have this girl destroy the plans of a goddess you're pursuing?'

'What Jessica does has nothing to do with me. If I can't even act the way I want... on my whims, do you really think freeing myself from the actions of the three ancestors is even worth it?' Nik inquired rhetorically, his words silencing Asmodeus.

'Whims are a dangerous instinct to follow,' Sky commented softly.

'That's what makes them so fun,' Nik smiled as he felt his actions working on Jessica.

'This much should be enough,' Nik thought with a smile as he took a deep breath. Rubbing the top of Jessica's head, Nik continued with a soothing voice, "I really hope you wake up soon..."

'And live an awesome life,' Nik added before turning to Janet.

"Isn't convenience being the only reason to visit the girl now too cold of a reason?" Janet inquired with a furrow of her brows.

"I think you may have misunderstood my intentions. Convenience is just... the only thing that would allow me to act the way I want. Some live by morals, some live for profits," Nik shrugged.

"And I really wanted to meet her," Nik added, "You see that basket? It's from another friend of mine. We all visit Jessica from time to time so that once she really wakes up, she wouldn't be completely lonely."

"Oh," Though a little bitter now, Janet nodded with a sigh.

"I do apologize for this detour again. Even if I hadn't met you today, I would have visited Jessica regardless," Nik added as Janet nodded.

'Oh, she's here?' Nik thought as he felt a presence looming in the corridor. It was the same woman following them from the cafe.

'Even the agents keep a safe distance. She's not from any organization,' Nik identified the unprofessional actions of the woman as Janet took a deep breath and smiled at Nik.

"Regardless, it's actually nice to know that a hero as young as you still keep yourself connected to the society. Henry and the fantastic four are a lost cause, you know... well, except Susan..." Janet smirked as Nik smiled plainly.

"If you say so," he replied.

"Gosh, you're harder to get a read on than Susan!" Janet walked out of the room as Nik turned to look towards Jessica slightly trembling eyelids, a pleased smile plastered on his lips before he left the room.

After a few minutes of their departure, the woman entered the ward and gazed through Jessica's profile with a frown over her brows.


As the woman went through the information, a nurse walked in and she instantly stood still.

"Excuse me," she nodded while the woman coughed.

"Apologies. I'm Ms. Jessica's family's attorney and came to check a few things. Please don't mind my presence."

"I see... I will have to ask you to leave for a few minutes. I need to change the patient."

"Ah, of course," the woman nodded hurriedly but instead of waiting outside, she left for the exit, trying to follow Nik and Janet for as long as she can.


While Janet and Nik made their way to the studio, nothing important happened out in the real world while Janet would find something online during the drive and describe the circumstances of either the model or the magazine itself. However, Nik had already begun another chat with Sky.

'Sky... I don't know if it's after obtaining an insight into the concept of wisdom or not... but do you remember? When we were in Glory City, you once mention that Kaal, Lucifer, and you visited the realm and the other two left offsprings behind, one of them being a black drake?'

'I do remember Lucifer and Kaal fighting for a lizard... they were going through a dangerous phase back then. Makes me shiver at the memory of those... dark moments. Get it?'

'Cause it was black?' Nik inquired.

'Yep!' Sky snickered.

'Anyway... since Kaal was so good at time manipulation and now I realize, he might be a great grandmaster or even more... in the concept of time. Is it possible that he had planned for me to get the Ravager Bloodline? Scales Beyond?'

'First, due to obvious reasons, I don't like the name of the bloodline at all,' Sky complained.

'Too bad,' Nik shrugged.

'Second, isn't the purification part of the bloodline the very reason why the temporal page was destroyed? I don't think Kaal would...' As Sky reached till this point, she went silent.

'Actually... that's a bit like Kaal. Alright, since I remembered something again, I'll let you know how the Temporal Fiend that shook Infernal and Holy Paradise alike came into contact with the Holy Paradise for the first time.

It was a warm summer evening'

'Wait, are you really going to start from the surroundings?' Nik grumbled.

'It's called being a good storyteller. Now listen up. It was a warm summer evening. I was having a nice bath. Back then I had a humanoid physique and bathing is one of the luxuries of life... too bad you just purify yourself.'

'I don't think shitting can be considered a luxury, too. But I do enjoy bathing, yeah, so I understand...'


'Oh, and you can transfer the images of you bathing you know? It'll make you a better storyteller,' Nik persuaded with a smile.

'Hah, I would, if you would have passed the first test but you can't even get past Pure, much less Asmodeus and Lilith!' Sky mocked but Nik took no offense.

No amount of Tanya's baby pics could ever push Nik into the realm of Grandmaster in the concept of ice. Something he needed to actually pass Pure's test now he realized.

'Anyway, with the way Supreme was at the time, he would spend time training his first three children. Sadly, I wasn't one of them. You already know Lucifer, the second. The third was his twin sister Michael. Many actually still believe Lucifer to be the first but actually... the first to born from the same woman who gave birth to Lucifer and Michael was Samael...'

'Was?' Nik noted.

'Yeah... Micheal and Samael are still missing. Remember Adapt? I said that he's my brother-in-law, remember? He and Micheal were a thing...'

'So... was your sister hot?' Nik inquired, purely out of curious reasons.

'Let's just say that she wasn't into sexual pleasures as much as other Seraphims. She was strange that way... I know this on good record that she and Adapt never fucked. How crazy is that?!' Sky almost shouted.

'Oh... what about Kaal? How does he fit in the sibling relationship?'

'Well, one day, as I was enjoying my bath, our home planet was attacked. Well, attack is a strong word. It was accidentally caught in the middle of a fight... caused by Kaal. In reality, he had just made two rank seven hosts chumps. Their women had been left in... well, pools of infernal liquid. But there was just one problem. Ordinarily, the runes left to protect the planet by Supreme should have worked. However, one of the rank seven hosts had an artifact left in the past era.'

'The information and supernatural ability of that magic was something Supreme hadn't encountered previously, so the formation set up by him couldn't really amount to much. Of course, after that, Supreme took out both the chumps, and even went as far as to enslave their widows. Just the widows though. He had a 'bright' idea of opening a multiversal brothel...'

'Hey, I thought of it, too,' Nik mused.

'Yeah, it's not that great, actually. Why should you even share the women who are your enemies? Just keep everything for yourself!' Sky sighed.

'Geez, and I thought men are more possessive,' Nik smirked.

'Anyway, once Supreme found about Kaal, he went after Kaal, too. It was the first contact of Kaal and Supreme. Although they would end in positive terms later and then negative, even later, it couldn't be said for now. Supreme felt that he had killed Kaal but remember, one of the rank seven hosts had an artifact from previous era. He used one such artifact to elude Supreme.'

'Kaal's exact reason to target the two of the hosts was that he found out that the two men had struck a motherload of past era's artifacts. He then snuck into their harems and gave the two green hats in a way that made them fight each other... he was actually disguised as both of them...'

Sky then sighed.

'Anyway, I told you all of this because Kaal has done this in the past. Acting dead and reappearing once again. In fact, if you recall everything about him, this seems to be his modus operandi. So, if I were you, I would keep a healthy amount of skepticism that he's still out there...

And your luck showed it, right? Within the thundercloud of your ancestor's luck was Kaal's. He's surely somewhere and since it's unlucky for you, he must be planning something against you.'

'You know, Sky... I still can't believe that you're helping me when it comes to Kaal. Every rational thought dictates that I'm just a pig being fed till the point of butchering...' Nik revealed his deepest thoughts. His words making other spirits listening to them go silent but Sky could only laugh.

'Tell me about it... your father changed your memories, the world is after your soul, you don't know who your real mother is, and even your past incarnation is out there to get you. If you weren't even the slightest bit afraid, I would have actually admired your insanity. And yet I admire you for many other reasons. Your natural talent... and... well, I'll tell you the other aspect some other day.'

'If you can manage to keep trusting me till that long, I mean.'

Hearing Sky's playful words, Nik sighed, unconsciously slumping against the seat of the cab.

"Hmm? I didn't realize that my constant chatter is slightly bothering," Janet smiled.

"No, it's not you," Nik smiled, "And yes, I think Stacey Specter is too 'blue' to make a good model. Although, I still don't understand what 'blue' means in this context."

Seeing that Nik was really listening to whatever she was saying and not simply nodding for the sake of it, Janet blinked in surprise but she still scooched a little closer to Nik, her arm touching Nik every now and then while the subtle scent of her perfume finally filling Nik's senses more openly.

"This is what I meant by blue," Janet began explaining her personal terms and approach when it came to modeling.

It was something entirely new to Nik, the way of modeling.


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