Goddess Collector: Every Hole is a Goal

Chapter 745: A Bellowing God

Chapter 745: A Bellowing God

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Patre /fanharem

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"Ugh... gross," Nik revealed a disgusted look. It took him almost another three hours to turn the shriveled arm into a shriveled man. The bones peeked through the skin while the hollow cheeks sunk deep into the man's mouth and as Nik's cursory gaze fell over at the man's crotch, he narrowed his gaze.

There was nothing in that location.

As flat as any flat-chested tsundere from many animes.

"Anyway, his body is extremely strange," Nik crouched down and idly poked the man's shriveled arm. From [Imperfect Chimera] when Nik extrapolated the form of the body that the finger belonged to, he realized that the schematics of the circulation system of the body was extremely strange. Too detailed and complicated. This kind of structure would have the most efficient circulation but there was a reason why such a jumbled mess couldn't appear in humans even after such a long time.

It was too thin to pump blood. To congealed to allow the circulation of any form of liquid.

And it wasn't connected to the heart at all as if the heart is just another decorative piece in the body alongside the rest of the organs, except kidney, stomach, and intestines. This being did not have any digestive system.

"Hmm? Who is this?" Nik inquired as Morgan walked in. Her eyes turned a little icy once she gazed upon the man but soon recollected herself.

"His name is Merlin... or at least, this man was once part of Merlin, the greatest sorcerer I ever had the displeasure of apprenticing under. I always felt that someday... his finger would prove to be a good use so I never threw it away."

'And because you are a hoarder,' Nik added mentally but still feeling his stare and imagining what he might be thinking based on recent revelations, Morgan glared at the youth before closing her eyes.

A strange, primal energy covered Morgan as her brows knitted in concentration. Her hands spread out, writing magical chants mid-air while also whispering under her breath. Of course, now that Nik was a Grand-Magician, he burned the spell in his mind and waited to see its effect.

'Seems like a... ominous one. Is she going to move the corpse in some way?' Nik's instincts flared. These were not ordinary thoughts based on his experience but deep instinct ringing after gaining a Grandmaster-level of insight in the art of spellcasting and Magic.

Finally prepared, Morgan's shut eyes snapped open. The whites of her eye now pitch black, surrounding her bright green pupils while dark tentacles emerged from her palms, stretching out towards Merlin.

Unlike her usual demeanor where she would start explaining the effects of the spell by now, Morgan remained somber and quiet. As the dark tentacles slowly vanished into the body, the shriveled physique slowly swelled up. The wrinkles disappeared, the skin turned healthy and glossy, the white bush hair turned into lustrous black.

Finally, Merlin sat up, his eyes without any pupils making it harder for others to understand where his gaze might be focusing on but Morgan smiled in satisfaction. Letting out a soft sigh, she snapped her fingers, "Get up."

Standing up silently, Merlin faced Morgan.

"Haaa... did you really think that acting like a puppet would save you?" Morgan sneered as her voice echoed in Nik's mind.

"I've got another favor to ask. Can you wipe his memory completely?"

As if sensing danger to his very existence, Merlin looked back, finding a large palm already covering his face, gripping his head completely.

"N-No! Morgan! I'm different from him, remember? We both hate the same Merlin!" His shouts were muffled by Nik's palm as Morgan who now wore the Eye of Agamotto once again without the Time Stone embedded in it looked at the debacle calmly. The inscription of the eye on the necklace glowed as Morgan's perception changed.

"Careful, although I have his body in control, his recovered spirit can still do harm. If his consciousness cannot be tamed, just destroy it."

"Did the spell really take that much energy?" Nik inquired curiously while his mind slowly overpowered the weak consciousness hidden deep within the body of Merlin.

"I cannot really hold energy, remember? And reviving Merlin's corpse took out more than I anticipated."

"But is this guy really necessary?" Nik huffed, "And... did you just say revive? After learning the spell, maybe I can do that, too," Nik snickered as he finally found the light blue orb of consciousness running away from the violet tsunami Nik's empowered consciousness was after the boost from Mind Stone.

"Nooo!" Merlin roared, an extreme pressure developing from his body while Nik finally realized that the strange circulation system actually stored, developed, and circulated magic energy!

'This guy developed an Auto-cultivation of his own, too!' Nik's gaze brightened as he would try to use this circulation system as a partial template and I try to develop something more whole.

However, the small orb of consciousness stood no chance. The moment Nik devoured the orb, he stole all the knowledge this little amount of consciousness could hold.

And it was massive.

Massive than the amount of Knowledge Garuk possessed and could easily compete with the Strange's entire library of magical spells and magical lores.

Seeing Merlin going limp, his screams cutting off and his flexed arms falling beside his hips, Morgan breathed a sigh of relief as Nik looked towards Morgan with a strange expression.


Nik inquired, making Morgan smile and nod.

"But I'm not going to give out my most prized spells easily," she chimed.

"You don't have to..." As he said so, Nik once again used the luck inspection on himself and gazed at the glowing purple dildo.

Although it wasn't as drastic as the size reduction by a percent or two to corrupt the dark disk over the tip, Nik found that the size of the dildo had reduced extremely slightly.

Knowing that answers regarding Luck were something the girls could not provide well, Nik found himself trying to find out the reason it felt quite obvious.

Luck is expendable.

As Morgan stated previously, there might be a few items or locations that can recharge luck but any fortunate encounter in his life would serve to expand his luck.


'To think that the entire subject of magical enchantments written off as a value lower than one percent of my luck is just... stupidly amazing.

And if such a great encounter matters so little to Chaotic Soul... then what could actually make it expend a little over 1 percent to cover me for? The fuck did I really poke?'

Nik mused as he gazed at the dark disk. After coming into contact with the squirt of the lucky dildo, the disk had shortened considerably and did not look as impressive as it used to. In fact, there was a sword-shaped hole right in the middle of the disk surrounded by violet edges.


Deep within something dark, malevolent, a slumbering figure gradually opened its eyes. Crimson red filled them yet confusion flickered within the figure. The thin, grey-skinned physique of his remained suspended in the darkness and yet, instead of fear, the man felt calm.

But as much calmness the darkness, the void could provide him, the gradual rise of temper could still not be stopped.

"Where is it?!" His raspy growl itself sending tremors as the world caging him, the planet acting as the prison for the figure trembled.

On the surface of the planet, many beings trembled but they couldn't be considered humanoid at all.

If Nik gazed over the planet, he would instantly identify it as Klyntar the home planet of Klyntars (symbiotes). And the figure caged by his own creation.

The one who wallowed in pure rage and killing intent as the cage around him trembled.


God of Symbiotes, Ruler of Living Abyss.

Yet, right now, the god had not disposition of being one. As if its best toy had been demolished, Knull roared. In anger, sure. But there was a tinge of bafflement in his tone.

'Had my sword disappeared in some other dimension, I would have still been able to feel it. But... it wasn't destroyed. It simply does not exist any longer,' Knull reasoned, experience from his years of conquest slowly resurfacing as he recalled one particular time traveler. A being from the future who had severely affected Knull's conquest of the cosmos.

'That silver individual... he identified himself as Silver Surfer,' Knull's mood worsened as he recalled the absolute suicidal blast that kept him injured for years.

'When the damned light was created in the beginning, my slumber was disrupted. As disgruntled as I may have been, with the exposure of light, I came to discover my shadow... my very first weakness... my source of curiosity...

If I hadn't cut off my shadows to create more organisms... I would have been complete. Yet, my first descendent, Necro... is no longer in the timeline. Symbiotes turned against me after acquiring the feeling of nobility, and the planet I created caged me...


As countless memories flickered within Knull, he found something even more distasteful.

Almost disgusting.

His parts...

They were truly cut-off from him.

'Earth... that's where my creature slumbers... How dare they infect my offspring with their blood?! How dare that siphon off what is rightfully mine?!'

As Knull continued, he looked towards the very structure holding him.

"You must not hate me, little one," Knull smiled, his ashen grey hair floating with a menacing look in his eyes.

"I would have waited to completely heal myself. My head hurts still for a spear through it is no easy feat to resist. But...

Consider this the penance of your sins against God.


With that, Knull opened wide and bit against the fleshy wall squirming with pitch-black tentacles.

Instantly feeling reinvigorated, Knull began to cackle. No longer feasting with his mouth, he pushed his arms inside the injury and the fleshy wall instantly squirmed and wrapped around his arms.

Meanwhile, the white patches of eyes of every klyntar on the planet turned dark red with a hypnotic swirl marking their pupils.


Many howled, resisting the return of who they all banished but feeling all of it. All the pain and despair of his offsprings, Knull howled himself.

"Do not weep for my return!" his head snapped backward as a maniacal glow touched his face.

"Smile! Laugh! We will conquer them all! And we will start with the source of my indigence!

The Celestials!

If their heads can be cut-off then they can be corrupted, too!"

Knull screamed, the planet itself shriveling but despite all the mass being devoured, Knull wasn't satisfied. Instead, he gripped the flesh from inside and growled.


Slowly, a pitch-black armor covered him with a red cape fluttering behind. On the armor was an insignia of a red drake.

He floated in space as the planet was completely devoured.

He was free, but he wasn't happy.

This isn't how he wanted to be free.

These are not the circumstances he wanted to return to.

The planet could have been an excellent base of operations alongside a backup source of strength but he consumed it to heal himself.

To return to the prime of his life.

"Celestials..." Knull growled as all the symbiotes floating in the space instantly trembled. Fiendish grins stretching over their face, they combined.

Trillions of slugs combined to form billions of pitch-black dragons of absolute malevolence.

"Nik..." Knull continued, recalling the youth with the audacity to rob him.

"I shall destroy his world and take whatever he feels his!" Knull cackled as a large dragon flapped its wings, miraculously being able to fly in the vacuum of space.

Taking a seat on the base of the approaching dragon, Knull pointed towards a particular direction.

"We march to the original planet filled with failures. If one Necro is gone, another shall fill its role!"

Being free from every restriction, Knull could easily feel more of his parts of the original shadow. The results of his failed experiments that led to the creation of the symbiote race.

"If I hadn't been injured, meager morality would not have been able to infect the mind of my offsprings. No matter. I don't plan to go down this time," Knull's crimson gaze flickered darkly.


'And... it's filled again,' Nik gazed at the sword-shaped gap being filled with...

Tendrils of black tentacles that looked awfully familiar.


Furrowing, Nik looked towards the hut of treasures and sighed softly.

"I have to go for a moment. If you want whatever's in Merlin's mind, I'll add it all in the library," Nik said before disappearing, making Morgan finally purse her lips with a disappointed pout.

"I... could have traded it for my spells in necromancy..."

But already knowing how much Nik had to simply catch-up when it came to his abilities, Morgan could understand the sheer lack of importance Nik gave to such kind of information when it came to sharing with girls.

A quality Morgan admired and detested equally.

Meanwhile, Nik returned to the hut only to find his collection of symbiotes raging.

The silver, the black, and the green.

All of them showed crimson red eyes with comical swirls in them but as if registering Nik's presence, the trio looked towards his direction.

"Hello, little one," A raspy voice echoed from their lips in perfect sync while Pickle slowly extended herself out and coiled around Nik protectively.

She could feel the same intention from the trio that she felt when gazing at a piece of chocolate.

Pure hunger.

"Hi?" Nik replied.

Not actually expecting a reply, the trio went silent before their grins widened.

"What realm is this? I feel that my offsprings are extremely distant, meaning we are not in the same plane."

'Offsprings?' Nik finally connected the dots.

"You must be papa symbiote? Knull, was it? How did you... connect with these three?" Nik inquired. Already aware of the hive mind and the terrible existence that ruled it, Nik had removed the consciousness of all three of these symbiotes but Knull could still enter them as he pleased.

"How? These three are my flesh! They belong to me and so does that little one over your shoulder! An interesting specimen but mine regardless... Hand it over and"

"I'll make sure to trade you for a fucking goddess!" Nik sighed as he clenched his fist when space around the three symbiotes contracted. However, before he destroyed all of them, Nik hesitated a little.

More than happy to turn the symbiotes into a lucrative trade.

But with one sentence from Knull, he knew that it wouldn't have been possible.

'Well, some you win, some you lose. I already have Pickle so if I want more Lust Apostle symbiotes, I can always... wait a fucking minute!'

Nik smiled equally fiendishly.

Bringing out the Nightmare Demon pot, Nik teleported the three symbiotes within the cauldron and took out a vial of blood that looked the most promising.

Angela's Asgardian Blood.

Before Knull had the chance to finish, his head suddenly felt like it would burst again as his consciousness was being contracted into one spot. Pulled from his mind itself!

Anxiously, he cut off from the hive with his body shivering in fright.

All his bravado deflating while he gazed at the empty starry vacuum.

"NIK!!!" He finally roared.

Meanwhile, Nik left the pot, not eager to see the results just yet, and returned to the real world.

After all...

Anna, Mary, Cindy, and Natasha all had symbiotes with them.

The one not extremely modified by Nik.


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