Goddess Collector: Every Hole is a Goal

Chapter 741: Tickets

Chapter 741: Tickets

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Ordinarily, Nik would have cuddled with his fuck buddy just to have some rest and peace. But his evening was booked by Ray since Nik wanted to exchange something once again. So, after sending a note to Brian that he would be leaving early, Nik left the bar. Brian's reply came soon enough as he didn't mind. It was just nice to hang out with each other from time to time considering that they had the same enemies and goals but they didn't get overly chummy.

Except for the fact that Ray demanded Nik's anal virginity during his first meeting and even hinted that all the three fiends should have a sausage fest threesome in celebration of their future journeys.

But as they say, let bygones be bygones.

Making his way towards Ray's apartment under the evening glow while chatting and warming up to any and every individual that came up to him whether it was for directions or phone number, Nik finally buzzed on the apartment's entrance until he heard Mj's voice.


"Mj? It's me, Nik. I had something to discuss with Ray."

"Ah It's Nik! Hurry up and wrap her Yar! We"

"I got it, I got it! But is this really necessary?!"

Ray's and Yar's voice echoed as Mj's deep sigh echoed.

"It's getting weird up here Nik... sure, I don't suppose it can get any weirder. I'll buzz you in."

With that, Nik entered the building and walked up to the apartment's door shared by Mj and Ray.

*Knock* *Knock*

Nik's knocks were answered instantly as a frustrated redhead opened the door. Her green eyes observing Nik for a moment before smiling, "Hey, I heard that you are transferring out from Midtown high. Imagine that, this happens when I return," the chill in her tone betraying her kind smile and sincere stare.

"So this is it, huh," Nik sighed with a sad smile, "No Hi, Nik. How's it hanging?. No hugs, no nothing. Straight up arguing once again?"

Blinking, Mj realized her mistake as she took a step back, "Ah, my apologies. I forgot that this one is an imported, next-gen, supremely better tiger that deserves awe of masses," she replied with a playful stretch of her lips, "So, Tiger? Was that good enough for you?"

"It lacked a bit drama," Nik pursued with a smile and as he gazed over Mj, he couldn't help but let his stare last a little longer. Unaffected by his gaze, Mj let her observe him. She currently wore light red hotpants since the last person she was afraid of going at it sexually was Ray and his new 'friend' Yar. Meanwhile, a pale pink tank top covered her torso, revealing a bit of her midriff. Despite tying her hair into a pony, locks still framed the side of her face as she finally smiled once she counted the seconds of being checked out surpassing 4.

"Ehm," she coughed with a glare but Nik only smirked in return.

"You were saying that things are getting a bit weird in there?" Nik inquired. He needed to have proper information before entering the base of the ass-stealing demon.

"About that..." Mj hesitated while turning towards the interior of her apartment, "I don't know. After Ray brought his friend, she... they both, actually, would start laughing like maniacs. They have kept the door locked after that other pretty woman visited. Even she was strange, wearing a helmet with a pair of Golden horn," Mj furrowed while Nik's eyelids jumped in surprise.

Loki and Ray?

Well... if Nik let his imagination run wild, he may bust a vessel of his nostrils.

"I'll... talk with him. And what about you? Feeling alright after losing all that power?"

He didn't get much chance to inquire about her, then again, it hasn't been too long since Mj returned.

"It's fine. I still remember how to use weapons, just not as great as before," Mj shrugged, "It's not like I have to worry about the Hand, right?" She looked towards Nik with a gaze full of question. After all, he had volunteered to protect her family from the agents and by now, she didn't find any complications with that.

"Nah, no need to worry about them," Nik smirked, "Ray's probably going to get them good. He's like a leech that way."

As Mj led Nik into the apartment, he furrowed slightly. He smelled something... strange. 'That's not how a normal man smells...' Nik hated himself that he even knew how any man smelled but what else could he do? He wasn't in a world only populated by women and being the only 'unlucky' man... since they couldn't possibly hope to dry him out, ever.

"He's already in, hush now!" Ray's slightly stern voice echoed as the door to his room creaked open, only revealing sweetly smiling Ray leaning against the door and eyeing Nik from down to up.

"You're on time!" he smiled.

"Really? You sound a bit hurried. I can wait if you want," Nik shrugged as Ray thought for a moment and looked behind.

"Just make him wait 5 more minutes!" Yar's voice echoed.

Gazing at Nik, Ray nodded, "I'll return in five minutes."

"I believe you," Nik smiled mockingly.

As Ray closed the door slowly and eerily, Mj spoke up, "See? Something is wrong with him. I read a little about hormonal changes once a person tries to shift their gender... could it be that?" She mused with knitted brows as Nik couldn't help but wish that was the issue. But from what he knew, Ray was perfectly comfortable with his body and choices, so the last thing he would want is a cooch under his succu-tool.

'Although... I am now perfectly capable of changing genders with just my ability... seriously, how versatile can [Body Manipulator: S-] get?' Nik questioned.

Looking around, Nik pointed at the couch, "Can I... take a seat?"

"Huh? Yea, sure," Mj nodded absentmindedly, her thoughts still focused around Ray.

"Do you know anything about Ray's friend? That, Yar? And what kind of name is that?" Mj inquired as she sat close to Nik, not minding the distance by the slightest. Her elbow resting on the spine of the couch while she crossed her legs on the seat.

"Yes, I know about Yar. She's Ray's closest confidant and a good friend, in a way. Actually, a better friend than Ray," even Nik sounded a little surprised. If not for their similarity in the quality of bloodline, they would have definitely hooked up more. It was fun, after all.

'Oh, they did evolve, so the Bloodline is no longer of the same level. Huh, we really can get a room for ourselves... might as well talk about that with Yar, today too,' Nik's gaze brightening but it did nothing to ease Mj's worries.

"Hey, earth to Nik, you there?" She pouted, "Still thinking about Anna?"

"No, her mom," Nik replied casually, silencing Mj for a few moments as she looked at Nik with a slightly darkened gaze.

"W-whatever," she looked away. Ray had been quite clear at how lecherous Nik was and by now, Mj had no doubt about Nik having an insidious side to him that was more dangerous in a way that no sword could compare.

"So, what do you think Ray has in there?" Nik looked towards Mj curiously.

"I don't know really. When Ray last appeared with that other girl, he did tag along with another man. A bespectacled one but... I didn't stay for long."

"Oh?" Nik looked surprised.

"Yeah, that guy looked a little pale but there was something"

"Scratch that," Nik interjected, "Did you get a part-time job or some other work?"

"... I may have," Mj averted her gaze.


"And... Anna didn't tell you anything?" Mj furrowed as Nik shook his head.

"It's... she hooked me up with a production house. It's not too big and I'm just helping out. You know, an errand girl. But I do have a small role in the next production we're preparing," Mj smiled as Nik nodded.

"And how did Anna get you an in?"

"Her dance instructor is also part of the crew," Mj gulped.

"So..." Nik locked his gaze with Mj before a smirk appearing on his lips, "You're in a musical?"

"What about it?" She crossed her arm, feeling a little anxious. "Musicals are a great form of entertainment."

"Sure they are," Nik nodded, "So? What are you going to wear? Can you bring your costumes back? I wanna see it before anyone else can!" Nik stated eagerly, his body leaning a bit forward every time he continued until he was extremely close to her. With his current Karma being on a large scale, Nik felt that he was in for a long trip and had put off many chances to rekindle the old flame that Mary Jane presented and even desired this herself. However, in the coming weeks... well, Loki was going to try and destroy the earth just to gain the attention of her father.

She was an attention bitch and had every right to be one. Even Nik would applaud her performance if it did not end with genocide most of the time.

So, with the fate of the planet hanging on the mood of powerhouses, Nik felt it appropriate to aim for all his 'goals' and Mj's sweet holes were one of them. A prioritized one at that.

'I'm gonna tap asses left and right these next weeks!' Nik affirmed his decision as he waggled his brows towards Mj, "And you know, I really feel deserving of a reward."

His words making Mj's heart thump. She had known Nik to be attractive, but not at such a grand scale.

"How would that be a reward?" Mj gulped. Her costume was... of a tree, after all. She didn't know if there was a hot or slutty Halloween version of a tree to present herself in the just being covered by a brown costume with green bristles sprouting out is less than a convenient and appropriate manner to 'reward' Nik

'Why am I even humoring the possibility?!' Mj calmed herself. As they say, picture the focus of your nervousness naked and one shall forget all anxiety.

Mj did so...

She felt wronged, hot, bothered, and dirty, all at the same time...

"Hmm?" Nik pushed, already being able to see the bright horizon past the slightest creak in Mj's defenses. Mistakes were committed in the past. Should he had taken over the phantom avatar before it broke up with Mj to sniff Anna, Nik would have easily repressed the damage and still achieve similar results aside from getting kicked in the balls by Brandon.

That shit truly hurts.

"Earth to Mj," Nik smiled, "When can we proceed with the landing on the dock?"

Crimson touched Mj's cheeks as she pushed Nik away with her hand against his face.

"You're so disgusting!" she scowled. However, still seeing Nik watching her intently, waiting for her answer, she thought for a moment.

"What are you doing this Friday?"

"Nothing anymore," Nik replied without hesitation. It's not like he had any big issues to resolve

'Ehm,' Lola coughed.

'Besides making you a new body, of course,' Nik added internally.

"You mentioned reward, right?" Mj mumbled, "Well... I'll think about it if you attend my play. Since the choreography is not so different from the previous play, we booked a theater already. I got my set of tickets yesterday and..."

"I'll be there," Nik smiled.

Thinking for a moment, Mj whispered with hesitation.

"Could you bring Anna, too?"

"Hell, yeah. How many tickets you got?" Nik inquired.


"Who else is invited?" Nik continued.

"I was thinking of Ray... but when I invited him, he said he'd be leaving somewhere day after tomorrow. So, I'm still thinking. I'll probably ask Harry."

"Does he even have the time?" Nik inquired curiously, "He's all over the news, you know. A young entrepreneur pimping pop's cash to hire sexy scientists! How I envy the 1%!!" Nik sighed. It was true. Aside from Dr. Otto in Harry's team, almost every other scientist was... well, a model, in a way.

'Hah! Fool!' Nik shook his head at the thought of it, 'Trying to manipulate girls into giving him some love by using cash... well, objectively speaking, that's one of the better ways to spend cash. At least, Harry is giving out to the economy...'

"Oh, shut it," Mj huffed before she revealed a helpless expression, "Anyway, I highly doubt he'll come anyway. So, do you have any recommendations?"

"Cindy?" Nik suggested as Mj soured, fully knowing Nik's physical relationship with the recently transferred student but couldn't find any reason to rebuke him for his actions.

"No," she however held the right to reject giving her tickets.

"I guess I can invite another friend of Ray and mine. Still, doubt that he enjoys such stuff. Umm... why not... Gwen?"

Mj thought for a moment. She knew of Gwen, although, she wasn't particularly fond of the blonde punk-genius Gwen's new nickname after she changed her hairstyle. However, she also knew that Gwen was Anna's dance mate and feeling a little indebted to Anna despite whatever happened in the past, Mj felt right knowing that Anna might enjoy Gwen's company.

"Sure... I'll give her the ticket tomorrow during lunch," Mj nodded.

"Are you really going to shun Cindy out? You do know that Gwen, Anna, and Cindy hang out all the time," Nik gave a smug smile, and seeing his grin, Mj felt extremely annoyed.

Despite her unwillingness, once she recalled that this might be her chance to bury the hatchet altogether and start fresh with Anna at the very least, Mj nodded stiffly, "I'll see what I can do..."

After a few moments of silence, Nik began chatting with Mj once again. It wasn't hard to talk about her day, or her practice in theater, or funny stories for the same. Despite all his shortcomings, Nik held an interest in the lives of his girls, and although the said interest has been unable to cope up with the limitation of not being present with every single one of his girls at any given moment.

"Hey, come in," Ray finally called out as Nik looked towards his room.

"Then, I'll wait for the reward during the show, thanks for the tickets," Nik waved four tickets in his hand. He had successfully extorted all of them!

"Sure," Mj nodded but didn't manage to keep an eye contact. Feeling nubile whenever she heard the word 'reward' as if turning into her past self that craved for Nik. Then again, after Nik, what she came across was a slightly platonic relationship with Flash and then a relationship with the world of assassins known as the Hand.

Getting up, Nik slowly walked towards Ray's room. He could easily find what was inside but kept himself from learning too much willingly.

'Do all-knowing beings feel like this all the time? Keeping oneself limited just to enjoy the spice of life known as Surprise?' Nik questioned as he pushed the door open and closed it behind himself.

"Huh... now that's what I call Deja Vu..." Nik mumbled as he gazed at the contents of the room.


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