Goddess Collector: Every Hole is a Goal

Chapter 733: Cum With Everything

Chapter 733: Cum With Everything

"O' mah gawd!" Nik moaned in despair. His gaze filled with desolation as the jet made its way back to New York. Aside from the heroes who took no note of Nik's behavior, Luci who leaned back on the seat smirked. Meanwhile, Susan digested the information she received. Her team was safe, Nik was the mastermind behind everything and even if Nik justified his actions with the reason of deluding the government to have a peaceful stay in this world, Susan felt there was something more to his actions.

The reason was well-known to the very spiritual existence slumbering inside Nik in what Nik imagined it to be a slumber party where each beauty wore a loose pajama and acted even more loosely if he enters the 'room' like a bunch of seductive and needful teens who cheer up at the sight of their sugar daddy.

Well, Nik was providing them a place to stay rent-free, so he might as well call himself Big Sugar.

However, he didn't and couldn't. Right now, Nik was feeling something that every student, a rowdy one, had faced in their life. A situation where the teacher specifically stated to divide the syllabus and learn over the entire semester only for the student to take it as a challenge and putting the studying off until the very last night.

And then despairing at the large chunk of material to cram fully knowing that he would be acing the test from below, his future grim, and probably unworthy of being considered even a productive member of society.

But never facing such situations, the inexperienced Nik felt a little stifled. It wasn't like his situation was the same as cramming an entire semester worth of reading material in one night and brain pooping it out during the exam, allowing the last 2 brain cells to dance on gamer music.

'I have element mutations to achieve, then I need to convert all my current form of energies into their opposing forces and get used to them, too. Oh, then I need to replicate nanoid symbiote hides for all the girls, and then I need to' Nik mentally jotted down the tasks he needed to perform.

'Come now, Big Sugar,' Lola cooed Nik into relaxation, 'That is why you controlled this group and stole the research of Wakanda so they don't have to waste time while achieving better and quick results.'

"You don't understand," Nik rubbed the creases of his furrow, "I'm about to sugar you, too, once you get a body... nobody can feel my pain if they don't have a super awesome, sexy harem of their own... maybe Ray would appreciate my efforts," he sighed deeply.

"Hey, Nik, you alright?" Susan inquired softly, as Luci replied for her master.

"Of course he is... evil lives longer than you might expect."

"Oh, shut up," Nik snorted as he smiled at Susan, "Of course, I'm alright. Never better. What's up?"

"Are you sure... that this Ray would stay away from Johnny?" She inquired with a tinge of worry while Nik's expression brightened. At least, she wasn't too worried about her ex-disappointment which made things easier.

"Well, I'm 90% sure. Ray isn't the kind of guy to play things out like me. He's a pervert of focus and will when it comes to fucking hot men... kinda like succubus version of John Wick, if he had a dog... who got fucked by someone else... before Ray..." Nik traced his chin but his analogy failed to provide any comfort to Susan. She wasn't against homosexual relationships with devils as long as it was consensual but from what she heard of Ray, the mysterious 'brute' of a figure who rarely cared for other's opinions.

"But since he hasn't gone after John by now, then he might have no interest, like Tony," Nik pointed towards the armored man sitting quietly with his face slightly bruised up, "He's a billionaire, and might I add, a hot one. But if Ray doesn't care by now, then it means he won't care later, too. And with my scent on their marks, at least, Ray would think twice before acting towards them like I would do if I find Ray's scent on my target. Hey, we're like animals in this manner, sending warning signals through pheromones!" Nik smiled reassuringly.

"Anyway... this 'plane' doesn't hold much attraction to Ray and me. Well, there are still a few more attractions still remaining, I admit," Nik gave a dirty grin which made Susan feel a bit jealous, an emotion Nik was well acquainted with. Why only acquaintance? Because this kind of emotion didn't last long on his partners once they get hooked upon him and also need a break every now and then.

"Hey, Luci," Nik called out, "What's with the cold attitude, huh? Come here and give me a massage. It's going to be a long ride!"

While Lucifer gritted her teeth, Susan's lips hung low as the woman whose existence itself made them unconscious slowly made her way towards Nik as she knelt in front of him with a pout that even Susan felt seductive before holding Nik's leg and gripping them with all her strength. Unfortunately, Lucifer soon realized that the strength of her entire grip was the bare minimum to make Nik even sigh in relaxation, a revelation Lucifer digested with a complicated expression.


The return of the group was quite uneventful. No cheering squad waited for the heroes which made Leanne a bit better than the Shield in this regard. However, once Nik understood the structure of Pangea from Leanne, he lost all his passion for the exotic artificial stretch of land. Of course, he would siphon them, but they simply didn't attract any interest from his except for Pteros... the humanoid Pterodactyl.

He needed to provide Ignit with a good rutting ground with her body going in heat every now and then and if he couldn't

'Wait a fucking minute...' Nik realized yet another use of [Body Manipulator: S-], 'Can't I just change the shape of Ignit's body to look more humanoid? Her bloodline would remain the same but... I can actually take care of her debauched desires myself. Finally, I'm thinking like a good master!' Nik admired his enlightened mind while the group of heroes was led to the conference station of the Hellicarrier by a non-suspecting agent. A few gazes lingered on Tony but he was feeling too disheartened to return any of them with his signature smile.

Once settled inside the conference station, Nik and the group silently waited. The others had regained their ego already as they all had a similar version of the story.

The group was destroyed without any leeway before being spared and sent home alongside Tony but to appease the heroes' good-hearted nature, the villain 'Netherion' showed them the adverse effect of their outside world's forceful invasion in the paradise.

While all of them digested the stunning revelation and the sight of screeching trees crackling and howling as if brought straight out of a horror show, their expression turned even more somber.



Fury entered the station alone while Maria stood outside. His eyes scanned the heroes with his gaze lasting a little longer on Nik but observing a similar listless expression on his face, Fury couldn't help but sigh. He had already gone through the preliminary reports and sat across the group.

"Welcome back," he opened, this time more 'human' than any other moments as he looked towards Tony, "You don't look too bad. They treated you right, huh,"

"I don't know. Wasn't awake till I got on the jet somehow," Tony replied, "But I do know is that I didn't stand a chance..."

"It's not about standing a chance or not. Although... this Netherion allowed us to leave as a show of sincerity, he still doesn't believe us since he didn't release the agents stationed inside the Paradise," Henry spoke up. Nik actually had high hopes for the man and planned to delegate most of the tasks related to symbiote fusion using Wakanda's method before tweaking the final result. He had two separate versions in mind. One, a completely biological symbiote for the girls since it provided greater leeway in acquiring skills and Auto-cultivation, meanwhile, a nanoid symbiote for Brian and Ray which wouldn't be able to lay more offsprings, controlling the market of his products for as long as he can.

"I thought it was going to be a simple mission. Defeat the bad guy and rescue. But seeing so many side-effects of the research the government was conducting..." Janet shook her head as Nik glanced towards her. While he placed mental suggestions in all of the heroes that would slowly take root and change their thought process in his favor, he still wanted to try and get Janet on his own merit.

Unlike Henry and Janet, who would sometimes hold differences in opinion, the fantastic four was a pretty tight-knit group all things considered and allowed Reed to speak for them, "We won't be taking part in more expeditions to the Paradise."

His tone held finality while Fury nodded without much argument. His thoughts were still occupied by the burglary of the equipments left behind by Howard Stark Tony's Father even without his knowledge. Life model decoys were an evolutionary leap if exposed to the world but then again, Fury felt that the world was changing too fast.

Gazing towards Nik, Fury inquired, "So? What do you think?"

Grumbling, Nik let out a frustrated grunt, "I think I need an easier mission. The monster could burn portals!"

Fury flinched for a moment. In reality, Nik's usage of his ability alongside his symbiote made him quite an up and cummer in the eyes of many official men and women but to his abilities were strangely countered without any issues, a major emphasis on the written report.

Meanwhile, Susan adored Nik's acting while keeping her quiet, fearing she would slip up in front of Fury fully knowing that the man was quite intuitive which made Susan question Nik.

'Why don't you do the same thing to Fury? Wouldn't that make things easier?' her mental inquiry was a sound one but Nik's nose twitched slightly.

If Fury smelled a little like Ray but failed to identify Nik as Ray's friend then it meant that the bald, one-eyed sweetheart was probably on Ray's list. And... it was more beneficial stealing from an unsuspecting target than to step over Ray's head and then dealing with his constant annoyance.

'Eh, it's not worth it. Anyway, there's always a fool who wants to take over a world... let that guy annoy Ray,' Nik's reply came with stunning news as the meeting was soon adjourned. However, before the group left, Nik made sure to implant the knowledge and command of setting up the contraption related to creating Nanoid Symbiotes. Of course, Nik would be the one to provide Henry with Symbiotes and nanoids itself.

"I'll be seeing you soon?" Susan inquired quite openly, not minding Reed's and her brother's stare as Nik smiled and nodded.

Since Nik hadn't completely wiped off Reed and John's ego, their gazes towards Nik carried curiosity, a bit of envy and aggression, and well, a surprising sense of pity from John.

As the fantastic four took their leave, Janet whispered something to Henry, making him nod before leaving while staying her ground and observing Nik.

"Let's take a walk, kid. The Hellicarrier is a big place," she smiled and led Nik but not before being surprised by the sudden interest of Maria towards the couple, but she didn't mind the stare much. It's not like Maria would be interested in a kid, is what Janet had in her mind.

Since Janet invited Nik, she was the first to speak up. Unlike Nik's imagination, instead of pondering on the absolute failure of the mission, Janet smiled and complimented Nik for his efforts despite how she was roasted by Johnny and him collectively. Well, by now, she blamed mostly John but a few glances of indignations weren't ignored by Nik.

She then continued to inquire about his daily routine and once she heard his arrangement with Fury, making him devoid of any school life, Janet's gaze flashed. With a pleased smile on her lips, she finally inquired.

"Nik, did anyone ever compare you to a model?" Her slightly seductive tone was meant to enchant a young teen who's still thinking with his little brother but what she ended up committing was gaining the amusement of a very erotically charged lust fiend as he shook his head.

"Not, at least, not by facial features. I look better than them anyway," Nik smiled with a hint of arrogance in his gaze, a sight that Janet welcomed.

"Then why don't you try modeling? If you've got no school, you still have to pay your bills, right?"

"I've got the hero gig," Nik shrugged, "It pays well."

"Think of the risks. We almost died this time," Janet countered and while Nik wanted to retort with a philosophical statement Death comes for everybody Nik knew that he wanted to be in this world for a long haul and if death cometh his way, he'd happily fucketh the obstacle away. That was his go-to method.

"You're... right, but..." Nik mused.

"If it's connections you're worried about, I can get you in the line. Of course..." Janet's gaze narrowed, "it's not for everyone. So, if you want to enter this line, come with all you have."

'I know she's goading me into being her model probably. A new line of underwear or something... but...' As Nik sneaked an 'open' glance towards Janet's thighs, his gaze lingering onto her curved hips, making her suppress a pleased grin, Nik nodded.

"I'll cum with all I have," he stated.

His schedule was a mess. It would take a lot of effort to straighten it out. But as a wise one said In the chaos, true devils thrive.

He'd happily make things more chaotic to bring Janet into his grasp.

After all, Nik finally got interested in her once he realized that she was a bit freaky.


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