Goddess Collector: Every Hole is a Goal

Chapter 731: The Bane of J

Chapter 731: The Bane of J

Nik's training was a bit fruitful, however, he realized as the day grew brighter that he hadn't informed Loki of his disappearance, and well, the lack of the need of her tutelage. But just like any castle or kingdom Nik had ever been invited into, he was deep down a little expectant of wreaking havoc in the legendary city of gods.

Not for any agenda.

Just for shits and giggles.

He even got the time to have a conversation with the girls as they described their need of becoming more dependent physically before creating any form of infrastructure for themselves, a decision Nik felt agreeable but had a tough time deciding how to approach the situation. Back then, he had no other way to make those around him stronger but Nik now realized that skills greater than or equal to [S-] rank were a little more terrifying than he had imagined.

Right now, Nik did not even need to constantly eat nutrition-rich food to turn his physique stronger. Well, he didn't need to do that before, too. One use of Body Manipulation was that with enough energy at hand, he could simply turn his physique into the strongest template he had ever seen, in this case, Thor, an Asgardian. But right now, Nik's physical strength was on par with Thor, so changing his body based on Asgardian physique was quite the useless errand for him.

But this was only considering the previous version of his ability. With [Body Manipulator: S-], he could revitalize and tweak other's physiques, too. He could create an army of Gojira! Or Angela! Or Ryu'er! After all, these three were with the strongest fleshy body.

But with this ability came a problem.

Gojira might have decided to share her knowledge and experience in creating and sharing the spirit techniques to the entire harem, but to share her body? Nik didn't force anyone for this decision but he could feel that even Gojira was resistant to the idea of having more girls around with the same body as her.

Even Nik admitted that it might turn creepy.

But the main issue was the girls' sense of worth. Nik wasn't planning on forcing the girls to share their body's template with others but he was definitely going to create a template that can help the girls reach their maximum potential quickly. For now, however, Nik just let the girls burn through his pantry while he played around with Tanya. The last thing he wanted is for Tanya's first words to be 'da' and for another girl itself.

Given the number of women around her proximity, it was a real possibility!

"What are you thinking, Papa?" A whisper broke Nik's daze as he looked towards his side, finding a smirking Susan looking towards him, "With the way you finished last time, I can't help but wonder if you knocked me up, too," she continued to playfully whisper, far more relaxed than her drunken self, as the couple walked towards the courtyard.

"Not really, no. I've already got another child incoming, probably around 5 months later. So... I've got to start being a bit more responsible," he grinned.

Their chat was playful and more rounded to their daily life instead of focusing on last night. After all, Susan had come to a stunning realization that Nik is what would be titled in many RPG games as the Tamer of Monsters and Gods. While she didn't consider herself a goddess, a virtue by not having an inflated ego, she was definitely humbled a bit.

Seeing the couple enter while chatting so pleasantly attracted the attention of others waiting in the courtyard. While Reed hesitated to open up, Ben waved at the duo as the group sat on the lush grass covered by a large mat once again.

"Hey, what took you both so long?" Ben inquired as Susan wondered if telling the truth was even a good thing. She had committed the deed of metaphorically latching onto a devil. However, Leanne gave a knowing yet annoyed smirk. The group, for the most part, was quite refreshed but Nik still doubted that Ben was refreshed because of the same thing.

"Psst," Johnny leaned closer to Nik, "I know I shouldn't be telling you this... but honestly, I've got no one else to talk with. Last night..." he gulped while looking towards Leanne who matched his gaze with a bewitching smile, "I totally tapped the queen. She even brought a consort of hers. The woman's name was a bit strange but oh, my, god! It was so good! Did Leanne also send you a little something?"

His inquiry made Nik look towards Leanne. He had just made Susan's gift and his own get a fuck of their life, so of course, Leanne would know where the recipient of the gifts would be and the type of activities they might be committing. Still, Nik presented himself with Pickle covering him. "Yeah, she did," Nik whispered, his voice raspier in this form than usual, "So? You're the new king of this place?"

"What? No. Why would I be the king? Do you know what they do to a king here?" John shivered while Nik shrugged. Whatever John went through yesterday was not his concern and as a person who's sleeping with yet another friend's sister, Nik felt a sneaking suspicion that Johnny won't be as easygoing with him once he finds out that he's playing nooky with Susan. Well, Brandon kicked him the nuts for it... after knowing that Nik had bedded his mother, too.

An act that Nik didn't hold against Brandon and wouldn't have even kicked Brandon back in the nuts if not for his current Karma of equality. After all, he was fucking Anna and Mary, what kind of a friend would actually do that? It was a good thing that the Storm siblings lived away from their family, although, Susan did say she wasn't related to the storms by blood.

'Maybe Johnny won't try to kick me after all,' Nik thought.

"Anyway, you feel good that you tagged along? We just got the royal treatment, after all!" John continued, "And you wouldn't believe it. Leanne said that Janet is in some freaky stuff... last night, she actually got two presents! How hot is that."

The blonde hero glanced towards Janet who continued to chat with Leanne while Hank and Reed discussed a few things.

"What are you two talking about?" Ben grunted while Susan stared at her brother impassively, "Considering that smile, nothing too good I assume."

"We were discussing about Leanne's kindness," Nik replied with a smile, his words making others' expression freeze while Leanne stared at Nik, annoyed that she couldn't really see through him given the distinct lack of eye contact.

"Just a welcoming gift. The rewards I would personally give to the heroes once Pangea's situation is handled would be a memory to relish," with that, she gazed towards John with her lips widening into a sly grin.

"Let's not get off-topic, and Vanish, you shouldn't speak things like this openly," Janet sighed but didn't feel too embarrassed. However, it was another story for Reed and Hank. One was simply embarrassed for the act of it while Reed looked towards Susan. His gaze wanting to know if she accepted the gift just like he did or not. However, her curious gaze and inquisitive waggle of eyebrow made Reed reconsider his own actions.

"Damn, man," John elbowed Nik, "You've got to learn some royal etiquettes," he coughed. "Ehm, so, should we leave and take care of the barrier? We'll probably be back before brunch."

"I could use some brunch, what about you?" Nik looked towards Susan and inquired, making her blush slightly, an act that made Janet's gaze flash.

"I want to test some of the rocks in the savage island. The boulders here are better than New York's," Ben stated.

"You cannot respond to a critical situation on an empty stomach," Leanne smiled, "Please accompany me for the first meal of the day, and then we shall escort you to your aircraft."

The group agreed as John looked towards Nik. In his current form, Nik was hulking, which actually made it easier for John to talk with him. After all, seeing Nik without a costume did make things strange at times since he would be imparting wisdom not correct for a 17-year-old teen.

"Here, check this out."

Raising his index, John created a small wisp of fire. Once he got Nik's and everybody's attention, he smirked as the small wisp floated and turned into a small motorcycle that drove around in the air.

"I can finally control it" Before Johnny could complete, his gaze fell on the woman holding a tray and walking towards them, her figure enchanting Johnny for a moment as she gave him a knowing smile Leanne's partner in crime! The bike, too, steered towards the woman at a great speed.

"Oh my god! Johnny, look out!" Susan shouted to bring her brother back to attention as the woman glanced towards the bike set aflame and roaring towards her.

"Ksyra!" Leanne yelled in horror.

"It's just a bike, chill," Nik yawned as his devilish tongue hung out, meanwhile, a portal appeared in front of the woman as it swallowed the cosmic flames. Nik's attention attracted to the slightest hint of resistance by the flames itself but it was too low for Nik to consider an annoyance. The bike emerged with the crisp sound of fire above the group as it continued the momentum and drove into the sky before Johnny hurriedly controlled it and extinguished it. With cold sweat covering his forehead, Johnny remained silent while everybody glared at him.

"Was that our breakfast?" Nik inquired, gazing at the fallen tray that took down a rather large and impressive set of bacon.

"Oh... shit," John mumbled.

"Sucks to be you guys," Ben shrugged while chewing something.

"Come on, Johnathan, we talked about this," Reed rubbed his forehead.

"Nice work, kid," Janet smiled at Nik as Leanne, too, looked at Nik appreciatively.

"Thank you for saving Ksyra's life," She spoke with a humble tone.

Hank, meanwhile, sighed deeply as Susan bent forward and looked to her side, "For god's sake, John! You were going to burn the poor girl!"

"I'm sorry!" He sighed again, "I got distracted for a moment!"

"Yeah, she has her causes of being distractive," Nik mumbled while tracing his chin. His gaze observing the blushing Ksyra up and down while Leanna smiled finally at his comment.

"Anyway, we're destined to work with empty stomachs," Saying that, Nik stood up with a large portal appearing out of thin air, "Let's go."


"This is our EMP core," Reed introduced to the gadget taken out of the jet as the group observed the giant barrier up close. The opaque dome was safe to touch but none of them could penetrate it normally. However, the group had some interesting ideas.

"I can try to cut off the connection of the barrier by counteracting the rays within," Susan mumbled. Although she still hadn't known that it was Nik himself who caused this situation, she would soon learn of the fact.

"Or, I can try to experiment the effect of Pym particles on the barrier. However, I will have to tweak the form of the chemical and make it gaseous," Hank traced his chin thoughtfully. Meanwhile, the not so scientific out of the group hung back near the jet.

"So? Was it just me or Leanne couldn't keep her eyes off of you?" Janet poked at John as he chuckled with pride, "Of course. I've caught her eye."

"Not after today's incident," Ben chuckled, "You almost burnt that woman. What was her name? Umm? Kira?"

"Ksyra," Nik stated with his face uncovered.

"And what about you?" Janet looked towards Nik, "Had fun last night?"

"Fun is a relative concept," Nik shrugged.

"Then, let me rephrase," Janet smirked, "Got any last night?"

Ben gasped at Janet's wording while John pursed his lips. Looking towards Janet, Nik smiled.

"I did. What about you? Enjoyed your stay at the castle?"

"Well," smirking, "As you said, Fun is a relative term. And I've had more fun at the most unusual places."

Johnny's mouth hung low while he looked towards Nik. Sensing the strange situation, she glanced towards Johnny and then Nik as the young boy snickered, "Oh, really? A nude beach, maybe?"

"What do you mean?" Janet inquired.

'Please don't say it, please don't say it' As Johnny began chanting, Nik's smiled turned wider, "Your... fun last night, at least, the quantity required for it, isn't a secret..."

Janet's lips parted in surprise while her smile faded. Blinking, she turned towards Johnny as he made sure to not make an eye contact.

"My god! You both are a bunch of jerks!" Huffing, she walked towards the group contemplating the situation as Hank turned towards her.

"Hey, what's gotten into you?"

"Nothing!" Janet shouted in return.


"I don't get it," Ben looked towards the duo, "Did she get dp or something?"

His slightly curious yet brutish tone being the last straw for the situation as John finally couldn't hold himself back, his lips suddenly sputtering into a chuckle with his spit accidentally shooting out.

"Why would she act embarrassed after enjoying such an awesome night?" Nik shrugged. After all, if he was a woman and slept with probably two of the best escort of a kingdom, he would wear that experience on his chest proudly.

'Then again, I'm a trained whore...' he reasoned.


Alternative Title: Body Manipulator is Hax


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