Goddess Collector: Every Hole is a Goal

Chapter 728: Late Night Meal

Chapter 728: Late Night Meal

[Talent Exotic Escort initiated. The average statistical value available to be absorbed and the abilities are listed.

Name: Susan Storm


Physique: H

Mental: F

Energy: E+

Luck: H+

Abilities: [Sailor Expert: H+] [Psionic Forcefield: ] [Cosmic Ray Awareness: D] [Invisibility: E+]


Nik knew everything about Susan's abilities. She could manipulate and bend light along many other rays to achieve invisibility undetected even by support items like heat vision goggles and the kind. Her expertise in being a sailor was a pleasant surprise though. Meanwhile, the Psionic Forcefield came without a rank, meaning that the greater the energy pushed within the skill, the stronger the Forcefield will turn out to be however, as a skill, Forcefield was quite stiff.

After all, Susan had shown greater maneuverability with the skill in the form of turning it into a psionic condom or using it to achieve telekinetic-like ability by pushing or pulling objects. The thing that piqued Nik's interest was something else entirely.

Cosmic Ray Awareness.

Aside from the Invisibility that Nik could achieve on his own, the awareness of Cosmic rays through vision was something Nik felt the need for. After all, he still wished to complete the demon eye technique he got from Nie Li, although, the amount of purple qi needed to achieve had grown tremendously, he hypothesized he could get Cosmic Ray Awareness and fuse it with the budding eye skill.

'Well, only one way to try,' Nik thought as he added the cosmic ray awareness to his arsenal. His vision changed for a moment but it was nowhere near as drastic as the moment as he used the purple qi to enhance his eyes.

"Wait a second," Nik mumbled while his vision continued to change, "It feels... just like the ecstasy they would give during my time at the brothel... f.u.c.k.i.n.g amazing," he traced his chin while he saw the colors exploding in front of him.

"But there's no headache, or nose ache... or any other kind of aches, damn, I can always be high with this skill, or act like one," Nik mused as he stretched his arm.

[Vision Master: A

Use: A realm of insight into the concept of vision.]

As Nik's vision shifted once again, he looked towards the sleeping Susan and then recalled a particular bloke waiting for her in her room. "Well, can't let an escort sleep the night without working... hmm, let's see," he mumbled while Pickle covered him into a casual outfit as he walked towards the servant quarters of the palace. Heck, he didn't even need a moment to know that Johnny had the time of his life, at least, 20 minutes of it, with Leanne. Still, since his room was next to Susan, Nik figured that he could help out the man Susan talked about and the easygoing grandma who paid him the visit.

"Hey," Locating the woman as she snored, Nik nudged her up as she looked around in a daze. Seeing Nik, her eyes widened as a blush crept up on her slightly wrinkled cheeks, making her quickly pull her blanket close to her b.r.e.a.s.ts. "I've got a friend who could use your 'helping.'"

"Helping?" She whispered in confusion as she soon understood, "Ah, help. Help, I will. Yes, Mr. Vanish."

"Good," Nik smiled as he led the woman into Susan's room, saturated it with life energy and his pheromones, and let the two rumble while quickly sneaking out. He might have helped them, and the scene might have been beautiful, but he figured that instead of enjoying the p.o.r.n, he could mark his other appointments a job well done, and with a single shift, he reappeared inside Ava's apartment.

"Hmm? It's pouring out there," Nik looked out through the window. It was barely 1 in the morning but the rain didn't go easy on the city. "Oh, boy, she's still on her patrol. Well, it's already 1, so she'll probably be back in a bit," Nik figured. Looking around the apartment, he noticed the lack of cleanliness, well, since Ava lived alone, her clothes didn't need to be in their closet.

"Should I cook something? Yeah, time is better spent cooking," Nik shrugged, leaving the bedroom riddled with her underwear. At least, that way, Nik would have a topic to tease Ava with. Setting the pan on the stove, Nik let the butter sit on the pan as it soon sizzled and melted while taking out a chunk of marbled spirit meat. Licking his lips as he gazed upon the glimmering gold marbling, Nik couldn't help but recall his smart judgment of robbing the Demon Forest of most of their beasts. With the Dream Core now filled with time, he could rear the tasty beasts as much as he can while they would also provide him with spirit rings.

"Alright... just a bit of salt is fine. The Gold Horn Cow tastes better without any extra seasoning," Nik recalled the specialty of these peaceful, attack attributed spirit beasts and salted both of the sides of the slab before placing it on the pan. Of course, the heat was barely enough to even warm the meat as Nik grinned while placing his index over the marbled side. His skin corroded while the bones of his index lit up in demonic red flames.

"Netherion as a villain, Vanish as a hero, and Bonestar as a cook. Now, all I need is a persona for craftsmanship, escort services, and... nah, just these are enough. I can be a teacher, inscriptionist, and other stuff as Nik," he mumbled while thinking what the next world might be in his Transmigration. After all, the current world had simply given him too many things that he needed a lot of time to digest every gain.

'Nik,' A mature voice entered Nik's mind as he smiled, 'Hey, Morgan. What's up?'

'I studied... the corpses you grew... quite the diabolical skill you have there if I may add...'

'Corpses?' Nik inquired curiously, 'They have beating hearts, don't they?' Nik referred to the agent that tried to kill Nik and Cindy at the entrance of Wakanda.

'Well, so does Lucifer. But she's still an undead.'

'But that's her bloodline. That agent is different. Her bloodline is... just human.'

'She lacks a consciousness despite an active brain. She lacks a soul despite a living body. The best word to describe her is an undead... although, I can put the four corpses to a good use. Can you create more of these?' She inquired.

'Of course, I can.'

'Any kind of body?' She inquired again as Nik pursed his lips, 'Just leave the body you want copied. It takes time, though. So better the original, the longer the time needed to create a body again. And... well, I'll be meeting you in an hour or two.'

'Oh, don't worry about it. This world is fascinating,' Morgan replied as Nik looked at the perfectly cooked meat.

Since the dream core wasn't a timeless world anymore, Nik couldn't just store the meal and take it out again as it will turn colder now. 'It's a good thing that I have spare storage rings. I'm actually... really rich, considering all the assets,' Nik mused while letting his spiritual energy into the storage ring and storing the food.

"I wonder when Ava will be back..." Nik sat on the chair while taking out his smartphone.




"Sons of"




"Now, now," a calm voice spoke up, "Don't let anger cloud your mind. You could lose your footing and fall off the stairs," Danny said while in his Iron Fist costume.

"It's pouring!" Ava growled as she slowly turned while letting go of the collar of a mobster, making him crumble on the wet puddle, "I'm wet," Ava continued with anger rising in her voice, "and I'm hungry! But these guys... it's raining for god's sake and they're still trying to sell guns!"


A bundled stream of webs instantly covered the fallen mobsters as Silk jumped down, "Hey, guys, I just webbed Morca... anyway, what kind of name is Morca? Chinese? The guns, most of them were duds though..." She said while White Tiger and Iron Fist looked at each other.

"You defeated the entire gang?" White Tiger inquired.

"While we were getting the alley clean?" Iron Fist continued.

"Uh... yes?" Silk c.o.c.ked her head sideways, gazing at the mobsters, "Good job?"

"Greed is an ugly emotion... but I'm still going to Ray, goodbye," Iron Fist shrugged before moving out while Ava sighed and looked at Cindy.

"You... what have you done to my friend? Cindy is a sweet girl... but you're just a dirty thief."

Rolling her eyes, Cindy's clothes returned normal while her Silk Habit turned into a ring, "I'm the same. And speaking of greed, aren't you the one who got Nik later? In front of me at that... grr... so jealous!" She said with a mocking grin while Ava narrowed her gaze.

"Don't play with your luck. I'm starving..."

"And? What are you going to eat from me?" Cindy winked, making Ava groan as she turned around.

"I'd... eat you... happily..." one of the men hanging onto their consciousness groaned as Cindy webbed the group up entirely, just leaving their nostrils and mouth as she shrugged, "At least, he has taste. I hope he doesn't get too beaten up in jail..."

"Considering their Profession in crime, my guess is that they'll thrive under the top dog," Ava mumbled. "Anyway, I'm going back. You should return home, too."

"Didn't you say you were hungry? Let's ask Natasha to cook something for us. She's probably awake," Cindy asked.

As she said, she took out her phone and dialed Natasha's number. Of course, the call was picked instantly while Ava added, "Turn on the speaker."

"Hey, um, I was hoping that would you cook something for us? A late night snack!" Cindy requested as the call was received by a moment of silence before Natasha began.

"I became the teacher of the school for Nik... and he just dropped out... and I have tonnes of work to do before I can actually drop out. And I plan to complete the subject planner in a few hours. You tell me, what should I chop? Your tongue? Or that insensitive brain of yours?"

Hearing her cold words, Cindy gulped while Ava smirked under her mask.

"Well, heh... goodnight..."

"I just said I can't sleep earl" Cindy hung up and looked towards Ava as she shrugged.

"Don't look at me like that. She just got her body restored... so you have to be more considerate. I don't think she experienced her puberty 'fully', you know. She has less experience in some matter."

Understanding dawned on Cindy's face while Ava continued, "Or she's simply sleep and Nik deprived. Well, I say that's it's only sleep deprivation but who knows."

"Fine..." I'll go back," Cindy sighed as she webbed and held Ava through her waist, "Your roof?" Cindy inquired as Ava nodded, "Yeah, thanks."

"No problem. It's always good to help the less privileged," Cindy remarked while Ava's lips twitched.



"I'm so wet..." Ava sighed as she entered her apartment when an amorous scent filling her space finally touched her nostrils.

"Aye! That's what she said!" Nik waved his hand while standing from the cushion and quickly placing his phone on the table.

"Hey..." Ava looked dazed for a moment before taking off her mask as she simply threw it aside, making it splat against the floor as her hair was the only part of her head truly soaked.

"Why didn't you call me?" She quickly took off her boots before leaning in for a hug and stopping midway. A little embarrassed by her actions and still a bit 'new' to Nik's world, she couldn't find herself actually showing affection so openly.

"Well," Leaning forward and pulling Ava into a hug, Nik smiled, "I don't like disturbing others when they're working, or having a happy ending."

"But what's that scent?" Ava changed the subject as her cheeks turned a bit rosy.

"I cooked dinner. Still up for a bite?" He inquired.

"Yes!" Ava practically shouted as Nik snickered, "then don't mind if I do."

With that, he pressed his lips against Ava as her gaze widened in surprise but feeling her tongue played, her hands couldn't help but grip Nik tighter while she enjoyed the kiss.

"But I really cooked something, too. Do you want to wash up or should I just use Purification on you?" Nik inquired in a whisper as Ava licked her lips, her eyes glazed.

"I... at least want to change. Give me a few minutes."

"Alright, I'll prepare the table," Nik smiled while a stream of golden light cleaned Ava dry as she walked inside her room. However, the moment she entered, Ava couldn't help but peak out of the entrance.

"Did you enter my room?"

"Um... I've been waiting for almost 20 minutes now..." Nik chuckled.

"Did you enter my room?" Ava inquired again.

"Don't worry, I didn't judge you or anything," Nik's words made Ava scowl as she quickly closed the door while the sound aside from changing clothes and hurried stepping echoed from within.

"I should garnish the meal, too," Nik, meanwhile, prepared the food.


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