Goddess Collector: Every Hole is a Goal

Chapter 726: A Gift to Remember (1)

Chapter 726: A Gift to Remember (1)

Shout-out to Davis Bradford and Mattias Karlsson for patron support!


*Knock* *Knock*

"Who is it?" Nik almost sang as he opened the door fully knowing the person on the other side.


"Oh? Susan?" Nik smiled, "What did the queen send you?"

Pursing her lips for a moment, she observed Nik but finding no hint of indecency, she inquired, "Are you alone?"

"Yep. Didn't have the heart to accept the kind gesture."

"Oh, alright," Susan looked a little uncomfortable standing on the other side of the room as Nik inquired once again, "Do you want to... ask me for the direction of your room? I may have memorized it."

Seeing his wide, slightly mocking grin, Susan sighed, "Johnny was wrong. We both were not this naughty at your age."

"Heh, couldn't resist it. Please, join me in my forte of solitude."

"Comics?" Susan inquired with a furrow as she seemed to have recalled a distant memory of a rather niche character.

"Yeah," Nik nodded as he returned to the luxurious, strangely, 5-star-like modern room. Although, the channels on the television still left much to be desired. "It's a reference for superman. I started browsing the issues online. It's fun and time passes quickly that way," Nik replied.

Taking a seat on one of the chairs, Susan inquired, "I didn't take you for a man of interest for pictorial storytelling."

"Let's see," Nik sat on the edge of the bed, "I don't really have too deep of a relationship with my classmates. I have this superhero identity that only a few people know, which narrows down my range of having a conversation circle. So, it's quite alright if I occasionally find joy in comic books and... well, you know."

Not minding the obvious need for Nik's double-meaning talk by now, Susan inquired curiously, "And? Why did you return Leanne's gesture if you find joy in such things?"

"You're drunk, aren't you?" Nik inquired.

"I've had a few glasses..." Susan admitted with a smile.

"Well, to answer your previous inquiry. I don't think Leanne likes me very much. Which is odd yet understandable. After all, I did not remove my 'costume' when she asked, so that's ought to leave an unfavorable impression."

"Come on, you really don't think that, do you?" Susan chuckled.

"Let's see..." Nik traced his chin, "If Leanne sent us all, the guests, something special to specifically 'entertain' us for the night then why would she assume that I would need to spend my night with an old woman who could barely speak English? I didn't have the heart to reject her outright... so, well, I spent an hour with her, talking, and understanding the customs involved."

"Turns out, the more favor a queen or king has of her/his guest, the better the 'present' they would receive."

"Ah," Susan shrugged, "For what's it worth, the present I received was slightly paunchy, and smelled bad. He had a good accent though."

"Not surprising. After all, only Johnny and Janet seemed to hit it off with Leanne. Anyway, I really didn't think you would come here. I was about to leave for my home," Nik added, making Susan furrow her brows.

"Leave for the home? Hmm?" C.o.c.king her head sideways, she blinked, finally realizing what he meant, "Oh, that's so convenient. You can sleep at your own bed, have breakfast you want tomorrow, and still return here instantly."

"Something like that," Nik smiled.

"So... I should be really leaving," Susan smiled and stood up, her cheeks still a little flushed as she looked at Nik for a few lasting moments.

"Or..." Susan thought for a moment as she sat down again. She still wore her usual hero outfit for reasons unknown to Nik as she crossed her legs while folding her arms. Even after sitting, she still felt hesitant of saying whatever she wished to say but feeling the slightest shift in the 'force', Nik stopped himself from chuckling and possibly ruining the mood.

Much to Susan's surprise, a portal blossomed right below her and sucked her in with another portal appearing above Nik with a Susan falling right over him only to be caught by his arms, her body balanced with Nik's arms behind her back and below her knees as she looked ay Nik with her widened blue eyes.

"Or I can take you with me. Others won't even notice and we'll be back tomorrow," Nik smiled as Susan gulped.

"I wasn't going to say that," Susan replied, her gaze still held by Nik's as her breathing grew fast. Her mind wandered to the moment a few minutes back where... well, aside from Nik, all the rooms were clearly 'occupied'. Though Susan felt a bit lonely for not simply accepting the humble gesture since it's been so long, who knew, that Leanne would help her by actually sending an old woman to Nik's room?

"Then, I'll stay here and others still won't know a thing," Nik leaned down towards Susan's lips slowly, her body embraced so suddenly and so passionately that she didn't even need to be actually drunk to find the courage needed to cross a few lines in pursuit of her own satisfaction.

"You really shouldn't do this..." Susan whispered as her hot breathing practically brushed past Nik's lips as she leaned forward, "I'd like to take the initiative this time."

Saying so, Susan's right hand which was caught between her side and Nik's torso slid up as she held Nik's collar and pulled him down, an act of force that Pickle did not enjoy at all the collared shirt instantly turned into a t-shirt, making Susan lose her grasp but she achieved what she wanted, her lips already pressed against Nik's. Her left arm reached up to trace his jaw while they both looked into each other's eyes.

"Hmm," closing her eyes, Susan blushed. A strange feeling of release graced her as she trembled in Nik's arms while feeling his lips against her. Soon, however, she let Nik's tongue slide through her parted lip, making sure that he got to enjoy everything her moth had to offer, and much to Susan's regret later as this being their first kiss, she also offered the taste or scotch filling her mouth to the brim.

But it mattered not to Nik. His pheromones could achieve plenty to be considered a superpower of their own. Mind control, dream invasion, l.u.s.t inducement, and even being able to physically manipulate objects should it be concentrated enough, but right now, even Nik felt the lack of the need in using his pheromones. His body even tasted things a bit differently, in this aspect, he was like Ben. While Ben could find the taste of barbeque meatballs from rocks, Nik tastes sweet nectar from the fluids of his partners, one of the many reasons for Nik's eager need to stick his tongue down their holes.

"Hah~ Hah~!" The kiss lasted shortly but as Susan pulled back slightly, a bit breathless, she found Nik's enamored gaze particularly pleasing. A sight that even infected her since such a look shouldn't be present in men so young. She had expected a greedy look as Reed would have back in the day, or a slightly playful one that she found on Tony just once.

"Nik, I..." Susan whispered before closing her eyes and shaking her head. Opening them, Susan looked a bit stern for a moment, "We have to make sure that I properly get out of my suit... it would be hard to explain the damages if it does get one."

"As you wish," Nik smiled. His plans for the night were rather simple. Take up Ava on her offer and then visit Tanya, and of course, spend time and help the girls in Dream Core. Although sleep was a luxury to him, he didn't need it to survive, so he could manage it. However... Ava would surely understand his lack of presence tonight, right?

'I hardly think so...' Nik sighed but knowing that the best way to live is without regret, he smiled to himself. If he can't leave, then surely, he could make arrangements for Ava to visit him.

"Why are you waiting?" Susan whispered as she leaned forward, overlapping Nik's lips again, "Don't get distracted now," she mewled while pressing her body against Nik.

"I do feel bad taking advantage of a drunk woman," Nik lied through his teeth and with a smile at that as he lifted Susan up and placed her on the bed.

"You aren't," Susan smiled, "I'm the one taking advantage of you."

'Just what he needed to hear...' Other spirits noted as Nik smiled. He liked zoning all of them out during such important moments as he crawled closer to Susan. Lying in his side, he once again leaned down to pluck Susan's lips. Meanwhile, his hand gently cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t as her thighs squeezed together. Although she felt a little awkward in the beginning, barely able to hold her own thoughts, she soon started to reciprocate the kiss and the touches. Her own arm moving against Nik's chest as she reached out for Nik's neck, eagerly tracing his collarbone before letting her other hand sneak into his. t-shirt.

"I want to confess something," Susan m.o.a.ned as she eagerly sat up on Nik, pushing him down while eagerly kissing his cheeks and gradually going down to his chin and neck, her body growing hotter as both of her hands pushed the edge of the t-shirt up, making Nik simply recede Pickle as she disappeared from above, making Susan yelp in surprise, but not for long.

"Actually," she leaned down, her blue eyes peering into Nik's violet ones, "Just like you, I can sense... no, I can 'see' things differently. These waves of energy at their very basic level. I can see most of them and I can also 'see' energy leaking out from you at times, you sneaky boy," she smiled as Nik didn't mind the revelation at all.

Invisible Woman? Force Fields to cover her partners? These were the abilities that barely depicted the tip of the iceberg that Susan Storm is. Her powers were much more deeper and astronomical but she wasn't without weakness. At least, Nik knew many things from his analysis from the [Imperfect Chimera], things that even the fantastic four might not know about themselves.

"And?" Nik licked his lips, stretching up to kiss Susan's neck as she bit her lips before signing in relaxation. "And nothing... it's just that sometimes, I feel that your abilities are much more than you state them to be."

"Maybe they are," Nik leaned back, a chuckle escaping his lips as he held Susan's butt with a tight squeeze, instantly, Susan felt her body lit with passion similar to a Christmas tree lit with lights all over as Nik whispered, "Did you manage to feel that?"

Susan's cheeks flushed but not minding the sudden heightening of sensitivity, she held Nik's shoulder while Nik noted the lack of sharp nails this time around, a refreshing feeling he admitted.

"Mmmh, I think," Susan whispered against Nik's ear as she lied on Nik completely, almost hugging him while Nik enjoyed the feel of her butt while she grew hotter and wetter by the second, something completely shown through her dress, "I'll regret this night."

"I'll bet you the opposite," Nik whispered with a peck against Susan's cheek, "Regret is an emotion worse second only to jealousy. I don't like both of them." Feeling the impressive bulge down there, Susan couldn't help but feel a bit excited and intimidated at the same time.

"I like confident guys," Susan smiled as she felt Nik's hand reaching towards the zipper concealed by the fabric quite expertly, something Susan didn't have the time to ponder on as Nik's other hand rubbed its index against the stretch of her flesh pressed against the suit. Of course, she wasn't wearing anything down there. Nik didn't know who started the tradition of skintight outfits for the female heroes out there, but he held the guy with the utmost respect.


Alternative Title: Design Respect, Leanne's Unintentional Help


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