Goddess Collector: Every Hole is a Goal

Chapter 723: Pimping Science

Chapter 723: Pimping Science


The mechanical entrance slid open to reveal the inner dock of the Hellicarrier. Although most of the aircraft were placed outside the flying fortress, well, not technically a fortress since Nik had deduced multiple methods to break into this facility even without relying on his spatial abilities, a few were still marked within the Hellicarrier.

These aircraft were notably different and more powerful, emerging directly from the latest updates of the R&D of the nation. Following Maria, Nik found a group of people standing near one of the jets. In his trusty trench coat, Nick Fury was easy to identify as the man smelled human for once. Beside him stood Coulson, chatting with Benjamin the Thing.

Meanwhile, the remaining members of fantastic four mingled with an odd couple. The male wore a greyish suit with elbow patches and a pair of glasses while the woman wore a rather flamboyant yellow dress more appropriate for high-end fundraisers than a mission to subdue a recently emerging villain.

"Psst, Maria," Nik whispered, "Believe me for once. When you pass by Director, wink towards him with your left eye."

"That's where the Director wears his eyepatch," Maria's lips twitched, "Listen, if you're trying to get my attention for 'that', then don't try hard. I really don't dislike our arrangement."

"I wish," Nik shrugged, "But I've got too many 'arrangements' to fulfill, you know. It was awesome though, you and me," he smiled as Maria's footsteps grew slower slightly.

"Other arrangements, huh. That's why you're dropping out of school? For s.e.x?"

"Maybe, but that would be a lie," Nik replied casually. "You've got to trust a little. I'm an honest person after all. Anyway, if you don't want to wink, then it's fine. It should be done a bit privately. Instead, try and lean more towards him. Occasional touches as an accident or something like that," Nik continued.

"This is textbook seduction," Maria furrowed.

"You've gotta start somewhere, right? And since it's so textbook, Fury will understand your intentions. At least, that way, he'll get a chance to respond and you'll find where he stands. Although... I think that the odds are against your favor."

"I... don't care about that. Anyway, I won't be doing any of it. The last thing I want is to risk my career. I went along with you for that very reason," Maria stated.

"Because I'm a safer option?" Nik mused, "Well, that's true. It's unlikely I'm bored enough to disrupt your career and my partners are guaranteed maximum satisfaction."

Although Maria knew every single thing was true, she still found Nik's phrasing a bit annoying. It's not like he wasn't 'showing' his satisfaction during their sessions, too. Still, keeping her quiet since they were dangerously close, Maria nodded at the group and stepped aside.

"Hey," Nik waved. Since everyone here didn't have their masks on, well, aside from Ben, Nik didn't find it necessary to keep in his Vanish form, too. Instead, his appearance attracted a bit of excitement from the couple.

"A kid?" Both of them managed to say this simultaneously.

The man turned to Fury only for him to state this clearly, "An asset, to be direct. Nik, let me introduce you. This is Dr. Henry Pym and his partner, Janet Van Dyne. You're already chummy with those four, so no need for me to go on."

"But," Henry still looked hesitant as he gazed at Nik. Meanwhile, Nik turned towards Coulson and greeted him with a pleasant smile, "What's up? Is the world really being too peaceful? I don't really get called for missions nowadays."

"You know, we just have 'employees' who would do the same for health benefits," Coulson smirked, making Nik snicker, "Considering the cost of health benefits, my price is still lower."

"I know," Coulson nodded and glanced towards Maria. Strangely enough, she didn't simply walk beside Fury right away, a peculiarity worth noticing since Maria's presence was quite monumental in the Shield. "Anyway, this mission is quite straightforward. In fact, you won't be dealing with the main agenda directly but assisting your elders here," he said while gesturing towards the Fantastic four and Pym's group.

"Sure thing," Nik agreed as Henry rubbed the creases of his forehead, "I'm not sure if a child should accompany us..."

"Oh, stop it," Janet elbowed the man, "You let me do far more dangerous stuff when I was his age, right? Let him enjoy his sweet twenties."

Johnny's expression twitched as he stopped himself from laughing while Reed and Sue sighed collectively. Maria, meanwhile, spoke up, "You mean sweet 17."

"Say what?" Janet looked at Nik once again, this time, with much more focus as Nik did the same. And finally, after a careful observation, he senses a pair of insectoid wings on the woman's back, just that it was an extremely tiny pair. But they were definitely there. However, his intense stare came much to Reed's and Henry's dislike. Reed already felt a little awkward towards Nik previously and the feeling intensified once he accidentally walked in on Sue... well, doing some questionable stuff with her abilities while going through Nik's file.

"Oh, I didn't know kids nowadays look so grown up. Maybe it's his outfit," Janet mumbled as her eyes widened once again as the so-called outfit morphed and covered Nik in a white layer while black patches of eyes stared at Janet with the wide maw grinning, "Maybe it isn't. Anyway, we should get going, right? I can get acquainted with the objective during the flight... or should I just transfer all of us there?"

"No, Reed shook his head," Just to be safe, we should pilot a jet.


"Hey, man... do you still have some dino meat in your stock? Your lunchbox was amazing, so I was hoping to get some more," Johnny smiled and inquired, a bit of drool touching the corner of his lips, "And also... I was with this girl, Kathy. Sweet one and even has a sister in high school. So I can set you up with her if you share some of the good stuff with me."

"Really?" Nik inquired with moderate interest, "Do you have any pictures?" His words making most of the heroes in the aircraft roll their eyes as Reed and Henry took charge of piloting the jet. Probably, the two wished to chat amongst themselves.

"John! Have some shame for once," Sue chided while Johnny frowned, "What? The kid's at that age. Remember how we would"

"Not a word," Sue hissed and crossed her arms as she still managed to push her b.r.e.a.s.ts despite the blue jumpsuit covering her body.

Shrugging, Johnny looked at Nik with expectations flickering in his eyes as Nik sucked in a breath of cold air, "Oooh, no chick, no dino meat... sorry," he smiled sadly as Ben chuckled.

"Who knew there's someone out there that can even make punk like you stutter."

"Yeah, I still don't know how's your hearing is still so sharp..." Johnny sat back with a distressed expression while Nik looked towards Sue, "So?" he inquired, "I'm still not detailed on the mission? What is it?"

"It's a simple extraction," Janet replied in Sue's stead, "There is a barrier around an island. The island itself is the main reason for the mission since dinosaurs are bred here."

"Woah!" Nik exclaimed as Johnny smirked, "Yeah, I'm now hoping to get one for myself this time... although, I doubt that we can carry one on the jet, so I'll be asking for your assistance to teleporting it into the Baxter Building."

"Ehm," Sue interjected, making Janey frown as the blonde stated with a steady expression, "Look, Nik, we won't ask you to do anything dangerous. But, we might be able to counter the barrier with your abilities, so that's that. And... even without your abilities, you get far stronger than an average human once the symbiote covers you. So, you'll be like a backup for us and a good retreat option in case we are failing. You'll be able to teleport all of us at once, right?"

Thinking for a moment, Nik nodded. Anyway, they won't be facing Netherion at all but even then, their worries weren't unfounded.

"I should be able to... but trying to teleport Ben does exhaust me quite a bit."

"Hey! Not cool!" Ben grunted.

"Not calling you fat, it's just what it is. Maybe it's because of your mutation or something," Nik lied with a straight expression while Janet inquired, "What are your abilities in detail, pretty boy?"

"Is that how you should be talking to a kid?" Sue retorted.

"Aren't you protective, my, my," Janet tilted her face towards Sue as the duo glared at each other for reasons Nik felt quite amazed about.

'Hmm... maybe I really am awesome even without my pheromones. Well, I did spend a little time with Sue so he did have quite a bit of foundation with her. Not to mention... she was accidentally using her powers to give him a footjob below the table at their second meeting so Nik wasn't surprised.

"If I tell you about my abilities, will you tell me about yours and your boyfriend's? Maria said that she couldn't tell much about you both," Nik inquired.

"First of all, he isn't my boyfriend. Well... uh, nothing. Anyway, yeah, I'll enlighten you a bit about the advancement of science that powers the both of us if you can clarify your personal ability."

Sue and others perked up as Nik hummed softly, "Well, it's simple. I can create two portals at the same time, connecting two locations unimpeded by the distance. However, I need to have a good mental picture of the location I wish to create the portal in, so that can be a bit troublesome. That's why I like to make a few locational as memorable as possible. By taking pictures and looking at them constantly, or having a few impressive memories in the location itself."

Although Janet took her time to digest Nik's words, a strange expression touched Johnny's, Ben's, and Sue's expression. It was no secret that he tried to hit on Sue and even gave his number to her and the topic itself became quite the awkward one within the Baxter Building so the trio knew instantly what Nik might have meant by saying creating impressive memories.

'Damn... even I don't speak this openly. Kids these days are scary..." John looked towards Ben while Sue's cheek flushed slightly.

"What happens if you create a single entry portal with no exit? What happens to the person who enters it?" Janet inquired as Nik smiled.

He knew what Janet was actually intending to ask. A rather cruel and simple manner of manipulating space that would simply shred almost every living being unless they have a few treasures, spatial talent, or amazing defensive properties.

"It doesn't work like that," Nik shook his head, "If I create a portal with no exit, the portal itself would crumble. In fact, such reckless use might even hurt me, so, if you're asking that am I capable of creating an entrance to a space that is extremely harsh on living beings and might even prove fatal, the answer is no."

"I see," Janet rubbed her chin, deep in thought while Sue smiled, "I always took you for the reckless type, so you might have tried this, right? Or else, how would you know it might hurt you?"

"Intuition," Nik shrugged, "I'm sure you got the hang of your abilities due to your intuition, too... I mean, it's amazing how much you were the talk of the internet. People actually proclaimed that... well, you know... they got a few pics of yours," Nik smiled while Johnny's expression darkened, "Ah, the internet's a dirty place... but I love it so much!"

The flush on Sue's cheeks finally grew heavy as she shot a glare at her brother. Meanwhile, Janet smiled and looked towards Nik, "It is an interesting ability... in fact, if the distance is not the limit, you might be able to travel to places far more amazing than you can imagine."

Although it was a lie, his ability was similar to creating a portal anywhere. He still couldn't easily break the barriers in between dimensions.

"Now, for my end of the bargain. Hank... I mean, Henry, managed to find a way to isolate a rare particle. The application of this particle can either decrease an object's mass or size, or both, and also increase the same. In essence, I can turn extremely small, or extremely large. However, I'm more proficient in turning small. I'm also implanted with a pair of bio-synthetic wings but you can't see them because they are tiny, and under my clothes," Janet winked at the end of her statement as Nik nodded.

"With a decrease in size but the mass still compressed, I can project more power than an ordinary human. Anyway, it's too scientific to explain without a board to write upon. Just think of me as an extremely strong ant, or wasp, in this case.".

"What's it called?" Nik inquired, "The particle."

"Pym particles!" Janet stated with a proud expression while Nik furrowed. Touching his chin, he couldn't help but turn a bit thoughtful.

"You guys must have faced a lot of Pimp jokes, right? It must have been a hard life..."

"Pfft!" Sue accidentally guffawed. She didn't mean to, but the situation was just too much as Johnny and Ben looked at Sue with a strange expression while Janet glared at Sue coldly.


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