Goddess Collector: Every Hole is a Goal

Chapter 702: Sorceress of Darkness

Chapter 702: Sorceress of Darkness


The safe box continued to tremble as Nik and Felicia looked at the oozing black-green mist that overflowed from the gaps of the safe.

"Now that you're here, you must hear my wish," Felicia spoke as her eyes glowed in green as the uncontrollable mist suddenly enveloped the woman. From the humanoid fog, an olive-skinned woman wearing a green dress walked out. She glanced towards the safe and the unsettling object within the box quietened down. Slightly slanted eyes and shapely nose with full lips. The dress had a cleavage cut reaching down her crotch with a metallic belt covering her waist which gave Nik a bountiful view of her b.r.e.a.s.ts and flat abdomen while her raven hair rested close to her waist.

"I had my eyes on you the moment you walked into Sorcerer's lair. You... and that other boy, you are not from this reality, right? How did you break the restriction of one reality and enter the other's reality?" The woman inquired in a threatening manner and Nik had an urge to derive a pun from the continuous use of the word Reality, only to hold himself back when he found the strange woman charging some form of energy into spheres in both her palms.

The charged energy gave a similar sensation to a mix of cosmic and magic energy-filled those spheres as Nik gazed at the woman with pursed lips.

"I... hmm, would appreciate if you simplify your question. Define Reality."

To Nik's inquiry, the woman narrowed her gaze and replied plainly, "A large space that encompasses various dimensions and laws to their full and most natural capabilities. In other words, an omniverse."

'Wow, never thought I'm this far from home,' Nik wondered at simply how amazing this rank 8 unique item Transmigration Heart was.

"It must have something to do with this second heart of yours, right?" her glowing green eyes focused towards Nik's right chest as the energy within her palms grew even more chaotic, "You will make an excellent subject."

"Why didn't you choose that other boy for your research?" Nik took a step back as the woman smiled.

"Why, of course, I don't like dealing with filthy demons. You on the other hand," licking her lips as if inviting Nik, she continued, "Your blood is quite strange, too. Not to mention that spiritual energy that exudes from you. You must be an offspring of an elder race of a different reality."

"Yes," Nik nodded, "My father can see everything. Harm me and he'll come for your head," he stated smugly as the woman grew silent for a moment.


Nik tilted his head as the concentrated pink energy slashed against his cheek, barely missing him while the woman's eyes constricted slightly.

"You... can see the movement of light..." the woman sounded a bit confused as Nik sighed deeply, "Daddy, you saw all of it, right? Once this woman kills this body, I'll mark her. She is the reason why I couldn't accomplish my mission!" Nik pleaded loudly. After all, if his words could resolve the situation, why fight at all? And now that he was using Nirdai's title unscrupulously, he intended to milk this fact until even the strange woman believed that Nik really had some super powerful bearer.

"What mission?" taking the bait, the woman inquired as Nik smiled coldly. His lips curved with a confident expression on his face, "Why would I tell you? If you think you can kill me, go ahead. It's not like I will lose out anything."

"Maybe I will help you accomplish your mission and in return, you will share your method of traveling with me," The woman stated with a smug smile.

"It's something to do with the Sorcerer. You shouldn't meddle and if"

"State your objective," She demanded.

"Supreme Chocolate Yogurt that the Supreme Sorcerer has developed recently," Nik snapped the reply with a straight face.

"Nik Minion," the woman stated with a somber expression, "Do you know that not many percentages of the reality's population are capable of storing and wielding mystical energies and your entire body is currently soaked with so much energy that it's..." she took a shuddering breath, "Help me and I assure you, your made-up objectives and your real objectives will certainly be fulfilled."

"And this is after you tried to pry my mind and thoughts open? You gave up too easily, Ms..." Nik trailed his words but the woman didn't identify herself still and Nik couldn't manipulate her even for the slightest bit after soaking the surrounding with his pheromones.

"I don't know if you're still worthy to know my name. You are learning Chronokinesis from that Asgardian whore, right? In that safe, you will find a present that can only be utilized in this universe. However, it will increase your understanding of temporal dimensions greatly. In return... I want you to share this method of yours with me."

"Hmm-kay, anything else? My kidney perhaps?" Nik inquired as he had heard all he needed to hear. His violet eyes glimmered in darkness as he raised his hands towards Morgan with a rune already forming in the air as the woman's gaze widened slightly.

Instantly, the ball of energy dispersed into filaments of light that shot towards Nik only to be dispersed by violet chains that tore through the runes and shot towards the woman 'covering' Felicia.

Seeing the icy blue chains reaching for her, the woman dispersed into hazy green mist as Nik's smiled and slowly raised his hand.

The strange woman was right behind him, holding a rather powerful sphere of energy against his back.

"I am now certain that a pompous offspring like you isn't worthy to know my name."

"You know, here's the thing about Illusion. It doesn't need to affect"


The ball turned into a laser of magical energy that tore through Nik's back and even pierced the ceiling as his body dispersed in a hazy violet mist.

" your mind but only your eyes and senses, including the sense of touch," Nik whispered, his hand gripping the woman's neck while her expression was certainly dark.

"Your name?" Nik inquired.

For a moment, the woman's eyes twitched before she smiled, "Morgan le Fay," she whispered as her image dispersed from Felicia's body, leaving her unconscious while appearing near the safe box once again.

"I know a lot about you Nik. After all, you, and your friends, once used my artifact," she stated as Nik simply stored Felicia away. He couldn't afford distractions when dealing with magical entities.

"Mirror of Morgana?" Nik inquired as he recalled the mirror Strange used to transport Pool, Spider, Anna, Gwen, and him into the consciousness realm.

"Yes, one of my earliest creations under Merlin's apprenticeship. In Sorcerer's Community, stating one's identity is a form of respect. I have indeed underestimated your ability and I now believe that your... bearer must be more powerful, at least."

"Listen, I'm not going to teach you my method, alright? I don't know you and even if I did, it would be hard for me to trust y"

"I can sleep with you. Spending time with someone in a completely n.a.k.e.d form is

"Not trusting at all but an olive branch," Nik interjected again with a sneer but he did feel that he had chances of sleeping with this legendary Sorceress that even Strange admired.

"This is a negotiation, my otherworldly friend. You have something I desire. A method. A technique. I have looked into the multiverse and never saw a shadow of Nik that has the same life and blood as you. Your soul is even more appealing. It thirsts more... capacity. You must have something to be done that even I may fulfill or else..." she trailed her words as her image seemed to have materialized with otherworldly energies seeping through her existence, "I won't let you off easily, young man."

"Hmm, how about this," Nik carefully thought, "Help me..."

"I don't think so," Morgan's eyes glowed while runes and scriptures covered the walls of the room, restricting Nik's ability to shift or teleport but this was merely his most basic ability in Spatial mastery. The sky had long lectured that when two opponents battle using Spatial abilities, it's not about the ability to use space as an extension but to wield it as if the most powerful weapon in existence.


Morgan's eyes widened as the space around her started shredding the surroundings and even affected her own spellcasting but under Nik's stunned gaze, the safe flew open, and from it, a necklace shot through the constricted space and landed in Morgan's hands. Nik had seen this necklace on Strange. A golden oddity with a large eye carved on its surface.

"Eyes of Agamotto, powerful relics created by the first supreme sorcerer Agamotto. Eye of Power, Eye of Truth, and the Eye of Persistence, and each one of these eyes valuable even to the strongest of cosmic deities of the universe. However, to Sorceresses like me, it's true value is not the perverted ability to see everything," Morgan stated as a green colored set of runes covered her arms while the carved eye slowly opened, revealing a glowing green gem, "The abilities of these eyes are meager. Each of these eyes are seals that store something strong... something terrible. The current Supreme holds this, the second eye of Agamotto the eye of truth and in connection with the Time Stone, he presides over the past, the present, and the future!"

Morgan glanced at the stone briefly before looking at Nik, "Did that Asgardian whore teach you what Infinity Stones are?" she inquired as Nik slowly shook his head.

"Six gems that represent its universe of origin. This gem represents one aspect of the universe Time. Every Temporal skill and magic can be achieved with this gem right here. A gem capable of overturning one's imagination. This is my offer in return for the ability to move through the realities."

"If this is such a lovely gem, why don't you keep it for yourself?" Nik inquired as he gazed at the metallic eye slowly covering the gem.

"It's just a stone," Morgan smiled sadly, "I can perform Chronokinesis even without this gem. But... I want to break the restrictions that shackle me. Supremes have a way but I cannot make heads or tails about it. I have researched my limits and now, I live across time, neither dead nor alive but still... shackled. I can gain unlimited power, destroy lives by going back in time but when face with an opponent truly free of restrictions, I could only realize my own mortality."

Nik continued staring at the woman silently. He wouldn't dare pity someone who can boast of living alongside time and gaining unlimited power but... he could try and make use of it.

"Compared to the Library of Sorcerer Supreme, how much do you know in terms of spells?" Nik inquired as it was Morgan's turn to look at Nik weirdly.

"I believe you have never understood the code of conduct of Sorcery. Then again, Asgardians are a boorish bunch that knows nothing better. The library of the Supreme, if I recall correctly, is filled with ancient tomes and scriptures that have nothing to do with magic spells. It is a way of living and makes the supremes realize their moral code of conduct. The supremes pass their ancient spells to each other through other, spiritual methods that are hard to identify. But I wouldn't overestimate them. After all, I was able to steal this very precious artifact from the current Supreme."

"You stole it?" Nik inquired as Morgan nodded, "I did. The young lady you stowed away so unceremoniously was in fact, operated upon by a follower of mine. Garuk, I presume. You should have met him, if I'm right."

Once again recalling the faceless man whom he fought in Africa and searched through the mind, Nik looked at Morgan with a good measure of cautiousness. However, he also felt a little greedy when recalling that the stone could help him learn the temporal abilities quickly.

"Think broader!" Sky shouted in Nik's mind as he suddenly snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Morgan alertly.

'Was she...' Nik gazed at Morgan and realized that he already felt quite a bit of pity for the woman. Instantly suppressing such feelings and quickly thanking Sky for her timely notice, Nik took a deep breath.

"You were manipulating my thoughts," he looked at Morgana as she nodded without any pretense.

"If Illusions only need to deceive my senses, then I only need to influence your thoughts by my own physical appearance and the sound of my voice," she chortled as Nik gulped. He felt a rather unusual form of excitement since it's been a long time when he felt this stretched in terms of defenses but he wasn't losing out right now.

As Sky suggested, Nik thought broadly and gazed at Morgan.

"Are you alive or dead?" he inquired.

"I still possess my soul and flesh if that is what you are referring to," Morgan smiled while Nik gazed at the eye, his thoughts once again losing out from his own grasp but now, he knew how to control the surge of emotions elicited by the stimulus of Morgan's existence.

"It's fine then, I'm not into necrophilia, after all. I don't want that gem. Why don't you follow me instead? You'll understand what I'm getting at in a few hours, but it's not like you are capable of forcing the method out of me either. Keep the stone with you, or not. If it is limited to this universe only, then I'll just have to find some use for it right now."

A little stunned, Morgan sneered and looked at Nik, "In return for your assistance, you want me and this infinity gem? This isn't the rightful method of negotiation, young man."

"It is your choice. Following me will put you against the most unrestrained individuals of various... realities. I admit my lack of knowledge but the beings I refer to have only a single shackle constricting them."

Morgan's gaze widened for a moment. She knew such beings even in this reality but all of them were restrained to their own reality. If there are more individuals out there...

Her gaze fell on Nik's face and his contours.

"Stop influencing my thoughts, too," Morgan snapped out as Nik smiled, "I just demonstrated to you that I'm a quick learner. If you really know me, then whom you call my friends, I call them my lovers. There is a solid reason for that, you know"

"I shall carve your heart out if I'm not satisfied fully," Morgan snapped her fingers as the second eye of Agamotto disappeared while Morgan gained her corporeal form.


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