Goddess Collector: Every Hole is a Goal

Chapter 698: Crashing In

Chapter 698: Crashing In


Iron Fist's hands glowed with extreme heat following his moves as he wrecked yet another vehicle moving illegal substances. Meanwhile, Silk webbed up a few guns and plastered them on top of the thugs' heads, and made them hang opposite from the street pole which instantly attracted attention from everybody. On top of a nearby building, two figures completely in white observed Iron Fist and Silk fighting crime wherever they went. After all, the removal of major gangs by Wilson Fisk's testimony had created a gaping hole in the treasured land that is the New York City. To fill it, many ambitious men and women took charge but the situation still wasn't solid and many people are getting arrested daily.

"So... there's something you want to talk about? It feels like you are holding back," Nik dangled his foot idly and inquired.

"I know... where you can find Felicia."

"And why didn't you tell me that back in the Hellicarrier?" Nik nudged Ava's shoulder as he pursed her lips behind her mask.

"I don't know. I just wanted to inform you of this privately. And"

"Take off your mask," Nik interjected as Pickle slowly shifted and turned into a casual outfit around Nik. Startled, Ava continued to look at Nik with widened eyes until his hand reached out for her neck and slowly pulled her mask out from behind. With her hair pulled into a ponytail, the white mask was shifted till the end of her hair as Nik leaned forward with a curious gaze.

"I might have expected Angela to go all soft and gooey after watching so many rom-com but to think that you'll be such a softy," Nik smiled as Angela hurriedly jumped back from the ledge, her cheeks burning while her nostrils flared as she mobilized the nails attached to her costume, "Don't overstep"

"Let's forget about Felicia for a moment," Nik's whisper appeared from behind her, "I love focusing on people I'm with at the moment. And in just a single hour, I have noticed that you held back a lot."

Blowing against her ear, Nik whispered again, "A lot~!"

Feeling the frivolous tone belonging to the lowest of the low that Ava had ever encountered, she tried to claw back at Nik but she suddenly stopped at Nik's next words, "I won't stop fooling around, you know. If you keep inviting me, I'll grow bolder."

Nik's hands firmly held Ava's waist as his fingers started sliding up, "Maria tried me and failed to hold back. Then she began fearing and that was the end of it. Anna, Cindy, and Mary didn't fear it. Natasha enjoyed every moment of it and then our relationship continued. So, it is a definite statement that I do not enjoy being dangled on hopes of romanticism."

As his fingers reached the curve of her b.r.e.a.s.ts, Ava's heart began racing further, "So make a clear statement, Ava. See? I'm helping you affirm your thoughts. I'm right behind you. My hands can't get enough of you."

As Ava's gaze turned hazy for a moment, her breathing turned ever rougher.

"I" she gritted her teeth, trying to suppress her thoughts but Nik's warm breathing tickled her ear and continued to disrupt any moment of rationality she could salvage.

"After you, I'll probably hook-up with Gwen. Maybe Felicia, too. At least once, that is. So try it, being honest with yourself," Stated the world-class hypocrite who has turned the thousands of years old spirits residing within him speechless numerous moments.

Unknown to Ava, Iron Fist and Cindy were already done with their tasks and had returned to the building only to spectate such a moment. Cindy's glare turned slightly annoyed as Iron Fist looked at her and inquired, "I never got to understand how Nik manages his partner. Does he create multiple copies of himself to appease everyone?"

"Physical or mental?" Cindy inquired in return as Daniel's gaze flickered.

"Well, Ray is kind of a slob so he makes temporary copies of himself every moment. However, I have only heard about this Familiar named Yar but..."

"Oh," Cindy chimed, "I heard about Yar. In Nik's words Yar is seriously awesome."

Daniel's expression darkened while Cindy apologized wryly, "Sorry, that wasn't too informative."

"Anyway," Cindy continued, "I don't know how Nik does things but he gave me a clear choice. And he doesn't really manage anything. We are usually on our own. Some drinking in the bar, some playing video games. Most, however, are from the medieval period so that fight in tournaments a lot."

"What are you talking about?" Daniel looked at Cindy strangely.

"Oh, a little secret of ours," Cindy stuck her tongue out while looking towards Ava and Nik with a curious expression, "Things developed on their side," she gestured with the nudge of her chin.

"You're acting ridiculously!" Ava hissed as she broke through Nik's grasp before turning and glaring at him. "You think all that smug attitude and glib tongue might get you in anybody's panties you want, but guess what, you ain't getting anywhere close to me!" Gripping Nik's collar she hissed as Nik blinked innocently until Ava instantly kissed Nik.

"I'm confused," Daniel inquired by Cindy's side, "Wasn't she just shouting at him?"

"Who knows," Cindy shrugged, "What mattered to me back then was who I might be sharing Nik with... but I just get what I want in school hours."

"Oh, wonderful," Daniel extended his hand, "A time spread."

High-fiving Daniel, Cindy smiled, "You get used to it. You didn't tell me though. Who else is partnered with Ray?"

"Well, there is Matt Murdock, popularly known as Daredevil. Also the Captain. Yeah, Ray managed to actually seduce Captain this week. I did tell Ray about Thor but that god disappeared suddenly. Ray also wanted to try for Luke but he's in Coma right now," Daniel replied.

On the other side of the roof, Ava slowly leaned back, her warm breathing blowing past Nik's lips as her rather watery eyes locked gazes with him.

"Sorry, Cindy!" Nik called out with an eager grin as the woman sighed in defeat and waved her hands because she knew Nik would disappear the next moment and as expected, he and Ava suddenly disappeared while Daniel and Cindy looked towards each other. As the partner of their respective groups, they held great understanding towards each other and started to appreciate the companionship.

"So, should we continue patrolling the city?"




A hauntingly flaming bike screeched through the empty streets, leaving a trail of tires melting into the road as the thirsty revving of the engine sent chills in the heart of the young man being pursued.

Soft cackling of hideous skulls grew louder in the young man's ears as the hellish sound of the motorbike came to a screeching halt, just like the young man.

After all, there was no way out of the alley aside from climbing the very large building and the youth knew he didn't come close to the recently trending superheroes making waves in the nation.

"You cannot run from your sins," A cackle echoed in the barely lit alley as the flaming motorcycle came to a stop and a 'bony' figure stepped forward. The ghost-like figure wore a leather jacket and biker's pants while his skull lit on flames and his hollow eye sockets gazed towards the youth who crumbled in on his knees.

"P-please! I don't want to die!"

The youth begged as the flaming skeletal walked forward and pulled the youth up from his collar and finally hissed in a commanding tone, "Look in my eyes!"

The shout was stirring and the youth slowly, mindlessly, looked into the hollow sockets and instantly realized all he had done in his life. All the wrongs, that he felt, he had committed. Theft, hurting young passersby, beating many senseless.

"N-no! Aaaghhhhh!"

He shouted as his eyes burned crisp, his shout finally ending as the skeleton let go of the deceased youth.

"What a wonderful sight~ A skeleton judging men?" A hollow chuckle echoed while a swirl of pink mist filled the alley. The effects of the mist itself dampened the flames surrounding the skull as chains tore through the mist and suddenly latched onto the Skeleton's neck.

Followed by a petite white-haired girl, a ravishing pink-haired woman with curved horns and thin wings sprouting from her h.i.p.s, and a thick, fleshy tail swishing in the air appeared out of nowhere. Her eyes followed the Skeleton while a sultry tone escaped her lips.

"Ray~ I come out and this is how we celebrate? By some bony ass?"

"Now, now," Ray chuckled, "Inside that bony ass resides a deity. It'll be worthwhile."


"Master... I'm hungry..." Krodh's stomach grumbled as he and Brian lay on a large plank with a tired expression. Watching the dark sky and the twinkling stars, Brian sighed, "Dive in and if you catch something, I get dibs on it."

The soothing sound of waves touched the duo's ears as they both smiled simultaneously.

"I'm a little excited to meet with the both of them," Brian continued as Krodh slowly sat up, "Master, what does it have to do with our situation... we have no equipments to determine our location and thus cannot efficiently shift. And I'm too tired to fly...".

"Hmm... let's just hope that some shark targets us. That way, we can hunt it Oh! That's a ship, isn't it?"

Brian turned and lazily pointed towards a boat moving straight towards their raft with no intention of stopping even when the lights from the boat were already upon them. Smilingly, Brain commented, "Let's visit them."


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