God Simulator

Chapter 6: The Forest Tribes Request

Chapter 6: The Forest Tribes Request

Lu Yao had managed to discreetly slip out of the office early the previous day, but as the sun rose on a new dawn, the entire company had transformed into a collective of overworked and weary souls. Oblivious to the mounting frustration brewing outside his office, the boss returned and immediately called for an impromptu meeting. When he arrived, a storm of anger erupted from him, his words slicing through the air like daggers as he criticized and berated everyone present. His demands for recent work summaries before allowing anyone to leave only added fuel to the already blazing fire of despondency that engulfed the entire company.

In the midst of the swirling chaos, Lu Yao's colleague, Sister Peng, approached him with a small gesture of kindness. She offered him a wafer to settle his grumbling stomach, which he gratefully accepted, feeling the pangs of hunger gradually subside.

Sister Peng, one of the three businesspeople in the company, possessed a gentle demeanor and an affable nature, despite not conforming to conventional standards of beauty. Initially, she suspected that Lu Yao had influential connections, prompting her to establish a good rapport. However, as time went on, she discovered that Lu Yao lacked such backing. Nevertheless, she found him to be reliable and dependable in his work, someone she could count on during critical moments. Most importantly, Sister Peng detected a striking resemblance between Lu Yao's temperament and that of her cousin, which prompted her to take him under her wing and care for him.

Curiosity brimming in her voice, Sister Peng leaned in closer to Lu Yao and whispered, "Do you know why the boss is so mad?"

Lu Yao shook his head, genuinely unaware of the reason behind the boss's fury.

His eyes sparkling with the thrill of sharing gossip, Sister Peng disclosed, "His car was vandalized."

The image of the boss's white BMW X5, a vehicle perpetually adorned with young and ever-changing female passengers, flickered in Lu Yao's mind. However, he remained blissfully oblivious to other aspects of the boss's life.

With a conspiratorial tone, Sister Peng continued, savoring the taste of juicy information, "The culprit turned out to be a child, the son of the boss's close friend."

Her voice tinged with emphasis, she added, "Just two days ago, the boss lost a significant contract yet again. Rumor has it that a young upstart snatched it away, overshadowing even the most seasoned veterans... It's like losing a battle to a rookie soldier."

Lu Yao nodded, carefully absorbing the details as his mind began to morph into a canvas of simulations and possibilities.

After enduring the boss's oppressive presence until he finally departed, Sister Peng picked up her handbag and extended a kind offer to Lu Yao, "Want a ride? We're going in the same direction anyway."

Politely declining, Lu Yao replied, "No, thank you. I'm planning to take a leisurely stroll and perhaps do some shopping."

Understanding his desire for independence, Sister Peng replied, "Then take care of yourself."

As Lu Yao prepared to depart, Sister Peng suddenly recalled recent events, her voice filled with a mix of intrigue and concern. "Oh, by the way, have you heard about the recent incidents involving a deviant individual who derives pleasure from rendering people unconscious, undressing them, and suspending themselveswith a rope?"

Lu Yao had indeed heard about the incident, though he found it difficult to comprehend such a peculiar and unsettling predilection.

"In addition, a female college student and a male courier were targeted," Sister Peng continued, her words carefully chosen to convey both intrigue and apprehension. "Both victims are currently undergoing psychological treatment, and it seems that they have been profoundly affected, to the point of appearing like strangers, devoid of there usually passion for life. Gender appears to be inconsequential when it comes to depression"

A flicker of hesitation passed through Lu Yao's mind, his thoughts momentarily clouded with the weight of recent events.

"Well... could I accept your kind offer of a ride today?" he mustered the courage to request, his voice tinged with vulnerability.

Sister Peng chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Are you feeling a sense of unease?"

"To some extent," Lu Yao admitted honestly, his apprehension momentarily overpowering his pride.

"In that case, hop in," Sister Peng acquiesced, her voice laced with reassurance. "Consider it my small act of kindness. I promise to deliver you home unharmed and safe."

With that, Lu Yao climbed into the car, its vibrant red color standing out against the backdrop of the nocturnal city. It glistened with reflected lights from distant towers and buildingsfrom skyscrapers and high-rises that reached up toward heaven.

Settling into the comfortable passenger seat, Lu Yao gazed out of the window, his eyes taking in the sights of the world outside. In truth, he and Sister Peng shared an unspoken understanding. Sister Peng's offer of a ride was a courteous gesture, and Lu Yao's polite acceptance was merely a formality. Nonetheless, today marked the first time Lu Yao found himself physically inside her car, a significant shift in their dynamic.

Within the confined space of the vehicle, the atmosphere shifted. No longer were they two colleagues casually chatting, but rather, the private environment of the car accentuated their gender differences, subtly heightening their awareness of each other. An unspoken agreement held them in silence, a mutual respect maintained through deliberate gestures and mindful distance.

The faint fragrance of air freshener delicately wafted through the car, creating an atmosphere of comfort and familiarity. The accompanying music provided a welcome distraction from the potential awkwardness of silence, filling the space with soothing melodies.

Lu Yao, although unafraid of encountering a pervert, found himself intrigued by this new mode of transportation. Accustomed to taking buses or subways back to his community, with at most a short walk of one or two hundred meters, Sister Peng's car promised a quicker and more convenient journey. He eagerly yearned to return home and immerse himself in the virtual world of his simulator, where he could momentarily escape the complexities of reality.

Lu Yao stood in awe as he surveyed his transformed cabin. The diligent cactus attendants had worked tirelessly to breathe new life into the small, one-room apartment. Vibrant colors now adorned the sheets, quilt covers, pillowcases, and curtains, replacing their previous dullness. The room sparkled with cleanliness, free from any dust or stains. A subtle, grassy fragrance filled the air, creating a serene ambiance that instantly put Lu Yao at ease.

As he stepped further into the room, his eyes were drawn to his computer desk, where a kneeling cactus attendant stood in a display of utmost reverence. The attendants had respected the sacredness of the computers and the desk, leaving them undisturbed.

Lu Yao's attention then turned to the "Garlic Tribe" simulation, where exciting changes had taken place. The tribal population had grown to 38 individuals, with 13 new additions representing different tribespeople. Some were clad in leather vests, symbolizing the forest-dwelling tribe, while others wandered barefoot as nomadic natives. Among them was a wild-looking savage adorned with leaves, his untamed hair adding to his fierce appearance.

The faith value had increased to 44 points. The "Cactus Follower" and the "Sylvan Staff of Rejuvenation" continued to provide a steady income of 2 faith points per hour. The newly added tribe members further contributed to the floating income, enriching the overall faith value.

With excitement gleaming in his eyes, Lu Yao retrieved a courier carton from his backpack and carefully unpacked it. Inside was a transparent plastic bag containing light brown wheat seedsa gift carefully chosen for his believers. Providing the Garlic Tribe with ample food would fuel their energy and enable them to advance their knowledge and skills in various areas such as writing, pottery, smelting, and weapon-making. Lu Yao understood that satisfying their basic needs and providing a solid material foundation would ignite their curiosity and drive.

As he uncovered the wheat seeds, a prompt appeared on the screen, asking if he wanted to bestow this gift upon his believers. Without hesitation, he clicked "Yes."

In an instant, exclamation marks appeared above the heads of the tribal villagers outside the temple. Their arms raised in joyful celebration as they cheered in unison.

"The god has blessed us with seeds!"

"Long live the gift! Long live the miracle!"

"Great God, we express our gratitude for this bountiful gift!"

"Wheat! Such incredible bounty!"

"Food! Nourishment for our bodies!"

"Let us feast, my fellow tribespeople!"

Just then, the Prophet entered the temple and knelt on the ground, a question mark etched on his forehead. Lu Yao dismissed his doubts and affirmed his actions.


"Great God, the forest tribe has learned of a dying apostle of the old god. They seek to offer it as a sacrifice to you. However, they humbly request our assistance in learning the sacred art of wheat cultivation. Wheat, being a precious resource, requires careful consideration. With utmost sincerity, I implore the all-knowing God Yao for divine guidance."

The prompt appeared, inquiring if Lu Yao wished to share the knowledge of wheat cultivation with the forest tribe.

Could he entrust them with the trade of wheat?


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