God Simulator

Chapter 3:  Sacrifice

Chapter 3:  Sacrifice

With utmost care, Lu Yao delicately guided the mouse to the designated [Sacrifice] slot, his gaze fixed upon the crimson creature before him. It coiled like a fragile newborn, its form resembling a mysterious and delicate newborn.

Before him lay a Garlic Tribe Babya sacrificial offering to God, prompted the system.

An involuntary twitch flickered across Lu Yao's brow. The act of sacrificing living beings had its roots in the primal inclination of humanity to appease their deities. Yet, in the realm of "The Celestial Experience," Lu Yao found himself both intrigued and unsettled by the prospect of sacrificing a digital life form.

The temple interface, the sole means of interaction between Lu Yao and the pixelated garlic tribe, offered no insights into the repercussions or intentions of the villainous entity he was supposed to embody.

Pondering the [Sacrifice] icon before him, Lu Yao yearned for a way to dismiss it and explore alternative avenues. To his surprise, the interface responded promptly, presenting him with a new line of text:

Do you wish to accept the [Garlic Tribe Baby] offered by the devout believers?

--Yes or No

Resolute in his decision, Lu Yao opted for the negative response without hesitation. The addition of a baby to his family, without any valid reason or explanation, would undoubtedly draw unwanted attention from the authorities. He shuddered at the thought of facing inquiries or even legal repercussions from such a peculiar circumstance.

Moreover, the practicality of tending to a sudden influx of babies with the subsequent expenses of formula and diapers weighed heavily on Lu Yao's mind, leaving him exasperated.

After all, he was a god, not a mere babysitter for the garlic tribe!

As Lu Yao rejected the sacrificial offering, exclamation marks materialized above the heads of all the members of the Garlic tribe, their pixelated forms filled with disbelief and disappointment.

"The gods are dissatisfied! They have no desire for infants!"

"I warned you not to offer a baby! We should have presented an adult capable of tending to fields and gathering fruits for God!"

"No, no, we need prey, finest of prey. The gods will undoubtedly favor wild boars!"

"Perhaps fish is the epitome of perfection! Slippery and harmless, they shall surely delight our Lord!"

"Find new sacrifices, new sacrifices!"


Observing the animated conversation among the diminutive pixelated individuals, Lu Yao found himself dumbfounded by their earnestness and determination.

However, as the garlic tribe dispersed into the surrounding forests, rivers, and lofty mountains in search of alternative sacrifices, Lu Yao couldn't help but contemplate the potential culinary delights that awaited him. The prospect of indulging in wild game or succulent seafood for supper tonight stirred his taste buds, despite his modest cooking skills.

Amongst the bustling activity, one particular pixelated figure stood out from the rest. It was one of the original seven devoted followers, distinguished by his bare chest and lack of footwear. Standing just outside the temple, his gaze fixed skyward, a perplexing question mark floated above his head.

Intrigued by these enigmatic characters, Lu Yao guided the mouse cursor towards the question marks, eliciting a dialogue bubble that materialized above the pixelated figures. It contained a multitude of thoughts, reflecting the character's inner musings and hinting at a higher level of intellect.

"What does the god truly desire as a sacrifice? Babies seem to be an inadequate answer. Perhaps even the efforts of manpower are futile. After all, our deity bestows miraculous garlic upon our tribe, indicating a realm abundant in sustenance beyond our comprehension."

"When the forest tribe desecrated the temple, swift retribution followed from the gods. Their power surpasses our limited understanding. Our mundane needs hold no significance to them. Therefore, the gods would only accept offerings of mystical nature, items we fail to comprehend or employ. It is these artifacts that undoubtedly captivate their favor."

The question mark above the pixelated character's head transformed into a radiant light bulb, symbolizing a profound realization as they discussed.

Energized by this newfound wisdom, the character's hastily plunged into the depths of the dense forest, driven by an unyielding purpose.

Lu Yao, a spectator to this unfolding spectacle, was left astounded by the character's superior intellect, an anomaly within the tribe. While other members remained oblivious, this singular individual, who brought up such and idea, signifying his unique awakening.

After a brief interval, the character with the illuminated question mark emerged from the forest, clutching an object tightly in his hands as the others watched curiously. With unwavering determination, he sprinted back to the temple, propelled by an innate sense of purpose.

Intrigued by the character's actions, Lu Yao accessed the temple interface, anticipating the nature of the forthcoming sacrifice.

[Sacrifice] The designated slot now showcased a small icona staff meticulously fashioned from a polished twig, its appearance deceptively simple yet captivating.


[Energy Cane]: Faith +1 per hour, energy 12/12 hours (charging speed 1/1 hour).

The forest deity had crafted this remarkable artifact capable of harnessing the boundless vitality of nature. Merely by touching it, the wielder could extract revitalizing energy. The demise of the satyr had marked the loss of this treasure, now offered as a sacrifice.


Do you wish to accept the Sylvan Staff of Rejuvenation offered by the devoted followers?

Lu Yao's cursor hovered over the options, contemplating the implications of this sacrifice. The decision carried weight, both in the pixelated realm and his own reality.

With a momentary pause, Lu Yao clicked [Yes].

[Sacrifice] The Saff icon vanished from the slot, replaced by a forearm-length staff resting gracefully on the black keyboard of his computer desk.

As the staff found its place in the physical world, Lu Yao couldn't help but feel a slight moisture in his palms, a mixture of anticipation and wonder. Though he had harbored a vague sense of anticipation that [Gifts] could be transmitted from the pixelated world through the temple, the notion that [Sacrifices] could traverse the divide was both awe-inspiring and humbling.

With bated breath, Lu Yao gingerly clasped the Sylvan Staff of Rejuvenation, his eyes wide with awe and anticipation. The staff, surprisingly weighty and solid, bore intricate tree patterns along its surface, though it felt remarkably smooth and delicate to the touch, as if coated with a translucent sheen. At the apex of the staff, two short branches resembling a snapped clothesline, adorned with budding sprouts that exuded a vibrant aura.

As the [Sylvan Staff of Rejuvenation] nestled securely in his hand, a wave of revitalization surged through Lu Yao's entire being, dissipating any lingering muscle soreness and fatigue. It was as if he had regressed to the days of his youth, where a night of gaming could breathe new life into his very being, rendering sleep unnecessary.

The realization struck him profoundly. The magical artifacts from the pixelated world held tangible power in the real world! Lu Yao contemplated his own circumstances, lamenting the inevitable decline of his youthful resilience. Even a mere hour or two of late-night gaming would leave him yawning and drowsy the following day, impervious to the effects of coffee or energy drinks.

Yet, with the [Sylvan Staff of Rejuvenation] in his possession, he could relive the peak of boundless energy, unburdened by the shackles of exhaustion. He couldn't help but wave the staff in exuberance, reveling in the prospect of reclaiming his energetic vigor.

However, a more profound realization overshadowed his excitement. The true marvel lay in the fact that [Sacrifices] could indeed transcend the barriers between the pixelated realm and reality. If the temple could continuously transmit such wondrous artifacts, then this game possessed an inexhaustible treasure trove of possibilities.

Lu Yao's spirits soared as he envisioned a future liberated from the drudgery of mundane life, ascending to the pinnacle of existence as an ideal gamer, unencumbered by the burdens of survival. The temple's ability to breach the dimensional wall marked a gateway to endless opportunities.

Yet, as his focus returned to the game, he observed the pixelated villains streaming back to the tribe, their countenances adorned with smiling expressions. Joyful exclamations filled the air, brimming with fervor and gratitude.

"God's delight in our offerings! This is magnificent!"

"So, it turns out our Lord favors such sacrifices. We shall procure even more remarkable offerings!"

"I remain steadfast in my belief that wild boars reign supreme. The gods shall surely favor their grandeur over a mere branch!"

"Nonsense! Fish is the epitome of perfection!"

"Wild boars!"


Among the animated discussions, Lu Yao discerned that the proponents of wild boars and fish were both individuals who hailed from the Forest Tribe, who were primarily tasked with gathering and hunting. Their inclination toward offering prey as gifts appeared logical within their tribal context.

Surveying the bustling villains, Lu Yao searched for the one who had presented the [Sylvan Staff of Rejuvenation] as a sacrifice. However, all the pixelated figures bore an uncanny resemblance, lacking distinguishing features or names above their heads, making it arduous to discern their identities.

Finally, within the temple stood a bare-chested pixelated character, sporting the signature question mark above his head. Evidently, he remained the sole thinker among the tribea beacon of enlightenment amidst a sea of uniformity.

A new message materialized on the screen, capturing Lu Yao's attention:

There is a believer who has sprouted wisdom. Shall we anoint him as a prophet?

Accept or Decline

Lu Yao's cursor hovered over the options, contemplating the significance of this potential transformation. The decision held weight, not only within the pixelated realm but also in shaping the future trajectory of the game and his own journey within it.


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