God Simulator

Chapter 27: The Dead Are Ever Faithful

Chapter 27: The Dead Are Ever Faithful

Lu Yao's camera froze, capturing a breathtaking panoramic view of the imposing city of Saniro. The architectural landscape of this ghostly town mirrored a bygone feudal era, with ancient stone slabs paving the ground and houses constructed from a mix of weathered wood and sturdy stone. The city boasted meticulously designed drainage ditches, embellished flower beds on the outskirts, and strategically planted street trees that added a touch of ethereal beauty to the surroundings.

Yet, the residents of Saniro were not ordinary specters. Unlike typical pixelated villagers, their translucent bodies resembled enlarged versions of the gray villagers seen in previous barbarian tribes. One distinguishing feature of these ghostly inhabitants was the presence of level symbols adorning their heads, signifying their elevated status beyond that of regular people.

The majority of the ghost residents fell within the LV1-LV5 range, while the soldiers ranked between LV5 and LV10. Clad in chain mail and copper helmets, armed with spears, these spectral soldiers exuded an air of professionalism that set them apart from the ordinary citizens. Leading the troops was a formidable commander named Alex, boasting an exceptional level of LV12. Adorned in a silver half-body armor and wielding a shield and a one-handed sword, he stood as the epitome of martial prowess.

All the ghosts possessed a unique ability: [Evasion]. This ability allowed them to evade damage inflicted by certain attacks, granting them a higher chance to escape unscathed despite their inherently fragile existence. Even the sandworms lurking in the vicinity possessed this ability, making them formidable adversaries for ordinary individuals.

The level markings adorning the heads of these pixel villain ghosts signified their enhanced strength, akin to that of heroes or monsters. A city teeming with tens of thousands of such ghosts posed a nightmarish force for the neighboring tribal civilizations. However, fate had bestowed upon Lu Yao's comrades the aid of apostles.

Lu Yao's gaze fixed upon Yin Shabel, who found herself surrounded by Mayor Chapman and Commander Alex. Yin Shabel had single-handedly breached the defense system of Saniro City, showcasing her unparalleled might and resourcefulness.

Mayor Chapman couldn't help but pour out his anguish. "The god's totem prevents the ignition of other deities' beliefs within our city. The totem's influence confines Saniro's ghosts within its boundaries, preventing foreign ghosts from entering. However, this allows malevolent monsters to venture in and unleash destruction and havoc."

"Our city faces recurrent attacks from desert-dwelling sandworms, and repelling them proves arduous each time."

"There are also sea monsters lurking along the coast, occasionally assailing our port."

"Over the years, our ghostly population has dwindled. If this continues, Saniro City will eventually perish."

Commander Alex added, "Our forces have been continuously depleted, and we now only boast 58 soldiers. Our defensive strength weakens by the day. Though I've been training ordinary citizens to become soldiers, the results have been less than satisfactory."

Yin Shabel fell into a contemplative silence before speaking. "So, the key to Saniro's curse lies within the god's totem. Once the totem is eradicated, the city will no longer be bound by the constraints on faith and population."

"You've grasped the crux of the matter," confirmed Mayor Chapman. "But mere mortals cannot destroy the gods' totem. It bears the mark left by the deities themselves. Even if we were to destroy the physical manifestation, the mark would persist."

"Only gods can confront gods."

"Saniro has long yearned for a divine savior to rescue our city. We are willing to devote our faith as we once served the forest deity, bestowing blessings and proclaiming the gods' names wherever we tread."

Yin Shabel directed her gaze towards the screen, dropping to one knee.

A dialogue box materialized above her head, visible only to Lu Yao.

"My lord, will you accept the souls of the deceased in Saniro?"

Do ghosts offer their faith?


Yin Shabel affirmed, "Everything in this world, possessing spiritual or intellectual consciousness, wields the power of faith."

So, what remains to be said?

I shall claim the entire city!

Lu Yao's attention focused on Saniro City's central square.

Converging at the square were streets lined with buildings reminiscent of town halls and watchtowers. Nestled at the square's heart stood a striking blue sculpture.

Lu Yao peered closely.

Well, well, isn't this an old acquaintance's prayer totem?

Regardless, since I've already used lightning to strike the totem in the Donghe Tribe, dismantling another totem comes as no issue.

With a click, Lu Yao activated the lightning miracle in his arsenal, directing it towards the totem.

Bolts of thunder descended from the heavens, but to Lu Yao's surprise, they dissipated into oblivion upon nearing the city.

Due to the divine totem's blessings, your miracle failed to take effect.

The totem's defense didn't surprise Lu Yao. What did catch him off guard was the tenacity displayed by the totem this time around. Despite enduring ten lightning strikes, it sustained only minor cracks while remaining intact.

It suddenly occurred to him that totems could possess varying ranks, and the totems in this area proved to be far stronger than those in the Donghe Tribe. Lu Yao's gaze shifted to the upper right corner of the screen, where he noticed the following statistics:

Population: 401

Faith: 522

He still had plenty of faith at his disposal. Yin Shabel and the ghostly residents of Saniro City observed the scene, recognizing the significance of the gods'  lightning. Not only did it impact individuals on a personal level, but it also contributed to the collective unity and unwavering faith of the ghost community. From a broader perspective, the presence of the gods reinforced the grandeur of their future and fortified their resolute beliefs.

After their journey had brought them this far, Lu Yao knew that victory had to be secured in one decisive move. Frantically, he repeatedly clicked on the [Lightning] option, only to realize that a numerical value appeared next to the ability. It dawned on him that he could select the intensity or quantity of lightning strikes at once. Without hesitation, he maximized his selection.


He targeted the totem, locked in his chosen range, and clicked the mouse. The pixelated world shimmered as numerous flickering blue arcs coalesced in the air, forming a powerful thunderbolt that descended upon the totem. In a resounding display, the totem was instantaneously reduced to fly ash, leaving a scorching mark where the sculpture once stood.

A wave of jubilation swept through the residents of Saniro City.

"The curse is lifted!"

"Long live Yao God!"

"We have a new god!"

"Saniro is free!"

"Praise God Yao! Great God Yao!"


Mayor Chapman couldn't contain his smile as he expressed his gratitude to Yin Shabel, saying, "On behalf of all the citizens of Saniro, I offer sincere thanks to the gods for their mercy and benevolence. From this moment forth, Sanilo shall believe in God Yao, dedicating our unwavering faith and loyalty." Commander Alex knelt on one knee and proclaimed, "Loyalty to God Yao!" His soldiers followed suit, genuflecting in a display of allegiance.

"Loyalty to God Yao!"

"Loyalty to God Yao!"

Lu Yao's gaze remained fixed on the upper right corner of the game interface. The faith value remained stagnant at 22 points. He muttered to himself, feeling somewhat apprehensive. Could it have been a ruse? Just as worry began to creep in, his faith value skyrocketed. Faith surged from 22 points to a staggering 10,754 points! Overwhelmed with elation, Lu Yao couldn't help but give a triumphant punch in the air.

"I've made a new ally!" he exclaimed.

This was the fast-paced gameplay of "The celestial Experience" Lu Yao realized that seeking out populous groups everywhere, be they human or otherwise, and incorporating them into his following was the key. This concept was known as expanding the audience and creating external demand.

Partially relieved from the sudden wealth, Lu Yao took notice of the exponential growth in the population of faith.

Population: 11,133

Faith: 10,754

Ghosts indeed formed a substantial portion of the faithful, their beliefs being as strong as ever. Lu Yao maneuvered the mouse to the population column, and for the first time, a detailed list unfolded before his eyes. Ghosts constituted the vast majority of the population, with living individuals being the minority.

However, a new problem emerged. What should be done with Saniro? Mayor Chapman approached Yin Shabel with a request, "Esteemed Apostle, the residents of Saniro are all ghosts, and ordinary people cannot perceive their presence. Ghosts can only be seen by fellow spirits or other extraordinary beings. Conventional urban development may no longer be suitable for Saniro. But ghosts possess their own unique advantages. We have no need for sustenance or rest. The more ghosts residing in Saniro, the stronger the collective power becomes, and higher-level ghost entities may emerge. The sea is often the site of tragic incidents, resulting in numerous lost souls. We wish to establish a connection between these souls and Sanilo. This way, we can not only cultivate more believers for the gods but also expand the scale of our city."

Lu Yao fully supported this proposal, acknowledging Mayor Chapman's foresight. In the pixelated world, population served as the primary driving force. Lu Yao conveyed his advice through Yin Shabel, suggesting they search the desert as it would likely be abundant with ghosts. Additionally, as they journeyed north through the desert, they would encounter deceased souls near the Garlic Tribe and within the forest.

Mayor Chapman's opinion gained confirmation, resulting in a smiley expression appearing above his head. He exclaimed, "Excellent! We shall dispatch soldiers to collect these ghosts."

Within Lu Yao's mind, a plan began to take shape for the future development of the ghost town, Saniro. As the saying goes, the old ways become antiquated while new paths emerge. The deceased individuals from the Garlic Tribe and the surrounding tribes would find solace in Saniro, continuing to radiate warmth and light, contributing to the realm of faith, and forging a new existence beyond death. The strength of ghosts, too, would hinge on the number of their ranks, creating a mutually beneficial situation.


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