God Simulator

Chapter 15: Uncovered

Chapter 15: Uncovered

Lu Yao gazed upon the frigid, polished orbs in his handseyes that held secrets and possibilities. As he fixed his gaze upon the emerald horizon, a completely different perspective unfolded before him, distinct from the confines of the indoors.

The streetlights on either side of the road rapidly receded as Yin Shabel relentlessly pursued her target with unwavering speed. With a sharp turn, she maneuvered into a parking alley, coming to a halt for observation.

In the dim light, the body of the previous feral dog began to swell, its forelimbs standing tall. The fur split down the middle, revealing a muscular figure clad in white animal pelts. This man embodied the essence of the savage hero from the enhanced version of a high-definition game.

The unclothed and bound deviant in reality was, indeed, the devilish Jack who commanded the barbarian tribe. The beast-skinned man tore away the inebriated man's garments, baring his skin to the open air. With bloodied, claw-like fingers, he inscribed enigmatic symbols upon the unconscious victim, all while his own body pulsed with the grotesque fusion of flesh and wild beast hair.

Yin Shabel transformed into a swift, obsidian shadow, closing in rapidly. From the depths of nowhere, she brandished a rusted steel pipe, which resounded with a resolute impact as it struck the side of the beast-skinned man's forehead.

Propelled backward by the tremendous force, the man collided with the windshield of an abandoned Otto car, shattering glass into a shower of shards upon impact. Despite the staggering strength behind the blow, the beast-skinned man's head merely dented, and he struggled to regain his footing.

Undeterred, Yin Shabel deftly swung the steel pipe through the air once more, its descent finding its mark upon the man's head with unwavering precision.

One blow, two blows, three blows.

Yin Shabel skillfully wielded the steel pipe, striking the beast-skinned man until he tumbled into the car, his limbs hanging lifelessly. Soon, his body lay motionless, no longer animated.

Lu Yao stood in stunned silence. Where was the summoning necromancer? What happened to the indomitable force he expected? Something was awryit was a deception.

"My lord, this is a devotee of the demons, possibly holding the rank of a hero," Yin Shabel's voice resonated from the disembodied eyeballs.

Realization dawned upon Lu Yao. "In other words, the true demon still lurks in the shadows."

"Yes, he must be observing from some hidden vantage point," Yin Shabel replied, her gaze scanning the surroundings in search of the mastermind concealed within the darkness.

"My lord, due to the constraints of my abilities, I cannot discern its identity. However, I can detect the flickering flame of faith within the demon apostle, making it arduous to pinpoint the demon's precise location," Lu Yao explained.

"Is the demon believer still alive?" Lu Yao inquired.

"He lives, but having descended from the lower realm, he has metamorphosed into a monstrous entityan animated corpse enslaved by the demon gods," Yin Shabel replied.

"What is the customary approach to dealing with such beings?" Lu Yao asked.

"Death," came Yin Shabel's resolute response. She continued to survey her surroundings, her resolve unwavering. "Once reduced to monsters, even if they were to return to the lower dimension, there is no salvation.

 Ending their existence is the final act of compassion."

"Then let it be done," Lu Yao affirmed.

Yin Shabel fixed her gaze upon the beast-skinned man. "My lord, he is already deceased."

Upon the sunken car, only a dark silhouette remaineda charred figure reduced to naught but ashes.

Silence hung heavy in the air. Lu Yao's voice broke the stillness. "Yin Shabel, Yin Shabel, are you there?"

No response.

Yin Shabel's body entered a state of eerie immobility, her line of sight locked in the direction of the streetlight.

Lu Yao understood all too well that a high probability existedthe hand of the demon player was at play.

With a composed demeanor, he observed, contemplating his next move.

A masked figure entered his field of vision. Draped in a voluminous black overcoat, the hood obscured half of the stranger's face, revealing only a slender pair of lips.

"At last, I've found you," a soft, feminine voice declared.

"You've evaded my search for far too long. Your talent for concealment is commendable," the voice continued.

Lu Yao perceived the figure's presence, employing the terminology of a military strategist.

The newcomer, in a swift motion, removed her hood, unveiling pale golden tresses and a youthful visage.

The barber Lisa, her expression one of astonishment, regarded Yin Shabel. Confusion tinged her gaze, struggling to comprehend the situation at hand.

"Now, it's time for me to claim your unwavering devotion," Lisa stated, producing a flute from her left pocket and a handful of dog food from her right.

"From this day forward, you shall be my faithful hound."

"Good dog, lick my hand obediently, and your reward shall be food. Come, come, extend your endearing little tongue."

Yin Shabel, once rigid, abruptly lunged forward, clutching Lisa's wrist. The sudden turn of events startled Lisa, causing the dog food to scatter across the floor.

"Impossible! How can you retain your reason when the Beastization Ceremony has already commenced?!" Lisa exclaimed, a tremor coursing through her voice.

"Who are you? Identify yourself!" Yin Shabel inquired through her unwavering gaze.

Lu Yao, cognizant of the situation, issued a directive. "Yin Shabel, should we eliminate the devil? It seems like the appropriate course of action."

"Not yet. Allow me a moment to ponder," Lu Yao responded. "Remove her hood."

Yin Shabel tore away Lisa's hood, revealing a head of fair hair and a youthful female countenance.

Barber Lisa gazed at Yin Shabel, bewilderment etched across her face. Whether she truly comprehended the gravity of the situation or was simply feigning ignorance remained uncertain.

"Now, it's time to ask her..." Yin Shabel initiated the inquiry.

Lisa answered with remarkable candor, devoid of any pretense. Perhaps she understood that bargaining held no merit or, perhaps, she simply didnt care.

Understanding swiftly washed over Lu Yao's mind.

Lisa had deliberately masqueraded as a victim, concealing her true identity. She summoned members of the barbarian tribe, enacting the Beastization Ceremony within the realm of realityundressing them, marking them with a blood curse, and suspending them in midair.

The two subjects of the ceremony, a female college student and a courier, were not ordinary individuals, but players.

The pivotal component of the ritual was a small lycanthropy emblem. Prolonged exposure to Fuke's piercing gaze would trigger the commencement of the ritual, causing the target to gradually lose their sanity, cognition, and memories, ultimately transforming them into mere puppets.

The withered remains of the lycanthropy emblem were embedded in the foreheads of the barbarian heroes, their gaze locked onto Yin Shabel throughout.

Lisa, seemingly realizing something, displayed a trace of anger. "...And you, a high-level player, how can you remain within the safe zone? Those committee members are nothing short of bullies, turning a blind eye to the mistreatment of ordinary players like us!"

In accordance with Lu Yao's instructions, Yin Shabel maintained silence, assuming the role of the master.

Revealing too much would invariably lead to defeat.

Creating gaps without uttering a word proved no easy feat.

Lisa, unfazed by Yin Shabel's silence, retrieved three items from her pocket. "Victory and defeat, I understand the principles well. This time, luck was not on my side. I stumbled upon an insurmountable obstacle, and my demise is imminent."

Yin Shabel accepted the spoils but remained unmoved.

"That is all," Lisa concluded with a tinge of self-mockery. "Once, I ascended to the area but fell victim to a wretched creature, forcing me to retreat to the safe zone. I merely sought to capitalize on the Beastization Ceremony to earn some extra funds, allowing me to return promptly."

"Now I am nothing but a forsaken God of the barbarian tribe, devastated by drought and destined to migrate once more..."

"Whether you choose to kill or spare me, the outcome matters little. I, too, have become a target of the committee. In their eyes, being captured by you or by them makes no difference."

Yin Shabel conveyed through her gaze, seeking Lu Yao's guidance. "My lord, shall we apprehend the devil? It is a routine procedure."

"Not just yet. Allow me time to contemplate," Lu Yao responded. "Contact the authorities and turn yourself in. This matter shall reach its conclusion."

Lisa promptly retrieved her mobile phone from her pocket and dialed the emergency hotline.

"Hello? Police? I am the perpetrator who hung those individuals. Yes, precisely. I surrender now. I am guilty. Please come and arrest me. My name is Lisa, and I reside in Apartment 3, Building 701, Nanpu Apartment, Jiuyuan Community. Feel free to verify my personal information."

Yin Shabel vanished, dissolving into the depths of darkness.


Thirty minutes elapsed.

Deep beneath the surface, far from the reach of the police station.

Within a sterile, white chamber.

"I've been trying to make you understand! The player we encountered in the safe zone is anything but ordinary!"

"The [Statue of the Skinner] I acquired within the safe zone proved utterly useless against her. With just three strikes from a specially fortified steel pipe, she effortlessly vanquished my level 7 barbarian hero..."

Lisa, now bound by rattan shackles, wore an expression of impatience.

"Enveloped in an ethereal aura, her youthful appearance might be nothing more than clever disguises or illusory tricks."

"Whether she is an advanced player within the safe zone or a high-ranking apostle, it doesn't mattershe clearly transcends the limits set by the safe zone!"

Across from Lisa stood a wall constructed with azure bricks.

The wall appeared to ripple like a gentle stream, its surface fluid and ever-moving.

A voice emanated from within the wall. "Yuan Lisha, it is time for the committee to pass judgment upon you."

"...For causing harm to ordinary players within the safe zone, illicitly siphoning their beliefs, and sowing disorder in society, you are hereby sentenced to ten years of imprisonment within this facility. The sentence shall be executed immediately."

The room plunged into darkness, with only the faint glow of the computer screen on the table casting an eerie light on Lisa's face, twisted with resentment.

She let out a sigh, took a seat before the computer, and clicked on the solitary icon adorning the desktop.

"The Celestial Experience."

As the interface materialized, Lisa's fury surged, prompting her to strike the table in frustration.

"Advanced players are acceptable! But a reckless newcomer dares to defy me, plunder my tribe, and desecrate my realm! That insolent little brat, Yao God!"


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