God Simulator

Chapter 10: Polytheism

Chapter 10: Polytheism

Lu Yao swiftly devised a  strategy to counterattack, his mind ablaze in contemplationln. He immediately dispatched Brother Zhuyu, a masterful tracker with unparalleled resourcefulness, to venture deep into the rugged expanse of the western mountains for reconnaissance. With their unmatched skill set, these two heroes emerged as the best choice for this undertaking.

Determined to maximize his resources, Lu Yao deftly clicked on the temple interface, curious to explore its potential. To his surprise, a vacant slot awaited his attention. Drawing from his backpack, Lu Yao produced a pair of brightly colored children's toy bows and arrows, fashioned entirely from plastic and boasting soft rubber-tipped arrows. These humble trinkets had been acquired during his arduous day's work from the local toy emporium.

Though they were mere children's playthings, these bows and arrows retained the structural integrity of their ancestral counterparts, echoing the deadly armaments wielded by early tribal civilizations. By utilizing them, individuals could free themselves from the perils of close-quarters combat, employing the advantages of range to subdue and weaken their adversaries. Despite being toys, the mechanical configuration of these bows and arrows remained faithful to their ancient counterparts.

With great anticipation, Lu Yao equipped the toy bow and arrow, promptly placing it within the gift slot. A diminutive icon depicting a vibrant red and yellow bow and arrow materialized, symbolizing this newfound possession. Intuitively, he was prompted with a query: "Will You bestow [Bow and Arrow] upon your faithful followers?

Without hesitation, Lu Yao decisively clicked on "Yes."

An exclamation mark appeared above the heads of every villager within the Garlic tribe, engendering a wave of fervent excitement. Their collective voices resonated with unadulterated jubilation, praising the divine bestowal that had graced them.

"Behold! God Yao has granted us a wondrous gift!"

"A bow and arrow, a magical bow and arrow, has come into existence!"

"It's a weapon, a weapon of immense might!"

"Fear shall no longer plague our hearts!"

"Oh, how I yearn to hunt!"

"Praise be God! Praise the resplendent sun!"

Amongst the tribe's inhabitants, the hunters displayed the most profound comprehension as smiles adorned their faces and a dance of delight ensued. Adeptly attuned to the essence of the bow and arrow, these hunters swiftly crafted their own replicas, eagerly venturing into the depths of the forest.

Meanwhile, a question mark hovered above the Prophet, beckoning Lu Yao to think.

"The bow and arrow, a long-range weapon of incisive power, represents the Lords' intention to equip us against impending threats and hostilities. Never again shall we cower in the face of foreign foes."

"The divine will compels us to confront the devil's followers, vanquishing these malevolent and savage adversaries. Our faith shall remain unwavering, safeguarding our very existence."

Concurrently, a similar question mark materialized above the Shaman, whose perspective diverged from that of the Prophet.

"Bows and arrows, akin to the tongues of frogs, bestow upon their wielders the ability to engage in secure distance hunting. Armed with these weapons, we shall not only stalk rabbits and monkeys but also take flight to vanquish birds and face perilous creatures such as venomous serpents, bears, and wolves, casting aside our fear of injury."

"An extraordinary masterpiece! The Lord's power transcends mortal comprehension."

"We yearn for an abundance of bows and arrows, enabling each and every one of us to become warriors and soldiers. No longer

 shall we cower before barbaric tribes!"

As Lu Yao observed the myriad reactions of the pixelated villagers to the advent of the bow and arrow, a prompt appeared on the screen, unveiling a newfound revelation.

"Your gift has bestowed upon your followers the knowledge of crafting and utilizing bows and arrows, thereby enhancing their faith."

Instantaneously, the belief counter in the upper right corner surged by an impressive 30 points, now standing at a formidable 267 points. With the mastery of the bow and arrow, the Garlic tribe visibly flourished in fowling wildlife and defense.

Venturing forth, the pixelated denizens ventured into the forest, armed with bows and arrows, while the hunters triumphantly returned with bountiful spoils, including bears and deer. Hides now adorned the thatched roofs and walls, while wooden racks beside the wheat fields showcased an array of dried meats.

Just as the tribe reveled in their newfound power, news arrived from Brother Zhuyu, bearing tidings of a previously unknown tribethe Yanchi tribe.

"The Yanchi tribe has become aware of our plentiful provisions and wishes to engage in trade."

Though the search for hostile barbarian tribes remained fruitless, an unforeseen discovery emerged in its stead.

Lu Yao swiftly interacted with the two brothers, summoning them back to the tribe's, accompanied by emissaries from the Yanchi.

In their presence, two diminutive figures emerged, bedecked in linen garments and clutching satchels brimming with riches. With an air of opulence, they swiftly initiated discussions with the Prophet and the Shaman, expressing their desire to engage in a transaction.

"The Yanchi tribe has long fostered a tradition of trade with a myriad of clans, utilizing salt as a medium of exchange for food, clothing, and medicinal resources."

"We propose a trade of your wheat for our salt."

A question mark appeared above the Prophet's head, signaling his contemplation. He thought to himself, "This seems to be an opportunity. I must seize it and spread the faith of our great god." Lu Yao felt relieved to see the question mark, hopeful that the Prophet understood his intention.

Addressing the representatives of the Yanchi tribe, the Prophet spoke, "envoy of the Yanchi tribe, have you considered finding a more suitable place to settle?"

The villagers from the Yanchi tribe exchanged glances before responding, "We have a salt pond, and for us, the salt pond is everything. With a salt pond, we can trade for anything we need. We do not require anything else."

It became clear that they had no intention of migrating.

The Shaman chimed in, attempting to persuade them, "The barbarian tribe resides in the mountains, and they worship a demon that can transform people into beasts. They attack any tribe that does not worship in their God. The Yanchi tribe cannot avoid their onslaught."

To the surprise of the Garlic tribe, the two villagers from the Yanchi tribe wore smiles on their faces.

"That is not a problem," they said confidently. "We also believe in that Lord Demon."

Exclamation marks appeared above the heads of the Garlic tribe members, indicating their astonishment.

The representatives from the Yanchi tribe explained, "In the Yanchi tribe's temple, we worship three gods, including the deity that you perceive as a demon. Our tribe relies on the salt pond and salt production for sustenance, and every one of us is involved in selling salt. As long as our lives improve, we are open to any belief."

Lu Yao observed the exchange and couldn't help but appreciate the Yanchi tribe's pragmatic approach. They seemed to prioritize practical interests while also displaying early signs of business acumen.

The Yanchi tribe representatives offered, "Dear friends from the Garlic tribe, we are eager to establish a long-term trade relationship with you, where we can purchase wheat and other suitable trade items."

The Prophet and the Shaman stepped aside to discuss the proposal.

"Our tribe currently enjoys an abundance of food, and spreading our faith through the Yanchi tribe would benefit both our gods and our own influence," the Prophet acknowledged, recognizing the potential impact of their beliefs.

"Salt holds great importance for us. With salt, we can preserve meat more efficiently and ensure its availability. By obtaining salt from the Yanchi tribe, we will no longer need to seek it elsewhere. This will enhance the strength of our hunters," the Shaman added, considering the practical advantages.

The two intellectuals reached a consensus. "We are willing to strike a deal with the Yanchi tribe."

Smiles appeared on the faces of the two Yanchi tribe representatives.

"We have an array of products to offer," they exclaimed. "Wheat, an essential grain. Bows and arrows, excellent weapons. Leather, which can be used for clothing, armor, and bags."

Suddenly, exclamations of excitement filled the air.

"Garlic! A spice!"

"We've discovered a unique item! Garlic, a flavorful and valuable spice!"

The villagers from the Yanchi tribe raised their arms high, cheering with enthusiasm.

"We kindly request a generous supply of garlic. We are in dire need of a substantial quantity of this exquisite spice! We highly value the quality and unique flavor that garlic brings to our dishes, and we would be immensely grateful for your assistance in fulfilling our garlic requirements. Thank you!"

Lu Yao watched with satisfaction. It was unexpected that his initial unintentional move had proven to be advantageous.

In the early days of human civilization, spices held immense value as luxury items. While wheat, bows and arrows, and leather could be considered common commodities, garlic stood out as the only locally available spice.

The two Yanchi tribe representatives exchanged two bags of salt for a large quantity of the spice and hurried back to the western mountains.

A few minutes later, a series of prompts appeared on the computer screen.

"The Yanchi Tribe has decided to elevate garlic to a key commodity. Their attitude has become friendly, and your faith will spread among the Yanchi Tribe."

"Your gift has brought great joy to the Yanchi Tribe, resulting in a slight improvement in their faith."

The belief counter in the upper right corner surged by 120 points this time, reaching a total of 387 points.

Lu Yao was taken aback by the significant increase.

The Yanchi tribe seemed extraordinary. Despite their population and size, their determination to secure the distribution rights for garlic suggested that they surpassed the forest tribes in many aspects.

Lu Yao reevaluated his initial impression.

The ability to navigate between belief in three gods indicated their strength. If they weren't formidable and driven to defeat the heretical barbarians, they would have eliminated the Yanchi tribe long ago.


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